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10 Shocking Examples of Wokeism in the U.S. Military

Posted on Wednesday, August 2, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan


Earlier this year, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley—previously branded by President Donald Trump as a woke “television general”—took to CNN to complain that accusations of wokeism in the U.S. military are vastly overhyped. But despite Milley’s claim that the military has not been infected by woke ideology, there is a growing mountain of evidence pointing to the military brass’s descent into social, cultural, and political leftism.

Here are ten prominent examples that every American should be aware of.

1. Milley’s Defiant 2020 Resignation Letter

Ironically, few people have done more to corroborate accusations of wokeism in the military than Mark Milley himself.

At the peak of the June 2020 Black Lives Matter riots, Milley drafted a resignation letter to President Donald Trump that alleged Trump was “doing great and irreparable harm” to the nation.

“The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching, and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” Milley wrote in the leaked letter, which he never sent to the President. “I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military. I thought that I could change that. I’ve come to the realization that I cannot, and I need to step aside and let someone else try to do that.”

But instead of submitting the letter and tendering his resignation, The New Yorker reported that Milley ultimately decided to remain in his role and “fight” Trump from within the administration. “F*** that s***,” Milley reportedly told his staff. “I’ll just fight him.”

In other words, per the New Yorker, Milley openly admitted to insubordination and a willing violation of his oath to defend the Constitution and the rule of law by sabotaging civilian leadership of the military.

2. Milley Sought to Undermine Trump by Speaking to a Chinese Military Official

In another alarming incident, Milley reportedly spoke to a Chinese military official behind Trump’s back to promise he would provide advance warning in the event of a U.S. attack—yet another jarring act of insubordination.

When this story broke in late 2021, Milley received relentless criticism from conservatives and former military leaders, including an onslaught of calls for his resignation, requests for him to testify before Congress, and even accusations of treason.

Milley’s actions and attitude reflect the concerning belief of some high-ranking military officials that they have a right to subvert the interests of the duly elected commander-in-chief if they feel compelled to do so.

3. CRT Books Included on Navy Reading List

In one of the most notorious instances of wokeism in the military under the Biden administration, the Navy Professional Reading Program added books to their reading list that openly promote leftist creeds. One such book is How to Be Antiracist, a work by prominent leftist scholar Ibram X. Kendi which explicitly argues that “the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination” and “capitalism is essentially racist.”

In a June 2021 congressional hearing, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael Gilday, when questioned by Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) on whether he agreed with Kendi’s assertion that capitalism is racist, amazingly refused to answer the question. Instead, he insisted that he would “have to go back to the book to take a look at that.”

Additionally, during a separate congressional hearing, Milley justified the inclusion of objectionable reading materials by announcing that he wants to “understand white rage” – lending credence to Critical Race Theory’s contentious ideas and further calling into question Milley’s integrity and commitment to nonpartisanship.

4. Navy Indoctrinating Recruits with Pronoun Videos

In June 2022, the U.S. Navy came under fire for forcing new recruits to watch training videos on “proper pronoun usage.” A four-minute-long video, which was posted to the website of the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, declares, “Using someone’s pronouns is a simple way to affirm someone’s identity.”

The hosts of the video emphasize the need to create “a safe space for everybody” through the use of “inclusive language”—including using gender-neutral language when uncertain of someone’s “gender identity.”

As Robert J. O’Neill, who served on the Navy SEAL team that took down Osama Bin Laden, quipped on Twitter in response to the video, “Let me make it simple for the entire U.S. Navy: Your pronouns are shipmate/shipmates. There. I just saved the taxpayers millions by avoiding ridiculously useless training.”

In a similar incident from last year, the Marine Corps announced that they were considering banning usage of “sir” and “ma’am” by recruits in order to avoid “misgendering” someone.

5. DEI Hiring Standards at the DOD

Biden Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has suggested implementing “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” hiring standards, most commonly seen in left-wing corporate boardrooms and college campuses, in the military—a decision that would place factors like race, gender, and sexual orientation ahead of merit for determining promotions and commendations.

6. Military Paying for “Gender Transition” Surgeries

In yet another egregious instance of wokeism in the military, the U.S. Army currently pays for “gender transition surgeries” for service members. As reported in June 2021, “Transgender soldiers can openly serve in the Army and the force will provide hormone therapy, mental health care, and surgeries they might require, according to a force-wide memo.”

Notably, such treatments are still highly experimental, with ongoing debate in the medical community about their safety and efficacy.

