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Economist Steve Moore Says Rich Liberals Ask Why People Are So Unhappy

Posted on Friday, November 8, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Nov 8 — In an online post on the morning of November 5, election day, Steve Moore – economic advisor in the Trump election campaign – wrote: “Some complain that because we’ve had elections where the candidate who wins the popular vote doesn’t win the election, the system is antidemocratic. I would argue these occasional outcomes only make the Electoral College all the more indispensable in keeping our country intact. The system isn’t perfect, and something needs to be done about the risks of ‘unfaithful electors’ who could change the election outcome. But just as in tennis, where the player who wins the most points doesn’t always win the match, the current voting rules help protect our democracy, not undermine it.”

Moore is coauthor of a new book, “The Trump Economic Miracle: And the Plan to Unleash Prosperity Again.” He joined Matt Kane recently at the Association of Mature American Citizens for an interview for AMAC’s Better For America podcast.

Moore noted that he wrote the book with Arthur Laffer, “who is probably the most famous economist in the world today. He was Reagan’s chief economist. He worked with Maggie Thatcher. He helped many governors and senators and has been working with Donald Trump now for the last eight years as I have.”  Moore went on to note that “the book was really motivated by the fact that we wanted to have a very objective, concrete comparison of the job that Trump did when he was president. When we started writing the book, of course, it looked like Joe Biden was going to be the nominee and then they did their switcheroo and they substituted Kamala Harris. But, she says, she can’t think of anything she’d be doing differently, it’s pretty clear that if you liked, Joe Biden’s first four years in office, you’re going to love Kamala Harris. Actually think Kamala Harris would be worse. She had the most liberal voting record in the entire United States Senate, even more liberal than Bernie Sanders. You can’t go further to the left than Kamala Harris. She’s no centrist or moderate. She’s a radical leftist from San Francisco.”

Kane asked Moore, when people in government such as Obama and others set these low expectations, is that due to incompetence and a lack of vision on their end? Moore said that “if you intentionally wanted to downgrade the American economy, you’d let in10 million illegal immigrants. You’d lose control of your border. You’d lose control of your energy security. You’d lose control of your currency by running up massive deficits. You’d let crime run on the streets and that has all happened in America. I’m just one man’s opinion, but the official data shows that Americans are right to be concerned. Just last week a new national opinion poll found that two out of three Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. I laugh when you get these white, rich liberals who talk about, gee, why are people so unhappy? Biden’s been so great for the super-rich like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and other rich liberals who don’t care if the inflation goes up by 5, 6, 8%. It doesn’t affect them whatsoever. But if you’re living on an income of $50,000 to $100,000 and you’re trying to pay your bills and everything’s 20 percent more expensive, that makes you poor. That makes you feel much worse. It makes you financially stressed out. And that’s what’s happened right now in America.”

Kane asked if Harris wins the election, will it likely result in a new, painful and stressful administration. Moore said that “Kamala is not even able to answer the most basic questions like what are you gonna do that’s different from Joe Biden? Nothing? And so people are aware that Trump knows what he’s talking about but Kamala really doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She doesn’t care and I think that when Trump gets in, as I expect he will, I think there’s going to be a new bounce in the step of the economy. People are going to realize that this guy’s on our side and he did a lot of great things. I know some people don’t like Trump’s behavior and some of the things he says and, as I said, I don’t always agree with Trump on every position. But he’s a businessman and he does know how to make things work.  As for Kamala Harris, I guess it’s still in doubt whether she worked for one year at McDonald’s.  But that would be the extent of her business experience. She’s been a politician or a lawyer her whole life and basically being a lawyer in the government has really been her job and that doesn’t prepare you well for understanding how to meet a payroll? How to grow a business? How to make a profit? How to put people to work? How to make America more competitive?  

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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3 months ago

Sorry Comrade Democrats, this is STILL America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave and WE REJECT COMMUNISM!!!

Michael J
Michael J
3 months ago

Rich liberals cannot relate, is not an understatement. The irony of the political tax rhetoric is “only the wealthiest will be made to pay”. But the elected elite always go there hoping the middle class will fall for it, again. The working class always seem to be left holding that bag. Maybe that’s why we’re unhappy.

