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A Message to My Congressman

Posted on Friday, October 21, 2022
by Outside Contributor

By – Jeffrey B. Stamm, Intellectual Conservative


Dear Elected Representative:

You are hereby placed on notice.

You have squandered the strength and solidarity of an entire nation and it will no longer be tolerated.

You may think that we, the people, are too stupid, lazy, or self-absorbed to notice your complicity, even sponsorship, in our gradual—now sudden—demise. True, large swaths of the country do, at times, demonstrate appalling levels of intellectual and moral sloth, but the majority of the citizens remain faithful to the Constitution and to the continued promise of this great nation. My fellow Americans have become awakened (not “woke”) by a steady and accelerating wave of naked selfishness and irrefutable incompetence by our ruling elites. That includes you.

It is not merely the current occupant in the White House that has become a genuine reflection of our government as a whole—decrepit, forgetful, unserious, and led around by a few powerful, cryptic elites who care nothing of the long-term well-being of the nation and its citizens—it is you, congressman, who also bears blame. It is you who has allowed the feeding upon the seed corn of our nation—economically, politically, intellectually, and culturally—in order to elevate yourself.

Oh, please don’t try to blame the other guy, the other party, or some other institution; the evidence has simply become overwhelming that all of you in that first and most important branch of government simply take us, and that great chain of events connecting the past, present and future which form the United States of America, entirely for granted. No more.

Should you happen to take this notice as a threat, allow me to apologize for being unclear, for this is a threat. No, not physically. Your life and your fortune are safe. But I do mean to imperil your sacred honor; that is, if you have any left.

We both know that you, being within the legislative branch of government, are, first and foremost, responsible for passing the annual budget for the functioning of our federal government. You are expected to carefully consider and allot monies—our monies!—for the various agencies and programs in the interest of the American people and have it presented before the president for signature by October 1st every year. Yet, you and your colleagues have accomplished this most basic assignment only four times in nearly fifty years—the last time being 1996 when many of our voters today had not yet even been born. Your “normalization” of endless CRs—continuing resolutions—that have always ended in some opaque and grotesque budgetary compromises and excesses that have not only contributed to our frightening levels of debt, but have enervated and deteriorated the abilities of our government entities to serve the security, and other, needs of the citizens.

Is it any wonder that only seven percent of Americans have a great deal of trust in Congress, according to a 2022 Gallup poll, while the most vilified and undermined of our institutions—the police, the military, and small business—occupy the top three most trusted spots? Is it mere coincidence that, while members of your body took (and continues to take) money from the pharmaceutical lobby at nearly 100 times the rate as that from the much-maligned NRA, death and addiction skyrocketed from their “legal” dope? Did your vote help pass the oxymoronic “Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act” in 2016 that was secretly written by Big Pharma to gut the ability of DEA to thwart the ruthless and predatory marketing of prescription opioids?

And, aside from your brave utterances on cable news, why have you done nothing to compel, or at least shame, the executive branch to secure our nation’s border from fentanyl and other drugs? With nearly 300 drug poisoning deaths every single day—the equivalent of one 9/11 every ten days—along with their Mexican cartel salesforce pouring across the border to establish drug distribution cells in nearly every town across our nation, you do nothing more than remind us that you are “not in power,” or that you “don’t have the authority.” With all due respect, that’s bullsh*t! Since at least FDR’s time, we have stupidly allowed you to amass and centralize more and more power and authority in the corrupt and stench-filled feedlot that is Washington, D.C.

Should we, the “plain folks” who don’t constitute a “special interest group” that can sway you ruling elites with bloc voters or money or media love, decide to vote for you again this election, we will be watching as never before. We will hold you accountable to do what you should do, what you must do if we are to survive as a nation.

The American people have figured out that most of you do look down your noses at them. They see that, just like the globalist elites that constitute the pharmaceutical industry and their less sophisticated but every bit as evil twin, the Mexican drug cartels, you ruling elites also view traditional Americans as ever exploitable, expendable, even—dare I say it—deplorable. To paraphrase Philosophy Professor Harry Frankfurt, the “plain folks” are to you ruling elites what truth is to the bullshi*ter—not something to be directly and transparently opposed, but, rather, a group to be treated as insignificant, trivial, irrelevant.

The twenty-year tragedy of Afghanistan that culminated in the disastrous and deadly withdrawal last year laid bare the ugly truth that the word of America’s establishment elite no longer means anything. The promise—indeed, the covenant—that the nation would always honor the promises made to those citizens and our allies who sacrifice on America’s behalf has vanished like clouds over the Hindu Kush. The sudden and unexpected betrayal of our fellow Americans and our partners left behind in Afghanistan was shocking. It also revealed the ugly inevitability that my “leaders” could just as easily one day betray me in order to protect or elevate themselves.

