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2020 ‘The Year Socialism Went Mainstream’: Nikki Haley

Posted on Wednesday, December 30, 2020
by Outside Contributor

SocialismSocialism, despite its history of failure, has become mainstream this year and is being adopted by Democratic politicians as their go-to economic policy, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley warned Monday.

“2020 was the year socialism went mainstream,” Haley wrote on Twitter. “The dangerous ideology, which has failed everywhere it has been tried & ruined countless lives, is on its way to becoming the default economic policy of the Democratic Party.”

“This terrifying trend threatens the future of every American,” she added.

Haley made similar comments about socialism last week while voicing support for Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler, who is set to face off Democratic challenger Raphael Warnock in Georgia’s runoff elections.

“This is the Democratic Party that believes you cancel anyone that doesn’t agree with you,” she said. “They believe that you defund the police and stop taking care of those that serve us. They believe that socialism is the new way of life. And they think that you should put your lives and your healthcare in the hands of government.”

A two-term governor of South Carolina and outspoken defender of President Donald Trump’s handling of the economy and foreign policy, Haley was featured on the opening night of the 2020 Republican National Convention, where she cast former Vice President Joe Biden as being beholden to the radical progressives and their socialist agenda.

“Their vision for America is socialism. And we know that socialism has failed everywhere,” Haley said at that time. “They want to tell Americans how to live, and what to think. They want a government takeover of healthcare. They want to ban fracking and kill millions of jobs. They want massive tax hikes on working families.”

Haley’s remarks come as an emboldened progressive wing continues to tilt the Democratic Party more to the left. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, despite having campaigned as a moderate, eventually adopted an economic platform that features items absorbed from progressive Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), promising a $15-per-hour federal minimum wage, as well as a $4 trillion federal investment into healthcare, education, infrastructure, and clean energy.

Earlier this month, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), a young progressive firebrand, said in an interview with The Intercept that it’s time for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to step down from their leading positions to make room for a new leadership. She also talked about replacing moderate Rep. Richie Neal (D-Mass.) as head of the Ways and Means Committee.

“We are currently negotiating to get and work towards real material concessions for the left that can move things into place, to help build power for the next two years,” the Congresswoman said.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Only trendy with InDoc, Millenial, Dems & Leftists & some RINO audience.
No one above 70 goes for this (save Sanders).
Mainstream for talking points.
Seen no Real poliices for enacted only “threats ” made.
Lock & Load anyway CCW time

Barbara Williamson
Barbara Williamson
4 years ago

If conservatives don’t stand up and speak up for our freedoms we will lose them forever! This is no time to be timid and ignore the evil that is attempting a takeover of our country. They never sleep and never stop making headway toward making America a Socialist nation. WE MUST STOP THEM, AND STOP THEM NOW!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Socialisim wins only on: College campuses, Indoc students, Leftists, Follow the crowd voters, undereducated.
I urge use 1 campus for a Socialist test site & apply all rules to said College campus as Trial Run & see How students & employees like socialisim.
Has to be the most Leftist college in the US to work.

Michael Ruppert
Michael Ruppert
4 years ago

Who knows. Maybe the rapture will come before inauguration day, regardless of who gets in or stays in.

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
4 years ago

If you ever wondered how AOC went from a NY Barmaid to Washington so fast watch these 2 You Tube videos: The brains behind Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Parts 1 and 2 by Mr Reagan. The Justice Democrats and Young Turks have such power in this country! If you do not believe it think of how a Community Organizer got to be President!

4 years ago

As long as I can breathe, as long as I have a voice, as long as I have one finger and a key board, as long as I have the 2nd Amendment, I will not obey or except SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM .

4 years ago

I see socialism as a very real danger for our country and our freedoms. When countries that have gone socialist in the past the people were executed or imprisoned for disagreeing with the socialist policies and agenda of those in charge. I see no reason that this would not occur here as well. Just look at the past history of Germany under Hitler, Russia under Stalin, China under Mao Tse Tung, Cuba under Castro, Argentina, and others.

The Conservatives in this country must do all they can to prevent socialism from taking over to preserve our freedoms and liberty to preserve them for future generations. I see the 2020 election as a failure for conservatives and a power grab and manipulation by the socialists. They stole the re-election of Trump in order to take control.

