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Posted on Thursday, June 1, 2023
by The Association of Mature American Citizens
the acru

AMAC And The ACRU Join Forces To Protect Vulnerable Senior Votes

by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

In October of this year, AMAC, its AMAC Action advocacy team, and the AMAC Foundation joined forces with The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) and ACRU Action to ensure that elderly voters are heard and protected as the nation prepares for the 2024 general election. ACRU is the nation’s leading advocate for protection of vulnerable senior voters, particularly those in senior centers, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes, from partisan manipulation of their votes.

ACRU’s President Lori Roman noted, “We’ve received reports of cognitively impaired facility residents having their ballot choices made by staff, sometimes under coercion and often without their knowledge. Other complaints have uncovered activist groups across the country collecting ballots from residential facilities with the promise that the ballots would be delivered to election officials. The chain of custody and security of ballots should be a foremost concern.”

The evidence of real and tangible voter fraud against vulnerable senior voters is growing. In their August 2022 Townhall article, ACRU Board Members, former Attorney General Edwin Meese III and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell declare the problem is widespread. For example, they wrote, “In Wisconsin, the state assembly appointed a special counsel to investigate vote fraud in nursing homes after an investigation by a county sheriff uncovered evidence indicating numerous cases of vote fraud in a nursing home. Special Counsel Michael Gableman, a former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, released a report in March 2022 indicating ‘rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide’ at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities.”…

Watch The BFA Podcast

AMAC CEO, Rebecca Weber, Interviews Lori Roman

Looking to protect your constitutional rights and ensure free and fair elections? The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) is here to defend your American civil liberties! This week, ACRU President Lori Roman – a friend of Better for America – joins Rebecca for an update on their joint venture with AMAC to protect vulnerable voters and to discuss the recent Twitter File revelations and their impact on the fight for free speech. Tune in to learn how ACRU is channeling Ronald Reagan’s mentality and leading the charge for constitutional rights!

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1 year ago

Very much enjoyed Lori Roman’s article Trucks are for Girls. I too was THAT tomboy and my loving spouse loves the fact that I fish, hunt and love all things outdoors.
I never wanted to be a boy though. Did not occur to me. If I had adults at school screwing with my head, how awful that would have been!
The state of today’s society is frightening. Childhood can be confusing enough the way it is and taking rights away from the parents is horrifying!

Cindy Stark
Cindy Stark
1 year ago

Thank you Lori for your article on Trucks are for Girls. Our youngest daughter was a tomboy. She loved hot wheels and trucks. Her dad was in construction and she loved building things. And she still grew up to be a beautiful young woman. She can repair things around her house and even build a storage shed.

Leonard Juska
Leonard Juska
1 year ago

I came here after reading “Trucks are for Girls”. Thank you, Lori Roman. There is a bigger reason you are where you are.

Gordon L Graves
Gordon L Graves
1 year ago

Trucks are for Girls by Lori Roman is a great article!

Christy L.
Christy L.
1 year ago

Thank you Lori for the article on Trucks are for Girls. I was daddy’s little girl and his right hand “man”. At 5 I followed him everywhere. Soon after that as a young girl, I could out fish him and often won fishing tournaments and beat out the other guys and kids my age. I climbed trees, rode motorcycles, loved our dune buggy, wore sweat pants and made mud pies. I was definitely a Tom boy. I never wanted to actually be a boy, but guys were more my friends than the girls who were too full of drama. I’m so glad I didn’t have teachers telling me I needed to actually “be” a boy. I had such an amazing childhood and am thankful my parents let me live my life as I wanted. I wear more dresses now, but still love to dig in the dirt, go camping and fishing, and often have a tool in my hand to build or fix something. I sure wish more children could explore and have the time to decide for themselves what they want.
We call kids “minors” for a reason. They are not allowed to make decisions for themselves such as having a drink or cigarette before age 21, not being able to drive until a certain age or even get married or drafted for war. Why is it different when it comes to changing their sex? Let’s leave an age limit on that as well!

Rosa Anderson
Rosa Anderson
1 year ago

I am the oldest of 5 4 brothers and I grew up a tomboy I thank God these morans didn’t get ahold if family if not they mightve been shot in the head by my dad.

Judy Riley
Judy Riley
1 year ago

So happy to see this article!! I’ve shared with friends how I would have been a target when I was a youngster….but they would have had to go through my 4’10” mother! She was very talented in carpentry…but also loved dolls! (A passion we did not share….although I received a doll each Christmas…along with Roy Roger holster and pistols!) I could climb trees better than most boys, loved the woods, loved bugs and all animals; consequently my children grew up knowing bugs and snakes. I kept books on insects so we could identify what they caught. I also hunted and fished with my Dad. I’m 82 and have a collection of Hot Wheels I dare anyone to touch. I also love driving trucks and would have loved to race cars! I have two children, 6 grandchildren and 9 Greats…happy with my life, but please don’t sit down beside me and want to talk recipes!!

Shannon Town
Shannon Town
1 year ago

I LOVED the article by Lori Roman! That was me. I was born in 1958 on a ranch. Always on horseback, fishing, playing with trucks in the dirt…and grew up a decent well rounded human being! Glad no one screwed with my head also ( as one of the previous posts said). I’m almost 65 and still drive a truck and prefer the outdoors! And I’m 100% female, married 42 years and can get just as duded up as I want. Life is good!!

Leonard Juska
Leonard Juska
1 year ago

(I didn’t know my smiling emoji turned to question marks. 🙂 ! )

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