
National Security , Newsline

With Biden M.I.A. on Border Crisis, Texas Counties Declare Disaster

Posted on Sunday, May 2, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

border biden MIA disasterIf one policy decision defined the first 100 days of the Biden presidency, it has been the reckless and radical decision to end the Trump Border Security measures, precipitating a crisis of nearly unprecedented scale. As illegal crossings continue to skyrocket, four Texas counties have just issued local disaster declarations over the situation at the border–and many more are expected to follow in the near future.

Kinney, Goliad, La Salle, and Atascosa counties in Texas all recently issued disaster declarations with nearly identical language, citing concerns for the “health, life, and property” of their residents, who are “under imminent threat of disaster from the human trafficking occurring on our border with Mexico.” Absent any support from the Biden administration, local officials in Texas and elsewhere say they had to take action to keep their communities safe. Kinney County Judge Tully Shahan said, “We felt like we had to do something, and we want to protect our citizens.” The Kinney County disaster declaration cites incidents of “residents of Kinney County being assaulted, threatened with violence, and robbed, while also sustaining vast amounts of property damage,” calling the surge of undocumented migrants a “continual violation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

With more than 1,000 illegal aliens evading capture each day, border patrol agents are struggling to stem the tide at crossing points, and the crisis has been creeping further into the interior of the country. Goliad County is located 200 miles north of the border, but human traffickers and drug dealers still use the area as a staging ground for smuggling operations. Goliad County Sheriff Roy Boyd describes how “what happens is [smugglers] bring them [migrants] up from the border to somewhere in this area. They’ll drop them off at a temporary holding site and then someone from Houston comes and picks them up and then takes them to Houston, where they’re distributed across the United States.” Boyd’s account reflects an all-too common reality throughout the border region, underscoring how the effects of mass illegal migration are quickly being felt throughout the country.

Despite the dire situation, the Biden administration thus far has shown no willingness to provide more support for border security or immigration enforcement, or to even admit that there is a problem at the border. When left-wing hecklers called on the President to “End detention now” and “Abolish ICE!” at a drive-in rally in Georgia last Thursday, Biden responded “I agree with you. I’m working on it, man. Give me another five days.”

During his first Joint Address before Congress just one day before that incident, Biden only mentioned the word “border” twice – both times avoiding any direct mention of the actual situation at the border and not using the term “crisis.”

Biden’s comments last week (or lack thereof) undoubtedly came as a devastating blow to law enforcement in places like Kinney County, where the sheriff’s office only has six deputies to cover 1,400 square miles. With jails overflowing, some counties are being forced to release migrants after filing charges, a situation which Lavaca County Judge Mark Myers called “not a sustainable future.”

Biden’s border czar, Vice President Kamala Harris, still hasn’t been to the border either, and she has no plans to go in the immediate future. The White House has attempted to clarify that Harris’ role is only to address the “root causes” of illegal immigration, which it says include crime and poverty in Central America. While Harris has had several phone calls with leaders of countries like Mexico and Guatemala, she hasn’t actually traveled to any Central American countries to assess the situation for herself. The blatant inaction on the part of the Biden administration makes clear that, as long as Democrats in Congress and the liberal media fail to hold the Biden administration accountable, any federal support appears unlikely for border communities.

In the coming weeks and months, more counties and states are likely to issue their own disaster declarations as they are forced to fend for themselves against what has become an all-out flood of illegal immigration from the southern border. Goliad County Judge Mike Bennett says he expects at least 200 of Texas’s 254 counties to officially declare the border crisis a disaster, and many local leaders are calling on Texas Governor Greg Abbott to deploy additional state law enforcement personnel to address the crisis.

Judging by the messaging coming out of the White House, Abbott would be wise to take matters into his own hands. If Texas has to wait for Kamala Harris to end poverty in Central America in order to solve the border crisis, it may be waiting very long indeed.

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3 years ago

Unlawful isn’t a strong enough word for what is going on with this administration and all the sources backing them. I think that they all need rounded up and put to death for treason

Sarah Decker
Sarah Decker
3 years ago

The governor of a state is SUPPOSE to protect the citizens of the state. Why is it that Governor Abbott will not close the Texas-Mexico border?

