
Newsline , Society

America Must End “Birth Tourism” Epidemic

Posted on Monday, February 3, 2025
by Andrew Shirley

Just before the new year, 59-year-old Michael Wei Yueh of California was sentenced to more than three years behind bars for his role in a scheme to obtain citizenship for the children of affluent Chinese women.

According to court documents, Yueh and two co-conspirators operated “USA Happy Baby Inc.,” a company that promoted the benefits of giving birth to a child in the U.S. rather than in China. Agents of the company in China would recruit pregnant women who would pay anywhere from $20,000 to $100,000 to ensure their child had dual U.S. and Chinese citizenship.

From there, USA Happy Baby would coach their clients on how to lie in order to pass U.S. consulate interviews. The women, who were told to wear loose-fitting clothing, would tell U.S. authorities that they planned to stay for a few weeks as tourists. In reality, they would stay for three months at apartments set up by Yueh and his associates. Notably, this fraud operation was set up in California specifically because of its lax customs enforcement.

Yueh’s scheme was a particularly sophisticated example of what’s known as “birth tourism,” or the practice of women from other countries traveling to the United States in the latter stages of pregnancy to take advantage of the country’s recognition of birthright citizenship. It’s a problem that has become more severe in recent years – and which President Donald Trump could be able to address.

While birth tourism to the United States is particularly popular among Chinese women, they are hardly the only ones taking advantage of this apparent loophole in American law. In 2020, the Center for Immigration Studies estimated “that birth tourism results in 33,000 births to women on tourist visas annually.”

As political analyst Merrill Matthews noted in a recent op-ed for The Hill, at least as far back as 2009, “a growing number of well-to-do Mexican mothers have been coming to the U.S. to have their babies, who automatically get American citizenship since they were born on U.S. soil.” Some hospitals reportedly even advertise birth tourism packages to foreign mothers-to-be.

For some mothers, U.S. citizenship for their children is seen as an insurance policy or even a status symbol. In 2018, NBC News noted a spike in wealthy pregnant Russian women traveling to Miami, Florida, to give birth. As one woman told the outlet, “American passport is a big plus for the baby. Why not?”

But while birth tourism indeed makes perfect sense for foreign parents who can afford it, the practice carries some potential risks for American citizens who actually reside in the United States. Most mothers who take advantage of the birth tourism loophole return home with their children – creating tens of thousands of legal American citizens who grow up with no ties or allegiance to the United States.

Some foreign nationals are stretching the loophole even further. According to a report from the Heritage Foundation last July, some Chinese parents are now using “rent-a-womb” schemes to ensure their children are U.S. citizens without either parent ever even setting foot in the United States. As the report notes, “By combining ‘ingredients’—egg and sperm—foreign couples can contract out nearly every step of procreation with little oversight. The resulting children gain and maintain the full rights of American citizenship through a dubious interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment.” This “cross-border surrogacy” is not regulated at the national level in the United States.

Several other Western countries have already taken action to stop birth tourism and other abuses of the birthright citizenship doctrine. In 2005, for instance, Ireland amended its constitution to require that at least one parent be an Irish citizen or legal resident for the child to gain citizenship at birth.

New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, France, the Dominican Republic, and India have also reversed their birthright citizenship policies. Broadly speaking, these countries now only grant citizenship at birth if at least one parent is a “citizen or permanent resident,” almost none permit citizenship for children if one or both parents are in the country illegally.

Trump already tried to end the practice of birth tourism in 2020 by imposing new visa rules. As the Associated Press reported at the time, “Under the new rules, pregnant applicants will be denied a tourist visa unless they can prove they must come to the U.S. to give birth for medical reasons and they have money to pay for it or have another compelling reason — not just because they want their child to have an American passport.”

However, with Joe Biden taking office in 2021, those rules were not strictly enforced, and birth tourism continued to be big business. With Trump back in office, he is looking to end birthright citizenship altogether, signing an executive order to that effect on day one of his second term.

Unsurprisingly, that order was quickly challenged and blocked by a judge, setting up what looks to be an extended legal battle that will likely end at the Supreme Court. But while whether or not Trump can unilaterally end recognition of birthright citizenship may be in question, he can certainly take action to stop or at least deter birth tourism as one very blatant abuse of America’s immigration and customs system.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

So many people trying to get on the “gravy train.” We have enough native deadbeats already at the trough; we don’t need any more. Hope SCOTUS will uphold the clear ORIGINAL INTENT of the 14th Amendment!

