AMAC members are familiar with the weekly poll on our website where we ask their take on an issue or item in the news. But it is the comments section where members can really sound off. A good week has 500-700 comments. However, this week we garnered over 1,000 comments.
Our ask this week was about Senator Chuck Schumer’s unilateral elimination of the U.S. Senate dress code to accommodate the one member who wears gym shorts and hoodies each day—Senator John Fetterman (D-PA). Of the nearly 39,000 votes, over 36,000 voted it to be a travesty.
The theme easily spotted in the comments was how this change shows disrespect for the institution, and indeed all of us. Here’s a selection of nearly 40 of the over 1,000 comments from AMAC members, in their own words:
“Sen. Fetterman dressing this way shows he does not have respect for the office he holds, the U.S. government, or the people he serves.” – Daryl G.
“When teachers started to dress like this, respect from their students followed. Respect for the Senate, especially by changing their rules for this show their disrespect for us also.” – Bob A.
“Typical of the U.S. today. One person’s beliefs/desires supersedes all other’s beliefs/desires.” – Sands
“I’m from PA, and I’m embarrassed to see him represent my state.” – Sara
“The tolerance of bad behavior is the downfall of civilized society.” – Kenneth H.
“When our school dropped its dress code behavior nosedived. Mom always said if you dress like a bum, you act like one.” – Bruce D.
“This is no surprise. The Democrats have been marginalizing our institutions for years—they finally got around to the Senate.” – Vincent
“The new world disorder.” – David
“If Fetterman is qualified to serve in the Senate, he’s qualified to observe the proper customs. Sadly, Schumer is a coward while Fetterman is a clown.” – Patti
“Pitiful. Just pitiful.”- Marty M.
“Exemplifies the lack of honor and gratitude these public servants have for America.”– Gary K.
“Fetterman is a slob.” – Monique
“These are supposed to be professional people. Act like it instead of being sloppy.” – Mary
“Beyond disgusting.” – Janis
“Sen. Fetterman has no business being a U.S. Senator.” – Ray
“Yet another example of the joke the U.S. government has become.” – Joel
“Sharp looking business casual isn’t the end of the world, but anything less than that makes it seem like the job is unimportant and not worth the effort. Gym shorts and a hoodie should definitely not be allowed— right up there with pajamas.” – Mike G.
“Everyone in PA should be so ashamed.” – Michael
“Just like wearing a uniform in school, it puts your mind and body into the correct mode for a successful day.” – Mo I.
“If he doesn’t want to dress for work then place him on the unemployment line.” – Dean H.
“Rather than encouraging excellence we are now aiming down to the lowest common denominator.” – Tom G.
“It’s part of the continued destruction of the American culture and values.” – Spartan D.
“What one wears on the outside will be a motivating factor regarding what one thinks and says, as well as how one behaves.” – Steven T.
“If he can’t function without dressing like he is going to a gym, then he should step down from his lofty position.” – Phyllis B.
“Fetterman has a trust fund and will inherit enough money to live comfortably the rest of his life. It’s dishonest to fall for the argument that he dresses like his constituency and like the people who elected him.” – Lisa K.
“I didn’t have very much respect left for elected officials. This seals the deal.” – J. Van Horn
“Schumer and his client Fetterman represent the insidious destruction of decorum. The lowest and most depraved will be honored.” – Freespeech
“When you expect less from people, you get less.” – Edward
“One more example of the Left kowtowing to the 1% and forcing the 99% to accept it and admire it.” – Theodore W.
“I work in healthcare. Doctors showing up in gym shorts wearing a white coat are very unprofessional, and I have witnessed patients telling them so!” – Cindy G.
“Where are the real men of this country? Certainly not in the halls of Congress.” – Andrew S.
“Who remembers dressing in your ‘Sunday best’ or not being admitted to a fancy restaurant because you did not have a jacket? Have we lost all decency?” – Richard
“Diminishes our already weakened position in the world.” – C. Walker
“A total disgrace and Schumer should be held responsible for degrading the Senate by letting Fetterman to continue to dress like a slob!”
“I got the impression that this change in decorum has nothing to do with the man’s disability and everything to do with thuggery. What an irony that the party so obsessed with the rioters of January 6th as a threat to democracy elected a similar man to a Senate seat from PA and changed Senate rules to accommodate thug-like behavior.” – Richard W.
“The U.S. Senate members are supposed to be leaders. Their activities are video broadcast all over the world. This dress code sends a powerful message to the entire world— it says we are lazy and have no self-respect.” – Bob in NC
“Normal people would dress better for a backyard barbeque.” – Faye P.
“Schumer should be ashamed for his actions to downgrade the Senate in front of the whole world to placate the needs of an individual who looks like he just escaped from an Adams Family rerun.” – Mark B.
Jeff Szymanski works in political communications at AMAC, a senior benefits organization with 2.2 million members. He previously taught high school social studies for 15 years.
This shows the total disrespect the elected officials have for the people who voted for them, the office they hold and this country. TOTAL DISRESPECT!!