However, this practice may soon be coming to an end, as House Republicans recently passed a landmark bill that would prohibit taxpayer coverage of “transition” surgeries and medically unnecessary hormone prescriptions.

7. Military Funding Abortion Travel Funds

Even as conservatives have made great strides in protecting unborn life, the U.S. military has openly funded out-of-state travel funds for individuals who serve in the Armed Forces and want an abortion.

This July, Biden National Security spokesman John Kirby declared that abortion is a “sacred obligation” of the U.S. military, implying that abortion access is vital to military readiness. “Our policies, whether they are diversity, inclusion, and equity, whether they’re about transgender individuals who qualify, physically and mentally to serve, to be able to do it with dignity, or whether it is about female service members, 1 in 5, or female family members being able to count on the kinds of health care, reproductive care specifically, that they need to serve, that is a foundational sacred obligation of military leaders across the river,” Kirby stated from the White House podium.

Thankfully, this summer’s House military spending bill also prohibits the use of Department of Defense funds to pay for costs related to elective abortions. Democrats’ intense belief that it is a sacred obligation to use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions for military personnel and their families underscores that today’s military appears to be more committed to defending radical abortion and DEI policies than it is to defending America’s national security.

8. Subsidizing “Family Friendly” Drag Shows and Travel to Pride Events

Along with funding travel for elective abortions, the U.S. Air Force this year also authorized travel costs for service members to attend “pride” events.

According to a June 1 Air Force memo, Air and Space Force commanders were permitted to use “unit funds” to pay for members to “travel to, and participate in, this year’s [Department of the Air Force] Pride events if approved by their individual supervisory authority.”

No matter one’s feeling about LGBTQ+ issues, paying for service members to attend pride parades is an inherently political act and does not contribute to military readiness.

Furthermore, earlier this year, the Air Force issued a separate memo that “empowers” Air Force officials to “plan and conduct” activities” related to “rainbow month”—including drag shows. That memo came shortly after the U.S. Navy brought on a “drag queen” as a “Navy Digital Ambassador.”

9. Joe Biden Used U.S. Marines as a Prop for Divisive Political Speech

In one of the most jarring instances of the left’s political weaponization of the military, Joe Biden—in perhaps the most divisive speech ever delivered by a sitting U.S. president —used the U.S. Marines Corps as a political prop by forcing two Marines to flank him as he demonized the Republican Party as an “extreme threat to our democracy” and declared conservatives to be enemies of the state.

As even CNN host Brianna Keilar was forced to admit on Twitter following the speech, “Whatever you think of this speech the military is supposed to be apolitical. Positioning Marines in uniform behind President Biden for a political speech flies in the face of that.”

10. 2023 DOD Budget Includes Funds to Root Out “Extremist” Activity

According to the Heritage Foundation, the Department of Defense’s 2023 budget requested $34.2 million to root out “extremist” political activity—even though a study conducted by the Department itself found that less than 0.005 percent of the two million active military personnel were linked to any activity that can be reliably described as “extremist.” And of course, to most Democrats, charges of “extremism” can be applied to anyone who is even marginally right-of-center, which suggests that the U.S. military apparatus is actively interested in targeting its conservative service members.

As the world stands on the brink of nuclear war and tensions with overseas rivals such as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea continue to intensify, having a strong military is vitally important. For the good of not just the United States, but of the entire world, military and government leaders would be wise to address the military’s wokeism problem—and quickly.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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M. Franklin
M. Franklin
1 year ago

As a retired Army officer (serving both enlisted and officer ranks) I was always supportive and proud to serve. After leaving the service I taught high school students at a technical school for 25 years. I always discussed the many career opportunities the students had, and the military was always one discussed in detail (the Pros and Cons), separating truth from the Left’s deception and lies regarding the military.
However, I can no longer recommend the military to any young person today, including any of my 20 grandchildren. The Left-wing, America-hating, Socialists have infiltrated America’s once proud military with their perverted, destructive insanity. Void of all common sense, the top brass are self-serving, egotistical cowards, who put their careers and elitist status far ahead of Duty, Honor and Country. These ideologue’s best day wouldn’t equal the worst day of a deadbeat private briefly serving under Gen George S. Patton. Most of today’s top brass are gutless cowards and political pawns (butt lickers) of the corrupt and evil Left-wing zealots.
Tragic indeed. Where have America’s true, America-loving, patriotic military leaders gone???

