AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

With the world’s attention fixated on Ukraine, the Biden administration is busily trying to revive the controversial Obama-era Iran Nuclear Deal. But details about the negotiations have been noticeably scarce, leading even some Congressional Democrats to openly criticize the White House for its alarming lack of transparency.
After President Trump made good on his campaign promise to pull the U.S. out of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal, Biden vowed to reverse course again and return to the agreement. Those negotiations began nearly one year ago with Biden officials initiating talks in Vienna with Iranian and Russian officials (yes, those Russians). While the Ukraine conflict initially looked as if it might derail the discussions, the White House was apparently intent on charging ahead and now says it believes a deal is close at hand.
But precious few details have emerged about what the new agreement might look like, leading to concerns from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. A group of 21 House members, including 11 Democrats, sent a letter to Biden last Thursday expressing their concern about the talks. “Without adequately addressing Iran’s role as the world’s leading state-sponsor of terror – which was noticeably absent from the 2015 JCPOA – and simultaneously providing billions of dollars in sanctions relief, the United States would be providing a clear path for Iranian proxies to continue fueling terrorism,” the letter read.
Specifically, the lawmakers emphasized how little information they had been given on the specifics of the deal being discussed. The group listed several questions they wanted answers to, including “What will Iran’s breakout time [the time required to develop a nuclear weapon] be when the agreement is implemented?” “Will Russia gain any economic benefit from an Iran agreement?” and “Will sanctions targeting the Supreme Leader, his office, subordinates, or associated foundations be lifted or lessened in any way?” The fact that members don’t have answers to these basic questions at this late stage of the talks has raised red flags for many foreign policy experts, Republican and Democrat alike.
Another group of House Democrats also reportedly held a call with Biden administration officials on Wednesday about the deal, expressing more frustration that they had been “kept out of the loop.” The group complained that Biden had done nothing to sell the deal, and that reports about the U.S. lifting sanctions on Iranian oil made it seem like the U.S. was “selling our soul” for oil.
At least part of the Biden administration’s reluctance to release many details from the ongoing talks is likely due to the fact that U.S. officials are working closely with Russia to reach a deal, even as the White House publicly decries everything Russian. The prospect of Biden sending weapons to Ukraine to fight Russia on the one hand and then working with the Russians to re-negotiate the Iran deal on the other gives the undeniable appearance of a foreign policy that lacks any coherence, broad strategy, or moral grounding.
Biden may also want to avoid mentioning some of the likely provisions of the deal for fear of massive public backlash. In January, for example, NBC reported that, under some of the terms being discussed, Iran would have to get rid of its weapons-grade uranium possibly by exporting it to Russia. That’s right – one of the “solutions” proposed by Biden officials was to send Iran’s stockpile of nuclear material to the country that poses the biggest nuclear threat to the United States.
The Biden administration also likely doesn’t want people to know the extent to which Iranian terror-linked organizations may be exempted from U.S. sanctions under the new deal. According to some reports, even groups like the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which has been linked to the deaths of dozens of U.S. service members, would receive sanctions relief. After promising to “restore” U.S. leadership on the global stage, giving a free pass to some of the chief backers international terrorism would be a catastrophic indictment of the Biden administration.
The biggest question that Biden has yet to answer – and which House Democrats are anxious to hear – is “why now?” The specter of Biden’s Afghanistan debacle still looms large, and Democrats are likely wary about another fiasco that could further harm their electoral chances this fall. In Afghanistan, Biden was determined to get U.S. troops out just to say that he did, and the results were predictably disastrous. Now, there are fears that Biden wants to reach an Iran deal for the same reasons, without considering the long-term consequences for the U.S. or its allies, or even if a deal will be effective at all in dissuading Iran from building a nuclear weapon.
The media, for their part, have been willing participants in this scheme to obscure and distract from the substance of the negotiations in Vienna. Coverage has been noticeably sparse, with the Ukraine crisis acting as a convenient excuse to avoid talking about a deal that could have drastic implications for American national security for decades to come.
Biden may yet find himself unable to revive the deal unless he gets both Congress and the public on board. Under the terms of the 2015 Iran Nuclear Review Act, Congress must have a chance to review any new Iran deal before it takes effect. While the Biden administration has argued that their negotiations are over a return to the 2015 deal rather than a new deal, and thus aren’t subject to Congressional review, Republicans and some Democrats have insisted otherwise. As his poll numbers continue to sink, Biden can’t afford any more enemies.
