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In Case You Missed It: Rebecca Weber in The Federalist: “The Christian Case for Voting for Trump”

Posted on Friday, October 11, 2024
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

October 11, 2024 – Bohemia, NY – The Federalist published an op-ed by AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber on the moral choice in this election. See excerpts below and read the full op-ed here.

The Christian Case For Voting For Trump

Staying home is not the moral high ground this election. Voting for Donald Trump is.

“As the presidential election quickly approaches and is already underway in some states such as Pennsylvania, I am surprised to meet Christians — including evangelicals, Catholics, and mainline Protestants — who tell me they feel they have no choice but to abstain from voting for either candidate. While acknowledging that Kamala Harris would be no friend to Christians, they say they cannot vote for Donald Trump because of his ‘unpresidential’ demeanor, hardline immigration policies, and most recently his comments on abortion policy.

“It’s no secret that Trump is unconventional. Unlike most politicians, he says what he thinks. His style is more akin to a boxer in the ring than to a minister in the church pulpit. Of all the self-proclamations Trump has made, he’s never claimed to be a paragon of virtue. Yet Trump has proven to be a competent defender of Christians and our fundamental rights.

“During his first term, Trump protected the conscience rights of doctors, nurses, teachers, and religious groups such as the Little Sisters of the Poor. He doubled the child tax credit, expanded paid family leave, proudly brought back the public celebration of Christmas, stood with our Jewish brothers and sisters by moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, and took unprecedented action to rescue victims from the evil of human trafficking.

“Crucially, Trump also did more to protect mothers and their unborn babies than any other president in modern history. In addition to instituting many pro-life policies, he appointed the three Supreme Court justices who played an indispensable role in overturning Roe v. Wade — the single greatest victory for protecting the right to life since the ruling in 1973.

“Kamala Harris, meanwhile, has shown herself to be openly hostile to both Christian values and individual believers. Her record over the past four years and policy proposals for the next four should make every faithful Christian shudder.

“Harris has promised to override state laws by signing legislation establishing a national right to unrestricted late-term abortion-on-demand. She is the first sitting vice president to have visited an abortion facility and has made elective abortion a defining issue of her campaign. As a senator, she voted against protections for babies who survive abortions.

“While some Christians may be disappointed that Trump has said he would leave abortion policy up to the states in his second term, the reality is that advocating for a blanket nationwide abortion ban is a recipe for sure defeat given the current political environment on the issue. Already more than 20 states have passed laws that protect life at nearly every stage of pregnancy. Trump’s incremental approach is the most likely to save the most lives — and it will certainly save countless more than Harris’ radical abortion agenda.

“Harris also played a key role in ramming through Title IX reforms that allow males to compete in women’s sports and use women’s locker rooms. She has explicitly endorsed left-wing transgender ideology and tacitly embraced prescribing cross-sex hormones and horrific, irreversible transgender surgeries to minors.

“Trump has made clear that he will be a fierce opponent of the left-wing push to redefine the sexes and protect our kids, courageously calling these heinous practices what they are: ‘child abuse.’ This alone should be reason enough to vote for Trump. The alternative is leaving an entire generation of kids at risk of irreversible psychological brainwashing and physiological damage.

“The choice for believers today is clear: A vote for Trump is a vote to better protect Christians, safeguard our children, advance a culture of life, and restore American sovereignty. A vote for Harris is a vote to prosecute Christians, confuse and mutilate our kids, adopt extreme abortion policies, and undermine the security of our homes and communities.

“It sounds extreme because it is. Staying home is not the moral high ground. It’s conceding to a candidate who would actively work against Christians and the values that have made America the greatest light for liberty in the world.”

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3 months ago

I recently read an article saying up to 48% of evangelicals don’t plan to vote. Many don’t pay attention to politics, or say it is too dirty and want no part of it. I shudder to think that some of the people who have the most to lose in this election aren’t even paying attention. The author is exactly right. The moral high ground in this election is to vote for Trump, not staying home and allowing Harris to win. Even if you don’t normally get involved, please follow the lead of your fellow Christians and get out and vote!

3 months ago

I am voting for Donal John Trump because I am a believer in Jesus and I cannot vote for an evil person such as K. Harris.

Alan Power
Alan Power
3 months ago

These people that won’t vote and put their head in the sand, won’t like what they see when they come up for air. They need to look at the big picture. I am voting for someone that can do the job and it won’t be Harris. I am not voting for a friend. I am voting for my country.