1 year ago

If we ever have to put troops on a real battlefield again…..we are in deep trouble.

MAGA 2024
MAGA 2024
1 year ago

The greatest Military in the world, led by dummies. MAGA 2024 replace the dummies with true military leaders, not girl scouts!

1 year ago

This article only barely scratches the surface of the big pile of excrement that pre-dates even the Presidency of Donald Trump. The Left has been undermining the military full throttle since the days of Obama, building on some of the proteges of Wesley Clark from the days of Clinton. Biden’s Hokey Wokey Three Ring Circus wasn’t created over night. President Trump should’ve fired all Obama appointees on day one. Let’s hope he won’t let any holdovers remain next time!

1 year ago

Never would have thought that our wonderful country would be attacked from within but Communist wannabes have taken control of the Democratic Party Leadership! And they have succeeded in educating our youth with Communist teachings! Thank God that we Republicans are smarter than them otherwise they might have succeeded and though it will be a difficult fight, We the People will succeed in defeating them!

1 year ago

But traditional conservatives AND traditional liberals, and patriots are “MAGA right wing radical extremists.” This is right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook, folks: “Accuse the opposition of the things you are actually guilty of, do it often and loudly until they succumb …” (I paraphrased) I give you BLM, antifa, wokeism, lgbtq(etc)+++, trans promoting school boards/teachers’ unions, msm, blue cities, elitist snobbery, … etc. It’s a very long list of satanic forces inside the U.S. working tirelessly to destroy the family, our nation and the Constitution and the American way of life. Milley and Austing, Blinken and the rest, have 100% destroyed their own credibility and the offices they hold. Our global competitors and adversaries are just shaking their heads and waiting. There are no guarantees come 2024 given the corruption in the voting system, save for Divine Intervention. The final battle will be beyond any human comprehension.

Colen Hardin
Colen Hardin
1 year ago

As a 20 year retired veteran I take exception to everything this present administeration is doing to destroy and degrade every man and woman that has ever served this nation in time of war or peace. We do not have a woke military, we have military leaders who need to resign or be court-martialed. Why anyone would even consider such a thing is mind bogging, it will absolutely destroy the effectiveness of all our military, who would want to serve knowing they would be branded as a deviate, as the whole woke thing implies. We don’t need woke, we need to wake up and realize that this is leading us into a place where if forced to defend this country from attack, we won’t have anyone willing to say as they have in the past, “Here am I send me” it will be, “Hell no, I won’t go ! “.

1 year ago

Three things come to mind when I read this article.
Let’s rip the manhood out of the military and replace it with touchy feely people.
Let’s bombard the person that doesn’t agree with us with LGBTQ crap. (After all they’re all stuck here and can’t leave until they’re time is up.)
Who is really running this country, because the bozo at the helm couldn’t find his way to the head. (latrine for you army guys)

Lisa Richard
Lisa Richard
1 year ago

I believe Google could be censoring your site. I received a WordPress error on this article. I refreshed my browser, and it came up. I’m having to refresh my browser when it goes to a conservative website which is bizarre, and it only happens on conservative sites.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

It started with Clinton and accelerated under Obama. Obama did nothing his entire time in office but play golf, go on taxpayer paid vacations, racially divide the country and purge the military of all it’s top brass, then replace them with yes men.
It’s not the common soldier, sailor or airman that’s the problem. If we want to fix the problem, we need to start with the top and work our way down.
God save the USA.

1 year ago

The Chinese military will have no trouble with our military.

Doug C
Doug C
1 year ago

As a 26+ year US Navy Retiree, I am disgusted by what I see in our military in today’s world. I live near and access a Naval installation regularly and my blood pressure goes through the roof every time I do.

Dave Spade
Dave Spade
1 year ago

I wonder if any of the DOD leaders ever talk about the concept of “protect and defend the United States”? Seems like that is secondary to all of the CRT, DEI, Transgender, and other left-wing philosophies that they continue to focus on these days. It is very sad for our country, it is very dangerous for our country, and it surely limits their recruiting efforts nationwide. I would suspect that the retention of the soldiers, sailors, and marines is at the lowest point ever. I would think that there is significant lack of respect for the DOD by many members of the military. With this scenario, how do our allies trust our defense capabilities?

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

What decent young man or woman would want to enter a group which forces them to bunk with and obey orders from mentally-ill people? Not only that but whose “leaders” actually promote the mental illness itself? There sure needs to be a lot of Section 8s ASAP!