Jocie Taylor
Jocie Taylor
3 years ago

If I was the states that were having border problems with Biden opening the borders I would sue by all the states ought to get together and Sue Biden and get that part done

3 years ago

The border is leaking like a sieve, and fed dollars have dried up because of Biden’s policies. He’s a man in a wheelchair, who fights like he isn’t in one. Why don’t you support him so he CAN stop the illegal coyotes? They’re working night and day both the coyotes and Governor Abbot! It’s a hard situation.

3 years ago

You feel so sorry for the border security, but the biggest loser will be our entire country.

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
3 years ago

Kamala Harris does not have the capability of dealing with this issue.
She is using her political instincts and experience to avoid any responsibilities.

3 years ago

Texas counties who fail to petition for National Guard troops for the purpose not of containment but to block entry of illegals are really doing their citizens a disservice.

There is not another country in the world that you can cross border entries without proper documentation. How as a world leader can such weakness be tolerated by the Republic of the United States?

3 years ago

Even Mexico asks for a passport and refuses entry to some people!
china forbids people to come in!
The DEMONRATS want to destroy the best country on earth. 2022, COME ON QUICK!

3 years ago

Hidin’ Biden is sidin’ with illegal immigrants. Why? Because the Democrats know how to use them in voting fraud to tip election results towards DemonicRats favor. Lincoln County, TX, (Laredo area) and several surrounding counties have been fixing voter results in favor of their own personal choices for many decades …. including, famously, the Texas Federal Senate election in the 1930’s that put LBJ in the Senate for the first time.

3 years ago

The working American man & woman doesn’t have a chance against Biden and his “gang of thieves”!

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
3 years ago

Thank you for reporting this to the public. I have an older sister who lives in Southern California. She told me that illegal aliens (Yes, I know that’s incorrect politically) are pouring into the U.S. at an alarming rate. The fact that Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris will go down to the Texas border shows me that they are two fraidy cats who will not go where there is danger. Part of the Inauguration says: …I swear to protect and preserve…etc. I don’t call the president and vice-president protecting anything. This is scary!! PUT THE WALL BACK UP, Mr. President. ASAP. You can’t play politics when U.S. citizens lives are in danger.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

The only reason Biden may eventually do something to quell the problem at the border is if the public outcry and the press make him. I think it was the president of Guatemala who said the border crisis was Biden’s fault, and that he announced on his 1st day in office “Come on in”. The Democrats support open borders with the goal of immigrating as many ILLEGAL ALIENS (that’s what they are, in spite of Biden’s attempt to rewrite the dictionary to Political Correctness) as possible, assuming they will be Democrat voters. But neither Biden nor Harris have the slightest clue about what to do to fix the crisis. Then Biden’s recent pick to run Immigration, the Harris County, Texas Sheriff is a big laugh.

3 years ago

On D Day, allied forces invaded Europe with about 175,000 troops. As per CBP, thru the first 5 months of fiscal 2021, there have been about 323,000 illegal immigrants crossing our southern border. Approx 1,000 per day are not apprehended which translates to over 150,000 illegal immigrants that have made there way into our country with CBP have absolutely no information about who they are or what they may be bringing into our country.
We are being invaded and the root cause is Joe Biden!
Just think of the D Day casualties that could have been avoided had Biden/Harris worked for the Nazi’s in WWII.

3 years ago

I’ve said all along that they need to shut it down and build the wall. I’ll send money, if I know it’s going for the wall and enforcements . I’ve been to Texas and I loved it

3 years ago

The only way to save the USA from the leftist commie takeover is to arrest, try and execute them all…There is a civil war coming and all the America haters will be destroyed!!!!!!

3 years ago

That metal fence needs about 5,000 watts tied to it with warning signs.
Guaranteed to slow the illegal aliens crossing the border.

H L Howell
H L Howell
3 years ago

This is just my opinion. the democrats what them to come here to distract use from what they are doing.consider this. what if the new unneeded airport outside of denver is a bunker for the elite. here is what to look for: the airport is closed for maintenance, no planes land there, all the bigwigs are loaded on to military transports, they are then flown to the closed airport to burrow like the rats into the brand new airport, after putin, kim jong un and the leader of china are in their bunkers, they unleash a nuclear holocaust on the rest of us. remember Just My Opinion, think about it.

3 years ago

Not sure if you all have been read. Biden MIA, because the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki heavily discourages Biden from speaking to the media and go out in public as he is an embarresment.

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