Biden could have an uphill battle ahead of him. As things stand today, few in Congress or the general public appear eager to revert back to the Obama-era approach to Iran that seemed to only embolden the regime and endanger American allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia. Such a deal might be even more unappetizing this time around now that it involves making concessions to the Russians as well. Yet Biden has plowed ahead anyway, determined to fulfill a campaign promise that seemingly no one asked him to make. Sooner or later, however, Biden will have to defend his deal, and when he does, he may not find the positive reaction, even from his own party, that he was hoping for.
Setting up seeds for Nuclear WW3
If you thought the first deal was bad, this one will drop your socks. Again we will be financing terrorism that will eventually come to our shores. THEY DON’T CARE!!!!
What is wrong with dictator Biden? Why does he hate the US so much?
Absolutely nothing would surprise me concerning what joeblow has given away to our enemies. Joeblow is NOT an American, he pretends to be, but he is a leftists elitists tied directly to the Davos crowd. Joeblow via verbal and actions proves on a daily basis his hatred for America and the American people. Please prove me wrong, please.
The details of what is actually in the new, reconstituted Iran Nuclear Deal have been slipping out for months now. The Russians and the Iranians certainly haven’t been shy about disclosing what has been asked for and what has already been agreed to. The WSJ and a few other credible news sources in the United States have been publishing accurate updates regularly, as have some European news agencies have also been publishing or broadcasting updates to their people on an almost daily basis. So the conjecture put forth in this article can easily be replaced by hard facts verified by multiple credible sources, if you don’t limit your sources of what passes for so-called “news” to the MSM in the United States.
As for whether this revised giveaway to Iran will be signed off on by Congress, my sense is that is a 50 / 50 shot. I would imagine almost all Congressional Democrats would like to resurrect the ONLY foreign policy so-called “win” of the Obama era. That seems to be the prime motivation driving this absurd exercise in stupidity. As for the Congressional Republicans, I’m sure there will be a few RINOs, who know their days are numbered in Washington, that might be persuadable to “reach across the aisle” and rubber stamp this insanity. In any event, once Iran has nuclear weapons, they will be untouchable and will no doubt step up their international terrorist activities.
Elections have consequences and this will be yet another consequence of allowing the fraudulent result of 2020, that handed the Presidency to Biden to stand.
I REALLY dislike this guy and am infuriated beyond description!
Great article … informative and helps to keep the focus on the many heinous strategies being played out by the Luciferian Socialists. Amac is a great source of news that seniors need to hear. Thanks, Amac for keeping good journalism for your members.
R.S. Helms.
Considering the many wrongs that Biden has done, it is a very sad state affairs that Americans MUST pay our income taxes because of a Tyrant in the WH! I sure would like to know how we can organize to withhold paying taxes as a result of Biden’s MANY ANTI-AMERICAN acts endangering all of us! Any input on this? Is there any possible way we can stop paying taxes because of Treason? Cut off the funds and Biden can’t do very much!
Obiden has already sold out this country
2024…..Making me want The Orange Man back! ????????????????????
This is lunacy! Biden will blithely restore the path to nuclear weapons to people who see the end of the world in nuclear fire as their version of the Rapture.
We’re pretty sure the Russians or CCP aren’t crazy enough to go nuclear…but the Iranians are a completely different deal.
Trump would already have been impeached by now if he tried something like this!
Hoping individual dem congress members will defect is a fool’s errand. They’ve got manchin and synema but the other side has a multitude of aisle crossers. Dems are united in their mad quest to burn down the country. Their opponents are divided in their attempts to save it.
Unfortunately this administration is neglegent in protecting our country and citizens. No common sense. Imagine Irans getting a nuclear deal and they merge with China and Russia, We would be doomed. Biden is handing over our country and I do not understand why he cannot be charged with treason. Day one in office he signed executive orders trashing everything Trump had done for our country. Had he kept those in place he may have had a chance but, then again he is only out for what he wants. These Dems only want power, money and control and they must be stopped. Buying oil from Venezuela, Iran, Russia , etc. is making these countries richer. The Green New Deal is a sham. We had two years of being shut in and masked and finally se some light and he took it away. I believe many feel the same as I do……I would love a vacation after working my entire adult life as a medical professional and I would love to see my family. He has taken those away again this year thanks to the inflation he and his administration have caused. If they could attempt to impeach Trump numerous times there must be something to get him out of office. Big problem is Harris as well as anyone else is not qualified to take his place. Buttigieg thinks we can all afford electric cars or should use public transportation while they have all received a lucrative raise and fly are use their fleet of cars to go where and when they choose. Fed up. Hey, Republicans……stop talking and do something or thing will get much worse!!!
The communist regime in Washington is only interested in lining their pockets. Most corrupt government in this world. We can hardly throw stones at other countries when ours is as bad or worse. The bidens have done everything they can to destroy America so why not sell to Iran so they can build a bomb .
