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Are Democrats’ Nightmare Polls Getting Worse?

Posted on Wednesday, February 16, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Claire Brighn


It’s no secret by now that President Joe Biden’s poll numbers are historically bad. But Biden isn’t the one who should be most immediately concerned with that fact. With the presidential election still more than two years away, voters are likely to turn their ire toward Congressional Democrats – and if history is any guide, there’s not much Biden or Democrats can do about it at this point.

According to a poll released this week from Trafalgar, one of the most accurate polling groups from 2016, 2020, and 2021, on a generic 2022 Congressional ballot, Americans would vote for a Republican as opposed to a Democrat by a margin of 54.4% to 41.9%. Translation? Things are already looking very grim for Democrats, and that’s probably not going to change.

To make matters worse, Nancy Pelosi announced recently that she will indeed be running for re-election. A Morning Consult/Politico poll conducted January 11 – 12 shows that 59% of American voters have an unfavorable opinion of her – a nearly 10 point jump in her unfavorables from April 2021, just around the time she and House Democrats were warming up the jets to try and ram through their radical progressive agenda.

Over in the Senate, Republicans need just one seat to flip control of the chamber in their favor. Already, Democrat Senators from swing states who hitched their wagons to Biden’s radical agenda are underwater with their voters. Senator Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire – who won by a mere 1,017 votes in 2016 – has an approval rating of 45 percent among New Hampshire voters, according to a Saint Anselm College poll (January 11-12). Democrat Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona, who beat Republican Martha McSally in 2020, also has a serious problem on his hands, with a Data for Progress poll  (January 21-24) putting him at just a 46 percent favorable rating. It goes without saying that both of those embattled incumbents will need more than 45-46% of the vote to win this November.

Hypothetical Senate 2022 matchups add yet another layer to the troubling outlook for Democrats. A Cygnal poll (January 12-13) shows incumbent Democrat Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado losing out to a generic Republican 44.8% to 45.9%, with education being a main flash point for Colorado voters. In Georgia, a Quinnipiac poll (Jan. 19-24) also has first-time candidate Herschel Walker narrowly leading incumbent Raphael Warnock. But while 30% of respondents say they haven’t heard enough about Walker to weigh in on him, only 13% say the same for Warnock – in other words, while Walker likely still has more potential support out there to win with increased name recognition and messaging efforts, Warnock has already proven who he is to most voters, and they don’t like what they see.

So that means Senate seats in Colorado, New Hampshire, Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona that Democrats were feeling comfortable about not too long ago now seem to have endangered incumbents.

Across the board, however, one thing is certain: with many incumbent Democrat Senators sitting below the 50 percent approval mark, they are on the chopping block. In 2010 and 2014, for context, even some Senate Democrats who had comfortable leads at this point later lost their elections.

While radical policies in Congress certainly have plenty to do with Congressional Democrats’ polling woes, much of the blame also lies with Joe Biden’s own historic unpopularity. According to Gallup, among every president, from Nixon to Trump, presidential approval ratings actually dropped on average 9.3 points between January and October before the first midterm election. That 9.3-point drop in approval translated to an average loss of 26 House seats for the president’s party.

According to a recent CNN poll (Jan. 10 – Feb. 6), only 41% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance, a 12 point drop from April of last year. An astounding 56% said Biden has done “nothing” for them since he came into office. After Biden ran on a central campaign promise of shutting down the virus and not the economy, 75% say that they are now “burned out” by COVID, and 62% do not approve of Biden’s handling of the economy. 

Another CNN poll (Jan. 12-Feb. 6) showed Biden is so disliked that an incredible 51% of Democrats and Democrat-leaning independents want a different candidate for their party in the 2024 election. For comparison, only 20% said this of Obama in 2010.

Biden’s dismal polls are already notable in modern Presidential history. According to an aggregate of polls, Biden’s approval rating on day 388 is nearly 10 points lower than Jimmy Carter’s at the same time during his Presidency. RealClearPolitics showed on February 9 that Biden’s approval fell below 40% to 39.8% for the first time. For context, when Biden first came into office, his approval stood near 55%.

Further exacerbating Democrats’ problems is the fact that they do not have an even somewhat popular leader to turn to in an attempt to save face with the American people. Kamala Harris, for example, has an approval rating even worse than Biden, sitting at a meager 37.3% on RealClearPolitics. Most polls show Chuck Schumer’s favorability rating sitting around just 30%, while around 45% have an unfavorable view of the Senate majority leader. Aside from Harris and Schumer, Democrats’ other high-profile leaders are extremely polarizing figures like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – hardly the moderate voices Democrats need at the moment.