Fetterman is disgusting.
Excellent article.
You don’t see Republicans dressing like SLOBS.
Fetterman, (Frankenfester) is a total disgrace to Pennsylvania and the institution of the US Senate. It
s only fitting that the Democrats would further erode the dignity of our Government by removing a long held dress code and buying Fetterman a seat in the Senate. Consider Biden, a feeble minded puppet that was installed like a toilet instead of being elected, followed up by an equally feeble minded Senator that should of withdrawn from the election due to health reasons and mental stability. Neither should be where they are now but it is proof positive that the DNC and Obama have nothing but distain for America and our institutions. It was stated many times that Communism did not have to fight a war with America, It would win by destroying us from within. Wake up America, the war was started long ago but we failed to see it and now it
s in plain view and taking over! Wake up America, wake up!This is absolutely disgusting for any American Representative to dress for any level especially lawmakers. It shows absolute disrespect for the American History for those that went before them and took their Office and the restrictions that come with it. It also shows what the American people want and needs means absolutely nothing to them. This shows in the underhanded things they have done in the last 75 or more years! Get off your damn high horse and do your jobs responsibly!
I totally agree. I’ve seen street people dressed better than him. He is totally disrespectful of his position and disgusting to look at.
This si the only way Shumer can keep Fettermans vote. They tell him how to vote and not all would bow to such tactics. No one said anything that I am aware of about Omar’s dress code. She is not following the required dress code and hasn’t since being votying in.
Fetterman is , what can I say? He totally ruined the town of Braddock when he was their Mayor….you can now buy a lovely well cared for home for next to nothing and just about all the businesses are gone…..and his parents supported him while he was Mayor….for a Harvard grad, he’s totally worthless and now that he got them to change the dress code just for him, that’s the beginning of the end of the Senate as we know it for being dressed to dignify the position they hold. He’s like a fungus and will just take them over bit by bit and they’ll never know what hit them. Plus he needs to clean up his mouth if you’ve heard some of his comments lately.
The new dress Code in the Senate is Freddie the Freeloader Bum!
Americans deserve better, it’s not about the comfort of the person, it’s about respect for those you serve.
When I was in Professional life, (Public Office) I did not regret one day of wearing a Suit and Tie, it was my Honor to serve those who put their trust in me.
Gog Bless America, long live our Freedoms!
I wish someone would show up in an “itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini”. Technically they couldn’t say a word.
Once again tolerance for minority opinions trumps competence. Why don’t the supporters of tolerance tolerate competence and respect?!
The people of PA knew what they were getting when voting for a bumb to represent them. A job he apparently didn’t do very well as a mayor or Lieutenant Gov. but THEY promoted him. So now we all get to experience their incompetence at selection and subsequent election of someone who can barely string enough words to form a sentence without help. It is pretty clear this modern government will continue to take the US apart for whatever scavengers to come along and take US over-albeit with some resistance from patriots unwilling to flush 247yrs of freedom and liberty.
This is the degradation of the Senate!! Because of one person who had a stroke and can’t seem to get anything together, none the less, he is a Senator so change decorum for all!! Why not insist that the one, Fetterman, abide by the current dress code?? I’m sure he has a suit and even if he doesn’t, he has a high paying job now, he can afford to go buy some new clothes that aren’t hoodies and shorts!!!
Everyone is wanting to lower “standards” so they can try to reach the top, instead of meeting the standards previously set. What a sham!!!!! I wasn’t aware “bums” were allowed in polite society??????
Beyond disrespectful ! The elected officials representing this country appearing on the Senate floor looking exactly like the bums and homeless people they are all trying to ignore.
Chucky Schlmiel is just living up to his name!
Dear Jeff and the world:
As I said before I know why the “useless idiots” in pa voted him in. This is bigger then you or anyone can imagine! It is because of the power hungry useless idiots in our senate and house! You know who you are!
We are fighting for the life of this great country with all of its blights. I can only pray to God that he will STOP all of this terrible destruction before it gets to a “POINT OF NO RETURN”. I ask him to help us solve this before I die so that I do not have to see any of their dirty faces and their dirty minds when I go to where ever God wants me to go!
Jeff the article was excellent and I was one of those who rsponded to AMAC’s survey. As a professional who has worked in both the soviet union and the middleeast I have seen what communism does to it’s people. And I have a living example of what communism is like as my husband was born in 1938 in Berlin. He has been having flashbacks to his time growing up undr the hitler regime, then the end of WW II and the time he spent under stalin’s iron fisted rule until the age of 18.
It is hard to believe that we have been married 49 years this coming December. He came to this country LEGALLY in the 60’s and became a citizen in wa state. I remember him saying to me athis swearing in that “I lived under communism once and will NEVER do it agin”. So what does he get at the old age of 8+years? communism again. Thank you, Carol
I think it speaks volumes about Shumer, his character and his integrity. Maybe it is his age! He needs to be let go by the American people…the people of NY who have held him in high esteem for so many election cycles!! He needs to go!