4 years ago

Read Masters of Deceit. You’ll then know it’s actually COMMUNISM they’re aiming for.

Edward Vagnoni
Edward Vagnoni
4 years ago

It’s time to banish all those in the Democratic Party. They are traitors to out American way of life. When a party gets that radical, its time to collect all the Socialist, and Communist, and have a purge. These people are like a, sxxt splattered toads axx, and doing everything the Nazi’s did to replace out government. Once they take over, there will be no constitution, no rights, and thousands of people shooting each other. They would have to start at the lowest level of government, and work their way up to the federal level. All how are in power, plus their support groups, and management. The Dems are not playing fair, and the rigged election should tell you that. They also have to replace all the Socialist teachers, and the owners and managers of the news media. George Sores should be shot on sight, along with any of those rich people with an unmarried mothers. This is a drastic move by them, and we must be more drastic to stop their ploy. I’m ready to defend my turf.

Jeff Ray
Jeff Ray
4 years ago

we all type out our frustrations and only a few try to ACTUALLY get involved … if your serious you might check out the New California web site “WE the people are following the constitution…
Life, Liberty, and Freedom as Described in Thee Constitution

Neil Schmidt
Neil Schmidt
4 years ago

Sad that most of your relatives and friends are so STUPID. They obviously are uneducated and ignorant of history, facts, and logic, as are far too many Americans who would rather fall in line with the lies and misinformation spread by the Leftist media and colleges. It took five decades for the schools to indoctrinate into the minds the lie that we need not be responsible for our actions because our bad decisions are always someone else’s fault.

Your friends and relatives have fallen prey to the evil Socialist/Communist fallacy, and they want you to just sit down, shut up and obey. You can follow their wishes, or you can wean yourself away from them. It takes intestinal fortitude and having a strong mental backbone, but I and my wife did it. So….you have the choice of trying to please your friends and relatives, or you can follow your own heart and speak the truth, based on your own education, experience and homework. It’s easy for me, since I was born before 1940 and can use history and the past as a starting point for helping to determine the future. As of now, the future appears to be going down a long, evil path of Socialism, and what is disturbing is that too many supposedly bright people don’t seem to know or care.

John Z
John Z
4 years ago

Changing a leftists mind would be good, but changing their heart would be better. If you know the gospel, tell someone. Who knows, the bartender or community organizer you convert may make all the difference.

John Beach
John Beach
4 years ago

Americans and American youth need to listen to the personal accounts of immigrants to the U.S. from the nations of the former Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe. These people experienced the communist/socialist systems and know of the failures, deprivations, injustices and costs and consequences of totalitarian dictatorship—without which the “equality” of socialism can not be enforced. Freedom is limited. Conformity is rigidly enforced. Read Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s “Gulag Archipelago,” the system of government labor camps in Siberia to which dissidents were sent as punishment for their opposition to the system.
Those who advocate for socialism in the U.S. need to realize that, in doing so, you denigrate the sacrifices of prior generations of Americans who, through free-enterprise capitalism, built the greatest country, in many respects, that the world has ever known.
It is not your right to devalue these sacrifices or the heritage and history of this country. You have not earned that right. Have the intellectual honesty to leave the U.S. rather than to attempt to ruin the country by your ignorance of the facts and truth.

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Conservatives better wake up, if they let the socialists steal this election, who do they think will be thier targets for redistribution of wealth? YOU, along with grossly overpaid propagandist”reporters”, pro athletes, hollywierd elites, corporate executives(hitech) included, the ccp will replace YOU ALL with ccp members, you are all TOOLS being used by the evil left, anyone in a position to threaten the new government will be “eliminated”.

Linda King
Linda King
4 years ago

I get the same response from my ignorant family members. If they were friends I wouldn’t have them. My husband is worse than all. I think that he believes that if you just don’t talk about it or think about it that it will just go away. He needs to grow a pair

4 years ago

I get a similar response from my family as well.

David McKee MD
David McKee MD
4 years ago

Nikki Haley for president 2024!!!!

4 years ago

Talk is cheap! … Actions Speak Louder than Words! … President Trump MUST NOT LEAVE THE WHITE HOUSE PERIOD! … Unless the Supreme Court DOES ITS DUTY TO ACCEPT and REVIEW THE CHEATING EVIDENCE! Otherwise, We the People have 3 choices: One, we accept Jackass Joe Biden as OUR President and destroy America under Socialism/Communism. Two, We have a Civil War to take back OUR country! Or three, Republican run states decide to Secede from the Union. Otherwise, USA WILL stand for Union of Socialist America and I REFUSE TO ACCEPT SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM!!!

