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Best Outcome – Toss Suspect Ballots

Posted on Monday, November 16, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

ballotsDozens of claims, hundreds of affidavits, lawsuits in half a dozen states – all argue that President Trump should win.  A common thread unites the claims – and it is important.

Claims fall into pockets, including how mail-in and absentee ballots were disseminated, collected, processed, verified, counted, observed, and certified – in hundreds of counties.  If fraud occurred, finding the right remedy is vital.  How many ballots should be tossed?

Assessing the integrity of mail-in ballots is common to all these suits.  COVID produced a perfect storm – fear, millions of mail-in ballots, and elevated risk of fraud.  This is the first presidential election in American history to be decided by mail-in ballots.

Why do these lawsuits matter?  Why is filing them entirely right?  Three reasons.

First, without assurances of integrity in validation, collection, and counting of these ballots – the election outcome, whatever it is, will be forever in doubt.  The legitimacy of the inaugurated president – Trump or Biden – will be darkened.  That is why lawsuits and recounts matter.

Second, fraud is so likely with mail-in and absentee ballots that, absent proof of basic protections – like GOP observers close to ballot opening, signature validations, and no co-mingling – fraud may be “more likely than not.” If a pool of ballots is credibly alleged to be tainted, the legal presumption should shift – against counting them.

The comeback is that fraud should not be assumed, even if allegations support it.  That is nonsensical.  In fact, most countries in the world, and most US states before this election, severely limited mail-in ballots – for one obvious reason.  Fraud is easy and likely.

Look at the evidence.  Thirty-seven US states – until this year – disallowed widespread mail-in ballots, for fears of fraud. The view was bipartisan.  Around the world, mail-in ballots are disallowed. As one expert noted: “There are fraud problems with mail-in absentee ballots, but problems with universal mail-in ballots are much more significant,” and “most countries ban even absentee ballots for people living in their countries.”

As a matter of record, “most developed countries ban absentee ballots, unless the citizen is living abroad” or, in the alternative, they “require Photo-IDs to obtain those ballots”.  Examples, abound.  “Japan and Poland have limited mail-in voting,” and “special certificates” for the disabled.

Likewise, “France banned absentee voting in 1975, because of massive fraud in Corsica, where postal ballots were stolen or bought, and voters cast multiple votes.” Not surprisingly, “mail-in ballots were used to cast the votes of dead people.”  France, like other countries, fears a repeat.

Third, dependence of this election’s outcome on mail-in ballots, subject to fraud and traditionally disallowed or limited – suggests that the right remedy is disallowing all credibly suspect ballots.

If this sounds harsh, think about how we manage integrity in any other setting.  If blood samples are tainted, we throw them out.  If water quality samples are tainted, we throw them out.  If matters of great import are before us – we decide them based on data, following probabilities where they lead.

This is a strange year.  This election – beyond stakes, differences among candidates, questions of style, competence, and impact – is inordinately dependent on huge piles of mail-in ballots.

All else aside, lawsuits urging every legal ballot be counted, every potentially illegal one tossed, are entirely justified.  Given the outsized number of suspect ballots, the Supreme Court should apply a standard of review that focuses on a presumption against credibly suspect ballots.

In short, if misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance are involved – or credibly alleged – the presumption should be against counting these ballots.  Wherever that leads, we should all be content to land.  If in this process, Biden wins, so be it.  If Trump wins, so be it.

Bottom line:  Dozens of claims, hundreds of affidavits, and lawsuits filed in half a dozen states –amount to a call for election integrity, in a year overwhelmed by mail-in ballots. Credibly suspect ballots should not be counted, to assure the outcome’s legitimacy.  It is that simple. When the dust settles, all credibly suspect ballots should be out.

If the Supreme Court hears this case, arguments for tossing suspect ballots are “equal protection” – where different counties treated voters differently, and state failures to follow the constitutional requirement that state legislatures, not election officials, set procedures for Electoral College votes.  We will have to wait to see – but a strong argument exists, and Trump is making it.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
4 years ago

Dozens of claims, hundreds of affidavits, lawsuits in half a dozen states – all argue that…………..wait for it…………………… have dozens of claims, hundreds of affidavits, lawsuits in half a dozen states.