Timothy Richardt
Timothy Richardt
1 year ago

As a retired Navy Captain, having served 37 years in a U.S. Navy which was not at all similar to this nonsensical charade imitating our U.S. Military, I will first say how relieved I am having retired before all of this came about. Yet, I am very concerned as to what our military has become, and fearful for all of us as to whom we now have as defenders of our nation and supposedly protecting our country’s allies (whom appear to be slinking away one-by-one). I would not, will not, cannot propose military service as an option for young people today. It is sad and certainly makes me wonder where these so-called senior officers now in positions to lead our military services… where in the heck they came from. I never would have realized such ilk wore the uniform of a Soldier, Sailor, Airman, or Marine. These folks must’ve been hiding in the ranks until signaled to step forward, and evidently, they did indeed saunter forth and are now in charge. God, help us.

1 year ago

The left has been purging the military since ostinky for sure. The reason, IMHO, is so when a civil war breaks out they will have mostly liberal morons in the military that will carry out illegal orders against their fellow Americans. Pure and simple. Otherwise, if the military continued at 70% conservatives and American loving soldiers they wouldn’t be able to do that. As a matter of fact I believe they would take out their own to keep them from going after Americans.

1 year ago

As a retired military veteran it breaks my heart to see what is happening to today’s military.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Ironic how the Navy got rid of the “WOG Queen” in Shellback (crossing equator) ceremonies but now accepts transvestites in their ranks. The military paying both gender reassignment surgery and travel pay/paid leave for abortions was included in the last NDAA bill. Meanwhile, it takes 45-days to get an appointment at the VA for my back, knees, and hip and they don’t do jack except give me weak-azz painkillers.

Judith Ann Crouch
Judith Ann Crouch
1 year ago


John W.
John W.
1 year ago

I am a retired military officer. At one time, I recommended military service for the young folks I thought were worthy of the title of “soldier”.
Now, I discourage all young folks from even thinking about joining the WOKE military.
The military is no longer an organization that deserves the cream of our youth.

1 year ago

The dems are ruling the sex lives of the American people. Not to get an efficient well prepared army, navy, Air Force, marine, coast guard, space force, forces.
They spend our tax dollars in the Ukraine and making our military forces into pantywastes.
Any Pride member does not have to do any fighting or training like the He men have to do. Every 6 months you tell them you are trans and you are excused from this.
General Millie the coup leader for ole Joe has driven our military in the ground. For they both hate America so much they are working hard at their destruction of this once free country. Where thoughts and freedom of speech is taken away till we are now so far that even Trump, president of the USA has been indicted for his thoughts, they express as to what they were. These last 4 indictments can equally be attributed to ole Joe. When he talked about the weather with Hunters business acquaintances.
I see this talk about the weather going like this. Ole Joe says so how is the weather there in Kiev or St Petersburg or Dubai. One person at the other end says well it is about 6 degrees. Ole Joe comes back wow that is cold here it is about 10. And that is the end of that call. The person offered 6 million dollars and ole Joe said I want 10 million. If anyone recorded it all you here is weather talk. And so they get away with enriching themselves and destroying America in the process. Trump wanted peace all over the world and Millie didn’t want that. For the only glory for a military general is glory on the battle field. Well he didn’t get it under Trump. And he didn’t get it under ole Joe. Only more degradation with the Afghanistan debacle but he didn’t call the Chinese to let them know in case ole joe decided to invade China. Trump would never do that and Millie didn’t like that. Where is the glory in peace. And he knew ole Joe would go into the Ukraine. After all ole Joe had been paid to do that. Only Millie sees the handwriting on the wall for we don’t have a military that is prepared or the bullets and equipment to fight. Not in the Ukraine not in Russia not in China. Joe has given the Solomon Islands the Philippines and Taiwan already to China. And Millie got out before he would be indicted for insubordination under Trump. At any other time in America he would have been charged and convicted. Now he lives on with his pension we all pay for.

Michael Fredrickson
Michael Fredrickson
1 year ago

The entire joint chiefs need to be fired immediately! How often is silly Miley going to get away with lying to Congress?! He and the entire joint chiefs are a disgrace to the uniform they wear!!! That includes that clown coast guard flag officer running around in skirts!!! Disgraceful! Why do you think recruiting numbers are crashing?! Young people want to join the military not a circus run by clowns! Do you really think we could win a war with these idiots in charge?! No we couldn’t! Our military is becoming a laughing stock! FJB!!!

