It is always interesting when someone explains a problem that we could eventually face but then doesn’t present any sort of solution to said problem. That seems to be the credo for FBI Director Christopher Wray.
Wray has just gone and forewarned about a potential attack on the United States but left us hanging when it came to any sort of potential solution. Say what now?
Speaking with the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Wray noted how “we are in a dangerous period” when it comes to what is happening in the war between Israel and Hamas.
“The reality is that the terrorism threat has been elevated throughout 2023, but the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole new level,” he noted.
Wray then added how the Hamas attack, which resulted in over 1,400 deaths in Israel thus far, “will serve as an inspiration the likes of which we haven’t seen since ISIS launched its so-called caliphate years ago.”
Now, we have already heard about how Hamas soldiers could very well try to slip in through the Southern border, though our Border Patrol agents have been doing exceptionally well at stopping them from getting in. (Even with their short-handed supply.) But this presents an interesting situation, one which could bring an unexpected terrorist attack anywhere within the United States.
And yet, Wray has no solution.
“We are not currently tracking an imminent, credible threat from a foreign terrorist organization, a structured attack here or something like that, but it is something that we think heightened vigilance is warranted for,” he said.
So…no plan?
“This is not a time for panic, but it is a time for vigilance,” he continued.
Um, I’m sorry. Did you not just say that the United States is headed for a “dangerous period” and we have every reason to be “concerned”? But we shouldn’t worry. Which is it?
“We shouldn’t stop conducting our daily lives, going to schools, houses of worship, etc. But we should be vigilant.”
And what if being “vigilant” isn’t enough? Know what we need here, Mr. Wray? Something that you haven’t been able to process in quite some time in the FBI – a proper solution.
I have said it before, and I’ll say it again. Now is the time to get police funding approved. Do it, President Biden. You have changed course and stated how it is time to “fund the police” repeatedly. Yet, every time that a bill has made its way to Congress, you have done absolutely nothing about trying to push it through or discuss its importance. This means you are still secretly siding with your Democratic buddies who believe the police are a threat.
Even with an actual threat that could be knocking on our door within a matter of weeks, maybe even days.
So, yeah, put that grudge aside and fund the police already. They have been in desperate need for over a year now, and with crime at an all-time high (and now threats coming from the outside), it is time.
For that matter, while we are at it, let’s fund more Border Patrol agents. The ones currently at the Southern border are doing very well, but you’ve never properly acknowledged – or even thanked – them. They are worn out beyond belief and need all the help they can get at this point. So swallow that shallow pride of yours and get to funding already.
Because if not, you might find this country even further divided when terrorist attacks take place and not nearly enough people are around to do anything about it. We know Wray isn’t going to get the job done since he and his team are too busy investigating the wrong people. So I call out to you. No more excuses, no more runaround. We have a real threat potentially looming, and we need to be ready.
Fulfill your oath and take care of your citizens already.
Michael A. Letts is the CEO and founder of In-VestUSA.
Reprinted with Permission from DC Journal – By Michael A. Letts
Might there not be a plan because everything is going according to a plan? And he is only moving his mouth to appear to be doing “something”?
This whole administration is unbelievable. Time to bring in Trump…sooner than later.
Rather than worrying so much about the citizens’ right to keep and bear arms, those in government should be more concerned about the fulfillment of the purposes set forth in the Preamble to the Constitution. So far, there has been precious little of that, and playing to the cameras, informing us about things about which we are not empowered to do anything makes the government look stupid.
Those who speak on behalf of this illegitimate regime, do so as if they are reporting the news. There seems to be no plan or statements of what they plan to do, about said problems. What the hell are we paying them for? Daily they expose their ineptitude in leading our nation. I have never seen such fools in charge of our nation. President Trump is going to have a hell of a time cleaning up this toxic mess they have created. God help him and our nation to reverse the destruction caused by these fools.
I can see it now. A terrorist coming across the southern border with an AK47 and bandoliers loaded with grenades, and there’s Wray running around asking “Duh which way did he go? Which way did he go?”
SCARY——-we need Trump immediately, time to clean house throughout the Biden Administration——–sheer incompetence everywhere!
