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A Surreal Presidential Election Year

Posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

electionIf you have not noticed, there is something surreal about this presidential election year. Trying to peel back the layers of craziness, unpredictability, swerves, bumps, buffets, and eye-popping oddities – in a word, surrealism – is timely.  Together, let us look.  There is something crazy about this year.

First, we have one presidential candidate who created a record-breaking economy, secured the southern border, stopped North Korean missile tests, ended ISIS, elevated minority labor participation, employment and income to all-time highs, forced honesty on China, is endorsed by the police, and defends our nation’s flag, history, exceptionalism and monuments.

Then, we have a second presidential candidate sitting, apparently conducting “cognitive tests” on himself, in his basement.  He was vice president during the slowest recovery in US history, opened the border, praises sanctuary cities for illegals.  He used a government position to favor his son with Communist China and corrupt Ukraine, thinks any black voter who does not favor him “ain’t black,” and is embarrassed by America’s history and greatness.

The first candidate believes Americans want a return to normalcy, even if we must “muddle through” to safe, regular work, school, recreation, and social interaction.  He has spoken 10 times on matters of public health for each statement on COVID-19 by his subterranean opponent.

To this end, the first candidate is campaigning – modeling the idea that leaders lead, that normal is within reach, and that we must act responsibly, use discretion, help each other, and believe in the future to overcome a virus inflicted by a competing, reckless, and communist power.

In 2020, this candidate – the President – has made trips to 25 states, with two to California, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin, three to Arizona and Nevada, four to Maryland and New Jersey, 10 to Florida, and 14 to Virginia.  He is working tirelessly.

Meantime, the second candidate has “sheltered in place,” refused direct questions and open press conferences.  His rhetoric is a 1960’s lava lamp, constantly changing, up and down, chasing his Democrat Party’s continued acceleration to the left.

He says he will not “defund” police – just hold their federal grants, calls them “the enemy.” He plans to follow New York’s termination of cash bail, inflicting New York’s high crime rate on the nation.  He would end mandatory minimums and death penalty, close prisons and re-enfranchise felons.

At the border, he promises to end illegal immigrant detentions, deportations, and prosecutions, reinstating “catch and release.”  He will protect sanctuary cities, loosen asylum, give work permits, federal benefits and lawyers to illegals, amnesty and no more travel bans on terror states. It sounds like a bad movie, but that is his plan.

On the economy, despite a poor record, he says he can do anything our president did – only better. Meantime, whatever the challenger should have done, he will (e.g. holding China accountable).  Whatever he should not have done and did, he will not do again (e.g. jobs for son in China and Ukraine).

Elsewhere, he supports abortion “up-to-birth” (and judicial nominees who do), will end school choice (as unions hate it), will restart climate panic (rejoining the Paris economic redistribution accords), and will apologize to Iran for reneging on an unenforceable nuclear accord that cost US taxpayers billions.

Other than that, he swears – from that COVID-safe, riot-protected, media-muffled basement – that he is ready for Day One.  This from a candidate with more gaffs than the rest of the early field combined.

Perhaps aware of the contrast – hard-working, go-go president versus a doddering opponent – national Democrat Terry McAuliffe argued privately in June that Biden should just stay in the basement, do no events.  “He’s fine in the basement.” And that strategy appears to be prevailing. See,

Objectively, if hard to believe, national polls put the basement denizen ahead of the president.  Latest aggregate puts Biden at 50 percent to Trump’s 40, or plus-10.  One July poll puts Biden up by 15 points. See

Still, one returns to surrealism.  Something about this campaign does not feel real.  Yes, we are all confined, masked and distanced by the virus, which may wane by November.  Yes, we are all experiencing uneasiness borne of social unrest, of which all may soon grow rather tired.

But can a candidate really win the White House from a basement?  Can a candidate with cognition issues avoid examination by the press – even a friendly press?  Can an election cycle unfold without debates?  Are the American people willing to elect a 77-year-old with a record of stunning errors and now lurching left?

Interestingly, four years ago, few thought Trump could win.  In the week of July 31-August 2, 2016, Fox News had Clinton up on Trump 49 to 39 percent, plus-10.  NBC News had Clinton up by 10.  More interesting, the August 1-3 McClatchy-Marist poll put Clinton ahead by 15 points.

