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AMAC/TRAFALGAR POLL: Voters Blame Liberal Policies for Violent Crime Spike

Posted on Thursday, October 13, 2022
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


A majority of likely voters blame President Joe Biden, lenient prosecutors, or lack of police presence for the increase in violent crime in the United States, according to a poll conducted by the Trafalgar Group for AMAC late last month.

The poll of 1,078 likely voters asked respondents to select from among seven factors what they believe to be the primary reason for the increase in violent crime. Those factors were: the Biden administration, the breakdown of the family unit in America, climate change, lenient prosecutors, immigration, income inequality, and lack of police presence. Respondents could also select that they don’t believe crime has increased.

The most popular answer was “lenient prosecutors,” at 22.3 percent. The next most common response at 21.1 percent was “income inequality,” followed closely by “Biden administration” (19.8 percent) “breakdown of the family unit in America” (17.4 percent) and “lack of police presence” (10.2 percent). “I don’t believe crime has increased,” “immigration,” and “climate change” earned 5.6 percent, 3.1 percent, and 0.4 percent, respectively.

Combined, 55.4 percent of poll respondents said the rise in crime is primarily a result of either lenient prosecutors, the Biden administration, lack of police presence, or immigration. Given the Biden administration’s failures on immigration and Democrats’ association with the “Defund the Police” movement and the rise of far-left prosecutors in many American cities, this mix of answers does not bode well for Democrats heading into a hotly contested midterm election cycle where violent crime is a top concern for most voters.

The demographic breakdown of the poll results paints an even more alarming picture for Democrats. Among Hispanics, a whopping 82.2 percent primarily blame either the Biden administration (21.9 percent) lenient prosecutors (26.5 percent) immigration (12.4 percent) or lack of police presence (21.4 percent). Just 6.8 percent of Hispanics said they believe the increase in violent crime was due primarily to income inequality, and none said they believed crime had not increased.

Among Black respondents, 34.5 percent answered “income inequality.” But 14.5 percent said “lack of police presence,” further suggesting frustrations among the Black community in the wake of the “Defund the Police” movement. Moreover, 9.9 percent of Blacks said they blamed lenient prosecutors for the increase in violent crime, while 8.3 percent said they blamed the Biden administration. Combined, that is 18.2 percent of Black likely voters – a group Democrats need to win by large margins to have any hope of retaining control of Congress – who blame either Democrat politicians or policies many associate with Democrats for the rise in violent crime.

The breakdown of the poll results along party lines confirms that Democrats are indeed in trouble on the issue of crime. After the most popular response of “income inequality” (45.5 percent) a full 24.4 percent of self-identified Democrats in the poll selected either the Biden administration (7.2 percent) lenient prosecutors (4 percent) or a lack of police presence (13.2 percent).

Things are even worse for Democrats among unaffiliated voters. 23 percent said the Biden administration was primarily responsible for rising crime, just 4 points behind the 27.6 percent of Republicans who said the same. 23.1 percent of Independents also blamed lenient prosecutors, compared to 37.3 percent of Republicans.

These results suggest two things. First, Democrats have a major course correction to try to make on crime in the final weeks of the fall campaign. Second, Republicans have a significant opportunity to position themselves as the party of law and order this November – a message that is likely to resonate with voters across the political spectrum if they can make the case that Democrats are responsible for things like less police presence on streets and illegal immigration. With prominent Democrats like Congresswoman Cori Bush continuing to double down on their support for defunding the police and Democrats failing to do anything to address the border crisis, Republicans have all the evidence they need to hammer this point home.

Earning back voters’ trust on an issue as important as public safety is no easy feat – and is one that first requires an actual commitment to change. With just a few weeks left until Election Day, Democrats may already be out of time.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