This leads to an especially dangerous territory for Democrats. Independents—proxies for the pulse of the electorate—are soundly rejecting Biden and the Democrat agenda. Interactive Polls dug into comparisons, revealing just how far left from center the Democratic Party has gone: In 2020, a NYTimes exit poll showed that 54% of independents voted for Biden. Fast forward, and on February 4 Biden’s approval among independents had shot down to just 24%.

In short, things are very bad for Democrats, and there is reason to believe they might get worse. However, as the last few election cycles have shown, nothing is certain. As Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar warned just a few months ago, “we are a political lifetime away from midterms.” In a desperate attempt to correct course, some Democrats, including Joe Biden, are reversing their COVID lockdown policies and taking a tougher public stance on crime. As much as Democrats have self-destructed, how well Republicans fare in November will likely ultimately depend on how effectively the GOP continues messaging to voters, hammering home the differences between their vision for the country and the disastrous consequences of Democrats rule.

Claire Brighn is the pen name of a conservative researcher and writer with previous domestic and foreign policy experience in the Executive Branch.  

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2 years ago

The last paragraph states it all. Are the Republicans up for the challenge or are they going to continue to use the old playbook that has failed? Only the mid-terms will tell.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

Well a democrat collapse would be great for our country. help us dig through all the democrat corruption over the last 20 years and throw a bunch of these sleazy democrats in prison.

2 years ago

Only if we can stop the fraud on a grand scale will your article even matter. It will be the last election all over again.

2 years ago

What does it matter? Regardless of how dismal the polling data becomes or how many Americans despise what the current administration is doing to our nation. As long as they own the voting machines. And no one seems to be willing to do anything about it. They will continue to be re-elected. There is no longer any (legal) mechanism to remove the traitors.

2 years ago

Even if you like a Democratic Senator or representative the prevailing thought is why would I vote to send that person back to DC knowing they will profess their undying support for joeblow and his cabal.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

Until we have a fair and unbiased media, that doesn’t always cheer for the other side (meaning Democrats), nothing is going to be certain about any election outcome. I don’t see the media changing anytime soon. The Dem’s have really dung themselves into a big hole this time, but never underestimate the power of the slimy media to cover things up and spread misinformation or no information. Just look at presently how they are not covering the new information about Crooked Hillary! God help us if we don’t straighten this out soon!!! MZ

2 years ago

This coming election the Republicans need to clean house and primary out all the RINOs and elect MAGA supporters.

2 years ago

The demoncrats will try hard to steal the election but if it’s fair, I hope they get stomped into the ground never to rise again. They are tyrants, doing whatever it takes to destroy America. It’s time for them to be destroyed. That will only happen at the polls that have fair elections.

2 years ago

We can only hope and pray!

2 years ago

Nancy Pelosi is running; good for her! Just keep running so you are completely OUT of America! TRAITOR!

2 years ago


Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Their poll numbers should be down even further. He’s been in office for a year and it’s very clear ALL his policies are not just bad ideas, but complete failures.

2 years ago

Stop the steal; Voter ID, No mail in Ballots

2 years ago

Who cares?
And….don’t you get it?
The Communist Party is laying the groundwork with redistricting — that no repubs are fighting — to win all future ‘election’ farces. Plus all their thievery…..

2 years ago

Please stay engaged, stay diligent,and continue to speak loudly and expose EVERTHING these marxist democrats are doing daily to destroy Our Country!
We the people MUST throw them out and preserve Freedom, Our Constitution and America!
Legal Citizens can and will eradicate this evil and restore America to Greatness!
Enough is enough, it’s time for accountability, justice and transparency. No more self serving, arrogant, corrupt , swamp politicians forcing anti freedom policies on the People they work for, while they pamper and protect themselves at Our expense.
We cannot become complacent, especially now as these failures throw around taxpayer dollars to buy votes from easily appeased non-thinkers.
In michigan govenor half-whit announces daily freebies to conceal her failures and distract people from her party politics and refusal to obey our laws. Truly shameful, illegal and 100% self serving attempt to steal more money and power!!!

2 years ago

I guess we will find out exactly how stupid the average American voter is if they buy into the Democrats False change of heart on Covid Mandates, School Closings, Defund the Police and Gasoline Taxes. By all rights the Democrats should have less than 100 House members after November. Which would leave them with the smallest and most extreme socialist contingent in history.

2 years ago

The democrat party is the the virus that we need to completely eradicate from our shores.

