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As Dems Spurn Flag, Cuban Protestors Adopt It As Symbol of Freedom

Posted on Wednesday, July 14, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive  


This past weekend, thousands of Cubans gathered in towns and cities throughout the country in a show of solidarity against the Communist regime that has dominated the island nation for more than six decades. As the situation continues to develop, shocking images and videos have emerged of pro-government forces forcibly arresting hundreds of people as Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel called for his supporters to take to the streets to “combat” the protests. But amid the chaos and violence, perhaps the most striking image has been that of dozens of American Flags waving alongside Cuban flags, all as cries of “Freedom!” ring in the streets.

 Historically, this is not an altogether unprecedented occurrence, as the American Flag has long been a potent symbol for oppressed peoples the world over. Just last year, pro-democracy demonstrators in Iran refused to trample an American Flag painted on the ground in a show of defiance against their tyrannical government. When freedom-loving people in Hong Kong faced a brutal crackdown from Communist China in 2019 and 2020, they waved American Flags and sang the National Anthem outside the U.S. Consulate in a plea for help.

 As Old Glory continues to represent freedom around the world, the contrast could not be clearer with Democrat politicians ramping up their efforts to paint the flag and the country as racist and oppressive here in the United States.

 Just days ago – on the Fourth of July no less – prominent Democrats took to Twitter to bemoan the supposed evils of America. Cori Bush, a Democrat Congresswoman from Missouri, claimed that the United States “is stolen land and Black people still aren’t free.” Shortly thereafter, Maxine Waters of California baselessly asserted that the Declaration of Independence is racist. 

 Professional athletes and cultural figures have also piled onto the America-bashing bandwagon, apparently completely unaware of just how much opportunity they’ve been given by the nation they are denouncing. In one recent incident, Gwen Berry, a hammer thrower who is set to represent the United States on the world stage at the Olympics later this summer, turned her back to the flag during the playing of the national anthem at Olympic Trials. Macy Gray, a Grammy-winning singer, also recently called the American Flag “tattered, dated, and divisive” before suggesting that it should be replaced altogether.

 All of these comments from American leftists would likely baffle demonstrators in Cuba. Indeed, their display of affection for the United States was rightly taken by many conservatives as a resounding validation of the American system. Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), a Cuban-American whose family fled the Castro regime, said as much in a recent interview with Fox News, asserting that Cubans are “waving the American flag because that is the symbol of freedom. And that’s why my family brought me here to this country and that’s why I’m in Congress, to fight to make sure that America stays free.”

 Amazingly but perhaps predictably, the mainstream media is attempting to downplay the political significance of the protests, attributing the unrest only to “medical shortages” and “power outages,” rather than widespread discontent with the socialist regime in Cuba. One CNN piece conceded that “lack of freedom” is a contributing cause, but nonetheless refrained from mentioning that Cuba is a socialist country.

 This strategy is in line with the general reluctance of so-called “democratic-socialists” to explicitly criticize the Cuban regime for the untold suffering it has wrought on the Cuban people. While Cuban refugees nearly universally denounce the evils and failures of socialist governance, politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – who have never lived one day under socialist rule – have openly praised the likes of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, while simultaneously bashing America.

 President Biden and his administration have appeared to largely adopt this “progressive” approach. In response to the protests this past weekend, the White House released a meager statement which called the Cuban regime “authoritarian,” but was careful to avoid any mention of the word “socialist” or “communist.”

 Meanwhile, Donald Trump issued a statement of his own that called on Biden to “stand up to the Communist regime” and criticized former President Obama for his policy of appeasement toward the Castro family.

 Throughout his time in office, President Trump pursued a dramatically different approach to the Cuban regime than either his predecessor or his successor. While Obama and Biden eased economic sanctions and sought warm relations with top Cuban officials, Trump pursued a hardline approach aimed at forcing the Cuban regime to enact democratic-minded reforms.

 Shortly after taking office, Trump promised to “expose the crimes of the Castro regime and stand with the Cuban people in their struggle for freedom.” He proceeded to scrap the Obama-era Cuba policy and instead instituted a maximum pressure campaign.

 These latest pro-democracy protests could well be in part a result of Trump’s tough stance against the Cuban regime.



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James Kelly
James Kelly
3 years ago

Throw the damn dems out, bring the Cubans in.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Fly our flag all over Cuba Hoorah

Al Perpente
Al Perpente
3 years ago

funny ! cuban citizens asking for help from biden and his dem cronies who trying to install the communist manifesto in the us !!!!! dems got to go !

3 years ago

Maybe we could send the flag burning wannabe commies from the U.S. to Cuba and swap them out for the freedom seeking Cubans.