The 3rd paragraph down poll numbers seem way to low to me, this why I generally take polls with a large grain of salt… The proof will be in the pudding next month after people vote. It should be a RED WAVE of epic proportions, however, be aware, those same Dominion tabulators & Smartmatic software are still with us or they are in my small town here in N. Central VT in either case…I more than suspect every BLUE state across the land still uses those machines & associated software. To add insult to injury here in Vermont, the ( 50 ) plus years of Democrat controlled Houses, (both of them) in Vermont made MAIL-IN BALLOTS in state the Law of the Land for the General Election coming up in Nov. Why would they, the Democrat Party give up on a corruptible election system that allowed them to literally switch the votes internally via the internet or WIFI, a 12 year old can access these machines in less than 15 minutes, this has already been proven, close to ( 2 ) years running now & I see ZERO arrests as a result of the illegal theatrics done by Dominium themselves & the Democrat Party as a whole, all guilty & as of yet NO charges brought forth to the best of my knowledge…Lest we forget, the President of Dominion LIED under oath before Congress that the Dominion tabulator machines were NOT connected to the internet, a flat out LIE, Congress knew full well he lied & NOTHING was done about it, just another day in Washington, DC politics, meanwhile they got a close to ( 80 ) year old cognitive impaired president installed as potus & a VP installed that got a smack down ( she lost ) at the presidential primaries, Harris gets the nod when clearly she LOST the debate by a wide margin…
I will NOT use the unasked for mail-ballot sent to me. I will drive to the town hall to vote in my usual manner, sign an affidavit that I will NOT vote twice, take the ballot they present to me, take it behind the curtain & vote, when finished I will drop the ballot in the appropriate drop boxes inside the town hall, done… I have one small problem here, now that I asked the new Democrat town clerk about what they are using for counting the ballots & I was informed that yes indeed, the Dominion & Smartmatics are still with us here in Vermont, therefore it is my assumption they are still used across this nation with the possible exception of the RED governed states, however even those states I more than suspect will still be using those same corrupted machines & software…
Make no mistake, the Democrat’s as I type this are working feverishly on how to RIG the system once again to keep them in perpetual power forevermore, hence the Biden ill fatted attempts at federalizing the elections, it will FAIL…
God Bless America – lets MAGA…
Bill… :~)

PS: Kudos to Tulsi Gabbard on finally quitting the Socialist Democrat Party of America, long, long overdue, better late than never!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

No surprise since DICTATOR Beijing biden’s ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION (None Deported and all being shipped all over the country in middle of night and given Free cellphones Costing taxpayers $100 Million/year) as soon as they cross Border Illegally. Promotes Defund Police. Supports, funds, and promotes RIOTS by TERRORIST antifa and TERRORIST blm with Communist harris Bailing them out of jail (Which IMMEDIATELY DISQUALIFIED her from running for Vice President).
Expect DICTATOR Beijing biden’s TERRORIST antifa and TERRORIST blm to start RIOTING right before or day after Midterm Elections.
Then add ALL the Get out of Jail Free without Bail in liberal Sanctuary States including ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST.
And let’s not forget that the DOJ still hasn’t arrested DICTATOR Beijing biden, Hunter biden (Both in Communist China’s back pocket), Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton (Destroying Government Property and Russia Collusion) and Swamp Queen pelosi for their crimes and criminal activities with Communist and TERRORIST Sponsor Foreign countries.
And now, DICTATOR Beijing biden puts the First Illegal and Unconstitutional Communist China Police Force in NY.
Crime will continue being High and Criminal’s Running Free.
But DICTATOR Beijing biden wants our guns so we can’t Protect ourselves from his Criminal’s, Communist Police Force (FBI, DOJ, IRS, DHS, CIA, NSA) and his FASCIST, TYRANNICAL policies.
So expect CRIME to keep getting WORSE with DICTATOR Beijing biden ruining things.

2 years ago

Hey just because the socialist democrat party has really screwed up our nation in a short time dosent mean this election is a given we need every vote its that simple ,, they are out there right now telling lies and working on every angle to fix this vote in there favor ,,, WE THE PEOPLE must start taking back our country and freedom ASAP

2 years ago

Nobody with any sense could take it any other way. The liberal policies of the demo/socialist party are the cause of our country sinking into the pit of socialism. Their drive for globalism is destroying America.

2 years ago

Thankfully, the pollsters realize that lenient prosecutors were the #1 reason for the rise in violent crime. Of course, we know that’s not the only reason. With that said, it’s sad that people picked income inequality was the second major cause. That just shows us that people have swallowed the liberal teaching that income inequality is a major problem that causes unfairness in the US. That is becoming a “crutch” for people and instead of striving to become successful themselves, they are pointing fingers. Even the poorest in America, for the most part, have cell phones, automobiles, etc.. A century ago the poor didn’t have half the things that the other half had. Now, they just don’t have as much or the biggest name brands BUT people are not hurting like a century ago. Back then people strived for more, now people are pointing fingers and wanting more and more forced “sharing” and programs. I grew up poor and I mean poor, until high school, and then my father switched careers and things got better. But while poor, my parents didn’t point to people that were better off than us for any shortcomings we may have had. We used it as motivation to succeed. Out of 4 children, three of us are successful and the only one with a college education (the youngest) is living with our parents in his forties. There are outlying factors in the youngest living at home but the youngest is much younger than the rest of us and grew up in a liberal college environment. So, we all grew up in the same household with the same parents and influences (until college age) and the youngest that was influenced by liberal college propaganda and ideology is the least successful. Can there be a better example of modern America compared to America a before the liberal push??