Of course, times change, but Trump now has a record – and a vision that jives with many Americans.  In unsettled times, he is engaged, pushing individual responsibility, return to normalcy, educational and economic reopening, plus law and order.  COVID-19 notwithstanding, he is a proven leader.  Biden also has a record and vision.  While he can hide, the record and vision are clear – and not pretty.

What can we expect?  Well, if you think this year is surreal, you are probably right.  Even compared to 2016, this one is filled with wild turns, recurring uncertainties, new swerves, bumps, and buffets.

But three things remain solid.  First, most Americans have good judgment and will exercise it – they will not be intimidated.  Second, most Americans value leadership – and Trump is showing it.  Course corrections are part of that. Third, every year looks unprecedented until over – because it is, until over.  There is something crazy about this year – but, on reflection, maybe not as crazy as it seems.

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4 years ago

What is being displayed is the open and unfettered hostility that the left has demonstrated for the past four years against the person that defeated the third term of President Obama and the American citizenry that made it all possible. The left has NO USE for either and is fully committed to getting their plan back on track. They were literally on the very edge of realizing their long-term goal of being able to finally push the United States into the abyss of global socialism and the election of President Trump put the brakes to that. So the left has simply been acting out, with ever greater and more direct means, to both try and undo the results of 2016 and also stifle the American peoples’ will to resist the left’s agenda.
That the Democrats have settled on a candidate with obvious cognitive issues shouldn’t be viewed as particularly unusual. Neither he nor his V.P. will actually be calling the shots, if Biden actually wins. They are both just figureheads to be propped up before the public from time to time. The real power will be a team of behind the scenes Obama / Sanders people calling all the shots. The Biden committee has already adopted all of the Sanders / AOC socialist platform, so any suggestion that “Biden is a moderate” is just window dressing for the unenlightened in the Democrat voter base.
This isn’t “crazy” as you call it, but rather simply an all-out, multi-pronged attack on the United States by those committed the “transformation” of the United States. The only real question remaining on the table is whether there are enough sane, rational voters out there that are able to see through the myriad of disinformation, outright lies and overt attacks on multiple fronts to re-elect President Trump on November 3rd.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Its surreal since virus hit then riots afterward & everything came loose to date.
Beware what Dems can do from now to Nov to effect election unless delayed.
Riots really hurt election year.
& then I see it as planned via George Soros.
Dems actions will Hurt unless massive ballot fraud seen

4 years ago

God knows. Mortals do not. Optimists do not know the future any more than pessimists do, but they live happier lives.

Morty Tupperman
Morty Tupperman
4 years ago

…unless the election itself becomes compromised …

It’s crazy to think it won’t. This’ll make Bush vs. Gore look like a kindergarten league election.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
4 years ago

Just praying that God intervenes.

4 years ago

We should all be praying for President Trump. He seems to be fighting more than the stupid left-wing idiots who talk, talk, talk and cannot make one bit of sense! The president has done a remarkable job in four years trying to clean up the muck he was left from a previous do-nothing except turn his back on America president. We have never faced a pandemic in this country that has lasted this long, but the left wings all blame Trump. That’s all they know….blame Trump! God help us if President Trump is not re-elected.

4 years ago

We have a vision of two worlds: One governed by freedom, liberty and a constitutional republic, the other is ruled by George Soros and his various 501c organizations in which he can circumvent campaign finance law, fund laundered money into global socialistic committees and organizations and bring about revolution by infiltrating legitimate government with his thugs and promote violence in the streets. We are witnessing the latter in our cities. Time to defend our Constitutional Republic, our freedoms and liberty. God, President Trump and the USA in 2020!✝️??

Ralph S
Ralph S
4 years ago

Biden is ready for Day One. Instead of governing from the Oval Office… he will hide in the White House basement bunker and let AOC and her squad destroy what’s [not] left of our Country.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The socialist/dems along with the grossly overpaid and over rated pro athletes and the drugged and. Egotistical “stars” of hollywierd plus the overpaid and underqualified “journalists”are in fact a very small minority of the population, but they control the “airwaves” and thus the only voice being heard. After WE THE PEOPLE re-elect TRUMP we need to enact some regulations to make the MSM be honest and unbiased in thier reporting.