What you need is actual evidence of fraud that meets at least a minimal standard of proof.

Brian w
Brian w
4 years ago

It doesn’t matter what we know. Only what we can prove. Pretty simple.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Makes sense if ballots for Biden or Trump, too much time to find out unless use scanners to read signatures & ballots?
Or ID votes for President
Thanks Dems this is on YOU

Jodie Milian
Jodie Milian
4 years ago

Give it time, the proof is coming…

4 years ago

Those who believe that a dim-witted dolt like biden (sic, mine) got the most votes in U.S. history are clearly dim-witted dolts themseves.

4 years ago

A Detroit whistleblower working a poll station testifying under oath that she witnessed 100’s of Biden ballots repeatedly put back through voting machines. Some as many as 10 times. How does Jackass Joe Biden win when he only beat Hillary’s vote count from all over the country in Atlanta, Milwaukee, Philadelphia and Detroit, where the tally is more than there are registered voters? Fraud, fraud and major fraud!!! And President Trump will never concede the election because he is a fighter!

Hugo V.
Hugo V.
4 years ago

Does the discovery that thousands of dead people voted count as evidence or thousands of votes that were switched by voting machines from one candidate to the other count as evidence. Don’t you think that these discrepancies should be investigated? I don’t believe that the election results will be changed but these crimes should not be ignored and allowed to continue in the future.

4 years ago

I thought that you had to be BLIND not to SEE but I guess stupidity suffices.

Tammi L Lau
Tammi L Lau
4 years ago

Praying the TRUTH is revealed and justice served! Thank you for all AMAC is doing to tell the TRUTH in spite of fake news running rampant!

4 years ago

The catch is that the invalid ballots are mixed with the valid ballots and this was done systematically and intentionally. If this is to be avoided in the future, State Legislatures will have to do it.

4 years ago

If the media doesn’t except the recounts and the fact that the election was a fraud, what can we gain?

4 years ago

Just the fact that other countries have tried mail-in ballots and found fraud is a pretty good indicator. The affidavits and other evidence should be examined by the Federal Supreme Court and a decision made. Whatever the decision, we will have to abide by it.

Meanwhile, the purchase and use of questionable voting machines is a disgrace. State Supreme courts are biased and sadly influenced. I believe the voting process in one thing the Federal government should make the laws for. As this year proved, the states changed voting laws to benefit their desired outcomes; that should not be allowed.

Voting should be standard in all states, absentee ballots only allowed for out of country residents, or those incapable physically of voting in person. Voter ID with birth or citizenship proof should be mandatory! Early voting should be abolished and late ballots should only be included for valid out of country absentee ballots. People need ID for driver licensing, welfare, medical, Social Security, many jobs and meetings. ID is not a hardship!!

I am currently out of country, but I returned to vote in person; it is that important! And in this country with a corrupt government (which I will not name), photo ID is required and the citizens here are very sad to see what is happening to the USA government!

4 years ago

Go!!! President Donald J Trump!!!!!!
We are with YOU!!!

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

I could never figure out why mail-in ballots were ever permitted. The pitfalls of such election tampering are very apparent, as the article points out. This election is indicative of the mistrust of the results in the most powerful country in the world. We should set an example of fair and accurate elections for the entire world to see. There will be little confidence in results going forward if some changes are not made. And yes….disputed ballots should not be counted for the 2020 results to mean anything to the American people.

Kathleen Keegan
Kathleen Keegan
4 years ago

We need Voter ID in ALL states and absentee ballots need a witnessing signature. The Democrats have violated the voting process and we need to correct that. The Democrats need to be punished for what they did & the whole world needs to know.

4 years ago

We have had mail in ballots in Oregon since the 1980s that was the last time we had a Republican governor so I know the Democrats cheat.

