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Abysmal Approval Ratings: Why is Kamala Harris so Unpopular?

Posted on Friday, February 4, 2022
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

After serving in the Senate for four years, and a failed run at the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2020, Senator Harris was tapped by former Vice President Joe Biden to be his running mate, in large part to help him unite the Democrat party, elevate a minority woman on a presidential ticket, and help Biden work with Congress and navigate Washington at large should he win the presidency. 

While history has relegated the vice presidency to a mundane, pompous, and largely empty role, today, it has a different meaning. The modern vice presidency’s role is to help the President tackle tough issues he and the country faces, work with Congress, and serve as an outspoken and passionate public messenger of the President’s agenda and accomplishments.

Shortly after inauguration day, Vice President Harris had a 54% favorable to 38% unfavorable (+16) rating, according to a POLITICO-Morning Consult Poll (1/22/21-1/26/21), giving them strong momentum to push ahead with their wild spending proposals and radical socialist agenda. Fast forward one year later, and VP Harris finds herself at 40% favorable/51% unfavorable (-11), a massive 27 point swing. While Democrat readers of this article might say that this is just one poll, we are being fair here because the current favorable/unfavorable rating average of recent polls by Real Clear Politics as of this writing shows VP Harris with an even worse 38% fav/52% unfav (-14).

An interesting point revealed in the latest poll is that President Biden, who is more well known than VP Harris, has a better rating (-7) than Harris. The spotlight is naturally more on the President than the VP, so logically more people know him (plus he’s been in public office for nearly 50 years), and he should also be taking more of the blame for the administration’s failed policies and out of control inflationary spending. This comparison shows us that, while less people know Kamala Harris, those that do find her more unfavorable than favorable, and by a wider margin.

Why is Kamala Harris so unpopular? There are several reasons that come to mind, but one stands out as a driving factor of her unpopularity.

The best word that can best describe VP Harris is ‘absent.’ Right out of the gate, she was absent from the public eye, reportedly already fighting with much of her staff, and doing little to advance the president’s agenda. The Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act: absent. Build Back Better plan: nowhere to be found. Election and voting rights reform: besides lying to the press about what the bill actually does, absent. COVID relief packages 1, 2, 3: absent, absent, and absent.

Perhaps her most visible role came when President Biden makes her as “border czar,” and like his legislative efforts, she was absent on the border until practically forced to go to save face. When President Biden gave her an important job to do and get down to the U.S. southern border with Mexico and help stem the waves of immigrants flooding into the U.S. in the first six months of the Biden Administration, she made a last-ditch effort to travel to Guatemala. When Harris was interviewed by Democrat-friendly NBC News anchor Lester Holt in June of 2021, she said, “We are going to the border. We’ve been to the border. This whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border.” Holt replied, “But, you, haven’t been to the border,” and Harris paused and then awkwardly replied, “and I haven’t been to Europe.” 

Vice President Harris’s approval ratings are abysmal, and she is even more unpopular than President Biden. Harris is doing a superb good job of making the office of the vice presidency irrelevant again.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action

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Karl Hauck
Karl Hauck
3 years ago

Most useless person to ever hold office

Janet Henkel
Janet Henkel
2 years ago

Look up incompetent in the dictionary and you will find a picture of Kamala!

3 years ago

If you seriously have to ask the question, please tell us all which rock you’ve been living under for the past year.

Dan W.
Dan W.
3 years ago

The fact that Democrat voters gave her presidential bid no support was a pretty good indication that she had no popularity outside of California. A year later, the big news is that Democrat voters were correct for a change.

In the end, she will be a mere footnote in the history books (except in Texas history books, where she won’t be mentioned at all).

3 years ago

It’s so simple to know why joe the blow and Kam the hole not popular. Their not suppost to be THERE.. they cheated.

3 years ago

She’s too used to laying i bed with her legs spread. It takes awhile for a hooker to change. She needs at least one more year. As a lady of the nite isn’t used to working during the day as she sleeps all day

3 years ago

This woman is not likeable. At all. She comes across in interviews as aloof, uninterested, and disconnected as well as stupid. She does not know the facts about anything and is a public relations horror film. A superb choice to go along with obama’s straw man.

J. Shenk
J. Shenk
3 years ago

Vice President Harris isn’t only unliked by the electorate — she is also widely disliked within her own party. Once an asset for President Biden, she has now become a liability and has proven herself unviable as his potential successor.

3 years ago

The fish stinks from the head down. Neither one has accomplished anything that has been positive for America.

3 years ago

Did anybody really think that this illegitimate election was going to have a positive outcome? COME ON MAN!!!

Rich C
Rich C
3 years ago

If Biden is “retired” anytime soon and Harris takes the chair, America will see very quickly how much worse things can get. Her strings will be pulled just like Biden except that any influence she might have on any given issue will be worse that Joe’s. Talk about the blind leading the blind (no offense to any blind person) we are watching it on full display with this administration.

3 years ago

We have a VP?

3 years ago

If this is the best Biden can get for his running mate, just think what he will come up with for a Supreme Court nominee!

At least we can get rid of Harris in 3 more years, a supreme court justice could torture us for decades!!

3 years ago

Harris is what you get when when race and gender, rather than experience and brains, are the only criteria for the job. Can’t wait to see what Bozo trots out for his SCOTUS nominee…

3 years ago

She’s a looser, A feckless fake and climber. Ruthless and shallow.

3 years ago

She’s lost in the woods and has no idea where she is. Without a man of power to sleep with and without a sympathetic audience to play her gender and race cards to….she has no idea what to. Her single response to any questions with even a modicum of substance, is to respond with a cackling giggle….over and over and over. This is her only link to her perception of reality.

3 years ago

Incapable of critical thought on any issue. One more empty pants suit to the Democrat collection of losers.

3 years ago

she has an empty skull to work with.

Violet Cox
Violet Cox
3 years ago

One of the comments I heard about why she didn’t get more votes in South Carolina was from a young black woman. She said that she wouldn’t vote for her because she comes across as snobby, uncaring and seems to have a princess complex. I looked at Harris closer and realized that young woman called it correctly.

Charles Alvarado
Charles Alvarado
3 years ago

My two cents… she’s an ignorant, selfish b**ch

3 years ago

When you get to her position by sleeping with anybody in pants, it figures she’d be incompetent! I wonder how popular she will be when paired with Joey in ‘24….that is if Joey even has a brain by then.

3 years ago

I don’t think AMAC would like me telling why I think Roundheels is unpopular!

3 years ago

she is simply incompetent to be President. Her whole life beginning at age 20 was to sleep with anyone who could broader her base in politics. She has no credit for anything. She is not black she is Jamaican.

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