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Beyond June 6, 1944 – Hell for Freedom

Posted on Monday, June 7, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

They call it “85 days of Hell,” June 7, 1944, to the end of August 1944, the stretch immediately after D-Day’s June 6, 1944’s Normandy landings. We are right to hallow D-Day. Allied losses, especially Americans at Omaha, topped 4,400 – with 10,000 casualties. But that was not where the battle ended. That is where it began. 

The “Normandy Breakout,” pushing off those beaches, taking miles of deadly hedgerows, liberating Paris 150 miles out, was costly. It took all the stamina and courage young Americans could muster. The average age of those boys on Omaha and Utah Beaches – was 20, like a sophomore in college. 

The French fields were divided by “hedgerows,” ancient earth, and thick bush, 15 feet high. The Germans prepared for slaughter, setting machine gun nests to rake open corners, overlapping fields of fire, mowing down attempts to enter or cross. To be sure, they mined the fields and corners. 

Imagine rising each morning, knowing that you were at it again – entering another field, preset for mayhem. But, the Americans were – as we still are – resourceful. They concocted a way to circumvent the killing fields. They welded forklift-like fingers to tanks, pushed through hedgerows, turning the game.

But again, this was just a weigh station. The Germans had a granite-hard line 30 miles inland from the coast. It seemed unbreakable. They were prepared, supplied, and motivated. Generals Eisenhower, Bradley, Patton, and the British Montgomery were stressed; they shifted, flexed, and reoriented. 

With “Operation Cobra,” Allied troops flanked and encircled some of the Germans, forcing death, capture, retreat. But this again set the table for another challenge, as Hitler countered with attacks on American supply lines, hoping to leave Patton’s troops without fuel, food, and ammunition.  

Hitler would try that again at the Bulge, when Patton’s Army relieved those holding Bastogne, including “Easy Company,” of “Band of Brothers” fame. Hitler lost both times, but not without impact.

Eventually, the Allied Armies stretched arms outward, Patton’s Third Army liberating 45,000 square miles to enclose the Germans – desperately trying to escape – from what is called the Falaise Pocket.  

That “Normandy Breakout” – which led to Hitler’s retreat – allowed Allied Armies to liberate Paris and eventually arrive at Berlin and end the war. Unlike D-Day, it took months and is a hard story to retell in few words, albeit told well in Rick Atkinson’s trilogy, as well as Patton’s and Bradley’s autobiographies. 

The main point is this. Freedom – the unwavering defense of freedom in any age – takes time, patience, stamina, and courage. It requires sustained, not one-time, effort. It calls for constant awareness, pressure, recalibrating, re-understanding the enemy, and it is always costly.  

The Normandy Breakout, winning eventual control of that region, permitted power projection to the East – the ability to chase, capture, and defeat the Germans. While we lost 4,400 lives on D-Day, we lost 72,900 young men to retake Paris. The Allies suffered 226,386 casualties in those “85 days of hell.”

In an immediate sense, remembering D-Day’s June 6 anniversary – 77th remembrance – is a good reason to pause and to remember what followed. American, British, Canadian, and other Allied boys kept pushing, kept getting up, protecting each other, and fighting for freedom – come what may. They did what they had to do. Some never came home as a result. We live on the strength of their conviction. 

But there is a second meaning in remembering what happened beyond June 6, 1944. The stretch is emblematic of a principle. 

Freedom is never won easily, nor permanently. It is never secure for the ages. It is never without naysayers and detractors, the malevolent, misguided, and negligent in any age. That is why the defense of freedom is never done and why part of what lies beyond falls to us.  

We must be determined to stay historically grounded, vocal about sacrifices, proud to defend the legacy of courageous boys, vigilant to protect what they fought for and what tens of thousands died for. They gave that to us. We must hand it forward, enhanced. For their “85 days of hell,” we got freedom – and we should stop to hallow it, just as we do their lives.  


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3 years ago

Thank you for this article. I am a retired Navy officer and also a Navy Junior, spent most of my life serving my country around the world. I have visited many historical sites including Normandy, Paris, Brussels and the Battle of the Bulge area. I always take the time to visit cemeteries where those who paid the ultimate sacrifice have been laid to rest. It is too bad that the younger generation are not being taught what the cost of freedom actually does cost.

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
3 years ago

Let’s also remember the Bataan defense where after the Japanese invaded the Far East landing in the Philippines overrunning American forces who ultimately were in a last effort to defend their position on the Bataan peninsula were ultimately defeated and forced to march 60 miles where hundreds were killed by their captors when they fell out of their line. They were wonderful men who remained captive until finally being released by MacArthur when he kept his promise to return to the Philippines, another costly campaign that cost thousands of American lives fighting from house to house by fanatic Japanese who defended their positions until their death. God Bless American military. The current administration is doing everything it can to disrupt our military’s preparedness by again letting gender LGBQT into it’s ranks knowing that career soldiers are less apt to approve of the Democratic politicians push to fill ranks with people who can’t figure out what sex they are!

Ross Logan
Ross Logan
3 years ago

I’ve always wondered about the brutal and costly battle for the hedgerows of France. How was it that the Allies misunderstood the height and strength and challenge of those hedgerows until they were in them? It doesn’t make sense to me.
I’ll always be grateful to those who fought there for us.

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