4 years ago

Where is the united Republican Party? The Russian Probe was a fraud, but DC politicians united to see it through. We need to demand an equally aggressive investigation now. The MAGA Nation deserves more than a third world election. Republicans control the White House and the Senate, let us take charge.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Just like a popular food product – “It’s in There.” You just have to find it. Most folks are of the mind “If it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck it might be a duck.” There are many more lawsuits other than the Trump group that have been filed(hooray for the legal profession). There are several statistical reports of obvious variations in ballot counts. Personal observations of wrong doing. Who will argue Equal Protection? Off shore ballot certification. Many strings of wrong doing.
As Mr. Charles stated “we shall have to wait.” VERY HARD TO DO BUT OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON OUR PATIENCE. The Fat Lady isn’t singing yet. It’s not over. FAITH AND MAGA/KAF/KAG TRUMP=PENCE 2020

Louis Theriault
Louis Theriault
4 years ago

Thanks to the dishonesty of the DNC, we are already a third world country when it comes to elections. On a par with Venezuela.

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

Toss suspected ballots and then toss those responsible for them being counted in prison for aiding and attempted coup. In other words, TREASON. But who am I kidding? This DOJ has done bupkis since the get-go.

4 years ago

Please Mr. President, don’t concede this election! Conceding this election would be giving credibility to an illegal and fraudulent process.

4 years ago

Any sports team that cheated would be disqualified n lose, we all ready known for a fact Dems cheated period.

4 years ago

Best outcome is NOT chucking only suspect ballots. Chuck all ballots–start over. Best outcome would be to task FBI with immediate investigation of all election processes and procedures in every district in search of criminal interference with the elections, identify miscreants, arrest and prosecute, jail those convicted, while simultaneously declaring the entire election null and void, and do the whole thing over with no partisan involvement on any level. National elections should be managed by an independent, non-partisan organization, separate from state and local elections without the interference of state and local elected or appointed authorities, such as governors, district attorneys, state court judges, sheriffs, constables, and other sweepers. It’s time to get the politicians out of the process.

4 years ago

Come on it’s pretty obvious that the Democrats were involved in the production and the buying of this engineered virus that they put together so they could scare the America and the world into thinking that mailing ballots were good and we can really corrupt the voting system in America by screwing every honest American in here we need to eliminate these communists one way or another they can voluntarily leave or we will make them leave.

Sandra D
Sandra D
4 years ago

As if mail-in ballots increasing fraudulence wasn’t sufficient, other means of stealing the election, such as disallowing Republican poll watchers on the premises or only allowing them so far away they could not actually do their job, stopping the count to empty the buildings of counters until the next morning and then bringing in ballots and counters before the designated time to skew counts, known faulty software from Dominion switching voters ballots to only one party, and telling counters to backdate late ballots…all of these dilute the integrity of the election and disenfranchise legal voters. We have tolerated cheating for generations; we cannot let this overt takeover stand unchallenged. Our Republic is at stake.

4 years ago

How about sort the valid ballots into a pile, count those, then discard the illegal/invalid ballots? Trump might win. Biden might win. But then it would be accurate.

Linda G.
Linda G.
4 years ago

The only way to fix this is to vote again, in person. Unfortunately, the huge numbers of Covid at the moment will keep that from happening. Sad that testifying under oath about voting fraud is now meaningless in this country.

4 years ago

Looking for your thoughts on the comments from Sydney Powell regarding voting machine (Dominion) fraud and election tampering from other countries where Dominion sites are located.

4 years ago

This whole election was a joke and Biden is a buffoon// He is as crooked as his sleaze ball son and the hate black voters queen(KAMALA HARRIS)// Trump won this election as I witnessed on election night and then the liberal fraud crooks changed things in the middle of the night when they shut down state election offices//The fact of the matter is Biden is a dementia patient and the slime hopes he dies immediately// Wait and see payback is coming sooner as 75 million people know I am right//GO TRUMP and AMAC///////////

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

There were people voting that have died, felons, illegals, etc. Go Trump go!!

Terry E Parrett
Terry E Parrett
4 years ago

It is very disconcerting as a legitimate voter when I hear people talking about disenfranchising voters as an argument to do nothing. What about the millions of voters that voted correctly? Recently I heard someone say … If we have 300,000 illegal votes, that in turn disenfranchises 300,000 legal votes! The reality of the entire situation is all legal voters are being disenfranchised when we accept any illegal voting activity … the entirety of the election process becomes a farce and the USA becomes the laughing stock of the entire world. Right now, there are foreign officials around the globe relishing every moment of this, particularly in the socialist/communist countries. It is sickening to hear people talk about letting this go or let’s try again on the next election. Our founding father’s would not permit this but the swamp, knows this is their game. We must end this now!

