By: Palmer Schoening

During the election, some voters saw Joe Biden as the safest choice among the Democratic field based on his constant assurances that his administration would not push far-left policies. President Biden also promised to “put adults in charge” and restore responsible government. But what about that Cabinet President Biden and his top political confidants have put together? So far, by nearly every measure, they have failed and done so miserably.
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Love his gaffes, mispeaks etc since campaign to date for laffs
Joe Shmo, an exaggeration, err lie, every time he speaks! . . . Can’t stand to listen to him!
The Marxist Democrat administration has failed since day one in office. It will not get better until O’Biden is gone. He has wrecked this country, and he and his party of thugs are responsible for this complete failure to the American people. They deserve a whipping at the next election and for the elections in several decades to come.
Only utter fools were stupid enough to fall for the constant stream of lies that the Democrat Party and the MSM put out concerning Biden and what the Democrat Party stands for. Unfortunately, we all get to live with the consequences of their stupidity.
Something in a retirement community with a little lake; swans floating every so tranquilly. Biden & Company would be happier seeking an early retirement. Why go through all the torment of a complicated political life? At this moment in history its time to get the lifeboats ready; and abandon the Titanic before its too late.