1 month ago

Another organization to overhaul! I hope President Trump can prevail. There seems to be no end to corruptness in our country, and worldwide. Unbelievable!!

1 month ago

Not only should we end the birth right citizenship but we need to end dual citizenship with most if not all countries. Being American should be an exclusive club.

1 month ago

This is why anchor babies must end!

Donald King
Donald King
1 month ago

Ending the anchor baby business is a common sense action unless you’re a left wing politician or a “not so bright” progressive/socialist. Common sense is totally lacking in both cases.

1 month ago

I have been sending emails to my “Representatives” about this problem for Five years with NO response or ANSWER YET! My question is: WHO is paying our “Representatives” to make sure NOTHING is done about birthright citizenship!!!

1 month ago

The house next to me was owned by a family that sold land to a big box store in the Dominican Republic and came into big $$. The house was used for their son’s girl friends who got pregnant and came to Florida to have their babies for birthright citizenship. Afterwards back to the DR. They would milk the system for benefits while here. This practice must stop for it creates problems and these people are not interested in the USA.

Lynn Lockler
Lynn Lockler
1 month ago

End birth tourism!

1 month ago

Birthright by foreign illegals should be banned. Biden loved all foreigners and hated all American citizens. He followed the WEF plan to the letter, create a global world and a population that doesn’t care about one another but are loyal to him and the democrat party. Only he forgot Americans are loyal to their country and are caring people. Care not only for themselves but their neighbors their cities their state and their country. And what has happened the past 4 years the citizens have suffered and the illegals have thrived. Plus all the oligarchs that have supported Biden here and all over the World. For they all plus the Biden crime family got rich. It was all about the money. The destruction of America and the White Race was a bonus.

1 month ago

Stop these immigration.
These people should be investigated and Deported.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

This is extraordinarily lucrative business. Foreign national , passing through the USA, not a legal resident, gives birth, baby automatically receives the citizenship and the passport and leaves the country. At 18 it can return and apply for college or university entry on account of the citizenship, even if it never lived in the country and both parents are foreigners. What is wrong with this absurd scenario.

Kay Brown
Kay Brown
1 month ago

At 1 time this was feasable. But now people from other countries are gaming the system to be able to stay in this country illegally. Just look at the guy who was from Mexico on social media encouraging everyone who was from another country, expecially Mexico, to come here to have their children so they could get all kinds of social services, from free health care to rent to food to monthly payments. This needs to stop and stop now. We can no longer support the children from other countries when we have so many who live in poverty who are legal citizens. As far as those coming here so they can have dual citizenship, that should have NEVER been allowed to happen.

1 month ago

Close the border
End birthright citizenship
End birthright tourism
‘Nuff said

1 month ago

This has been going on for years! Where have the Republicans been??

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
1 month ago

CA should be severely penalized for its lax customs procedures. Matter of fact, no state should have any authority over international arrivals.

1 month ago

This has been going on for a lot more years than mentioned in this column. I can remember it at least in the 80’s. Mexican would come across the border in CA. they would not only get the US citizenship but CA would pay the Hospital bill.

Jodi Schmollinger
Jodi Schmollinger
1 month ago

The people that are trying to get something for nothing have to be sent back to their home country & do it the right way. And if they don’t they are banned from every becoming a United States citizen. And go through the right channels like it was done back in the day. The days when Ellis Island is where they came through for the proper channels & if you didn’t have all the right papers & if your health was less than par you are sent back to your home country PLAIN & SIMPLE.