LETS GO BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

They’ll just be more brazen in their cheating and corruption. They are being increasingly exposed–so what do they have to lose? Their mouthpiece–the mainstream, legacy media–is falling apart too. There are too many alternate messaging conduits now and they can’t control all of them.

With all that said, the globalist elites hold a large percentage of the worlds wealth and power and can make or break pretty much anyone they want–including world ‘leaders’–so we’ll see where the chips fall. Will be ugly and cruel for many…

Andrew P
Andrew P
2 years ago

I’m not going to count Midterm chickens before they hatch. The Rats are desperate, and nothing fights harder than a desperate cornered rat. Their top lawyer (Marc Elias) is pushing for 14A disqualification of Republicans over rhetoric supporting insurrection, and that probably will stick in States where Democrats control the Supreme Court like NC and PA. There is bound to be a Midterm Variant allowing a renewed state of emergency. This one might be “scary” enough that Joey’s puppeteers or Acting President Kamala Harris will be able to declare Martial Law and directly control the election. And there is always the ultimate fallback position of wagging the dogs of war. Once a nuclear weapon is used, they can again have a national state of emergency and Martial Law. And if the stock market bubble finally implodes, again it will allow then to declare a state of emergency. Desperate rats do desperate things.

2 years ago

Democrats have nothing to worry about as long as they see that we don’t have secure honest elections in the future.

Greg Daniels
Greg Daniels
2 years ago

Biden picking Harris as his running mate, while it had short term gains-getting black voters to turn out- it will provide a disaster in 2024. Throughout our history the VP has been the designated successor if the president doesn’t run again. Biden’s age means that he probably won’t be able to, and Harris is even less popular than he is. Remember, she couldn’t even garner 3% support from her fellow Democrats when she ran in 2020.
Someone in the DNC must have seen this coming back in 2020…..

2 years ago

Where votes are located is just as significant as the vote count – a party is farther ahead to win with 51% in two districts rather than lose with 49% in one and win with 99% in the other – even though the second scenario might mean a lot more total votes in combination.

2 years ago

The bait-and-switch that sold Dementia Boy as a ‘moderate unifier’ when he was in fact a hollow Trojan Horse that allowed extremist radicals rejected even in Democrat primaries to take over the upper echelons of the Federal Government might have worked if the result wasnt such an across-the-board, unmitigated disaster. Hyper inflation and record-breaking crime are why the Demoz are going to suffer the worst defeat they have ever experienced in 2022. Also, the obnoxious, totalitarian behavior of The Woke will add to that. Dont blame Biden… it’s every one of them.

2 years ago

Jimmy Carter was such a popular loser. Biden is going to hold the gold ring for a long time. I wonder what “Dr. Jill” thinks of her decision to run that idiot, brain dead fool.

2 years ago

The communists (aka democRATS) are going to lose big time in November, that is, assuming we can get around all the voter fraud (which will be worse this time around).

Jerome Roach
Jerome Roach
2 years ago

It doesn’t really matter what Nancy Pelosi’s national approval or disapproval numbers are. It only matters what her numbers are in California’s 12th Congressional District. Then the obvious happens: If she has the numbers there, she’s in. In the House of Representatives, she’s a very senior Democrat. If she can garner enough support, however she does it, to overcome any challengers to her position, she remains Speaker of the House, if Democrats manage to hold the majority. If they don’t, then she becomes the leader of the House minority party and is still a significant player.

Judy K.
Judy K.
2 years ago

Pray, because God’s direction for this country right now is ALL that matters. Pray for a Spiritual Revival in our country.

2 years ago

Carter is asking for his “worst president award” back from obama so he can formally hand it over to the village idiot biden.
Shows that after being a career politician for nearly half a century teaches you nothing but how to line your pockets.
Career politicians are not the answer and this village idiot proves it !!!!

william murray
william murray
2 years ago

This may be a mass extinction event , the democrats may go the way of the dinosaurs and the Whigs. We can only pray

2 years ago

It is NO SECRET that even after she SAID she was going to retire, she has far too much evilness in her. She cannot stop raping the PATRIOTS. She is worth more millions not just from whatever that satan sister she inherited from her daddy that was in the mafia in his life, and all the money laundering she does, but the insider trading schemes, payments from OUR TAX DOLLARS, and her buddies, soros, CCP, clinton MURDERING foundation. TREASON/CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, DESERVES death, and death only.