Mary Langer
Mary Langer
4 years ago

I support accurate ballot count, whoever ends up winner.

Allan Bremors
Allan Bremors
4 years ago

All of the discussion is adding to the confusion. We need to wait for the legal process to exhaust itself.

4 years ago

This is a great article that supports my belief regarding this year’s election fraud. However, me reading it just makes me feel more frustrated because it validates what I’ve already known. But what can I do about it? Donate to support my causes! Share with like minded people. Volunteer! But the problem is that those who are in the wrong, continue to get away with this. And I become disenchanted with the sanctity of voting, my leaders, and my country. With Biden and the rest of the Dems, we will be less and less involved, because the rich, liberals will take control of our country through new laws limiting my involvement and my ability to stay involved. Although I think Donald Trump has been the best President for the people ever, I could have accepted the fact that Biden had won, if it truly had been a fair and honest election. We all know it was not.

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
4 years ago

Proverbs 16:33 “The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.”
Please continue to pray for God’s perfect will to be done in this election, no matter what the final outcome is. Thank you, all.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Given the nefariousness of the Demsheviks who would most definitely be the ones most likely to engage in efforts to distort and compromise our elections, and even if we determine a significant number of ballots were illegally cast and counted (and then eventually UN-counted), there would most likely still be many, many more questionable ballots that would escape scrutiny and thus be fraudulently counted, the result of which would be to skew the election toward Comrade Biden and Commissar Harris as has been the case.

I expect that ongoing efforts to throw out suspect ballots will in the end essentially end up resulting in a onesie-twosie like disqualification of a small number of illegal ballots, while legions of other illegal ballots will remain under the radar, and therefore will be “counted.”  The 2020 election will never be seen as a valid statement by the American people as to whom they truly wanted to represent them, especially when the genuine expectation was that President Trump would emerge with a commanding mandate from the nation with a significant number of electoral votes.

4 years ago

Totally agree with this article but how do you convince the left? Most democrat voters I know, don’t think there’s massive fraud. If the SC thinks there is and enough ballots are excluded due to suspect of fraud and the election is then Trump’s victory, the left will burn down America! That could set of a civil war cuz the left can’t stand losses! They no more want unity, they want conformity! They hate and that hate will come out more and more! This whole thing scares me and I hate to be pessimistic but I think if this ends up in the SC, and I do, I think the SC will rule in favor of Biden to keep America from the hate of the left! Animal Farm is real: Democrat leadership are the pigs while the BLM and Antifa as well as other leftist groups are their dogs. The rest of us are the animals and Trump right now is the horse!

Mark Jebe
Mark Jebe
4 years ago

I’ve used mail-in ballots most of my life, without any problems. I think it can be done securely, if that’s the desired outcome.

I’ve spent half my adult life overseas, and much of the rest moving around the country, wherever my career led, so more often than not, when it came time to vote I had to contact my county election board to request an absentee ballot. I’ve always had to be registered to request a ballot, and after filling out the ballot I’ve had to sign and have it notarized before mailing it back.

It’s always worked. I’ve always been registered in advance to vote, my ballot has always arrived in the mail, I’ve always been able to get it notarized, and it’s always been accepted and counted by the county election board. It’s not quite as convenient as voting in person, but it works.

Of course, I’ve always lived in states that take election integrity seriously. I’ve always had to provide a photo ID when voting in person or by mail.

I’m guessing the goal this election cycle wasn’t a secure election, it was an insecure election, and that’s why all sensible means of securing the vote were abandoned. A secure election would have interfered with the result they wanted.

George Massey
George Massey
4 years ago

This election cycle is a travesty. A full and thorough investigation through legal action, lawsuits and potential involvement with the Supreme Court.

4 years ago

The best outcome is to determine how many votes were switched and erased by the Dominion software then switch them back. A good programmer can look at the source code and determine the exact number. Then arrest everyone involved either directly or indirectly with this act of treason!

4 years ago

That would be a good starting place. Then I would ask to have all votes entered via the software audited next. Then I would ask that Senate and Congressional votes also be audited. We cannot let this type of behavior go unpunished. I can remember as a kid how we learned that the governments in South America & Central America were labeled as banana republics and now we are one! BEcause of the actions of a few we have become the laughing stock of the world. Wonder how many people around the globe are changing their plans on trying to get to America to be free?

