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Congressman Loudermilk: What Really Happened on ‘January 6′

Posted on Friday, February 9, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Feb 9 — Congressman Barry Loudermilk [R-GA] is chairman of the House panel that is overseeing what happened on “January 6th.” As he put it in an interview with Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens and host of AMAC’s Better For America podcast, “We want the truth of what really happened in an unbiased manner, not taking sides, not looking for a particular outcome.”

His mission, he said, was to discover “How did the Capitol fall? How were these people able to get in? Regardless of who they were, they should have never been able to breach our security in the Capitol.” Loudermilk went on to note that the answers to those questions required information that was in the hands of a Democratic-controlled committee. Indeed, he said, “we received just under 2 million printed pages, hard copies that were thrown into boxes. They weren’t catalogued or categorized. We received five hard drives of digital data, but we started realizing that we didn’t have everything. We knew that the Select Committee, the Democrat-controlled Committee, videotaped every deposition, every interview that they did. We had none of those videotapes, which is something that is supposed to be retained.”

And then Loudermilk said he and his House panel started finding documents that were “sent to the White House for archiving, and some were sent to the Department of Homeland Security for archiving, which was unprecedented.” In addition, video testimony was not provided. And so, he asked Select Committee Chairman Benny Thompson why. “And his response was that you have all the printed testimonies. You don’t need the videotapes, and therefore we didn’t keep them. Which is interesting because it’s the reason you videotape depositions.”

In fact, Loudermilk told Rebecca Weber in her interview, “a significant amount of data was missing. So, to try to figure out what we were missing, we hired an external forensics team to take the five hard drives and do a low-level analysis of them. Scraping is what they call it, to see if there is something that was corrupted or something that was hidden, or something that was deleted that we should have. After doing the scrape, they found an enormous number of deleted documents. It was not too surprising because if these are working hard drives, you delete duplicates as you go and so that wasn’t too surprising. But as we started to compare, we started finding that there were documents that we did not have that were recovered from the recycle bin or deleted folders. Now, something that raised our eyebrow was the date that the documents were deleted. In particular, some were deleted on January 1st, 2023. Now, the reason that’s important is the Republicans took control of the House on January 3rd, two days later. So, this was literally, hours before the Select committee ceased to exist. And so, it was interesting that these documents were deleted at that time, but more interesting, one of the documents we recovered was related to White House documents. So we knew that there were documents that were purposely not given to us and that were also deleted by someone in the Select Committee.

As Congressman Loudermilk told The New York Post recently, “we don’t know yet what’s in the deleted and encrypted deleted files. If the former January 6 Select Committee has nothing to hide, then why would they prevent Americans from seeing all the evidence produced in their investigation? They were hiding something, and we will continue to uncover the truth.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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7 months ago

So, the biggest issue that Loudermilk seems to want to focus on with his committee, relative to January 6th, is the good old “where are the missing records and tapes” that Democrats invariably destroy on their way out when they lose control of a section of government, they previously controlled to hide their larger culpability in the event itself. In short, another hunt for evidence that has already been intentionally destroyed or hidden where it will never see the light of day again. Big yawn if that is indeed all this committee is going to focus on.

I think most Americans still capable of critical thought realize that Democrats always go the “destroy the evidence of their guilt route” as they head out the door, when they no longer will be able to control the narrative 100%. Just think back to Hillary Clinton and her close staff destroying her illegal server in her home and smashing all their illegal cell phones with hammers as they all contained illegally stored classified data ahead of any potential attempt by future Republicans to bring her to justice for the numerous violations of federal law. It’s essentially the same game plan here with what the Democrats did when they lost temporary control of the House to Republicans. Destroy the most incriminating data or remove it to non-governmental locations, so no one in the Democrat Party faces any accountability for their part in creating the events leading up to January 6th.

7 months ago

This is exactly what I expected from Democrats! It’s my belief that Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and others orchestrated the event with the how ever many undercover FBI operatives were involved in this setup of a situation!! I am not at all surprised by Democrats who destroyed evidence, which is a crime, but Democrats never concern themselves with legalities!!!