3 months ago

Bottom Line: Both Pres. Trump and VP Harris have been in the White House. Which of these candidates are A PROVEN COMMODITY and HAS TRULY REPRESENTED THE PEOPLE. VOTE FOR THE TRUE CANDIDATE THAT WILL DO THEIR JOB and REPRESENT THE PEOPLE and NATION.

3 months ago

Apparently the so called Christians have not read the Bible or followed the prophets or they would know Trump is Gods chosen one. This last 4 years was the great awakening so God could show the people how dirty and corrupt the nation has become. They claim to be Christians however they do not want to vote for someone that has a proven track record, who gave them a better living standard while he was in office or someone who gave us world peace. They would rather set home and let the corrupt officials steal the election and plunge America into the depths of Hell and Communism. I pray God shakes some sense into them so they vote to save God’s America. God Bless America and Israel.

3 months ago

Great op-Ed by Rebecca Weber and so true. Christians of all denominations must vote in this and all elections in order to sustain our Republic, which was founded on the notion of the Natural Rights of Man. The Communists in this country have actively worked to marginalize Christians over the last half-century, leading to the cultural and societal erosion we are seeing today.

3 months ago

“Evil usually wins when good people do nothing to stop it”

Joy Jackson
Joy Jackson
3 months ago

To be honest, for me it’s more a case of voting against Harris and the left’s radical agenda.

3 months ago

I simply can’t believe that Christians would not vote for Trump because of his personality that they don’t particularly like. Get over yourself, would you please!? He is a fighter for your freedoms and your rights . If you want this great country to go further down into the septic tank don’t vote for Trump and let the democrat (communist) party rule over you.

James E Gerace, MD
James E Gerace, MD
3 months ago

An excellent op-ed. We live in an imperfect world and have to make choices. Our country is in the process of being “fundamentally transformed”, and not for the better, by the Democrat party. They must be stopped. I cannot think of a single good country that is controlled by one party. Staying on the sidelines and not voting is cowardly and is the moral low ground. Maybe they should review the suffering and sacrifices made by real patriots making the USA into the land of the free and home of the brave.

3 months ago

If Catholics or other religions do not vote. Harris Walz will win. And you think Trump is going to take the right to life away from us? It will be so bad under Harris Walz dr Mengele was a saint compared to where they are going to take abortion. Euthanasia of the children. People listen with your head and not your heart. The abortion question will always be with us because people on both sides want their side to prevail. It is a good campaign subject takes away from the other important problems we have in this country and isolates people in their camp. Hatred is promoted and nobody wins. Most of all the unborn who are the losers in all this. It should never have become a political issue. But here we are.

3 months ago

Very good article. Rebecca makes a good case as to why those who dislike trump’s style should vote for him.

3 months ago

If you saw a large ship sinking with lots of people potentially drowning and you knew you couldn’t save everyone so you decided not to try to save anyone- it would be the same as not voting because you can’t save all babies from abortion.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

If you’re undecided about voting for Trump or Republicans in general, may I remind you how it was Democrats who mandated churches to how many parishioners were allowed to attend services during COVID. That’s what their “democracy” looks like! Closed schools and open marijuana dispensaries!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 months ago

Voting for anti-Bible and pro-abortionists wouldn’t be logical. And not voting would improve the chances of those people becoming part of the government.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

The late, great Dr. D. James Kennedy once told the story of a woman in his congregation who told him: “I don’t think Christians should be involved in politics.” Kennedy replied, “By all means let’s just let the heathens and atheists control it!”
Enough said!!

Ronald Woeber
Ronald Woeber
3 months ago

It’s a Republic if we. Can keep it ????????

3 months ago

I am a Christian and Veteran and will vote for Trump. President Trump is a Christian and a great leader. He is a man of action and has put America first. Harris generalizes everything, has no plans on doing anything and has done nothing while in office except make excuses smile and laugh. How can she honestly collect a paycheck. President Trump needs our votes. The future of our great country depends on it. It is up to us to take our Great Country back and reinstate our Constitution that has been neglected under Biden & Harris.