3 years ago

Hey! Cori Bush,Maxine Waters,Gwen Berry,Bernie Sanders,Macy Gray,Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,and others Cuba is your golden opportunity!! This is your time to ante up. Your chance is now available for an exchange if the US is so bad. I think that 5000 Cubans could be swapped for each of you. It sure would bring in people who would be glad to be here and you can have a political system more to your liking. Bon Voyage you ungrateful scum.

3 years ago

Send the Dems to a third world country if they don’t like it here. Maybe it would untwist them or shock some sense into them. They need a lesson in reality. Cowards and traitors.

john Mark
john Mark
3 years ago

American is still the greatest country on earth due to its past history and promotion of liberty and freedom for ALL. Biden and his type do not want any people fighting the evils of socialism or communism to come the America because they will not support his marxists policies to remove our freedoms and give big government total control of our lives, such as happened in Cuba. America must fight Biden and those in power to restore America to a nation of law and freedom for all under the guidance of the US Constitution.

3 years ago

The largest threat to freedom is the Democrat party. Their motto: “OBEY”.

3 years ago

Obama started this downfall and idiots followed him over the cliff to disaster.

3 years ago

The rest of the world laughs at the United States for allowing a dementia patient to occupy the office of POTUS, while his administration goes about promoting socialism as national policy. Say President Trump to most average people overseas and they say he was a strong leader, standing up for freedom around the world and pushing back hard on countries such as China, Russia and Iran. Say President Biden to those same people and they shake their heads or laugh and say “Why do the American people allow such a corrupt and mentally ill person as their President”. Enough said.

3 years ago

The irony is perfect. An American flag flying over a Cuban balcony takes so much courage.
It takes cowardice and lying to turn your back on our flag here.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

The Cuban people and the world knows that America is the last best hope for freedom, while the dark forces in America ( The Demonrats, Antifa, (arrogant, nerds, turds, idiots, freaks,@ a##holes,) BLM, ( black lies matter) and the money changer Billionaires class (Soros, Boomberg, Cuban, and others ) will do everything they can to destroy America and turn the World to darkness.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

I wonder if the leftist radicals will show up at a conservative rally and profess their Marxist ideology. Wonder how far that will get them? My sense is that there is going to be physical confrontation sooner than later, so we will see exactly what is happening in other countries right here at home. These leftist idiots cannot control themselves or the garbage that they spew to the point where they will invite violence on themselves because of their hatred. This is on them and the Marxist Democrats in Congress that promote hatred.

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

Boy, I bet this American flag waving is really upsetting all the Socialist (Communist!) elements in this country! Must really suck to see that you’re stupid, b/c your Ideals and Desires are being rejected around the world!

3 years ago

If you can’t live America then give up your citizenship and go live in one of your socialist “paradises” like Russia, China, or Cuba… I’m sure they would love to oppress your worthless lives.

Suzy C
Suzy C
3 years ago

President Trump…WE NEED YOU!!!

Ralph S
Ralph S
3 years ago

If any of our WWII Liberty ships are still afloat… invite all America hating DemocRATs, leftists, libtards, Rino’s, Marxists, Socialists, Social-Democrats, Antifa, BLM, MSM, all racists, aboard.
Give them all a fishing rod and a can of worms… and tow the unpowered ship 30+ miles off-shore.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

America is the country where freedom may ring and may it ring for the Cuban people as well.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Just think about the fact that foreign nationals, Cubans, are more patriotic for our country than Democrats these days. More than a bit scary I think.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America”is still in progress and gaining speed.

3 years ago

Nothing we say will change the Biden administration’s mind. They, as well as too many others in DC, are unpatriotic know-it-alls who only care about themselves and their elitist friends.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

“As Dems Spurn Flag, Cuban Protestors Adopt It As Symbol of Freedom”

And just what does that tell us about the Dems?

3 years ago

Isn’t Macy Gray the one who is tattered, dated and divisive? Ppl who don’t live and work with the rest of the nation should probably just shut up.

3 years ago

Historically I wonder how many “sufferers of communisitc oppression” cried out to the U.S. for help and got it? How many groups in other countries, sought out America as an ally in their quest for democracy and freedom? How many times did America come to the aid of whole peoples who begged for aid and assistance and received it? What if these cries from the Cuban people were openly responded to….in direct opposition to the communist opressors? While, I know this will never be the case with our current administration and weak political will in both parties, along with the “fear” of other nations, now openly opposed to America (now seen as weak and worthless), I can dream. While America is not above the clandestine and under the table tactics used globally, we are also, NOT the once strong bastion of democracy, freedom and human excellence…..I fear that ship has sailed.

