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Newt Gingrich: The Trump Trial Is ‘The Most Dishonest, Corrupt Trial Of Any Political Figure In American History’

Posted on Friday, May 24, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, May 24 — Newt Gingrich was the first Republican in 40 years to serve as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1995 to 1998, a distinction that earned him Time Magazine’s coveted “Man of the Year” award. He’s been called an “historian and futurist” and his Newt’s World is among the top most popular podcasts. This time he joined Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens, on her Better For America podcast.

Newt kicked off his interview noting that what’s known as the Franklin Roosevelt Coalition has run the country since 1932. “They built huge bureaucracies, huge sets of rules. They’ve paid off millions of people with taxpayer money and all of a sudden they have an opponent who is very serious about dismantling and replacing their corrupt system. But I think Donald Trump is their most aggressive and competent opponent, so much so that they’re terrified of him. From their standpoint, breaking the law, rigging the game, whatever it takes, they’re going to try to beat him at every level.” In fact, he said, that’s what Trump’s trial in New York is all about. “It’s totally dishonest. I actually think that the judge in the New York trial and the students illegally occupying the building in Columbia university are really the same people. They’re people who believe in breaking the law to impose their will on the United States and I think that you’re seeing a trial, which is probably the most dishonest, most corrupt trial of any political figure in American history.”

Newt went on to offer a look at what could happen should President Biden win another turn in office. He said “you can start with the universities and the riots and the degree to which we have allowed the growth of left wing professors and left wing students who are basically anti-American. It was no accident at Harvard that they tore down the American flag and put up the Palestinian flag. It’s no accident that at Columbia they’re saying things against America. It’s no accident that in Chicago you had an alderman who was leading a group chanting death to America. People like Joe Biden and Barack Obama have encouraged and allowed the rise of an anti-American left, which is very dangerous to the very survival of the country.  Meanwhile, look at the number of illegal immigrants pouring across the border. Look at the amount of fentanyl killing young Americans. Last year, twice as many Americans died of drug overdose as died in the entire Vietnam War. Fentanyl clearly is a direct attack by the Chinese to destroy our country.”

There’s more, he said. “If you have any doubt about Joe Biden, go to the grocery store and go fill up your gas tank and you’ll understand this guy’s a failure. He’s a failure at levels that affect human beings. And his policies are failures, they’re a disaster. In foreign policy, they’re a total disaster from the collapse in Afghanistan to the mishandling of Ukraine to the failure to support Israel against terrorism again and again, you see an administration that I think is very dangerous for America.”

Newt went on to suggest that leftist news organizations and their fake news are also dangerous. He cited the book, The Making of the President 1968 by Theodore H. White. In it, he said, there’s “an entire chapter on how dishonest and biased the news media has become and how much they all fell in line, repeating the same stories and deliberately attacking conservatives. [It began in] 1968. It just got steadily worse from there on and today it is, an incestuous, totally dishonest system in which if you were to try to stand for conservatism, you’d be driven out of the newsroom almost overnight. That’s happened at the New York Times and it’s happened at National Public Radio. We’ve seen, senior people who were forced out because they violated the hardline, left-wing anti American norm that now defines the culture of the newsroom. And the newsroom has become a key part of the establishment.” And, he noted, it was a network consisting of the FBI, the CIA, the Democratic Party, the New York Times, the Washington Post, that came together in 2016 to try to destroy Trump, and they’ve been at it ever since.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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4 months ago

The fact that Trump even had to go on trial is unbelievable. Clinton was guilty of paying off a woman in his presidency. I think her name was Paula? And look at the corrupt Biden family. They all should be put on trial. I say what Trump calls it, election interference, fits it well.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

I could have sworn that when you go to trial, its because a crime was committed? Apparently not in New York if your name is “Trump”… makes you wonder what they do to ppl less famous.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
4 months ago

I’m thinking at least this Fat Alvin show trial has backfired in a big way. However it did serve the Democrats goal of keeping President Trump off the Campaign trail. I don’t understand the seven day pause. Is it in hopes that the jury will watch CNN and MSNBC and forget about how Cohen’s disastrous testimony imploded on the witness stand.
this judge needs to be recalled and disbarred.

4 months ago

Anyone who hasn’t been enslaved / indoctrinated into the Corrupt Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party of comrade’s.
Is well aware of the injustice that the government is putting on not only Trump but regular hard working/ tax paying Americans.

4 months ago

Newt nailed it. Everything is being done to eliminate the 74 million people that voted FOR Trump and AGAINST Obiden. Trump will find all the guilty ones. Those that took bribes, those that were paid off, the mutilation of our children in the name of trans, the illegals coming into our country and being supported by our tax money, inflation to empty our bank accounts, weakening our military and most of all allowing people from Russia, Iran, China, Yemen, Syria et al to come into this country as getaways. We will never know where they are till they start shooting at us. What am I saying? Start? They already are shooting at homes of our special forces. Start there. Our regular army is full of gays and crossdressers. You know the he-men of the world. The UN stood up to take a minute of silence for the butcher of Iran. So far the left has come that the dictators, and killing of citizens is being honored after your is no wonder that the young among us are getting discouraged. Nothing but negativity from the left. I hope they were encouraged by Trump’s speech last night in the Bronx. He was telling them it is always worthwhile to start something and stick with it even in bad times. He gave them hope. The left with ole Joe and O behind the scene are always saying things are bad because of Trump. Only they forgot they have been running the country the past four years. It is all happened on their watch.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
4 months ago