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

I have no interest in rational discussions with those people on the left. You can tell how they respond to even the most simply questions that they don’t have interest in discussing facts. I surround them with questions of history of socialism and common sense. They pretend they do not get where I am coming from. I have told relatives that there is no point in ever communicating again. If we ever run into each other again on the streets of some city, we should just pretend that we do not know each other. They had one common theme: They really did not like President Trump. Maybe they did not understand that you did not have to like him, they just had to respect what he was doing to try to rescue the country from the Deep State. When they voted for Biden, they voted for socialism. The entire agenda for his administration is to control the lives of the people with power. When power of the government outweighs what is good for Americans, we are all in trouble.

Bill Hartwig
Bill Hartwig
4 years ago

It is so sad that we have come to this point in our history. Of course, while this would still be a concern, it would not be the overriding national issue that it is if President Trump had won outright. What can we learn from this? We have to consider the ultimate good of the nation when choosing who we support or not support for President. Unfortunately, to many past Republican leaders chose to ‘sit this one out” and look at the mess we are now in. For example, we have George and Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney as shining examples of what staying on the sidelines causes. We would not be where we are today if they had.put their righteous indignation behind them, considered the alternative and actively supported President Trump. Let this be a lesson for future leaders to contemplate.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

I think every conservative needs to speak up to stop this socialist agenda from happening! I don’t want the government to pick out my doctor for me. I don’t want the government to tell me what to do and how to live. Obamacare was/is bad enough. I don’t want the government to pick out my food and tell me what/what not to eat. TO CONGRESS: You are supposed to be lawmakers; you are the legislative arm of the federal government. It’s about time you do the job that we elected you to do. I’d like you to look into the collective mirrors and be proud of your job; not ashamed of what you have been paid to do. You are servants!! It’s about time you serve government properly.

4 years ago

I see Nikki Haley is getting an early start to her next run at the presidency in 2024. What we need in Washington as a President is someone in the mold of an outsider like Donald Trump. Someone with no baggage of years of being a career politician being beholden to the same lobbyists and special interests that have dominated both parties for decades.

As for socialism, it is up to US, the citizens of the United States, to put down this threat to our republic. We have already seen that neither the establishment Republican members of Congress nor the Supreme Court controlled by John Roberts is up to the task. The citizenry is the last line of defense, if we are up to the task. If not, then you simply need to prepare yourself for your new life as a slave to the state. It really is that simple. You’re either sheep or wolves.

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

Good for you, Patriot Will. I’m proud to say that my family are all conservatives and share Republicans’ decisions.

4 years ago

They are simply cowards unwilling to acknowledge the truth of what you’re saying to them. They are the useful idiots that think if they ignore the problem, it will just magically go away.

4 years ago

One of the things written into the constitution was the fact that you have to protect indvidual freedom with laws and division of power because human nature remains the same, greed, laziness, quest for power, cowardliness, cruelty and all the other things that reside in the human condition remain. Socialism puts everyone in the same mind, thoughts and vision of what the great society should be, and seeks to legislate out individualism. Anyone or anything that doesn’t share that same goal has to be destroyed. The founders realized that government is a necessary evil, but their vision was a limited government that was only given power by the consent of those governed. Socialism seeks to rule with neither consent or concern for the individual, only the State matters and controls everything and the government has all the power and control.
UN Agenda 2030

D. Gremillon
D. Gremillon
4 years ago

I would not call AOC a firebrand; more of a puppet and useful idiot. When describing past attempts at socialism it would be helpful to list some statistics such as citizen deaths, degrees of economic failures, and what form of government those countries now have.

D. Gremillon
D. Gremillon
4 years ago

They are uninformed sheep easily manipulated by the likes of AOC, backed by our forth estate which is a most powerful force.

Michelle Zoppa
Michelle Zoppa
4 years ago

I have a really good friend who left a communist country decades ago. They have told me many times that the environment in America is starting to resemble the socialist environment they left. My friend also said it was a good idea to figure out what country you would go to if the need should arise. My friend has been right on so many things in society. I fear my friend is right once again on socialism coming to America unless we can wake up as a society and fix it very quickly.