3 months ago

Congress needs to take back it’s Constitutional authority that it gave presidents over the years. Our Founding Fathers gave the House of Representatives the authority to make laws, and spend money. Read our Constitution Article 1, Section 8.
The reason Representatives have the authority to make laws and spend our money is simple: if you have more than ONE individual doing either of these it will take more time (arguments) and little or no emotions will be involved. Anytime emotions create a law or spend money it is usually wrong: our Founders knew this. Many “executive orders and money spending by the presidents have been wrong for the long term survival of America. And, that’s why we have a $36 trillion national debt, and probably close to 60 million illegal aliens and a government that is 70% too big and unConstitutional.
Why did our Founders give the House of Representatives the authority to run the country – the answer is simple: we can get rid of representatives every two (2) years.
Our Founders were pretty ethical and smart white Christian men. What do we now have running our country?

Mrs. P
Mrs. P
3 months ago

I totally agree with you and having a number of family members in the military, I know how Mr. Trump stands behind them and encourages them in all situations. The atrocities the current regime has done with our troops is mild to what Harris would do. Voting is critical and voting right is even more critical. The father of lies wants people to think otherwise.

Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
3 months ago

I pray every day that President Trump wins this election. You can kiss this country goodbye if two idiots like Harris and Walz are in charge.

Robert Thompson
Robert Thompson
3 months ago

This is good article.

3 months ago

In America today Christians of whatever religion are in a state of total chaos and selfishness. Patrick Henry once warned if we don’t hang together, we will surely hang seperately. Looks like in this election there are going to be millions of hangings

3 months ago

if any Christian doesn’t vote in this election, your going to have a lot to explain to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! You could possibly give up your right to your inheritance in heaven!

John G.
John G.
3 months ago

I submit that as Christians it is our moral obligation to vote. We are all born into sin and not one of us deserves what Jesus Christ did on the cross. It is only through Jesus that we can have eternal life. Read the book of Micah. There we see what he said and it sounds much of what is going on today. We need to heed Gods word. We cannot stand by as true American citizens and do nothing. We are called to do what is right, it’s not about feelings, it’s about the totality of what is going on in this country. God used many imperfect people to do His will. And we learned from Him. Don’t allow the evil one to sway you, because that is what he is doing. Allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide, not your likes and dislikes. God is in control of whose in control.

Stevan Adelman
Stevan Adelman
3 months ago

This is precisely why Trump mustbp be defeated. Freedom of religion, while enshrined in the Constitution, means nothing to these “believers”.

3 months ago

So the “mature” Christian Americans are saying to vote for a convicted felon that thought injecting bleach may be a good COVID treatment? That sounds rational and reasonable.
as a psychiatrist, I’m fascinated by the mental derangement of evangelical christians, those that used to say character matters. The weird OBSESSION with abortion borders on a compulsion, and it has been shown in studies that christians have a tendency to think with their amygdala more than reasonable people, totally makes sense. The amygdala is the primitive reptile brain, no intelligence in that region, just fear and reaction. Christians are stuck there, explaining their tendency to believe superstition and be overly influenced by cult figures.
all I know is that any Christian that tries to express any claim regarding required character traits for moral leader will get laughed out of the room, didn’t you guys vote for the racist pumpkin?
this echo chamber of idiocy needs a lobotomy, stat.

Kathryn Davis
Kathryn Davis
3 months ago

Those folks not voting do not love or respect our country. They should get a one way ticket to Russia.

3 months ago

Here-Here Rebecca. Sound advice

3 months ago

How can this election be so close? This vote will demonstrate the percentage of Americans that are either just stupid or pure evil. God save America we are ripe for Devine justice. It would be better if we the people just turned and got Trump back in office then…go up in a mushroom cloud. Pray and turn back to God one last time.

Timothy Burt
Timothy Burt
3 months ago

One thing is certain; by commission or omission, you will be voting for Jehu or Jezebel in November.