7 months ago

The committee claimed success according to Liz Cheney. Eliminating the material they gathered implies doubt and an attempt to prevent reexamination in case another look would increase doubt. The partiality of the committee was the glaring error.

7 months ago

Democrats are so good at hiding things. Not surprising that they tried to erase material just before the republicans took over the House. Hopefully, forensic technology will uncover much of it. Now, if the MSM would report it…. But that’s a pipe dream.

7 months ago

I find this to be interesting and confirms what Americans have believed from the getgo. This double standard of applying the law NEEDS TO STOP. Perhaps Nancy Pelosi, under oath, could explain her part in this operation. Or any of her underlings could explain their part. The mafia has nothing on these folks. Power hungry, money hungry and hate America is the best way to describe their actions. Perhaps Russia or China would allow them to emigrate. Or maybe ..?

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
7 months ago

It was a riot but Trump did not start it. This could have been stopped people that hate Trump let this go on to make it look bad for President Trump. They still are after President Trump to keep him from running they are just evil they want to stay in power.

7 months ago

Unfortunately, there no no honest operators affiliated or involved in any way with the selection of nor the mission of nor the outcome of that committee hence the many missing documents probably all prejudicial to the desired result.

7 months ago

should drop all charges since they wont do their job Capitol Police FBI and that Pelosi arrested or drop all charges let the Patriots out of Prison and jail!

7 months ago

Jan 6 was planned. PERIOD! LOOK INTO NANCY PELOSI SHE WAS/IS THE HEAD OF THE SNAKE.Democrat committee threw away evidence bc they knew they’ve been doing against Trump were LIES!

7 months ago

you are a moron!

7 months ago

You should be ashamed of using Reagan’s name to spew your filth! You should change it to Clinton, Obama or Biden!

7 months ago

Haley’s support is from the Democrats to stop Trump. If she became the nominee they would then drop their support for her in favor of Biden. Are you really that naive or are you just another Democrat plant?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

Prosecute all thoise involved in J6

7 months ago

@ronald Reagan, You are delusional if you think Nikki H. is going to lead this country out of the mess that Biden and his puppet masters have created in the last 4 years.

7 months ago

I think it will take as long as the release of the Kennedy Assassination documents for the truth on J6 to come out, yet even then so much of the facts have been deleted, and data literally destroyed. The Cabal/Swamp don’t want the facts and truth released, this includes the Republican in Congress, like Mike Johnson who still refused to release the video, ALL Of IT!!!, I don’t give a crap about so called BS on secret stuff they don’t want public to see. They’ve had 4 years to cover that stuff up, seems their really good with black maker’s on written documents. FBI, CIA, and Capital Police were all in on it, and Pelosi was well aware and helped it all along. It was a set up to get Trump and MAGA.

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
7 months ago

In reading through some of the comments, yes a deep dive needs to be and is being done and that is good. “Under oath”, means NOTHING to those involved in January 6, so don’t even bother, it is a waste of time. The finding out will come with the forensics team and will be very revealing, but we will probably never know the whole story. We may be able to come close enough to get most of the details. I just pray that the team responsible will continue to be open and honist, because most Americans, like me are very suspect of ANY information given out by the government. So we need full transparenct, not partial.

7 months ago

The Dems are riding a dead horse. THEY rigged this whole thing. If it takes this many YEARS to “find” something, any thinking person would conclude there is NOTHING to fine. Why not look into all the CORRUPTION on the DEM side of the aisle!!

7 months ago

The truth doesn’t need covered up or deleted!

7 months ago

Wow, so then we’ve got dumb running against dumber?

7 months ago

This article is very discombobulated & does not say mush. Trump was the POTUS on that day so as Commander in Chief, he should have the power over everyone including the Capitol Police. Does this article say that someone is more powerful than POTUS on that day?

7 months ago

Start with an succinct inquiries with Former, yet supposed Speaker Nancy, and Mayor Muriel. No Dems should be above the law, regardless. Sincerity should be a virtue, but it appears to have leaps and bounds out of Washington, DC.

7 months ago

Don’t even argue with that stupid troll that’s putting that post on this site don’t cast your Pearls Before Swine

I ask the lord
I ask the lord
7 months ago

Who names their child loudermilk? Lol

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