David Brown
David Brown
4 years ago

There is much more going on than what we are spoon-fed by the corrupt Media. There is a movement afoot to destroy everything this Country stands for in the name of “progressive globalism”. Trump’s in the way, and “they” will, and are, doing everything to circumvent him. If he loses, watch out ‘cuz all bets are off!

Frank Martin
Frank Martin
4 years ago


Dan McCormac
Dan McCormac
4 years ago

I can’t wait for the debates where Trump will take sleeping Joe to school on “science.”

For example, Please ask Joe why we should NOT send 1st graders to HEALTH class so they can learn about “viruses, germs and personal hygiene.”

Learn why we don’t kiss, hug, or sneeze on our classmates without permission! Even a kindergartner needs this health class. And almost EVERY TEACHER knows MORE about these topics than the average MSM “reporter!”

Learning these lessons TODAY will improve their health for their WHOLE LIVES!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Who is pushing the hardest for “globalisation”? It seems to me the only ones that want it are the corporations that care only about MONEY, they started by taking millions of jobs away from hard working AMERICANS AND USING slave labor over seas and then further increased profits by continuing to raise prices on thier inferior products, time to tell them if they want to build plants in other countries then sell thier products to thier new neighbors, and not bring thier trash to AMERICA. MADE IN AMERICA JUST LIKE TRUMP.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

The basis of all of this is that one political party removed all mention of GOD from their platform, then in a fake vote, reinstituted Him. That same party supports infanticide and lifestyles that kill, Marxists (who have murdered more people than Hitler), anarchy, and crime.
While all have sinned, some think that’s OK and even good! Don’t vote for the party of anarchy and godlessness!

4 years ago

The dumbocrats are liars, crooks and anti- american!
Just listen to pelosi,schummer,nadler,pencil neck and the rest……serious hate and delusion in the entire party!
Trump 2020 , he’s America’s hope!

Rexford O Ames
Rexford O Ames
4 years ago

Curious. Why change a voting system because of a Planned Virus. Politics! The Democrat Party has got to bend the rules for it’s own benefit. Of that there is no question. The issue is: How? FEAR and stupid . Greate fear, make so called , Temporary changes that will not be Temporary. Of that I am sure after watching 14 Democrat run States change those States entire election system to their control and advantage. No Joke this. Why do you think they want to change the current system. Ballot Voting because Masks / Shields / Goggles will never do at the polling /voting stations. COVID-19? Yea right. Just how many( UNKNOWN BOX”S of VOTES will they find if the voting doesn’t go their way??
The truth of this matter is: Does the card you mark and identify the candidate you selected, be altered or misplaced or not counted? Unknown even though the State’s voting laws are strict!
Yes, the NEWS will do all it can to confuse all it’s readers with negative information and continue to press that fear and concern: Did my vote ,get counted as I voted on that card???
We trusted that State Government agencies, for many, many years. Then things started happening that lowered that trust. If they could create the fiasco back when the Al Gore / Bush contest was screwed so badly in Florida that it took the United States Supreme court to close out the contentious issue and decide the winner. That was never supposed to of ever happen. It DID! Trust but verify!

4 years ago

It happened before, it can happen again. In 2016, Hillary was going to win all six of final battle ground states. All polls and the fraud national news media said it was most likely. When the smoke cleared, she lost all six. I think democrats believe the loss was due to the fact they weren’t extreme enough. Now, they’re showing voters what extreme really looks like – anarchist communists! It’s time for voters to open that little can of whoop-ass again! Trump 2020!

4 years ago

The 1st candidate is a good man who is very aware of what needs to be done to keep this country safe and move forward in the next 4 years and his name is the TRUMPSTER=women and men who want law and order should vote for him// Next is candidate doofus who has no idea where he is or where he is going// he will never finish a term in office before the liberal party tells him where he is and guide him to the AHLZEIMERS CLINIC and dumps him there and then Pelosi and Schumer and the VP will be in charge//That is scary in itself and the same women and men will realize the mistake they made and their children will suffer because there will be NO LAW and ORDER//Very difficult choice//

Press ONE for English
Press ONE for English
4 years ago

Many times and many places I hear foolish people congratulating themselves that this election will be a Trump landslide. Others here are praying. The left is not congratulating itself. It is not praying. It is determined enemy who is WORKING, following a determined PLAN to propagate lies through the media that they have taken over while we stood by and let them. They have a PLAN to pack the nation’s ballot boxes with illegal voters of all sorts (aliens, dead people, multiple voters, etc.). And if all else fails they have a PLAN to “adjust” the election results if needed by manipulating the counting of absentee or mail-in votes. If it appears Trump is ahead in some precincts, they will just “find” some “overlooked” boxes of ballots and season to taste.