1 month ago

An American Taxpayer must have the right to say “yes” or “No” to pay for abortions, and, birth visitation to have children become a citizen, and other absolutely wrongheaded giveaways, WE are sick of funding you hairbrained ideas and supporting you and your warped ideas. Give us the choice, dare you, to agree or disagree. Disagree will establish what we cn deduct and how much that leaves you to LEGITIMATELY DETERMIINE A BUDGET THAT REPRESENT THE AMERICANS, NOT YOUR FANTACY!
Multitudes also believe that the many “Non-representative” elected, who never communicate with its voters to impose costs on us we do not want to pay, assume too much. GIVE US A CHOICE AND SEE HOW YOUR SPENDING MONEY IS CURTAILED. YOU ARE BLOATED AND WRONGHEADED ON THIS.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

The unsurprisingly sad part of it is this is not a “new phenomenon”! I was stationed at Long Beach Naval Station (USS PRAIRIE AD-15) and remember this being a “news topic” on local TV news (back when they were more journalist than political spokespersons) and the feds raided numerous strip motels which housed pregnant Chinese “tourists”. Biden just took a problem and injected it with liberal douche steroids!

1 month ago

Birth tourism can be ended if we declare the moment of conception here in the US as the basis for citizenship . Birth tourism is an abuse of our Laws and Constitution .

LaMex Loves America
LaMex Loves America
1 month ago

The USA must/needs to end birth tourism by updating the 14th Amendment—illegals and foreigners of legal status, when entering the USA, shouldn’t have the birthright status if born in the USA. SCOTUS and Congress should/need to update the 14th Amendment.

1 month ago

End Birthright Citizenship!!!

1 month ago


1 month ago

Thank you for explaining what has been going on that I never would have thought would happen.

1 month ago

Why did this guy only get 3 years? I am sure one of his lieutenants have already taken over … I hope once his 3 years is up he is sent out of the country.

1 month ago

An unborn child has no rights under “the jurisdiction of” the United States; just note their right to life considering Roe abortion. Since, the child has no right and privileges and immunities thereto, the “Birthright Citizenship” Right (and privilege) could ONLY belong to the parent(s). In Article 2 it bars non-citizens from the Presidency declaring “a natural born citizen” or citizen before the Constitution was eligible to the office of President. At that time the concept of “natural born citizen” DID NOT include non-citizen parents and IS a unique privilege of citizen parents and their offspring. The 14th in recognition of the fact extended that dictate to the newly freed slave (not only blacks) resident parents (“under the jurisdiction of”) of the United States to effect the actual definition of “natural born citizen” status to their children in section 1; further, in section 1, it clearly dictates: “No State shall make OR enforce any law (any= Fed or State) that abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States” thereby negating the “faulty” current interpretation that non-citizen parents hold the privilege of “Birthright Citizenship” as that would violate this provision. Even at this, Congress was at odds with the concept that a “Chinese” slave’s child could possibly become the President; they DID consider the foreign aspect and it is clarified under the second portion of Section 1 concerning the “privilege” held by citizen parents defined in Article 2 and applied to the VP in Amendment 12. Non-citizen parents DO NOT have “Birthright Citizenship” privilege and the 14th clearly states THAT shall NOT be enforced.

1 month ago

I don’t see anything wrong with not giving citizenship unless at least one parent is already an American citizen, and not allowing it at all if either parent is in the country illegally. That would take care of most of this.

1 month ago

This has been a problem for a long time. I have often wondered why it was not addressed and solved long ago. Where are the intelligent Senators and/or House members. Do they only care about their upcoming reelections? I know that it usually takes a long time to get things like this through so a change can be made to a law or practice. Please Ladies and Gentlemen, get this changed and changed quickly. Thank you Mr. President for your real leadership.

1 month ago

TRUMP , its like he is spending all his first month in office following JOE around with a pooper -scooper . We have been SOLD OUT for so long . Then this morning listening to BILL O’Reilly , he said SORO’S has bought radio station’s across the USA . Bill had one of the channels recorded & THEY WERE ANNOUNCING WERE OUR ICE AGENTS WERE & WHAT KIND OF VEHICLE THEY WERE DRIVING . !!! FAA need to pull all that traitors licenses . that was compromising all our agent’s safety & the safety of AMERICA .

joe smith
joe smith
1 month ago

they did nothing for thier country and thell do nothing for ours…you cont correct a problem buy running away from it …. we fought for our country and made it what it is {or was}they prostest in our country why did the not porstest in thiers???????

Andrew P
Andrew P
1 month ago

Most foreigners having babies here are doing it so that baby can sponsor his relatives when he grows up. If Congress changed the law so any citizen born to illegal aliens or temporary visitors is permanently barred from sponsoring foreign relatives for immigration, and requiring DHS to keep accurate records of such births, the problem will largely be solved.

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