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Megyn Kelly Calls It ‘A Social Contagion’

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, May 17 — Moms and Dads across America are “concerned about what their children are being taught in schools. They’re worried that their children and grandchildren are being silently transitioned. And they see how unfairly girls and women are treated when we encourage biological men to play in women’s sports,” says Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens and host of the Better For America podcast. She made her remarks during an interview with attorney, journalist and TV personality Megyn Kelly, who is, perhaps, best known for her interviews and commentaries on the Fox News Channel.

“I had a very early introduction to the trans thing when someone in my extended family went from male to female back when no one did this; it was a scandal and it was very hard for the family. We were all shocked by it,” said Kelly. “It is a social contagion now.  And not just that, they’re abusing children. It’s actually evil what they’re doing to them, and they’re demanding the rest of us to go along with it. They’re hurting girls in sports.  They’re hurting women in bathrooms and locker rooms. They’re everywhere. It’s not a matter of a tiny sliver of society that we should just try to be respectful of and not bully.  They’re bullying us. I think others who are empathetic, like I was, really need to understand that empathy these days means something else. We need to be empathetic toward the women and the girls who are getting bullied every day.”

But, said Kelly, things have changed; President Biden has edited Title IX regulations and the mainstream media has ignored it. “It hasn’t been covered nearly enough in my judgment. I don’t know that people fully understand what happened with the stroke of his pen. He’s changed the definition of women. Through his agency, the department of education, which is a bunch of unelected bureaucrats, he’s made it so that Title IX, which previously supported and protected girls and women now protects men and boys pretending to be women and girls as well. And so, what this does, as a practical matter, is to allow men and boys into our locker rooms, into our bathrooms. So if your daughter is getting changed for seventh grade field hockey and a boy comes into her locker room and says, I’m a girl and I want to change in here too, there’s nothing she can do about it.  Thanks to this administrative agency rule that never was voted on by any of our lawmakers.”

Kelly pointed out that if the president had sought Congressional approval before making this decision, Republicans would have stopped it. Weber suggested that decision, as well as President Biden’s faux pas at this year’s White House Easter Sunday lawn party may impact his future. During that gathering he declared that rather than it being a religion-based day it should be renamed to Trans Visibility Day. Kelly remarked that it might impact how people will vote come November.

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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David Barksdale
David Barksdale
3 months ago

This is indeed a contagion brought by the Radical Worldwide Idiots and From our National “Department of Education”!!! This is geared to Our Social Graces and Our Religious Values!!! This is Socialism and what is to come!!! This Transgender, Common Core and everything else Must Be Stopped!!!! We were created by God as Man and Women, Male and Female!!!!
We MUST Wake Up, Wise Up and Rise Up America!!!! We Are in Very, Very, Extremely, Grave and Dire Danger “From Within” by Local, State the Seriously Corrupt Washington, DCeivers, China, George Soros and his Henchmen, the Clinton Klan and Sadly many other Subversive Groups both Foreign and Domestic!!! This Anti-American Madness Must Be STOPPED!!!!! No Guts, NO America!!!!! Government of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE!!!! Not, of the Politicians, By the Politicians and MUCH LESS FOR THE POLITICANS!!!!! The Voting Public MUST be Very, Very Careful about What and Whom They Vote For!!!! In a General Election, such as the coming 2024 November Presidential Election, Voter Can Vote Across Party Lines!

Brokenhearted mom
Brokenhearted mom
3 months ago

My son caught it at 29. HE went to CA, working for A big tech company and lonely he wanted to fit in. No signs EVER growing up. He had long term girlfriend.moved for her.Spoken to friends, relatives no one saw ANY signs. He has broken ties with all of us. Hates us. I believe he has made huge mistake.
One psychological exam and boom he’s a she. Now hormones and big “community” support. All he needed were friends. I pray still for him. I truly believe he was talked into it.I think he just needed a real psychiatrist,
sad mom

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
3 months ago

The devil is running this country.

3 months ago

The rainbow alphabet Gestapo was given an inch when same sex marriage was legalized. Then they demanded a mile and wanted a month to celebrate their “pride.” Then they started accusing Christian businesses of discrimination when the owners declined to bake a gay or transgender cake, or provide photographer services at one of their “weddings.” The accusations led to legal persecution that continues today. Now they’re pulling the tranny freakshow in our schools and they don’t have to inform parents. See what happens when morality is compromised and an inch is conceded?

3 months ago

I didn’t use to care about people sex lives however The pendulum has one so far the other way, now I am totally against it. The lgbtq people need to get back in shut the hell up and get out of my face. They have made great strides and social acceptance. Far as I’m concerned they’ve destroyed all of that. I am totally anti-lgbtq 100%. I will actively oppose anyone that says that they are lgbtq running for any office doing anything in the political Arena. Get back in the closet and lock the door. I am sick of all of you. I don’t I am the only one. Call me homophobic if want to, I didn’t used to me but they have created it

3 months ago

This is an emotional issue when they want to change for whatever reason they come up with to do this. Parents must intervene and ask questions about what goes on in school, be an investigator to save your child. Question and make sure you get answers. Go to schools meetings and stop using excuses, I am busy, I work etc. Do it and SAVE your child.