I will no longer allow you to do essentially nothing as our fundamentally unserious executive branch allows—even incentivizes—the highly-focused, ethnocentric and shockingly violent Mexican cartels to flood this nation with deadly drugs that are decimating our citizens, along with a human invasion of not merely “poor, huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” but murderers, thieves and criminals of every kind. Your continued failure to perform your sworn duty will, at minimum, saddle this nation with economic, medical, and cultural burdens for generations, if not forever. And since those Mexican cartels, like the warlords in Afghanistan, have already devoured their own nation and turned it into a narcostate, many of us “plain folks” across America are left wondering when you will finally do something before they devour ours.

Do your damn job! Do it on my behalf like you’re supposed to!

And consider yourself hereby placed on notice.

Jeff Stamm is a 40-year law enforcement veteran, having served as a Deputy Sheriff in Sacramento, California, a Special Agent with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and as the Executive Director of the Midwest High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) program. He is also the author of “On Dope: Drug Enforcement and The First Policeman” and speaks extensively on the global drug threat.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Excellently written telling the TRUTH.

2 years ago

The article is so well written and touches on all the problems the radical left and liberal white house have created. The sad part about it is that not enough people get the message because the liberal media and the elites keep it from the voters who would turn this country completely around. We have to stop the radical liberal democrats somehow or this country is gone.

Thomas Duck
Thomas Duck
2 years ago

I pray every one in Congress reads this letter and heads it to the fullest

James Mallas
James Mallas
2 years ago

Bravo!!! Most of our politicians do not care about the American people. We are simply a tool for their power. They pit us against each other racially, sexually and economically. God willing we will make a very loud statement during the midterm elections.

Judy Quigley
Judy Quigley
2 years ago

Well said! It is high time these elected officials take responsibility for the chaos, crime, inflation, disastrous foreign affairs and so on. Yes, you are on notice!

Karen Leff
Karen Leff
2 years ago

I am going to send this notice to all my government “representatives” who represent their own interests not mine. I suggest others do the same. Anyone who has been in elected office more than one term is still there because they have joined the corrupt ranks. Throw them ALL out! They don’t represent you. Never have. Never will.

2 years ago

First and foremost we have to have a flat tax rate, 8% federal. Start all over, don’t let congress have an endless, no limit spending spree! Remove the lobbyists from K street. Let the lobbyist go to the states and corrupt whom ever they want. The budget should be formalated and directed for our military, protecting our borders, our judicial system, and no money given to foreign nations. At the end of each year, see what is available and spend with-in our taxes collected. Congress can not borrow money for their own special interests. Don’t let them control the purse-strings. Spend only what we have!

Robert Sanchez
Robert Sanchez
2 years ago

This lengthy message needs to be nore focused. Ans greatly shorten as Congressmem will see the long length and delete it without reading. Ansd we need to get our shameful Congressmen’s attention!

2 years ago

These words need to be played over every tv and radio and internet channel at the same time for 24 hours straight. Just maybe it would reach every knot head in DC

Todd Van Noordt
Todd Van Noordt
2 years ago

Outstanding article- Well said! Everyone, regardless of party is on notice. We should demand that all “dark money” is publicized, tax returns are publicized, when bills are are voted on, we can see their content

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

For confirming “I am not a robot,” TERRIBLE PICTURES!

2 years ago

I wish AMAC would put this in a petition form addressed to every representative and senator in the Federal government. It needs to go to congress person from every state!!!!! I’d sign it in a heartbeat. The problem is that individuals write and write and write, but it’s one letter, one person at a time and discarded. It will take ALL OF US AT ONE TIME to get their notice. I’d like to see a similar letter sent to them from millions of people who feel the very same way, but one at a time we have no voice.

2 years ago

Excellent! Unfortunately, doing this will have very little effect. Most will realize this in 2 weeks. The Founders Ieft us one finaI method of recourse. Looks Iike we are headed for that. lf 2022 goes Iike 2020 did, weII……

Thomas G
Thomas G
2 years ago

Perhaps a staffer will skim through but then this letter would most likely be tossed or at best garner a boilerplate form response. While I wholeheartedly agree with the content, sitting congress members will be unmoved unless and until their place at the feeding trough is threatened. Term limits and absolute financial transparency of members, close family, and associates must be put in place and enforced. With the current level of subversion of the DOJ it will be hard to find an effective instrument to effect the needed reforms.

