History is quirky, life is undependable, but hope is always worth having.
One story always comes to mind when I think of hope—one about how often we find meaning in the contradictions of life. Many years ago, I was in England, and I enjoyed cycling, so I cycled to Blenheim Palace, where Winston Churchill was born. A lavish spot, he was in line to inherit it until luck put a “spanner” (wrench) in the works, as they say, and he did not.
If he had inherited Blenheim, he would have become the 10th Duke of…
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Encouragement , a fortifying of sense of purpose, and hope. This is great to think about – the spirit of the strength to continue doing what is needed ,despite adversity, and how hope makes the vital connection with other qualities .Very important writing Robert, and appreciated for the light it brings to understanding how Winston Churchill expressed his views when confronted by massive amounts of adversity in the 1930’s and 1940’s . History that renews hope , a great bit of wisdom in that connection. With respect.
Great refresher. Thank you!
AMAC should use a web site cell phone compatibility checker to convert magazine to cell phone readability. I used one before.
To Editor– Pam Smith , please help with being able to read the article . A summary of the situation – I am able to get the first page of this article about Churchill and Hope by Robert Charles on screen and make a screen photograph , and then enlarge that to the point where it’s readable — however trying to get the following page is not possible – when I try to do a screen photo of it , or enlarge it in place the page disappears, and other pages in the magazine appear – mostly pages of advertisements of one sort of another. I am 73, I thank God everyday that I developed a high level of intelligence, knowledge ,skills and craftsmanship many years prior to the internet. Have been involved with tool design and toolmaking since 1970’s – use plane and spherical trigonometry, some basic calculus ,basic physics, fundamentals of mechanical,optical and acoustic engineering on a regular basis – have much patience – have worked on specialty tools for and made parts for navigation instruments ,weather instruments and microscope systems as well as tools for carpentry, plumbing, electrical and mechanical use. I think in a way that gives attention to proper procedure, attention to detail and develops diligence. Using the internet version of the English language is something that I am fundamentally opposed to because I am fundamentally opposed to the internet way of thinking. I keep use of the internet to an absolute minimum. Your assistance will be appreciated . Rob citizenship.