4 years ago

Socialism only works well for those in charge!

4 years ago

The entire world has been moving toward Socialism for several years now, including one world government. That is, I believe, one of the reasons that Donald Trump has been unpopular around the world.

4 years ago

I have the same problem with family & friends in California being judgemental. Family in other states don’t want to talk about the situation that is coming to America. The Republican Party needs to get off their asses and fight for American citizens! That’s why we voted them in office.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

Vigilantees armed to the teeth. There will be a civil war in due course w/ biden and his clown show in the WH. Trump has even let America down, at this point.

4 years ago

Very well written. I am proud to say that you was my Governor and I would love to see you and Senator Scott make a run for the presidency.
Both of you have worked so hard to improve our state and with the determination that you both have I believe that this country could use the great leadership both of you have.

aluminum head
aluminum head
4 years ago

I am in contact with 55 – 60 people of all ages, all the time. All voted for Trump save one. China Joe is the ‘winner’ through Chicago style ‘ballot box stuffing’ which took place there in the 40’s – 50’s -60’s. And yes, it was the ( D ) communist party / treasoncrats doing it. A fine tradition carried on ?

Pat Reynolds
Pat Reynolds
4 years ago

I don’t think Nikki Haley has any room to preach to patriots. She also can’t talk about how socialism is advancing because she helped it move along when she was governor of South Carolina. She folded to the demands of the few socialists and gave them everything they asked for. She’s not on my hit parade and I would only vote for her to vote against a worse candidate.

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
4 years ago

Good Day Everyone..

Agree with the comments posted, but I keep coming back to what can we do short of civil disobedience or dissolving the union ??

  1. Start a new political party that answers to its constituents, I would contribute.
  2. Have recall petitions for those senators and congresspeople that do not challenge the fraudulent electors from PA, GA, WI, MI, AZ, NV and possibly a few others.
  3. Same action at the local level for those state legislators that do not throw out the Dominion and Smartmatic machines or refuse to do away with mass mail in ballots.
  4. Perhaps start citizen class action lawsuits against the states in question as the citizens would be hurt by any legislation signed by an essentially fraudulent government.
  5. Have one central organization that would collect and disseminate all known information on voting irregularities and machine tampering, and then have then buy time on media to present the irrefutable evidence. I would contribute.
  6. Sue our local, state and federal legislators (congress, senate and even the SCOUTS as needed) under labor laws dealing with fair and equal representation.

There are potentailly ways to deal with this, but where do we start??

4 years ago

It’s a sad commentary on American society that the Democrat Party has survived with its vapid policies and disingenuous name calling and rhetoric. It’s a reflection of the their dependence upon a dumbed down public education system, hollow cultural values and a sold out media as enablers as well as a compliant milquetoast GOP that they can get by (barely). Now they have resorted to broad daylight election fraud. What’s next? Perhaps gulags or “re-education camps” for those who still believe in personal freedoms and a Constitutional Republic?

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

I have earned the right to have a say in how I am treated, taken care of, etc. I do NOT want or need someone who does not know me making decisions for me in order to become controlling and richer!! Since I worked for what I have, I expect others to have worked for what they get.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
4 years ago

You are so right about the current population and their lazy attitude and actual lack of knowledge about our government, and how it works. The most important issue, I am sad to say, is that the general public is like a bunch of idiots following the Pied Piper right over the cliff, like lambs to the slaughter. We all are all guilty, to a certain extent, of not standing up for what we know to be right, but accepting whatever is offered to us, without question, because we have become too comfortable and don’t want to make the effort to change things that we know are wrong. It is too much trouble. Then we complain about why bad things happen. Americans of today need to get off our asses and act more like the American heroes of the last generation, who suffered sacrifices, did whatever necessary to make sure we won the war, and insured freedom for the world. At least for the time being, because evil forces are forever there, chipping away at your freedom. and we have to be ever vigilant to prevent evil from getting a firm hold. And that is evident today more than ever with the fraudulent election we just experienced, when the Left will do whatever it takes to win, and turn America into another Socialist/Communist country like Russia and China. Thousands of Americans have signed affidavits to seeing unlawful counting of votes in this election, including Democrats and Republicans, and still the Left and the Left media deny any fraud happened. The cases filed by Trump supporters about election fraud or irregularities have mostly been thrown out over technicalities, not merits of the case, claiming they were filed too early, or too late, or didn’t meet criteria to be heard. We all have to stand up for our rights, and our right to free and honest elections now, and not let this be pushed off until some future election. I was born during the Great Depression, lived through WWII, and many wars since, am a 2-time USAF veteran, including the Korean War. I have lived through several President’s administrations, watched what works, what failed, what is good, and bad, and am here to tell you that our capitalistic system. and current form of government is the best in the world. Millions of aliens try to come here every year for that reason. And those who want to change it Socialism should maybe visit a few Socialist countries, and talk to those who moved here from Socialist countries to find out why they came here, before deciding to try to change America. May God Please Bless America in these trying times.