Despite all this I am hoping for a Trump win and I will be happy to settle for 50% +1 because there ain’t gonna be no landslide. But if we continue on as we are going now, a divided party with supposedly loyal Republicans refusing to support and even trashing OUR President, and foolish people who are dreaming of a landslide or divine intervention, get ready for all of the awful outcomes correctly ennumerated in the article because, one way or another, Crazy Joe will remain marginally cognizant long enough to bring home the checkered flag. And if you think he’s bad… just wait 6 months or so until something happens. Crazy Joe will find retirement more palatable, he will catch the Wuhan virus, he will be judged mentally unfit, or he will suffer a heart attack while watching home movies in Bill Clinton’s basement. Once that happens, there’s nothing remaining to hold the radical left back.

So get out and get to WORK. How many of you have visited your local Republican party headquarters to volunteer your services or to browbeat them about getting serious about winning this election? Have you struck up conversations in crowds, praising Trump? (Okay, this one may be hard to achieve in these times, but you get the idea.) If we stand any sort of chance here, it will take the active involvement of ALL of us.

Lee Mattingly
Lee Mattingly
4 years ago

The main problem in this country today is simply the lying, left wing media. I have come to the point of not believing anything in print and I think most other folks have too. I know a lot of folks do not even watch the news or read the papers anymore and I really don’t blame them. In the long run though, we will be The Dems are their own worst enemy but don’t let them know!

Kevin Haynie
Kevin Haynie
4 years ago

There MUST be a Republican tsunami in November ! The Restoration Trump started must continue and get stronger, and every American citizen must finally look squarely at the left in this country and see it for what it is… a totalitarian insurrection that has been working to take over this Country for decades.

4 years ago

The biggest problem is the US slow response to Coronavirus. And testing was/is a disaster. Trump needs to face the testing problem & provide federal support to all states for testing & to defeat the virus. Otherwise country not getting better for awhile. Face the facts that USA is leading world in total cases & total deaths, when US has only 4% population. Write your elected officials to throw the kitchen sink at this.

4 years ago

Not a good example: Trump was speaking at Midland,TX yesterday & no mask along with very few masks in group. The fire will keep burning if we keep adding fuel to it. This was really a political rally trip, but permits to year 2050 is sort of outta there.

4 years ago

Sounds like a few on this board do not believe in masks & think virus is a hoax. When it hits close to home, then you realize it is real. US has got to get virus under control & it does not look that way before schools start in September.

Frank D
Frank D
4 years ago

Good read and on point!

4 years ago

SURREAL? I wouldn’t say that. It seems pretty much transparent to me. The left wasn’t happy about someone other than the hildabeast winning the 2016 election. She was supposed to carry on the destruction of the USA that the illegal started. But just so happens the AMERICAN people changed the plan. Now, the left is doing every tactic from the alinsky playbook and other leftist playbooks soros approves of to STEAL this election come hook or crook. They don’t care anymore about hiding their agenda. They have laid it out for all to see. They are bringing in terrorist to intimidate us…to frighten us into thinking their way or else. But they have forgotten one thing or maybe they just never learned about history repeating itself for those who never learned from the mistakes of the past. They have forgotten the strength and resilience of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Yeah, all this is pretty clear and it is pretty clear to me that the left is going to be reminded of just how STRONG WE, THE PEOPLE are. Let them throw their best at us…we will knock it down just as we have since the founding of this country!!! GET OUT AND VOTE!!! TRUMP 2020!!!

4 years ago

Real American citizens must get out and vote for the best President this nation has had and reelect President Trump. It is a shame the low that people with money will stoop to when they think they have special rights because of the money. All of the liberals and democrats are willing to destroy this great nation just because we finally have a President that does what is good for the nation and not cater to their every demand. All of the riots should be put in jail and the national guard should be called in to stop them from destroying our nation. If they want to like under socialism they can move to China.