Credo of ole Joe’s governing. He is always a day late and a dollar short. Look at the Afghanistan debacle the chaos at the border, the homelessness in America. The fentanyl problem. The DOJ does nothing the FBI does nothing. Telling the people to be their eyes and ears. We don’t know, who are our enemies. Ole Joe made all of us on the right enemies of the state. He doesn’t care if a few police officers get shot, the Jews being killed or threatened. We on the right he is fighting and that is why we live in a country where safety and security or protection is absent for half of the population. Especially we of the white race. After that the ethnic and colored Americans are eliminated. The only ones left will be the migrants working for the elite. We are in a new world which is run by the UN and was signed by 189 countries out of 193. That is why ole Joe does nothing. He lied all of his life. Was a follower whoever could enrich him and still is doing the same today. The man is weak and goes along with whoever is paying him enough. We can talk about it but I think we are passed that, we need action. Impeachment now.
Simple answer: he is not concerned or interested, why should he be? It doesn’t effect him or his family.
Democrap Government Terrorists have created this problem, then hide behind walls with security coverage while us taxpayers are left to our own defenses. Time to sue and jail the entire current administration for putting American citizens in harms way. And this is still too nice for these sick administrators!
If terrorists attack here, maybe they could be directed to the White House first? I’m sure the country would function just fine without them.
The entire Biden administration goons have completely shirked their responsibilities in protecting the American people. A wide open Southern Border and a corrupt politicized FBI are putting the security of our nation in great jeopardy. The idea that Wray can just verbally warn the American people to be alert for terror attacks, while the FBI wastes its time and resources to investigate MAGA patriots — is like watching an old Marx Brothers movie. However, we are not watching a dysfunctional comedy, we are witnessing a national disgrace full of bad actors whose actions are incompetent and criminal. The entire Biden administration is actively destroying our proud country’s ability to remain a Constitutional Republic. The US is fast becoming a gigantic banana republic.
Really comforting and reassuring.
Biden is a greater teariest – remove him – put in Trump, who might fix bidens blunders
The WIZARD of OZ, I mean BIDEN is the LEADER of the GANGS ????????????????????ETC
Just remember when it hits the fan the Democrats caused all this.
It is the the Blind and Dumb leading the Blind and Dumb!!!! And it is some more of Biden & Harris and Wray not giving a damn about the United States and it’s people !!!!!
Hire 87000 more IRS agents and arm them to the hilt but can’t afford to adequately staff the Border Patrol. Who are they trying to fool?
Because Obummer hasn’t told him what to do yet.
Patriots…can your hear that False Flag flapping in the wind? Wray is another of the foot soldiers of the New World Order group, just doing the job laid out for him.
This could be the whole plan for our open border, let the terrorists terrorize what’s left of America.
All the BS coming from Wray is merely prep for ever more destruction of citizens rights. I guess our Gestapo isn’t happy with the destruction of freedoms that the “Patriot” Act brought with it and now demands more and most likely centered around information allowance.
Wray is a snake leader of a venomous organization. One can only hope someone can figuratively cut the head off the snake.
He is the threat in reality.
I suspect this is part of a disinformation campaign to reduce support for Israel when they need our support against real terrorists, not parents attending school board meetings..
We had better be prepared and be expecting an attack on our country soon. Thousands of young men have come into this country, and this could cause a grave threat. We have no way of knowing if or when it might happen, and our leaders are purposely ignoring the possibilities.
“We are not currently tracking an imminent, credible threat from a foreign terrorist organization, a structured attack here or something like that, but it is something that we think heightened vigilance is warranted for,” he said. Really?? When do you think you might start trying to track some of the 10 million who have entered the US in the past three years?? Are you waiting for an actual attack because there has been plenty of time passed and borders open enough to allows millions of terrorists to enter the country unbeknownst to any of us even those who should know like Mr. Wray!!! I assume that nothing is being done because Soros and Obama haven’t told Biden to do anything – they seem to want the country swarming with terrorists!!! So, the plan IS working as Democrats want it to!!!
Wray is a Traitor .
Because he’s a part of the carnage taking place. Pure and simple. This guy is a complete fraud.
Director Wray is an expert in the concept of “CYA.” He knows that the border is wide open and that there are thousands of “undesirables” entering the country. So, when the next terrorist attack occurs in this country, his response will be, “I told you so.” However, do not expect him take any positive steps until he is told to do so.