Marshall Leicgt
Marshall Leicgt
3 months ago

I agree with most of what’s here. I have a problem with Jan.6th. President Trump’s action on that day was a treasonable was in direct violation of the oath he swore..on a 2017. If he is victorious in 2024, there is no use getting him to swear to uphold the constitution at the inauguration..cause we all know how that turned out. And what country would we be living in had he and his minions been successful..It would no longer be the USA ..So convince me that I should ignore this and fall in line behind this stalwart of Christian values. Remember, Benedict Arnold was a very successful general, leader and patriot..until his ego was bruised..then he sold out the country..Sound familiar ?
I’m a life long Republican…but in the name necessitates, my party has sold its soul to a slick talking, two faced, con man. Maybe that’s what’s required to be a successful New York developer, and if those were his only faults, I might be able to fall in line. But we all saw what happened on Jan. 6th..and who was leading the charge. Why my fellow Republicans have chosen to bury their head in the sand.. disregard the true facts..and compromise their integrity, is a constant source of embarrassment to me..and should be to all loyal Americans.
But the idea that I should use this obviously flawed individual to forward the tenets of Christianity..and that is the reason I and all other follows of Jesus should just blindly support this person is something I find repulsive..I can’t vote for Harris, due to being Pro Life and several other reasons..however, I just don’t know how I could defend the Trump choice to my children or grandchildren..or myself. I don’t remember Jesus preaching that any means towards a end was the way we should behave.
In the end, I suppose we should and hopefully, will vote our conscience. I will continue to try and discern what I should do on Election Day.
Thanks for you article..I found it very interesting.
Marshall Leicht

Bill S.
Bill S.
3 months ago

Listen … get out your Bible and read about King David. He did a horrible thing and sent Bathsheba’s husband to the front line of the war so he could sleep with his wife. Wow … but the Lord still loved King David as he was the anointed one that God picked to rule the Jewish people. Now think about it and maybe you will come to the conclusion that God still loves Donald Trump even though he had a sketchy past when he was young. God picked him to save our Nation from the communists who would want to shred the Constitution that many people have fought and died for. If you never vote in another election please hold your nose and vote this one time. Our Republic depends on you.

Dock Holiday
Dock Holiday
3 months ago

Don’t vote for Trump OR Harris!
That’s right, you read that correctly. Why, you ask? Because they LIE. All politicians lie. Trump is a real estate developer. He exaggerates constantly. The size of events, the number of people, the length of the wall, the number of illegal immigrants, where they came from, what they are doing here; the list goes on and on. Harris lies too. Despite a lifetime of liberal progressive policies, she claims that now she is FOR nearly everything she has opposed her whole life. Maybe she has changed, but the odds are she has not. Look at her past positions. After railing against fracking for the last eight years, do you really think her position has changed in the last two months? I doubt it, but she would have you believe it has. Bernie Sanders summed it up really well: she is saying not what she believes but what she believes is necessary to win the election. When she says her positions haven’t changed, believe her, because that is one statement that IS likely to be true.
But what about social issues? Abortion is the big one. “Trump hates women and will ban abortions nation-wide, with no allowance for rape, incest, health of the mother or any other reason. You’re all going to die!” Really? Prove it! There is no proof of him ever saying or advocating for anything of the sort. Abolishing Roe v. Wade merely put the decision back on the individual states, where it should have been all along. Let the local people decide for themselves whether they want abortion and under what conditions. The concerns of the citizens of New York, Chicago and San Francisco are markedly different from the people of Montana, Kentucky and Iowa. One size Does NOT fit all.
We have to fight for Gay Pride and the transgender community. Drag Queens are people too and what about their rights? Boys dressing as girls should be able to use whichever restroom or locker room suits them. So we should allow the tiny percentage of transgenders to make the overwhelming majority of natural females feel uncomfortable just so a few cross-dressing boys don’t feel uncomfortable? Is this the most important issue facing the nation? Who outside the LGBTQ+ community really cares? You think Vladimir Putin cares? You think president Xi or Kim Jong Un cares? The mullahs in Iran would gladly throw every one of them off the roof of a building, so I guess maybe they do.
“The southern border is secure”. The federal government is tasked BY LAW with keeping foreigners out without proper documentation and protecting us from invasion. It has not done so. Ten million people have entered our country illegally (Trump says twenty+ million) and we don’t know who they are, where they come from or where they are now. They are overwhelming our resources and disrupting our communities, exactly as the Communist Manifesto says to do to bring down a capitalist country and bring about Communism. Our own government has not only ignored the threat but openly encouraged it. This is treason any way you look at it, and yet our “Border Czar” has done nothing to stop it or even slow it down over the last 3 1/2 years. Even our so-called “Sanctuary Cities” are staggering under the weight of illegal immigration, yet Harris insisted we should never use the term “Illegal Immigrant” and refuses to acknowledge the plight of the citizens, both legal and illegal, who are being subjected to this onslaught. Trump lies about the length of the border wall and Harris lies and says the border is “Secure”. You decide which is worse.
Inflation is killing us. Trump claims outrageously high numbers and Harris claims ridiculously low ones. Nobody knows for sure, but what we DO know is that gas, groceries, housing, utilities, clothing and just about every necessity of modern life costs way more now than it did four years ago. What caused this? Bad policies are to blame. Spending money we don’t have, printing more, and borrowing more to make up for it is a recipe for inflation. Poor energy policy is another root cause. Every single item we buy at the store had to be delivered on a truck, and those trucks run on diesel fuel. Diesel fuel has become insanely expensive compared to just four years ago, and while the price has come down some thanks to Biden/Harris draining our strategic petroleum reserves, it is still more than fifty percent higher than it was just four short years ago. Every widget we buy, every apple, every piece of clothing, every pencil our kids need for school has had the price increased to pay for the additional cost of diesel fuel to get those items to the store. On top of this, the mandate for higher minimum wages has driven labor cost through the roof and caused many businesses to reduce staff or close. This was supposed to guarantee a “living wage” for everyone, but all it has done is drive up the price of everything to the point where the people it was supposed to help find themselves still struggling to make ends meet and falling further behind with each passing month. Seniors on fixed income are trapped in a never ending downward spiral that is wiping out their savings with no hope of ever recovering. This is all the result of bad policies, and the policies of the last four years belong to only one political party.
So, if I you shouldn’t vote for Trump OR Harris, what do you do? Stay hame and not vote? That won’t solve anything. Ignore what they are both saying and look at what they have actually DONE. Look back at their past record. What did they promise and what did they actually DO? Look at their PARTY. Look at what it stands for and what it has accomplished in the last ten years. THAT is what you are voting for. Trump and Harris are merely the figureheads for their respective parties. Whether you love or hate them, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is whether or not what their party has done, and stands for, is going to be good for the country for the next four years. But Trump is a threat to our democracy! Really? We do not have a democracy in America. We are a Constitutional Republic. How can he be a threat to something we have never had? But January sixth!? There was no “insurrection” and the only person who died that day was a woman who was shot by a panicked security officer. Meanwhile, other capital officers were conducting tours for the demonstrators. Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser rejected the president’s offer of the national guard. Were they hoping for a major riot and a deadly uprising? That would have given them an excuse to declare martial law to “restore order”, and yet it did not happen because the vast majority of the attendees that day – Republicans – were there to peacefully protest, as the president had instructed them, and that they did.
So when it comes time to vote this November, look beyond the names. Look at what comes after them. Is it a “D” or an “R”? Do you want to go back to what we had under an “R” administration from 2016 – 2020 or move forward with four more years under a “D” administration that promises to be no better than the last four? The choice is yours, but only if you VOTE.