3 months ago

The Communists are still holding onto their belief that Trump won because of misogyny, racism and sexism, while ignoring what the data shows: people are genuinely hurting across multiple demographics. Hopefully in the coming elections, voters will remember how the Communists are dismissing their concerns in order to continue to push their destructive agenda and continue to reject them at the ballot box.

3 months ago

If Elon Musk, and whatever “committee” he puts together, are really successful at going through EVERY government agency, eliminating the waste…AND if those results are actually published in a way that most Americans see just how much money the prior governments have been literally wasting!!!!! then I doubt another Dem will ever get elected.
What we need is an Office of Citizen Truth and Transparency, or something like that, to educate the citizens on government budget, programs, etc. In SIMPLE TERMS, not government-speak. Explain how much is actually collected in federal taxes and where that money goes! What are actual government employee salaries and how much can be saved by reducing duplicate state/federal agencies. I doubt almost any citizen realizes just how much tax money is collected and how much gets totally wasted on pork projects, money to other countries that hate us, etc. All of that needs to STOP under Trump. Balance budget amendment and term limits. Once that genie is out of the bottle, prepare for an uprising that only REAL transparency can release.

3 months ago

20% inflation?Who are you kidding?My food bill has gone up about 75% over the last 4 years.I would be happy if it had risen only 20%.

Patti Zelenack
Patti Zelenack
3 months ago

Thank you for the brutal honesty, but necessary words. I am so glad the America people have woke up. It’s time to put special interests good to bed and focus on America as a whole.

3 months ago

Kamala Harris was brainless, heartless, and gutless.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

Like I suspect Biden was, I believe that Kamala would be Obama’s (the community organizer) puppet so she didn’t have to understand the dangers of “Bidenomics” (or Obamanomics) which is one of the many reasons she failed.
This was very interesting and I am glad you posted it.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

People pay and pay ,when there is nothing to show for it they are unhappy. All the departments, agencies and offices have a budget They also have someone in charge of it. That someone must be held responsible for the running and administering it. That includes the budget. There is no need for comities and what not .Simple regular audit and dealing with irregularities will do. Hundreds of millions of dollars missing from each office and not one person charged, ever, that is the problem That must stop. Would be interesting to know what the total would come up to.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

I’m just happy to hear Joe Scarborough finally knows what we already did: a tub of Land O’ Lakes butter costs $7.00. I’ve been buying Imperial at $4 to save a few bucks; its basically butter-flavored lard! And they wonder why Kamala lost?

3 months ago

They believe themselves to be God’s gift to humanity. Really nothing else to say.

michael hess
michael hess
3 months ago

well the dumbasses do not have to worry if their kids will have food or a roof over their heads. theirs’s will and they do not care about anyone else despite their phony concern.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
3 months ago

People are unhappy mostly because they are made to be afraid and confused over everything from the environment to not being able to afford rent or food. Wealthy liberal minded folk tend to become fascist minded Progressives who promote government waste on pretending to be able to control nature while driving the costs of goods and services up. The higher cost of living doesn’t affect the wealthy anywhere near as much as it does the average citizen just trying to live a relatively peaceful life.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

Let’s be honest here …. As a rule, the rich can’t relate to the middle class. And unless those in the middle class have been truly poor as the pushed their way to middle class, they can’t relate to the poor. Unless you have truly lived in one or the other economic environment, you can’t relate to the other. I have been poor, stealing fruit from a neighbors citrus tree … searching for pop bottles to turn in for the dime deposit … living in a mobile home paying $40 a month rent. Utilities were included, but hardly mattered, as there was no running water, or bath room. I have lived middle class as well, married, raising kids, a mortgage, two family income … two vehicle household. So I can relate to poor and middle class. I don’t know what difficulties the rich have … so talk of one economic standard, relating to or not relating to another is absurd without the context.

3 months ago

i’m not worrying about or interested in the losers now. maybe in a day or few.

3 months ago

Sorry to depress all you people who think Trump is going to save the country.He can’t and won’t.The problems are far too large and can’t be fixed quickly.To fix this country,without causing a major depression,would have to be done over decades time.People don’t have the patience to wait that long.The next President will likely be a Democrat,as Trump fails to save the nation,which will still be in decline.Got money?Got gold?

trump and the drug and opioid epidemic
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