Patricia A Arsenault
Patricia A Arsenault
2 years ago

What a fantastic read/post. Agree 100% What happened to the good ol’ US of A? So sad, and I feel for OUR veterans. #AmericaFirst

Elizabeth S Misa
Elizabeth S Misa
2 years ago

These people who are supposed to represent us – the people are no longer represented! They are only on the job to go along to get along, don’t rock the boat! How many more people who are conservative have to be vilified, lose their jobs, etc. for not going along with the democrats? There is no debate allowed, no difference of opinion allowed because they will destroy you! And our representatives who will not speak out on our behalf is not acceptable!

2 years ago

Message is too long to be read by our elected officials & needs to be short & to the point to send to them. This message is written to get attention of AMCc members.

2 years ago

I would like to hear this message read loudly tonight by Tucker Carlson. DRILL – BABY – DRILL and
SECURE THE DAMN BORDER. Time to let my people free!!!

Stay out of our health care! Stay out of our children’ education! * AND * ” There is only MALE and FEMALE! Nothing else…..

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

Send a message to all the people in Congress, Democrat or Republican that they are there, to do what’s best for America and the American people, they are not there to pad their own pockets, and we need to do whatever it takes to improve America’s standing in the world.
Let them know and understand they work for us, we are the Boss, they will do as We say, and that they will protect and defend the Constitution.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

They know what they are doing and will only sneer at any messages from the unworthy ones what they need is a boot from the voter

2 years ago

And “your congressman” just laughs at your pathetic pleas.

2 years ago

Can AMAC send this to all of congress with the backing of all members??? If not, why not?

2 years ago

Is it ok for us to print this and mail it to congress people, or email it? Someone in their office will read it especially if they get a few hundred copies.

2 years ago

Their “fortune” should not be safe since it was made or grown thru all the illegitimate practices that congress commits.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

One of the greatest articles I haver read. Kyle L. P.S. As someone stated ,could you send a copy to every congressman in D C

2 years ago

AMEN ! This should be sent to every politician . Democrat , and Republican .

Mrs E.
Mrs E.
2 years ago


2 years ago

Let it be so! I hope this letter is sent to them all

Karen Dawson
Karen Dawson
2 years ago

I agree!!!! All politicians should read this!!!!

2 years ago

The true voice of “We the People” should be heard loud and clear! We don’t want a selected candidate – we want an elected candidate!

2 years ago

Here! Here! I believe we are nearing crisis. Praying leadership changes.

Tracy Royce
Tracy Royce
2 years ago

Your lack of actual measurable and accountable action on this issues means you no longer work for the people but for power and the dollars in your pocket. I will not continue to support you as you no longer support me.

William Angelli
William Angelli
2 years ago

We the people are paying attention

2 years ago

I agree 100 percent! Very well written. Every member of congress should receive this, but lots of them would ignore it as they do the majority of Americans every day.

Jane Blanchett
Jane Blanchett
2 years ago

So glad Americans are waking up! Things have gone to the dogs. But God…!

Sandra Sowers
Sandra Sowers
2 years ago

Yes, this letter needs to be sent to all members of Congress!

David Galassini
David Galassini
2 years ago

Good way to tell the elite idiots we don’t want socialism and woke culture.

R Cowman
R Cowman
2 years ago

Couldn’t agree more but vulgarity is not necessary.

Albert Canon
Albert Canon
2 years ago

Please do the jobs that the American people elected you to do and remember that you work for us not yourselves. We expect term limits and money returned to the Social Security account that was stolen from use you don’t need raises, we do!

2 years ago

Agree! I couldn’t have said it better.

Bob Kalman
Bob Kalman
2 years ago

Good article!

2 years ago

Finally, somebody speak your mind to the higher-ups and government

Carma Schlegel
Carma Schlegel
2 years ago

We’ll said Sir can I send this to my representatives?

Thomas Randall Sr
Thomas Randall Sr
2 years ago

It is time for goverment to be responsible with out taxes. It is not your mo ey to play with and buy support from business.

Fred Weaver
Fred Weaver
2 years ago

Yes, it sure is a good article and right to the point.We all need to send this to our elected people. I won’t call them officials, for obvious reasons now days.

2 years ago

Way to go. We are behind you

Karls Webb
Karls Webb
2 years ago

I hope this letter is read by Congressmen

judith Wise
judith Wise
2 years ago

Well finally in a nut shell , everything that the good citizens are dealing with. I doubt it will make any difference,but let’s hope you read the article and read it again and really think about it. You know the old saying: The Truth Hurts ! That is so true!Thank you for having the guts to tell it like it is.

2 years ago

Live this patriot
This needs to go viral

J. Frazier
J. Frazier
2 years ago

You got that right

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