Larry W
Larry W
4 years ago

Better think again if you believe Democratic Socialists are looking out for you. Among the first to receive the vaccine are the politicians and at risk prisoners in California.

4 years ago

to those of you you think socialism is a good thing please go somewhere else and start it. that’s not what America is about!

4 years ago

did you ever ask them why they are so enamored with socialism – just how do they think it will benefit this country???????

4 years ago

Oh yea, we are the U.S.S.A.

4 years ago

Haley is absolutely correct.

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
4 years ago

Only one vote, just along for the ride now. Still I have one vote, too old to fight this BS, except to vote no to everything. Still kinda think we can use the RICO Act against Congress. We get rid of the creeps, the creeps that make them rich and finally realize there isn’t 5 families in the Mafia, Just 435 deferent familes ruining our lives. Wouldn’t care but they didn’t cut me in on the money. $2000? Chicken feed to them.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
4 years ago

Us Conservatives must unite and squelch this growing threat to America.

Therese Brezin
Therese Brezin
4 years ago

They believe all the fairy tales about how great socialism is. The liberals will point out that these methods work so well in the Scandanavian (sp?) countries, etc. so everyone will benefit. What they want everyone to forget is that socialism is not in our constitution because it can so easily lead to dictatorship and communism. The schools don’t teach our children about the wars we fought against tyranny and communism because they can just tell the kids how racist and intolerant we all are. So our kids have no idea what we are talking about when we say socialism and communism is bad. The adults only see what the liberals are pointing to and telling them that their heavy burdens will be eased. Unfortunately, they neglect to tell them how expensive it really is. The cost is more d@mning than the dems habit of spending! And we all know how bad that is!
Do you tell them how their taxes will go sky high to support all those who do not work, and how it will support all those liberal elite? Do they know they will actually have less than they do now?

4 years ago

I still don’t understand this push for socialism. Hmm feel stuff. I think people like Ocasio Cortez are just self-serving politicians.
Is she a millionaire, yet? Omare is.

4 years ago

God tried to tell us on 9/11 to wake up and put him first or America would fall and the church and not all but a lot of Christians have laughed in his face . Well you are going to get what you want a country run by evil not love . I have been trying and will keep trying to tell and pray that America comes back to GOD.

4 years ago

I agree with BW. I am only one of the 74M that voted for President Trump. I heard this AM on NewsMax that Nevada had several thousand votes that were double counted and the inspection of the voting booths ordered by the judge was conducted quite inappropriately-that is the inspectors were only allowed to look at the machines from across the room. If this happened here, how many other states did this involve. Georgia has already been video taped with fraud on election counting and what about PA changing their laws, violating their own established laws to count votes late-It is a big scam. Nothing factual really reported by the fake news of course. And there is Joe Biden, not knowing where he, assigning is all the socialists he can to a political office. Once again, he has sold out America, just ask his son. Nor is he physically or mentally fit to be our President-He is a crook! With America in a financial dilemma due to China, how is it it that a Dem Congress is allowing so much of our money to go to foreign countries-like advancing gender studies are you kidding, or giving money to Egypt so they can buy military equipment from who-our enemy-Russoa. Wouldn’t this money help out our own citizens. It is time to get rid of these corrupt Congress and other political figures that do not have the American people’s interest at heart. I guess the only people who get kickbacks from other countries are our corrupt officials, just ask Hunter Biden and his corrupt father. This election is a SCAM and we will not forget the corrupt Congress officials who knew this and allowed it to happen!

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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