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Trusting China in Inviting Another Pandemic

Posted on Wednesday, May 1, 2024
by Outside Contributor
Coronavirus COVID-19 vaccine and map of China and Asia at background

It’s one thing to die from natural causes. Worse, to die from a disease leaked by Chinese scientists in a lab and allowed to wipe out millions. That is now almost certainly the explanation for the origins of COVID-19.

And even worse? U.S. taxpayers paid for it.

The U.S. government hasn’t learned a thing. Disease watchers are tracking the spread of H5N1 — bird or avian flu — across the globe as it invades mammals for the first time, leaving South American beaches littered with dead sea lions. In the U.S., 34 dairy cattle herds in nine states are infected. Scientists are anxiously watching for any sign the virus is changing genetically to make human-to-human spread possible.

Against this backdrop, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is collaborating with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the parent organization of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from which COVID-19 leaked. The collaboration is manipulating strains of bird flu, making them deadlier, and then infecting ducks and geese with them. What could go wrong?

The Biden administration also stealthily extended the U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreement on March 14 for another six months despite mounting opposition.

Nineteenth-century scientist Louis Pasteur said, “Science knows no country because knowledge belongs to humanity.” A noble idea but too naive for today’s world. The U.S. must be guarded about supporting and sharing research with scientists controlled by enemy nations.

Unfortunately, the U.S. too often leaves decisions about funding international collaborations to the scientists. They generally have a global mindset, making them more loyal to their colleagues than to their country. Congress needs to take charge.

Canada is curbing its cooperation with China on infectious diseases. Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre told Parliament that “dangerous viruses” had been covertly taken from a Canadian lab to Beijing. He said, “We should be collaborating with like-minded democracies that we can trust, not those that want to attack our interests.”

Consider the USDA collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute to manipulate strains of avian flu, making them more lethal.

The USDA’s Chinese partner, Liu Wenjun, says “The purpose of the three countries collaborating is to exchange the research data … to control global diseases.” Can Liu be taken at his word?

No. He’s not free to do the right thing any more than the scientists at the Wuhan Institute were free to alert the world when COVID-19 leaked.

Dr. Ben Hu, the U.S.-funded scientist at Wuhan, became patient zero when he fell ill with COVID-19 symptoms in November 2019. But neither his identity nor his illness was disclosed until June 2023. Had he been able to tell the world about his illness — something the Chinese government prevented him from doing — millions of lives might have been saved.

Is China a trustworthy scientific partner? That question has just been answered. From the first cases of the virus in Wuhan, China blocked all investigations, barred international agencies and foreign scientists’ access to the Wuhan market and hospital data, and muzzled Chinese scientists. To this day, Beijing will not permit any investigation into the Chinese origins of COVID-19.

For the Biden administration to renew the U.S.-China Science and Technology Agreement while China stonewalls is a slap in the face to the families of COVID-19’s victims. And an invitation to future disasters.

The administration’s statement that it is negotiating a “good intentions clause” from China that joint research is only for peaceful purposes is disturbingly naive.

“Good intentions” is a laugh line. In January, a study published from Beijing announced the creation of a lab-mutated virus — a coronavirus cousin — that produces agonizing illness and a 100% death rate in “humanized” mice. There was no indication the lab had taken rigorous biosecurity steps. To call this reckless is an understatement; mad is more like it.

European scientists polled this week on the likeliest cause of a future pandemic point to flu viruses but say the next biggest risk is “Disease X,” a microorganism appearing out of the blue, like COVID-19.

Fair warning. The U.S. should not be funding or collaborating to make the next China-created killer.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website .


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5 months ago

Unfortunately, since no one was held accountable here in the United States, like Fauci and the others who spearheaded the relationship with China and financed in the first place, it is likely that the world will get to experience yet another global pandemic down the road due to lax safety standards in Chinese facilities. Where do you think the SARS virus originated from after all? So, another lab accident and then well-orchestrated coverup will follow.

The CCP, which still views bioweapons as an essential part of their military arsenal to secure China’s future (they don’t care about international rules against this work by the West), continues viral research unabated at not only the Wuhan labs, but also at other bioweapon research facilities in China.

5 months ago

Make American Phamaceuticals in American. Period. By American companies. Period.

5 months ago

North Carolina’s Democrat governor has agreed to allow China to build a pharmaceutical company in the state, with a second one being built later. North Carolina has numerous military installations. Do the democrats not have any commonsense? (Rhetorical question because it’s so evident that Democrat politicians don’t consider the safety or welfare of our country or its legal citizens.) It’s common knowledge that China has been infiltrating America and Chinese nationals are buying real estate all over the country, especially near our military installations and government offices. How easily China will be able to spread its next “contagion”.