Geneva Runyon
Geneva Runyon
4 years ago

We have to get all conservatives out to vote. Make sure our family and friends vote. If they can’t go out to the polls to vote, remind them or help them to get absentee ballots so they can vote. I think the left is trying to keep us from voting with Covid restrictions. Conservatives tend to stay home for elections sometimes, we can’t do that this time. I believe this is the most important election in my lifetime.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Wake up America! Register and vote Red! It’s our only hope!

Jane Pearson
Jane Pearson
4 years ago

This is such a complete LIE!!!!

Mickie Enders
Mickie Enders
4 years ago

Unfortunately, we have the liberal media that has become the 4th Estate for the Left and works tirelessly and constantly against our president… and there are so very many unthinking people ready to be led by them! We have allowed the liberal public education system to indoctrinate our kids for decades and are now seeing the results! Have we allowed the hard Left to become too powerful? Are the Conservatives too complacent? We are truly a the crossroads for the future direction of America it is vital that the “silent majority” wake up and fight back….or lose this county forever!

4 years ago

Well written article. As a conservative, Trump is the BEST Choice BY FAR !!! However, some of my friends dislike Trumps Tweets and adverse comments. But I say,”Trump is the Best of our 2 choices, ‘hands down'”.

Harry L. Mallory
Harry L. Mallory
4 years ago

Biden is the worst thing that could happen to this country, or rather this VP pick as that’s who will really be running things. I will make a prediction, the Dems are backing the riots to try to take Trump down. If he wins & the riots start moving out of the cities, I think you are going to start seeing dead rioters. I don’t think country folks will put up with their B.S. When they show up and say they are going to trash or burn their home or business, I think the response to the rioters will be “You can die trying”.

4 years ago

every where you go in florida its trump for president signs. no biden signs . where the hell do they get off saying biden leads? media is nothing but a joke down here>

John Sanchez
John Sanchez
4 years ago

The left had their agenda all laid out in 2016. They were salivating all the way to the voting booths at excitement that Hillary was in the bag as the next POTUS. I mean a woman, a radical leftist as anti conservative as they come. Life was going to be good now!! Then, disaster struck, the business man from New York struck like a lion in waiting for its prey!! So now the Left has gone absolutely crazy!!! They cannot loose again so let’s set up Trump to get him impeached, let’s blame Covid on him, let’s close the nation and send it to hell and blame Trump, then let’s get a candidate who may be a bit senile and have him pick a black extreme leftist women running mate to run the country when we declare our candidate to ill to do his job!! Oh the excitement, there is no way we can loose now! Does this whole thing sound like a TV show? No folks, it’s America today! Something tells me, the left are going to be surprised again. God help our country.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

In spite of Media Brainwashing, the only goal of Marxism is Communism and the natural goal of both Socialism and Liberalism is Communism!  We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats!!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

The Democrats are Communists!!  The RINO’s are also Communists!!  The Republican Party as a whole is useless!!  We need a new Political Party – The Freedom Party founded from!!  Stand-up for America!!  Make the TRUMP Movement grow – Freedom NOW!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

There is ONLY ONE CHOICE this November – The United States of America OR The United Soviet Socialist States of America!!!!!  Stand-up for America.  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
4 years ago

I was encouraged by your article showing the methodological shortcomings of the polls that favor Biden. The present article also encourages me. I cannot understand why any thinking, hard working, tax paying citizen would want to vote for a socialist, radical, liberal who will support the anarchists destroying our cities and penalize law abiding Americans. May God help us if President Trump loses.

4 years ago

The problem is lazy voters. Most voters don’t take this right and responsibility seriously. Most voters are looking for an easy excuse to vote one way or the other so they don’t have to think about, or take responsibility for, their “decision”. And the fake news media is happy to play this role for them. Heck, even when the media was only biased and not in full blown advocacy like they are now, they were happy fill this roll. If the modern media were even remotely fair, Trump would be gliding into an easy reelection. If voters were thinking clearly, the idea of voting for Biden would be an actual joke. In fact, with the Democrats recent record, if voters were thinking clearly, the Democrats would be crushed in November, possibly to the point of extinction of the party, as it should be. But, unfortunately, voters are not thinking clearly and are too lazy to even try. And we conservatives are unarmed because all we have to fight with is Republicans. There is still some hope though. We still have Trump, and his chances of reelection are good regardless of what the fake polls say. And at least Republicans aren’t insane like the Democrats. Vote for Donald Trump, vote for the few real conservatives, and then hold your nose and vote for the rest of the Republicans.
If you hate The United States of America, vote for Democrats. Any Democrat.