4 years ago

You want an election process without this kind of fraud, talk to your State reps and State senators! This is where this battle lies, not in the Federal Government!

4 years ago

I used to be an absentee voter in Texas and then in SD. It was great for me as I was on the road 365 days a year but could still participate. This is the case for many full time RVers in the country. However, I was NEVER sent more than one ballot and had to sign with a signature that was on file. I would willingly give up my ability to do this if all mail in balloting was discontinued so we could be assured we were not being disenfranchised (used to be a favorite whine on the left) by massive mail in voter fraud as happened in this election. What is really horrid is the bold, in your face nature of the cheating. Kicking out observers despite court orders…who gets to get away with that? Not we common folk. One person, one vote and do it in person with ID. Anything else is catastrophe.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
4 years ago

Yes, fraud is an issue and has been for many years. It is worse in this election for the reasons stated in the article. The problem today is that depending on the actual detailed procedures used in each state, it may be impossible to determine if any particular mail-in ballot is valid or not. Therefore, every single mail-in vote in many states must be suspect, and therefore should be discarded. In essence, that disenfranchises those voters who cast an otherwise legal vote, but an honest election result is more important. I saw a very interesting note yesterday about the prospects for the president remaining in office were the election challenged all the way to the Supreme Court, about how the 12th Amendment requires the resolution i congress. It was fascinating and cause for hope.

Leonard Dimon
Leonard Dimon
4 years ago

I never agreed with mail in ballots. First there is the trust issue. All seven unions threw their support to the Democrats after Pelosi bailed them out again for the third or fourth time. Secondly, has anyone not received a package mailed to them? Lastly, everything on that ballot, including the envelope is subject to review by both parties and if one thing is wrong, can be nullified. Democrats made sure many were counted without representation by the

4 years ago

Voter ID and in person voting only should be allowed. Biden and his illegals are trying to steal this election and our country. They must be stopped!

4 years ago

We should never use mail in ballots again. Go back to absentee ballots and everyone, no exceptions, should show valid ID.

John Lemley
John Lemley
4 years ago

This article is correct. Fraud is rampant and systemic. Some of the comments have called for voiding the election and voting again. Great idea. Let’s do it. Let’s send our vote for President Trump to the Republican Headquarters and to the White House and any other office we think appropriate. I am sure we will pass up Biden. I do not know how to organize this, but we need to take the lead and do it.

Impeach Crazy Joe
Impeach Crazy Joe
4 years ago

“If blood samples are tainted, we throw them out. If water quality samples are tainted, we throw them out.” Ya missed one. “If conservatives are winning, throw them out.”
Nothing that Rob Charles says here is wrong. But none of it matters, because the media and the left have brainwashed a significant proportion of the populace that any and all claims of fraud are… fraudulent and that to say or believe anything else, to take or recommend any actions that might slow down or stave off the impending Crazy Joe Train Wreck is nothing but an attempt to “steal” Crazy Joe’s rightly won prize. Think about it. Have you seen ANY story pertaining to voter fraud that does not refer to, at best, “unsubstantiated claims” of voter fraud? And don’t discount the power of ignoring a story and not printing it. So I am quite sure the fix is in and we are stuck with Crazy Joe, at least until they 25th amendment him out and get their REAL candidate in office. I say, impeach ’em both.

4 years ago

For the next Presidential election, I suggest that – because it is a NATIONAL election – we have one set of rules for everyone; that is, national rules for every state. Take this NATIONAL voting for President out of the hands of each individual state. No mail-in ballots; absentee ballots only for a very small number of voters who meet very strict requirements. We could have two weeks of pre-voting before the November date and at 7 pm on that date voting stops. The voting places close and armed guards are placed at the doors so that no one goes in and/out without being documented and absolutely no boxes of ballots suddenly appear. Something is very wrong with us it we cannot set aside time every 4 years to go vote – in person – for our president! Voting in the USA is the most important thing we can do – CORRECTLY – for the future of our nation. The United States of America is way too important to let it get in the hands of the AOC’s of the world!

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