2 years ago

Does it really matter anymore? They are all bought and paid for by Pfizer and have been infiltrated by the World Economic Forum. We’ve seen our country turn communist and the mountains of proof needed to throw most of these people in prison just keep rolling in, and yet the Repugnants are feckless, as their role of controlled opposition requires of them in order to roll out the great reset. I can think of maybe 4 politicians that have what it takes to secure our country against this communist takeover, but at this point who would want to? The things that I have learned in the last 2 years about our political elite and deep state motives make me ill to call myself an American, and the only thing that’s left, in my opinion, is the set of ideals that this country was built upon. Maybe, if we hold onto those ideals, the people can create anew while applying lessons learned concepts.

2 years ago

Democrat Progressive Socialist representing a majority of the party are totally committed after their 2020 ELECTION FIX to get rid of Trump. They will not back down to retain Congress. They will expand their FRAUD across the country. We cannot compeat with open boarder and ILLEGAL NON-CITIZENS VOTING by mail

2 years ago

The last paragraph states it all. Are the Republicans up for the challenge or are they going to continue to use the old playbook that has failed? Only the mid-terms will tell.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

Well a democrat collapse would be great for our country. help us dig through all the democrat corruption over the last 20 years and throw a bunch of these sleazy democrats in prison.

2 years ago

Only if we can stop the fraud on a grand scale will your article even matter. It will be the last election all over again.

2 years ago

What does it matter? Regardless of how dismal the polling data becomes or how many Americans despise what the current administration is doing to our nation. As long as they own the voting machines. And no one seems to be willing to do anything about it. They will continue to be re-elected. There is no longer any (legal) mechanism to remove the traitors.

2 years ago

Even if you like a Democratic Senator or representative the prevailing thought is why would I vote to send that person back to DC knowing they will profess their undying support for joeblow and his cabal.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

Until we have a fair and unbiased media, that doesn’t always cheer for the other side (meaning Democrats), nothing is going to be certain about any election outcome. I don’t see the media changing anytime soon. The Dem’s have really dung themselves into a big hole this time, but never underestimate the power of the slimy media to cover things up and spread misinformation or no information. Just look at presently how they are not covering the new information about Crooked Hillary! God help us if we don’t straighten this out soon!!! MZ

2 years ago

This coming election the Republicans need to clean house and primary out all the RINOs and elect MAGA supporters.

2 years ago

The demoncrats will try hard to steal the election but if it’s fair, I hope they get stomped into the ground never to rise again. They are tyrants, doing whatever it takes to destroy America. It’s time for them to be destroyed. That will only happen at the polls that have fair elections.

2 years ago

We can only hope and pray!

2 years ago

Nancy Pelosi is running; good for her! Just keep running so you are completely OUT of America! TRAITOR!

2 years ago


Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Their poll numbers should be down even further. He’s been in office for a year and it’s very clear ALL his policies are not just bad ideas, but complete failures.

2 years ago

Stop the steal; Voter ID, No mail in Ballots

2 years ago

Who cares?
And….don’t you get it?
The Communist Party is laying the groundwork with redistricting — that no repubs are fighting — to win all future ‘election’ farces. Plus all their thievery…..

2 years ago

Please stay engaged, stay diligent,and continue to speak loudly and expose EVERTHING these marxist democrats are doing daily to destroy Our Country!
We the people MUST throw them out and preserve Freedom, Our Constitution and America!
Legal Citizens can and will eradicate this evil and restore America to Greatness!
Enough is enough, it’s time for accountability, justice and transparency. No more self serving, arrogant, corrupt , swamp politicians forcing anti freedom policies on the People they work for, while they pamper and protect themselves at Our expense.
We cannot become complacent, especially now as these failures throw around taxpayer dollars to buy votes from easily appeased non-thinkers.
In michigan govenor half-whit announces daily freebies to conceal her failures and distract people from her party politics and refusal to obey our laws. Truly shameful, illegal and 100% self serving attempt to steal more money and power!!!

2 years ago

I guess we will find out exactly how stupid the average American voter is if they buy into the Democrats False change of heart on Covid Mandates, School Closings, Defund the Police and Gasoline Taxes. By all rights the Democrats should have less than 100 House members after November. Which would leave them with the smallest and most extreme socialist contingent in history.

2 years ago

The democrat party is the the virus that we need to completely eradicate from our shores.

LETS GO BRANDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 years ago

They’ll just be more brazen in their cheating and corruption. They are being increasingly exposed–so what do they have to lose? Their mouthpiece–the mainstream, legacy media–is falling apart too. There are too many alternate messaging conduits now and they can’t control all of them.

With all that said, the globalist elites hold a large percentage of the worlds wealth and power and can make or break pretty much anyone they want–including world ‘leaders’–so we’ll see where the chips fall. Will be ugly and cruel for many…

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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