The Better for America Podcast

Uncovering the Cover-Up | Congressman Barry Loudermilk | EP 264

Posted on Monday, February 5, 2024
by Rebecca Weber
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“Our mission was put into two separate categories. The security of the Capitol: How were these people able to get in. And, looking at the committee itself and how they operated.” Congressman Barry Loudermilk, the chairman of the important panel investigating not only the events of January 6th, but also the conduct of the select January 6th Committee, which Loudermilk referred to as “unprecedented.” The congressman from Georgia’s 11th congressional district shared many damming revelations about some of the findings so far, such as the deletion of the video depositions by the committee, the exclusion of crucial encryption keys for key documents, and the eyebrow-raising date many of these acts were committed. This episode of the Better For America podcast with AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber comes at such a crucial time, as this investigation is only beginning to make its findings widely known!

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Patriot Will
Patriot Will
7 months ago

The Americans who are being held as political prisoners for their supposed roles in the fake January 6th insurrection are being treated unfairly and in a monstrous manner. They were encouraged to enter federal government space by the police, fooled into thinking that they were not going to be prosecuted, and then thrown into jail like terrorists and anarchists. Biden and his goons are treating patriots as if they are the scum of the earth, while true Marxist terrorists are allowed to remain free and clear of all possible charges. The fake patriots who ran the January 6th Committee are actually prolific liars and traitors to the traditions and freedoms that keep the USA a Constitutional Republic. Every Republican political leader should be making it obvious to all citizens that most of the supposed demonstrators of January 6th do not deserve to be rotting in prison. The Biden administration is using innocent, decent Americans to help make the narrative that MAGA serves as a huge threat to the well-being of our way of life. Biden and his goons are purposely destroying America. They only care about remaining in power, and will lie, steal, and cheat to keep the status quo.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
7 months ago

This country has become very sad. I can’t believe I went to Vietnam to defend a mess like this country has become.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
7 months ago

The january 6th committee knew they were lying about everything. they knew the data they turned over to the justice department was lies. their simple solution was to destroy the evidence.

The result is that every single member of the january 6th committee should not be going to prison for evidence tampering. it should not be up for debate it shoudl be automatic.

just like the illegal appointment of jack smith, the corruption of willis/wade, corruption of james, and the rico crimes of the three of them together the january 6th committee is a criminal activity.

Once again all of the leftists who were insisting that trump was bad and these democrats were righteous turn out to be wrong.
Do people on the left ever learn from the democrats continuous lies?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

A man identified as Ray Epps can be seen actually inciting people to riot + fight police at barricades but was never charged. Why?

BillBoy Baggins
BillBoy Baggins
7 months ago

Who has time to sit and watch a 26 min. video? Give it to me in print.

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