Bill S.
Bill S.
3 months ago

If you enjoy Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, GET DOWN OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE AND VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP. We are about to have our freedom taken away by the Demonrats who are all three communists to the core (Obama, Hillary and Kamala. They intend to have thousands of illegal aliens vote for Comrade Kamala. If ALL Christians and 84% of the NRA go to the polls we might have a chance to save America. Please don’t let these communists destroy our country.

3 months ago

I bet those 35 million so called Christians would have not liked the way Jesus looked or spoke out,or Peter either. Remember, if Believers don’t vote SATAN wins.

3 months ago

It’s not only the Christians the liberal machine is against, in case you haven’t noticed, they don’t care much about the Catholics OR the Jews either.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 months ago

Good work, Rebecca!
I agree with you whole Heartedly.

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
3 months ago

I’ve had some people say exactly what your article says, but I have heard that by not voting it is injustice to “God” and our country. And. everybody wants “God” to save our Country so buy not voting your telling “God” no one is going to tell me what to do not even “God” So it doesn’t say a whole lot about persons Faith.So you retelling our Creator that he is not real and that he didn’t put you on the face of the earth, and that you don’t believe in the Bible either !!!!

3 months ago

Trump only talks about how his opponent is bad and does things wrong. I want him to just talk about what he wants to do and how he will do it.
What’s your vision???

3 months ago

This article is nauseating. “Defender of our rights?!” He allowed lockdowns during Covid which put thousands of small businesses out of business, destroying their livelihoods. He set 2A abuse precedent by banning bump stocks. He also incentivized hospitals with thousands of dollars to literally diagnose and kill people with Covid. Not to mention all those whom he killed and maimed with his “beautiful, beautiful” warp speed bioweapon. No thanks! This Christian will not vote for Trumpenstein.

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