4 years ago

Of course Joe Biden can campaign from his basement, that’s because he’s not running his campaign and the Democrats would prefer he not even speak because it just proves his incompetence.

The real choice in this election is whether you are for Democracy or Socialism? If you want everything for free and the Government to take care of you, then you’re for Socialism, which is just a short step away from Communism. Socialists want to keep our country divided using “racism” so as not to see how this President has done more to help minority then the last president did in 8 years. And those same Socialists want to perpetuate an unhealthy fear of this coronavirus to keep businesses closed in order to keep the economy from recovering back to the best it had been in 50 years.

God help us

Bob L.
Bob L.
4 years ago

All right people, it is time that those of us who are honest, tax-paying Americans stand up for what we believe in.
Yes, we can do it quietly and effectively–something the Democrats can’t do. Everything they do is loud and inneficient.
The left-wing media ignores us, and that is actually fine with me. I don’t want government running my life. But, if Biden gets elected,that is what will happen. Not just to me, but to all Americans.
Liberals may like it, especially at first. But, eventually, they will wonder where their freedoms went.
Our president has been through a lot, especially in the past year. He has stood up for us. It’s time we returned the favor.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Have one person wanting what is best for America and then there is another one being selfish to have what he wants only!!

4 years ago

Everything that has transpired since POTUS announced his candidacy is a direct product of the Communist paarty (formerly known as Demo-ratic) because Hussein had them well on the way to the New World Order and all their many years of work and planning were wiped out, for the most part. Then came the virus, wonder where that came from? Same place. All the riots and terrorism, yep, same place.Wonder why they want Biden, they don’t, he is just a distraction for the time being.

Dean Brittain
Dean Brittain
4 years ago

This entire year, starting with covid in January, George Floyd in May, rioters still in progress and the resurgence of covid in progress, all seem way to coincidental to be an accident.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, I don’t see any other option.

4 years ago

The ONLY hope for the US is TOTAL repentance to God regardless of who is elected!!!!  God has removed His protection on America.
On June 26, 2015, the final nail in America’s coffin was struck when our nation’s Supreme Court decided that it is the Supreme Being. It spit on God’s Word and endorsed the abominable, immoral concept that the definition of marriage can be expanded to include a union between two people of the same sex.
It must be noted that the Court’s decision, like its previous decision legalizing abortion, is unconstitutional. Such matters as abortion and marriage are entrusted to the States under the 10th Amendment to our national constitution. The only proper decision by the Supreme Court from a legal viewpoint would have been for it to deny that it has any jurisdiction and that the matter of defining marriage is a power of the States.
And our (America’s) greatest sin was when this same court “legalized” murder (abortion) – since then there have been in excess of 62 MILLION babies killed (and still counting)!!!!
No wonder we are in the state that we are in now.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
4 years ago

Since the time of The French Revolution, the Left has had a single motto, regardless of country: Power and control, at any price, at any cost. To accomplish their goal, they will lie, cheat, steal, and kill – and they have done plenty of all of them.

Diana DiMaggio
Diana DiMaggio
4 years ago

What we need is action.  Elections hinge on the turnout, which the left has unions and paid workers to do. Republicans are busy working and busy. If everyone just walked their neighborhood and distributed a list such as this with Trump’s accomplishments and the results of the Obama Biden it would help sway the swing voters. Remember that most people do not watch cable t.v. so they do not watch Fox  Google and Twitter are silencing conservatives, and making it very difficult to find any conservative searches. They know there is nothing we can do about or the Congress if they wanted to ….not enough time. So good old paper flyers just like in the American Revolution. Do not be afraid.  Most folks want the information from boths sides. 
the one who not….hey, don’t bother arguing with them.  Thanks for your posts, now let’s put on the sneakers and walk for sanity and safety.

4 years ago

Thank you for your comments, Senator McCarthy.

4 years ago

Trump noted today pass in Herman Cain, but did not attend service for John Lewis. Other living presidents were present (Carter sent message) and Trump did not go or send message. This is not good (one must forgive) and only added to divide nation & will likely cost a lot of votes this election. What is he thinking ??? More for himself than country. Obama bashed him pretty good & might have even if the Donald was there.

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Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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