BINGO! Thank you????
He’s probably referring to the threat of conservative Christian constitutionalists. They are the greatest threats in the liberal mind. Lonely plan they have is to invite every actual terrorist into the country hoping they will destroy all the conservative Christians they haven’t been able to do it themselves so they will welcome the help.
3 years of illegals coming into this country at 9 million and counting.
America is being invaded. Just look at the protests who support murder and beheading of babies! Pray for America and Israel that it’s not too late.
Yep! Blind leading the blind!
THEN DO SOMETHING, end the Trump prosecution NOW
This nation is the only Constitutional Republic ever to exist in the history of the world. One of its statements: “Of the people, By the people, and For the People.” Awesome…then we the people elect others on campaign slogans, and the few who actually investigate these candidates, and go on our merry way, letting flawed, and what our God calls “inherently evil” hearts to lead our nation down the “primrose” path never to make good on those “promises”…with one exception: Donald Trump who, during 4 years of harassment, bogus law suits, lies, being in court more than at the White House, accomplished close to literally everything he promised to do…and backed down personally two dictators by going to each nation and making his intent clear.
But, how many write or call their congressmen? How many challenge what these “representatives” are doing to our Constitution, Bill of Rights, our very freedom? Right now one of the most egregious is the flat out unveiled attempt to disarm law abiding citizens…oh of course it’s being presented as “crime control” when they’re the very ones who’ve deliberately weakened this “criminal justice system” to a sick joke. We have no border, a few on the right side are warning vigilance as our nation is filled with those who hate it’s very existence! Gun control is about people control; period.
P.S. I’ve already seen comments by conservative writers that we could face a terrorist attack that would make 9/11 look like a practice run! And the demorats continue to assault (pun intended) our only real recourse, our 2nd. Amendment.
No matter who’s in charge at the time these failures need to be held accountable.
Wray loves to tell us he’s a Republican…my a#$%…he’s a RINO and is being paid on the side by the Dems!
KA-BOOM!!! (with mushroom cloud..)…We better brace ourselves! Its cumin!!…
He’s too busy chasing after conservatives and parents who want a voice in their children’s education. This is the same man that refused to answer questions about his organization being weaponized against conservatives and parents who are against the government controlling their children’s education. He doesn’t know anything but lies. Just another feckless member of Biden’s useless cabinet.
If we are to assume that terrorists havent crossed our border already, then why not use this opportunity to close the border to that potential?
It takes a moronic president and administration and party to allow an unsupervised open border with all its evil counterparts in this world.
I guess Wray only pays attention to PTA parents or patriots wearing red ball-caps.!! Protesters who want to kill Jews or unborn babies get a free rein to destroy the Capital or assault the White House are just using their 1st amendment rights ? Rep. Bowman pulls a fire alarm during a vote in Congress, next Rep. Talib will come in wearing a suicide vest (hope she sits with the rest of the “Squad” that day) !! Rules for thee not for me ??
Remember, before the last Presidential election, how the DNC was meeting in the “basement” planning their “agenda”. And we never heard what was going on, what they were up to….well, I think Obama, Soros, etc. were writing the manifesto against the People of the United States all the while getting the ballot stuffers in place. And here we are again…just before another election…it could get bad because there is too much at stake.
Useless piece of cr*p. Wray needs to do his f***ing job His warnings mean nothing. WTF are we to be on the lookout for?
Was it 87,000 new IRS agents? Let’s put at least half of them to work on the southern boarder.
If Wray told us the solution(s), the terrorists would also learn the solutions. So criticize Wray all you like but quit asking that he disclose to our enemies the countermeasures they will need to overcome to succeed.
Why don’t you do a story on how great a job the Border Patrol doing? You give us a tidbit but no real story.
Couldn’t agree more.
So Hamas tries to sneak into our country and this doesn’t bother our government or politicians. We have politicians and others who still stand and say how awful Hamas are being treated by Israel. I don’t think I see Israel sneaking into the country to do us harm.
I just cannot put my finger on that part of the Constitution that mandates (or permits) the federal government, (taxpayers nationwide), to fund local police. The Border Patrol, yes, but the sheriff in Mayberry SC, . . . ?