1 year ago

As a veteran naval officer during the Vietnam era, this is a sad day for me and many others in or out of the Armed Forces.

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
1 year ago

Unfortunately, wokeism and CRT propaganda is infiltrating America , with huge negative impact..
Democrap leaders are complicit HELPERS. And TEAITORS
:they receive support and $$$$$ FROM GEORGE SOROS BILLIONAIRE CRIMINAL HE AND HIS SOCIETY ARE COMMUNIST , SOCIALISTS .he is devoted to Nazi teachings as well

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

There are many problems that AMERICA,the world and all citizens have today.There are things that have happened since sloppy joey became semi important that probably would not have happened if TRUMP had remained President,Ukraine,afganistan,inflation,at least two sets of rules,one for conservatives,another for liberal,socialist,marxist democRATs.The better than everybody democRATs are destroying AMERICA.There is absolutely no way that sloppy joey got more votes than TRUMP,it just is not possible with joeys political record.This leads me to believe that the biggest problem that AMERICA and AMERICANS face today is the democRATIC party.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

We may have a military but do we have an army fit and ready?

Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
1 year ago

Eight grandchildren, six are grandsons. Advising to NOT join military or accept commissions.

Retired Marine and followed uncles into Corp!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Deter readiness overall & help China

1 year ago

Every one of these examples turns my stomach!! I am a staunch military supporter, my Dad was in the military, my uncle was a Naval officer who served until he passed away and my brother, a West Point graduate, also spent his whole career serving this country. It brings tears to my eyes seeing this willful and deliberate destruction of our military. And make no mistake about it, this IS all done knowingly, in order to decimate our military, which was once the Gold Standard, far above any other. I believe Mark Milley had everything to do with this, and that he deserves to be put before a firing squad!! Conspiring with the enemy used to mean a death sentence. I believe it still should!

Steve Blackburn
Steve Blackburn
1 year ago

Incredible!! As the son of a career Army officer, I’m ashamed of those in command that support this “woke” foolishness. They are traitors to our country and are nothing but political hacks intent of bringing our country to its knees. I applaud the Navy Seal who spoke out against the use of “proper” pronouns. What a load of BS! Our military is not well served today and is increasingly weakened by Democrat leadership, if you can call it that. I cannot! God bless those of our troops that stand and fight to uphold our long held traditions in this country, and not those idiotic ideas they’re being asked to buy into today. It’s time for a major house cleaning, top to bottom, including a court martial of “general” Milley, with a demotion to buck private and a loss of all military retirement benefits!

1 year ago

Barrack Obama stated early on in his administration that he wanted to “fundamentally change ” the United States. General Milley has proven to be a successful conduit to achieve that goal, which is wokeism.

1 year ago

It’s obvious that Air Force General CQ Brown’s nomination as the next CJCS needs to be reconsidered. His recent disclosure of DEI support, in he believes in hiring according to Diversity as opposed to Qualifications is preposterous and goes against the percepts of the military. We already have one inept and irresponsible CJCS currently in that position, we don’t need to go down that road again. Incidentally Milley, let’s look hard at the weight appearance of the next CJCS. Milley looks like the “pillsbury dough boy” in his Service Dress.

1 year ago

All of the above are outrageous actions by the military. This wokeism has gone too far when it has infiltrated the Armed Forces of our couintry.

Gary S.
Gary S.
1 year ago

We have to fight back. Pray for God’s power to help us save our country from the Communists.

Joanne 4 justice
Joanne 4 justice
1 year ago

Unfortunately, Wokeism AND CRT PROPAGANDA have infiltrated our country, our military and schools AND GOVERNMENT How and why is this happening??????
Also, we have the worst POTUS and VEEP ever in American history.
Our nation is in deep trouble and danger.! The Democrat party is deceitful !!!! Dem party comrades are jadvocating TOTAL POWER and TOTAL CONTROL by THEIR PARTY .ITS OBVIOUS , AND HAPPEN8NG NOW!

Jim L
Jim L
1 year ago

One has to ask how Gen. Miley’s letter was “leaked” and by whom.

Steve Nielsen
Steve Nielsen
1 year ago

I proudly served my country as a Navy Seabee, now I am embarrassed by what they are becoming. The military had strict rules for a reason, how tough are we going to be if, God forbid, we end up in World War !II.