Well, this is not about Donald Trump like Donald Trump said and I agree with him. This is about the Devil and his cronies. The number one Job that the Devil has it’s to kill, steal, and destroy that is exactly what’s happening in the Trump trial. The Devil is running the show with the help of the Democratic Party leadership. Some of the Republicans have the same intention as them. The leaders are Obama, and his cronies all of them are in the role too. If the Republicans would stand together I bet none of this trial would ever happen.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
4 months ago

Newt is two hundred percent or more correct.The whole bunch of democ rats are totally corrupt,they aren’t for AMERICA or AMERICANS they are totally for themselves and the”DEEP SEWER”.For them it’s about money and power for themselves and their”deep sewer”accomplices.

4 months ago

Newt is correct, one more Biden term in office and the United States, that we have known and loved, will be completely dismantled. What will happen then? We are already being over-run by multiple enemies of this country, will they be the ruthless enforcers of a new regime? Have we been sleeping too long? Is it already too late?

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Communist style justice will; produce communist style trial

4 months ago

I’m sick of the Socialist Democrats waging war on the American people! What they are doing to President Trump is treason! Allowing our country to be invaded by foreign countries is also treason! Democrats are a disgrace and clearly traders to America! 

4 months ago

The real sad thing is there is nothing anyone can do to change whats happening now in our Republic and it will only get worse for all of us when they take the next election,,

4 months ago

The only question that really matters is whether or not most Americans realize they have been duped by a truly evil and authoritarian left.

4 months ago

Newt is correct. As many of us have witnessed, the “Democrat” party is the most corrupt entity in the nation. They seek nothing but power and influence, and give nothing back except lies, fraud, slander, obstruction, praise for false ideals, incredible damage to our money supply and overall economy, perversion of our institutions, and, generally, a hatred for anyone who’s values rightfully cause them to despise the disgusting character of this cult of self-serving, dishonest, despotic filth.

4 months ago

I agree with Newt 110%, but, there is very little that can be done at this point in time. Karma and the passage of time are going to “fix” much of this.

4 months ago

One thing we can do re: the MSM is to defund NPT and Public Broadcasting. They are constantly holding fundraisers and now even air commercials (disguised as donors to the network.) I do not want even a dollar of my taxes to go to such left wing, partisan people who are paid by the government through its funding to be propaganda facilities for the left.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 months ago

Rigged sine Prosecution made viists to Biden WH pre trials

Dave dick
Dave dick
4 months ago

I agree with the whole thing! The demarats are a bunch of bastards…

4 months ago

Well, When You ALLOW For The Complete & Total TRANS-Formation Of America, The Complete WEAPONIZATION OF ALL….GOVERNMENT< AGAINST The People, THE LEGAL & LAWFUL Citizens of It, When YOU REPLACE THOSE WHO’LL OUT BREED & REPLACE EVEN BEFORE THAT….THOSE WHO OPPOSE THE TYRANNICAL ENEMIES NOW RUNNING ALL THINGS< Including media, entertainment, ugh hum, More Like Complete DOING Away with Majority of It, Boring & WOKE to the POINT of Disgust & Boredom…IMMORALITY Is Now the PREFERRED Along With ALL THINGS WOKE…Whether It’s In Government, Media, Entertainment, Every Agency, Dept., Branch & Every Institution, including the Now Department of Indoctrination, Aka All So-Called..>Education, the Department Of REPLACEMENT Migration, Formally Known as Immigration, You know, It Goes On & On…We’ve ALLOWED All of It For More than 16 YEARS….Now that ALL Things Are Corrupt, Infected, With Frauds, Phonies & The Fakest Worst Haters of A Certain Shade of People AKA White or You know, Jew-ish, This Is WHAT YOU GET….They HATE America, They HATE Morality, They HATE Law & Order, They HATE…..Themselves….It’s Why They Have SO Much…Anger. Did Anyone Get a Look at the One, In Boston? She’s Just a SAME OLD SAME OLD….HATER & UN-AMERICAN….HERE TO Aid Those Like Ovomit To FUNDAMENTALLY TRANSFORM America & RID America of those White People…Their Words, NOT Mine…Hell, Obiden Said It LIVE in 2014…A Never Ending Stream of Immigrants Would Replace Those Like Me {Biden} Well THAT Would Actually Be the One Good thing, But Replace Those Like Me, You know, The White EURO Likes…SOOOO…>Trump Is White….Trump Is a Conservative, Trump Is the OPPOSITION….Damn, HE’S ALL Things THEY HATE….It He’s But One Targeted Who Thankfully CAN Pay to Defend Himself…GUESS Who’ll Be NEXT?? J6ers? Navarro, Bannon, EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO DARES TO OPPOSE …THEM, The HATERS OF AMERICA & WHITE & OR Jewish…Again, NOT MY WORDS…Those RUNNING ALL THESE OPS…Against US & OUR Country….

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Article says it all.

4 months ago


4 months ago

Did you ever notice that if you not do anything that breaks the law, then the law leaves you alone. Trump said this himself a few years ago that NO MAN IS ABOVE THE LAW. Trump has spent many years fighting battles in the courts so he does know right & wrong. Newt should quit bashing our Justice Department & realize his light has burned out with many.

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