All ways free
All ways free
3 years ago

Just communist SOB

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
3 years ago

Waking up to the song running through my head and heart over and over: “You’re a grand old flag, You’re a high-flying flag, And Forever in peace may you wave, You’re the emblem of the land I Love, The home of the free and the brave…” Representative Carlos Gimenez (Republican Florida) states in the above excellent article that: “Cubans are waving the American Flag because that is the symbol of freedom.” Communists in Portland, Oregon have recently burned the American Flag in the streets; along with downing the statue of President George Washington. Seems the American Flag and Our Founding Fathers have been desecrated and taken for granted. Yes, our socialist supporting media has deliberately downplayed the Communist influence. Flag burning should NOT be a First Amendment Right. It is not ‘symbolic speech’. Flag burning is NOT speech; it is a violent act against our most blessed symbol of these United States.- Washington’s Admirer

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

If they were able to feel shame (which they aren’t), Senile Joe and his whole party should be ashamed to turn their backs on people seeking FREEDOM! Circle-back Psaki lies and says it’s all about COVID shots! BS! Will a large number of DIMMs show their backbone and vote these traitors out next year?

3 years ago

I just watched today’s press conference by Psaki. She’s finally admitting the true reason for the Cuban protests. And then, after a reporter pointed out that Cubans wanted to escape to America because their own government is killing the protesters, she said they wouldn’t be allowed to stay in the country, because that isn’t the “correct” protocol for requesting asylum!

Listening to her talk about the illegals crossing the borders, that’s the exact protocol immigrants should use — cross the border, then apply for asylum. Of course, those crossing the southern border are more likely to vote Democrat, and those trying to escape the Cuban regime are likely to vote conservative. Could it be that’s the reason they’ll be sent back to await our administration’s decision on whether or not they qualify for asylum?

3 years ago

Leave it to the immigrants that appreciate the unconditional freedom here. Whereas, the liberals want more for nothing. Send them to the third world countries.

Richard Naples
Richard Naples
3 years ago

If all the organizations do not join this fight for freedom and truth we will lose what we have. You must see that with the news media not letting the American ;people know the truth and the republican’s with no back bone somebody has to do it together. you have to fight together as you see they do what they want everyday. They are even trying to re=teach our children no different than dictators. People must realize this is the government of the people not the government of the government.

3 years ago

Miss Bush, any people still are not free,
As long as they follow thee.

Is there a country today that was not taken,
Thus, your false theory is greatly shaken.

This country we did not possess,
Rather with the Pilgrims, God did bless!

Indians traded freely we understand,
Those who stole, Pilgrims deported to England.

The Weston’s deported by these Brownists,
Towards theft, the Separatist’s did frown thus,

Though beliefs differ from tribe to tribe,
Sometimes even animals were their guide.

Sun worship, Shamanism – from Iroquois to Cherokee,
God hates idol worship, witness His sovereignty!

Pastors arrested by followers of Castro,
Freedom being arrested by Socialism’s blow.

So, where do the oppressed normally go?
AMERICA – as all the world does clearly know.

Cuban’s have and still risk life and limb,
Rafting from there, even if they had to swim.

An apt question is the American poor,
Why do they stay on the American shore?

As Christians, every woman and man,
Individually help the needy, do what we can.

Though we are governed by Representatives At-large,
To help the poor the oligarchy should not be in charge.

Republican virtues from Washington and others,
Republican state, today’s Democrat smothers.

But this great government will not stand,
Unless the Bible nod it’s principles REIGN AGAIN!

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

To reiterate once more, the Leftist Libtard Demsheviks are all Charter Members of the “180º Club” (i.e., whatever position they espouse or embrace, the exact opposite is usually true or an eminently more optimal, reasonable, efficacious and productive solution). In addition, each one of these losers is a King Midas in reverse – everything each one touches turns instantly to sh*t!

The sad truth is that these Dystopian Ideologues are all so ignorant or oblivious regarding what they embrace.  They are genuinely unable to understand the profound truth that they are inherently and irredeemably part of the problem and will never be part of the solution.

John fallon
John fallon
3 years ago

What is happening in cuba is a result of the incredible work by the TRUMP ADMINISTRATION in showing the world the truth about socialist oppression, it does not work, the world is showing support for AMERICA because thier hopes of someday acheiving freedom depends on the continued success and support of AMERICA, AS LONG AS WE ARE FREE THE WORLD WILL ONE DAY SHARE IN THAT FREEDOM.

3 years ago

Cubans need to understand that Democrats are trying to build a society like they’re fleeing in Cuba.

Terry Butler
Terry Butler
3 years ago

Patriotism is found for our flag in another country. It is a shame that people in a communist country realize what freedom means I understand it well around people who have freedom do not understand what it means shame on us in our country for not enforcing the constitution and patriotism to our flag. Our society has failed to teach younger generations the importance of our freedoms.

3 years ago

You can blame that on the Media and the Public school system. Thankfully, there are other means like AMAC.

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