3 months ago

These “things” that want humans to change their sex are insane control freaks that should be in insane asylums instead of lose on our streets.
Time to wake up America. Most of us know right from wrong and it’s way past time to voice our opinions and tell these idiots to go to hell where they belong!

Steve Greenwell
Steve Greenwell
3 months ago

“Social contagion” sounds like a euphemism. “Lie from hell” is a moe precise term for the transgender ideology.

3 months ago

Joe Biden has ignored so many facets of the constitution it’s unbelievable. He’s more like a dictator than Trump could ever be. Our presidency has been ruined. If Title IX was passed by Congress, it has to be amended by Congress. How much else can Joe damage in the next few months?

3 months ago

Mr. Grimaldi’s article showcases some of the “learned behaviors” (in the way of “gender emulation”) that the self-serving left is attempting force children and their parents to accept, practice, and politically support.
It’s certainly offensive to read about, and scandalously unfair to both children and parents… though, also valuable in the sense that it shows the stupidity of those who think they can force behavioral change that ignores the biological aspects of being human.
The left wing “pushers” of this cultural neurosis showcase the arrogance of Napoleon, and, most especially, what damned fools they all are.

3 months ago

Destroy the family, destroy the children will result. Destroy respect for human life, destroying life results. How? A perverted man was elected into office with a perverted man as his wife. Being president, it was accepted. It was the catalyst for the upheaval of society and indoctrination into perversion on every level. Remember the slogan….’change’. We must USE this to reverse the outcome. Change goes two ways.

3 months ago

Take a trip back in time to middle school and high school. Do you remember the kids who would say anything, do anything, in an attempt to be noticed and popular. Times have not changed. Kids doing the same today.

3 months ago

Dismiss religion dismiss our culture dismiss the illegals at the border, dismiss inflation, and, most of all dismiss women and girls. Make all boys and men girls by saying they are girls and women. In meantime brainwash the girls to become boys. Women are not women anymore but birthing people. Like we are an animal not worthy of existing. Look what they did to the NFL kicker who spoke at the graduation at a Catholic college. He was praising the family unit, elevating women. What did he get backlash from the NFL and from the left even the pope mingled in. Conservatives said the pope “cling to something and won’t see beyond that. It is suicidal “. How about that. Don’t learn from the past. Rewrite the past. Make Hitler a Saint and make Trump a Hitler. That is how I read the Popes message. No family values. No more family unit. Hatred and division is what they want to create and no more so than in the family unit. They don’t want any more people that is why girls are being mutilated into becoming boys and birthing people are being seen as no longer necessary. The govt can raise the kids better than the birthing person. That is how this trans all of a sudden is the fad of the century, and supported and promoted by ole Joe. Everyone wants to change except those boys that say they are a girl. All they want is to be able to get in the locker rooms, dorms, sports or wherever women gather. Voyeurs I call them.

3 months ago

Agreed but I would add pushing it to younger children that really pissed me off!

William Hodge
William Hodge
3 months ago

Perverts all! They’ll cry and knash teeth and say I’m bad for putting this label on them. I didn’t though they did this to themselves. I really don’t care what these perverts do in the privacy of their own homes but once they crack that front door they’re on my turf then and I demand the same free speech they all clamor for. PERVERTS!

3 months ago

Schools should not be indoctrinating anything. They should only teach basics and not any social point of views unless the basis of college level class and presenting both cons and pros.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

So if I had ultraviolet skinn therapy, increased melatonin levels, and “identified as”, does that make me “African-American”? I want to get me some of that California reparations! “Racists. Always keeping us down!”

3 months ago

Praise the lord that my 3 adult sons are not currently in school , college or military service. I ???? pray for vthe FUTURE of my 5 grandchildren !!! No one [ child or adult [ should have to be INDOCTRINATED! THE LEFT RADICALS ARE WAY , WAY OUT OF CONTROL !!!!

3 months ago

My biggest question is, why, if we have a Republican majority, haven’t the Republicans out-voted the Democrat agenda? What is happening in the hallowed halls????? And I have no idea whether all the Democrats that are espousing voting for Trump are serious about committing to a conservative opinion.
What I do know is, the Founding Fathers would have been getting a lot of mileage out of tar and feathers ‘back in the day’.

3 months ago


3 months ago

If Biden and DC are going to allow
Men in Women’s Locker Rooms and Rest Rooms. The Government Should Be The First to Live With Their Decisions. All Federal Government Facilities Should Let Men into It’s Locker Rooms and Rest Room Too!

3 months ago


And Never will be
And Never will be
3 months ago

megyn Kelly is looking like man Kelly as she reaches 54 lol

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