Goollie, surprise, surprise, as Gomer Pyle would say, that was a given from the get-go!
With apologies to Hasbro – The President will not be referred to as “Mr. Potato Head.”
Bozo Joe needs to be impeached arrested and imprisoned as a traitor.
Our president, Joe Biden was always a sellout to the highest bidder. A corrupt liar to the very end; that’s all he stands for, what’s in it for him. BUT they voted for him and now we’ll pay the price!
Biden’s busy loading a plane with another billion or so in cash to secretly ship to Iran…
Ezekiel 38 & 39.
How much money will the Bidens be getting from this deal behind our backs
IMHO: It is past time to get over this competitive money shuffling and grubbing. We need the Congress to be forced to either work together for the good of the country or be forced out the door on their lazy asses, time to do something serious about the lack of a president and vice president. Change the US monetary system to a Constitutional picture; no Federal Reserve Bank or Internationally controlled banking, and get Congress off their lazy butts and have them handle the minting of currency backed by a gold standard. Justa sayin.’
They are NOT selling their souls for oil-It’s the GREEN DEAL, they have given their souls away for!!
The House Commies are getting what they deserve, to be left out of the loop. Maybe that will shake them up enough to realize we really have a devious person at the helm instructing Biden. Someone like George Soros who doesn’t live in this country and one of the reasons he’s for bringing this country down. Biden can’t tie his own shoes, let alone manage a country and conduct foreign affairs. The other leaders know what we have, or maybe I should say, what we DON’T have! I think the Commies are starting to run around like chickens with their heads cut off. This is the most evil bunch of people I’ve ever read and heard about, FROM THEIR OWN MOUTHS!!
Dear God, please help our country!
With the discoveries of Fauci’s (Dr Mengel) labs in Ukraine, Obama’s American tax dollars to terrorists and other sinister plots, Biden’s collaboration with Iran shouldn’t be a surprise. The Globalists want to depopulate the planet. I would like to know if people in other Globalist ruled countries are aware of their plans.
With all this corruption and evidence to substantiate it – why aren’t we doing something? Like charging them with crimes against humanity, treason, whatever else good, courageous attorneys can come up with – including members of CNN, MSNBC, Zuckerberg, and every other “news company”?
I believe the Democrat Socialist Communist Ran by Biden/Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and little shiffie with is fake news articles that allow him to charge Republications that don’t believe the same as they do. Biden is soul owner, to a certain point, Of the Russia war against Ukraine. If he had not shown his true weakness Russia probably would have not attacked Ukraine. Along with this Biden destroyed our energy independence allow Russi to increase it supply of petroleum and gas to Europe and other countries which enabled him to fund his war effort. All our enemies are aware Biden is the weakest president we have in history and know he won’t do much if anything against their criminal activity. All Biden would have to do is reinstate President Trump polices and cut regulations for drilling and fracking and make us energy independent and start selling energy to Europe at a cheap price and make it so Putin his war from energy. We have the means to destroy Russia without lifting a finger in arms against. We only need a president that has leadership abilities and good polies especially foreign policy that would protect our country from our adversaries. Why would congress allow a president us a communist president to negotiate a deal with another communist country just to say he made a deal with Iran. He knowingly the deal will not be in the best interest of the United States and then he is going to release Billions of dollars to Iran which will be paid to terrorist around the world to attack innocent people around the world. Biden cannot make a statement, even reading it of a teleprompter without screwing it up. How can we trust him to make good decisions for the good of our country? He needs to go so does Harris. I believe her incompetence is the main reason he is still in office. This is the saddest and darkest time our country is a lot of years and I am afraid it is going to get so much worse if something isn’t done very soon. I pray God will look after us in these trying time and stand with Ukraine in their hour of need. If the world don’t start turning back to God we may be seeing ourselves near the end of time as we know it.
“Biden and media collude….” Sorry AMAC, this is NOT news. Thanks for nothing.
Shane makes several good points in this article, yet the conclusion he makes draws my attention more directly to the point regarding Biden, that “no one asked him to make”…the decision to resurrect the Iran nuclear deal. I take exception to this statement, knowing full well that Barak Obama is still president with puppet strings attached to his former Vice President. The Iran deal is round two for Barak to secure his own legacy. Also regarding Biden, “…when he does, he may not find the positive reaction, even from his own party” may be true, but the depth to which anti-American insurrectionist policies are embraced by this president exceeds the need for party acceptance.
Isn’t there something that can be done to stop this incompetent fake president, legally .
My stomach wretches every time I hear joebama or piglosi talk about their deep religious faith guiding their decisions, what a pile of garbage!