5 months ago

The next virus is ready to be released in 2025. Anything to reduce the world population. China is not the only culprit in the COVID 19 pandemic.America contributed money and scientists to enhance the virus. Fauci was in charge of that. That is why they are allowing everything in this country except Trump and opposing voters. The WEF and their elite members have all this in hand. The world will end as it began with a big bang.

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

This is exactly what Dictator Beijing biden and the Communist democrats are counting on since they are Losing to President Trump from their Election Interference with FAKE indictments and holding J6 people Illegally and Unconstitutionally as political prisoners.

5 months ago

The whole lot rightfully deserve to be publicly hanged on worldwide television !

5 months ago

China has waged war on the USA and the Socialist Democrats have done nothing but kiss their ass! China needs to refund all funds that the US spent for Covid, they need to pay every Country as well! They are looking for a war I say give it to them, that is what they will understand!

5 months ago

The people who sent American Tax $$$ to China to develop the BIOWEAPON turned loose on US are TRAITORS and should be treated as such!!!!! AND the people who developed the KILLER doses of the COVID (CLOT SHOT) should all be charged with MURDER!!!! I have had extreme neuropathy in my right foot and a 50% reduction in blood flow since having covid which was like a three day mild cold. I did NOT and WILL NOT get the CLOT SHOT or any future “VACCINE” Shots because the GLOBALISTS controlling our country are bound and determined to “thin the herd” and I am determined not to be one of their fatalities!!!

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Open biological warfare is what China is conducting openly and without any impunity Biden cow tows and pushes for “scientific” cooperation I am sure Fauci is ready expert that he is

5 months ago

I have wondered how much money was made by these “scientists” like Fauci, Brix and others during the pandemic!! I wish someone somewhere would finally be held accountable for the release of Covid!!! Why don’t we know where our money is being spent??

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

The fact that the media is not investigating COVID origins tells me all I need to know… Fauci needs to be investigated as well as the CDC, WHO, and the NIH.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
5 months ago

Rerun Wuhan Plague 2

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
5 months ago

China has “purchased” many of our “leaders:” Slow Joe and Mitch for example. They have Mitch’s in-laws by the short hairs! If he were to look into anything Chinese, CCP would bankrupt the family.
China is running the fentanyl trade by using their junior partners (the Mexican cartels) to peddle the junk. Plus they run the marijuana farms throughout the US.
WHY are we STILL allowing China to make our pharmaceuticals?

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
5 months ago

Didn’t we learn anything about joey’s buddies during the last pandemic?Sir fauci,and the government all misled us.Sir fauci along with his crooked cult should have been tried for treason.Then there is the poison called the vaccine,my wife and I both did the phyzer junk and are paying for it,maybe the wonderful democ rats knew about this before it was so widespread.Something evil abounds in AMERICA.Is soros involved? will we ever know???

5 months ago

I will NEVER trust China in anything and NEVER is a really long time.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
5 months ago

We see great numbers of college students manipulated by professional protest organizers and terrorists. Not much stretch to imagine naive scientists manipulated by politicized scientists in a country like China. Time to educate our scientists or remove them from sensitive research likely to be used to our detriment.

5 months ago

A couple of years ago, after the Jeffrey Epstein’s broke out and it landed Bill Gates in so much hot water that his wife left him, ‘Billy’ tweeted about how much he missed his wife, but proceeded to comment on his efforts to prevent the next pandemia. My interpretation of that comment: ‘ we are already working on another pandemia’. This sinister character will stop at nothing, he believes he is god.

5 months ago

I wouldn’t doubt that the balloons flown around the world from China carried an altering drug. It being released to feed on the peoples emotions below into anger and hostility or dispensing viruses of all sorts, as test samples. Louds crazy but possible.

5 months ago

We Need to Eliminate these Covid Problems. By Fully and Comprehensively installing Far UVC 222nm Light in all Interior Facilities. That would include Aircraft, Busses, Trains, and Buildings. This Technology has Proven Safe and Effective at Cleaning the Air and Surfaces of the Covid Virus including Influenza. There are Multiple University that Have Studied and Tested Far UVC 222nm Proving its Safety.

roger z smith
roger z smith
5 months ago

hamas has ruined the democrats

4 months ago

I hope and Pray Avian flu does not become an issue. However, I am confident; Costco has it’s own source for chicken and eggs!!!!!

5 months ago

China Joe won’t allow that. Will he? Ha Ha. The new “vaccines” should be tried on the politicians first and after a few months released to the general population, after extensive studies and full disclosure of the drugs side effects. Right.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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