Just another example of the wilfully and pridefully ignorant destroying what they don’t understand. Freddy the freeloader dressed like Fred Astaire compared to this clown.
Brain dead Fetterman dressing lie a drug dealer, who knows, maybe he is one!
They all should dress up like clowns. The Senate and Congress has become nothing more than a circus. Not even an entertaining one. It’s more like a Greek tragedy. The key stone cops could do a better job. Looks like again they will kick the can down the road over the Government shutdown. While getting as much pork into the deal!
Every one who represents the American people and holds a position in goverment needs to follow a respectful dress code.
Children, who go to school also need to follow a respectful dress code. Young people go to school to learn and not compete with one another about the cloths they wear.
I’ve seen middle school girls wear blouses with a neck line so low you could see most of their breast.
Bring Trump back and America will be great again.
The change applies only to senators — staff members will still be required to follow the old dress code. It is disrespectful to everyone of us especially those staff members.
Standards in both chambers of Congress have been lax for decades. Put a suit on an monkey and he is still a monkey, just a better dressed one!
Fetterman in particular was a bumbling candidate but the PA bumblers decided he was better than a carpetbagging Oz. We could blame Trump for this one since he endorsed Oz over more conservative PA residents. Either Dave McCormick or Kathy Barnett would have been a much better endorsement and likely would have beaten Fetterman.
The only reason Fetterman got voted in was over the abortion. Now they have to live with him.
Who in their right mind would vote for this? I don’t get the total change of hands!
NOT a gentleman; shows no class and low-bred. Make him stand in the corner until he can dress appropriately for his professional position. Shame on the Dems, they seem to be slipping into the abyss.
If these employees of we, the people, want to dress like homeless bums then pay then accordingly as in NOTHING. But of course the salary isn’t where these evil folks really make their money so, no dress code or back to dress code, all insider trading or any equity trading at all on these individuals parts should be ended immediatly. Same for their family members. As Hunter Biden has proven, a family member can most certainly act on behalf of a “big guy”.
Dress up or be paid like a bum. Maybe during one of their 2 month vacations they can sit near an exit from a Walmart holding up a “need food, please help” sign. Lord knows they wont hold up a “will work for food sign!
I’m a pretty casual guy and decidely don’t like dressing up. And yet even I acknowledge there is a place for appropriate dress codes and decorum. The concept of living in a free society has been greatly eroded. Living free is not about doing whatever you want; living free is about the ability to make choices for yourself and taking personal responsibility for the positive and negative consequences of those choices.
Eliminating rules and codes for society and especially for government representatives puts the U.S. in a state of chaos where anything goes. It was absolutely wrong to eliminate the dress code just to satisfy the wants of one representative. Our government representatives are supposed to do what is best for all American citizens, not just a few.
Convince me that Fetterman can’t button a shirt and put on a clip-on tie.
what a joke!
You get what you pay for. Sadly, most people will continue to vote for these clowns that are destroying this country. Makes me sick!
The democrats have been thugs of one sort or a other as long as I can think of and I am 70.
Not only is he a slob, but the guy’s comments about current events,and rebuttals are not appropriate also. I know he’s had a stroke, but he acts like a spoiled child. Good job voters of Virginia ! I think Dr.Oz would have been a better Senator, but living in Illinois, the majority voted for Pritzker. Chuck catered to this slob because he’s a yes vote for the left. What a clown show.
This dress code which Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer wants to eliminate is reflective of his own character, not to mention of that-guy Fetterman. After all, Schumer himself was exposed (now scrubbed) of accepting millions of dollars from the suicided Jeffrey Epstein to be ‘allowed’ to traffick humans throughout NY while the Fetterman Freak needs to be desperately accepted by street gangs and the failed unemployable lefty lame lib-lobes with his laughable garb which likely hasn’t been washed in weeks, dirty drawers and all. These things reflect their characters, or lack thereof. Chaos in the environment (or dresswear) is chaos in the mind.
as far as I’m concerned if you can’t dress yourself properly for your job, you are in the wrong line of work..we all knew this about fetterman..jellyfish is sweats
What’s next??? Priests, Rabbis, Pastors can conduct services dressed however they want? In their PJ’s? Will we devolve into attending Wakes and Funerals in hoodies and shorts? What was Shumer thinking? I recently heard (or read) a quote that resonates with me:
“When there is NO GOD, everything is acceptable”
Another example of how our society is turning into an anarchy. No Class. No respect for the position he was elected into (God knows how THAT happened). Anything goes? I don’t think soooooo!!!!!! Besides, how can one differentiate an ordinary hoodlum (or terrorist) from a member of the Senate if they are dressed alike?????? Just as the LGBTQ+ community (A minority in this country really) expects us all to bend the rules to make THEM more comfortable, this 1 member of the Senate is now being catered to. Get real…. enough already. The LEFT seems too have no boundaries.
I can’t wait to see what they wear to commemorate the Folsom Street Fair Observance Day…. (Google that one!)
Can a senator wear a bathing suit to the floor? Disgraceful pandering!!!