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Democrats pay attention. Since the beginning of time: Give a criminal an inch and he will take a mile. Income inequality has always existed and is no excuse for crime. Climate change is absurd and should not even be on the list.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Blame Dem Policies for ALL since swearing in date

Pam Chitwood
Pam Chitwood
2 years ago

This is the sad sick corrupt administration. God bless this country. Vote to clean up the mess these people have pushed on this nation.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Of course it is, use common sense. It isn’t race, it isn’t every day people, it’s lack of justice and morality on issues. Just like today, the killer got off and got life in prison without parole instead of the death sentence for the Parkland shootings. He should have gotten the death penalty and should have been sent to death within the month. No dilly dallying around about it, but just sent to his death. He murdered all his students on purpose, had it planned out, and he got off. Now, the tax payer has to pick up caring for him for the rest of his life. That’s NOT justice.

2 years ago


J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Criminals are like children if you don’t punish them for their actions, they will continue to do terrible things, but the Democrats are so stupid they don’t understand how the process works, the Democrats are so stupid they think if you kiss the criminals’ butts that will make them be nice.
Here is how I would handle it, if the punishment is 10 years for armed robbery, and it continues, then you increase the punishment to 20 years, the point is you make the punishment so egregious, that it becomes a deterrent for some and those that are not deterred you punish them until it hurts and keep them from harming the American citizen, but of course, I am no bleeding heart I don’t give a fat rats ass how much the criminals suffer, it’s the Governments responsibility, to keep criminals from taking my Life, Liberty, or Property!
Here is how smart the Democrats are, they want to take away your right of self-defense and then empty the Prisons.
Ladies and Gentlemen, get yourself a concealed carry permit, you will need it!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Like a school classroom, it is about 5% of the people who are doing 75% of the crime! Put them in jail and KEEP them in jail! If anyone receives campaign $$$ from Soros, they should be rejected out of hand!

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Did I miss something??? I thought the problem was that we are not “WOKE” enough! That Criminals are not really bad people. That only certain lives matter. That cows and people cause global warming. That electric cars are the answer, except maybe in flood prone areas which causes batteries to explode., or wherever their use is likely to overwhelm the power grid. That using insider information is acceptable for government employees and Congressmen/women and their family members. That executive orders should overrule the powers of our ELECTED officials. That ALL votes should count, regardless of proof of citizenship, verified legal address, or even LIFE status!
WAIT! Here’s a solution… VOTE ALL INCUMBENTS O-U-T !!! Then, cut ALL government departments each by 87,000 “workers” to compensate for the thoughtless increase of IRS employees. ENACT Term Limits for ALL political offices. THEN, Balance the budget, so that hopefully our great-great grandchildren can inherit a country that is out of debt.

2 years ago

Wealthy dem robots living in safe suburbs most definitely do not blame biteme. These badly educated useful idiots dont believe in free will. They believe in circumstances and situational ethics. They merrily continue voting lefties in who they imagine will cure poverty hence crime with other peoples money. Many are retired boomers who dont care if income taxes go up because they’re comfortable with pensions and savings. They’re despicable and are now a key dem voting block. They move out of reach of street crime but pollute semi rural areas with the insane views they bring with them.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Voters blame the liberal policies for crime rates soaring because liberal policies send the crime rates soaring.

William Boylan
William Boylan
2 years ago

Excluding “income inequality”, it is a combination of these things that, collectively, have led us to the current situation. While the poll doesn’t reflect it, the biggest factor is the breakdown of the family.

I don’t buy the “income inequality” argument because I have had some very difficult financial times, (technically homeless), and did not resort to crime and violence as a means to correct the situation. While things got better with hard work and perseverance, there are still MANY out there who are better off than I. I hold them no grudge; they provide me with work and income and for that I am grateful.

2 years ago

Finally the truth is out. Liberal policies FUEL crime and create more crime. It is AWFUL.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 years ago

We need a change in Washington if the current people up there cannot change this country then we need a total change up there. The dumb ideas they have come up do not help all the taxpayers of this country we need to go back to a better time when we did not have all this crime in this country and times were better people will come together we all want change for the better it can happen but the change has to start with the president on down in Washington. We need better this can happen in November.

2 years ago

The people in this country better start grabbing ever job they can . Biden is going to give your job away to a illegal and you will be on the street. I have heard he is already telling his people if the illegal speaks English find them a good paying job.

Bruce P
Bruce P
2 years ago

The problem will be to get them to vote based on what is really happening instead of voting on a letter in the alphabet by habit. When you have the major media stations avoiding the facts or reporting outright lies by leaving out key details every day the sheep tend to lose sight of the truth. Besides that, if we cannot stop those “2000 Mules” we’ll never be able to do our part to save our country.

2 years ago

Just remember, the prosecutors, and Department heads were all picked by Biden with $help$ from Soros and his socialist lackeys. They are who let criminals out with No Bail, reduced or eliminated criminal charges and defunded the police.
The citizens are left on our own to protect ourselves, family and property

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