1 year ago

Thank you for sharing truth Amac!! It is sad to see but so good it is coming out in the light along with so many other dark things that has been going on with our government that is in the big house right now!!

Maurice D
Maurice D
1 year ago

What are We teaching our kids? Imagine, vital US agencies are hacked with malicious codes, baffling National Security officials. In a tizzy, a waning DOD is girlishly trying to figure out, “what is a woman,” – for  tax-funded Pride (before the fall) events – on military bases?

1 year ago

The U S military branches have no place for any political agenda, especially “ wokeism” … they should be trained like they always have, it’s a sad day when these concepts creep into the military

1 year ago

Excuse me let’s be clear the mission of the military is to defend the US. Political opinions and policy should have no premise in protecting our country. These people took an oath to defend our country they have shown the willful disrespect not to with this absurd wokeism BS. Honestly both of you should step away from your positions you are not what our military needs at this point and time.

1 year ago

When Trump is president again a task force to clean out the military should be established immediately and executed with speed and extreme prejudice.

1 year ago

Wish you wouldn’t say “military funded”. This is all taxpayer funded.

Pat Jandacek
Pat Jandacek
1 year ago

I’m addressing this directly to AMAC and suggesting they change the word “enjoyed” in their ending tagline! I can’t imagine anyone ‘enjoying’ reading the material presented in your Newsline. “Appreciated” might be more appropriate (anything, probably, other than enjoyed.)

1 year ago

Is that ribbon a slap the Nam ribbon Yes we no longer have a fighting force? Milly is a traitor to the County and the uniform he wear This would never have happen with They one the FBI framed and jailed Guess that is why we pay Ukraine to fight Russian for us . And why if China hits Tiawan they will be China This theif of a government has really hurt this country

1 year ago

If we get in a war now with anyone , we would lose because of Biden/Obama lack of leadership.
Just waiting for China to demand our surrender and we become slaves (yes slaves) to the leftist demoncrats in power who align perfectly with China.

1 year ago

This person should be Court Marshalled, charged with Treason n Disgraced as an American ????????

1 year ago

Does anyone present idea how to realistically turn the current condition?

1 year ago

On #5, do you want to fulfill some requirement such as race, sexual orientation, size, shape, color or do you want the best person for the job??? I don’t want to think about our military as getting ready for war and stopping to check their lipstick or making sure their skirt isn’t hiked up!!! We want real men and women who are ready and willing to take up the charge whenever necessary!!! They need to spend time on the real needs like gun training, marksmanship not what pronoun to use!!!
On #6, we don’t need to spend military money on transgender surgeries!! If they want the change, they can spend the money themselves!!! No one is going to give me any surgery I need for free so they shouldn’t get, especially that surgery for free!!!!! And the same for #7!!! If you absolutely have to have an abortion, pay for it yourself!!!
#8, drag shows and pride events, really – in the military??? How embarrassing!!!! And #9, Joe is an idiot!!!
#10, $34.2 million to root out “extremist” political activity – well, what do you think numbers 5, 6, 7 and 8 are, playtime??? The world stands on the brink of war and yet our military is concerned about DEI and transgenders and gay pride!!!!!

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
1 year ago

As a retired Marine, I am appalled by the gauntlet of garbage today’s service members must wade through. Most tragic is the sellout of today’s force by certain flag rank officers in order to preserve their front row parking spot at the PX. A reduction in trust and the supplanting of values eventually yields an erosion in readiness. Pray for our troops!

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 26: Demonstrators, some of them former PEPFAR and USAID employees, protest to demand that Congress stand up to President Donald Trump and Elon Musk's "Department of Government Efficiency" and reinstate lifesaving programs in the Cannon House Office Building on Capitol Hill on February 26, 2025 in Washington, DC. Organized by ActUp's Health Global Access Project, the protesters temporarily occupied the floor of the rotunda before U.S. Capitol Police arrested 21 of the demonstrators. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
COXSACKIE, GREENE, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 28: New York correctional officers and sergeants continue their strike for a second week outside of the Coxsackie Correctional Facility on February 28, 2025 in Coxsackie, Greene, New York. The prison workers say they want to roll back the 2022 HALT Act, which has reduced solitary confinement because it caused assaults on them to rise. While it's unclear if the strike has played a role, two more New York inmates have died during an ongoing strike. The Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) has presented a tentative agreement to the New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association (NYSCOPBA) to end the ongoing strike, but many guards say their demands have not been met and they won't show up to work on Saturday. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

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