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At its Essence It’s a War Against the Bible

Posted on Tuesday, October 8, 2024
by Outside Contributor

By: Howard Sachs

How in the world can I, this non-orthodox Jew, with so much “education,” living for years in the sophisticated bastion of “progressive” ideology Washington DC, be voting down the line in a few weeks for Republicans including Donald Trump? I am, because I now understand, after many decades of foolish and ignorant beliefs, the nature of our great, precious, very fragile Biblically-based, Western, Judeo-Christian country called America. I now understand at its essence the powerful division in America is due to a war on our Biblical values. I will vote against the assault on such values.

Despite the coastal bona fides, degrees and years of schooling, I was profoundly ignorant about the nature and moral good of America and Western Judeo-Christian civilization. I’ve learned in life an important truth, namely, very nice, intelligent people, even in a free society, even with Ivy- League diplomas covering many walls can, and often are, very ignorant and foolish about some of the most important things. It’s why millions of my kind, sweet, highly-degreed fellow American Jews and non -Jews alike will still vote soon for essentially the suicide of America by voting Democrat. The main cause for this has been propaganda- especially the rampant Marxist, anti-biblical ideology flooding us for decades in our schools, media, Democrat party, and entertainment.

Take this Bible, for instance, the most important book shaping America and the rest of Western civilization. Our Marxist Democrat party launched what Karl himself would have loved, its first great assault against our American biblical heritage when I was a child in the early 60’s. A handful of “liberal” fools in black satin robes said American school children could no longer start the school day by saying the beautiful words expressing thanks to God for their parents, teachers and school. After that, it was off to the races with the poison of Marxist, “progressive,” radically secular, “liberalism,” degrading and destroying every pillar of American civilization. Now, decades later, we reap what we have sown. Now, masses of our kids, our version of Hitler youth from coast to coast, start their day wrapped in keffiyehs shouting the demonic words of “death to America. Death to Israel and death to the Jews.”
As this anti-Biblical war has progressed wiped from our public square, particularly the squares populated by Democrats are all; vestiges of our Biblical values. Here are a few examples.

“ Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Republicans embrace such words. The base of the Democrat party rejects them. Hence, we now have millions, almost all Democrats calling Israel evil and the Islamo-Nazis of Iran good. We have Donald Trump a blessing to Israel and Biden/Harris/Blinken and their ilk a curse.

Gone too now from the Democrat half of America are the words from the Bible spoken by the serpent when he says to Eve , “Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods.” It’s why our Democrats atop places like Capitol Hill, Sacramento, Chicago, and Albany call down upon us from on high to tell us they shall cool the planet with windmills and solar panels, grant life or death to an unborn boy or girl, and refashion the body of a man to become a woman. Our divine overlords shall control every part of our lives, our speech, our medical care, our businesses, how we educate our kids, what cars we drive, how we spend our money, how we save for retirement, and even what lightbulbs we screw into our sockets. The true God is thrown from his throne. In His place is the God of the Marxist State.

Republicans who generally embrace our Biblically-based America understand that “Honor thy father and Mother” another key Biblical injunction is key to creating a decent morally good society. The typical Democrat wars against the notion. That is why fools like Mr. Walz turns Democrat Minnesota into a sanctuary state where children can run from their parents and be allowed to transition to the opposite sex. It is such Democrats who tell us parents have no business knowing about or directing the actions of their pregnant teenage girl or shaping what their kids learn in our Democrat government monopoly schools. It is the California Democrats that strip parents of their honor and duty to even feed their children breakfast and lunch because the all-powerful Democrat State will assume such a role.

And what about, “Thou Shall not Covet,” that key idea and value in the Ten Commandments? Marxist Democrats make a vocation of rejecting this vital value of American civilization. Because, as they say: “after a certain point you’ve made enough money. The rich need to pay their fair share. We’ve got to stop these grocers from price gouging. The billionaires and millionaires need to pay their fair share. You didn’t start out on the same rung of the ladder as your neighbor, therefore the State can and should take his stuff.”

What about the grand injunction in the Ten Commandments of “Do Not Steal?” The core members of the Democrat party are masters of rampant theft. They steal our freedom to speak with their attacks on “disinformation , misinformation, hate speech, and mal-information.” They steal our expansive American liberty by rejection of our national law, our Constitution and its elevated and wise demand of a severely limited state. They steal our vital respect for private property, our respect for what a man has earned honestly through his own labor. That is why we have 7 trillion dollar federal budgets, 35 trillion dollars of debt and hundreds of trillions of dollars of unfunded liabilities.

Finally, but not completely, there is the relentless war on our Biblical value of “Do Not Bear False Witness.” Essentially this means do not lie. But our Marxist Democrats have turned lying into an art form as all Leftists do in all places and at all times. The lies are so profound, so profuse and pervasive, they are hard to keep track. They tell us the lies and absurdities: Babies are assigned their gender at birth. Boys can become girls. Men can become pregnant. America is irredeemably and systemically racist. We live in an evil white, heterosexual, Christian patriarchy. Power explains the essence of all human interaction. Our borders are secure. There is a scientific consensus about humans affecting the climate of the earth. Russia, Russia, Russia. A colorblind society is a racist society. Our founders were evil men. America began in 1619 with slavery as its core institution. Donald Trump is Hitler. Kamala Harris is impressive. Printing trillions of dollars does not cause inflation. Joe Biden is a mentally sharp leader. January 6th was an insurrection. Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation. Poverty causes crime. Unborn babies are not living human beings. Our elections are fair and secure. Our corporate media is fair and unbiased- just reporting the news.

Finally, what this is all about, at its essence, as the great and wise Dennis Prager has said, (paraphrased), “ it is a war against the Bible. It is a war against the core beautiful, liberal and elevated truths that have formed western civilization and America.” Anyone voting for any Democrat in a few weeks may be a nice guy, kind to his kids, wife, friends and colleagues. He may look and speak like good ole Fred Rogers. He is, however, a fool- such a destructive fool that he will vote to kill the greatest experiment in justice, liberalism and freedom- namely America. If there is a good, loving and judging God, I believe such a voter will one day have to answer for this. May He guide these people and our country on November 3rd.

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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anna hubert
anna hubert
2 hours ago

It is a battle for the soul of America, Battle against the truth. Battle that left only wins by lying, intimidation, violence and coercion America was always a destination of masses. The hope of a better life was there not in the leftist paradise where the man is a property of the state.

Kevin in Ohio
Kevin in Ohio
2 hours ago

I’m a republican but am voting for democrats to make a point that I’m tired of republican hypocrisy even though I hate what democrats stand for.

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