These two and their marxist democrat party who support killing millions of babies, killed untold numbers of seniors in nursing homes during covid,who killed innocents in the Afghanistan failure, who force millions to live on the streets, veterans, mentally ill,and families who cannot afford a decent life.
Their arrogance,self serving,disgusting creatures sucking off the taxpayers for 50 years,so pathetic, such slime!
If the Congress won’t impeach them, then why can’t the citizens of this great country do it? I believe all we need is a start. I honestly don’t believe we can wait any longer. Please, someone get us going before it’s too late.
Why should the democrats waste a good crisis? Why trust anything these hypocrites are telling us? As far as Iran getting rid of it’s weapons grade uranium, you better think that one through. Iran knows the “deal” that Biden comes up with will be to their benefit. Iran hates us and always will. Remember all the way back to the Jimmy Carter days? It’s gotten worse folks. Because we don’t have strong leadership, we will pay a very high price.
Iran would not have to adhere to anything agreed upon as we are “infidels” and they don’t have to pay attention to anything we want. I don’t trust any of this and am glad to hear that some of our representatives in DC are questioning it as well.
Biden administration is not all at fault. Where are the balancing part of our government? When will they step up and make those in charge responsible for their decisions and the cost of their continued coverups. We must stand up and fight with our votes and letters to our leaders as well as keeping them informed of our integrity requirements. We were once a proud nation. Now we are so watered down
Iran isn’t the only country that he has sold out to! He has also sold out to China and Russia!
Working with Iran to give them more access to building nuclear weapons, a country whose people chant “death to America,” sounds like an insane idea to me. We need Trump back now !!! Biden is an incompetent BOOB!!!
Another gigantic Biden BOO BOO. What an idiot!!!!
This would never have happened while Trump was president, Biden has no credibility in the world and evan less respect it’s to late to do much anything with out a full blown World War
Biden and his cohorts in crime are as vindictive as little kids, everything is done for spite no matter the outcome. If Bidum had left everything intact that President. Trump had put in place, America and even the world would be in a better and safer position. Everything Bidum has done has made the world more dangerous. Iran has demonstrated that Trump was right and America should not give in to Iran. Iran did not adhere to their previous commitment and will not now. Be very afraid, this is about nuclear weapons!
Setting up seeds for Nuclear WW3
If you thought the first deal was bad, this one will drop your socks. Again we will be financing terrorism that will eventually come to our shores. THEY DON’T CARE!!!!
What is wrong with dictator Biden? Why does he hate the US so much?
Absolutely nothing would surprise me concerning what joeblow has given away to our enemies. Joeblow is NOT an American, he pretends to be, but he is a leftists elitists tied directly to the Davos crowd. Joeblow via verbal and actions proves on a daily basis his hatred for America and the American people. Please prove me wrong, please.
The details of what is actually in the new, reconstituted Iran Nuclear Deal have been slipping out for months now. The Russians and the Iranians certainly haven’t been shy about disclosing what has been asked for and what has already been agreed to. The WSJ and a few other credible news sources in the United States have been publishing accurate updates regularly, as have some European news agencies have also been publishing or broadcasting updates to their people on an almost daily basis. So the conjecture put forth in this article can easily be replaced by hard facts verified by multiple credible sources, if you don’t limit your sources of what passes for so-called “news” to the MSM in the United States.
As for whether this revised giveaway to Iran will be signed off on by Congress, my sense is that is a 50 / 50 shot. I would imagine almost all Congressional Democrats would like to resurrect the ONLY foreign policy so-called “win” of the Obama era. That seems to be the prime motivation driving this absurd exercise in stupidity. As for the Congressional Republicans, I’m sure there will be a few RINOs, who know their days are numbered in Washington, that might be persuadable to “reach across the aisle” and rubber stamp this insanity. In any event, once Iran has nuclear weapons, they will be untouchable and will no doubt step up their international terrorist activities.
Elections have consequences and this will be yet another consequence of allowing the fraudulent result of 2020, that handed the Presidency to Biden to stand.
I REALLY dislike this guy and am infuriated beyond description!
Great article … informative and helps to keep the focus on the many heinous strategies being played out by the Luciferian Socialists. Amac is a great source of news that seniors need to hear. Thanks, Amac for keeping good journalism for your members.
R.S. Helms.
Considering the many wrongs that Biden has done, it is a very sad state affairs that Americans MUST pay our income taxes because of a Tyrant in the WH! I sure would like to know how we can organize to withhold paying taxes as a result of Biden’s MANY ANTI-AMERICAN acts endangering all of us! Any input on this? Is there any possible way we can stop paying taxes because of Treason? Cut off the funds and Biden can’t do very much!