
National Security , Newsline

Why America Must Not Entrust Its National Security to Kamala Harris

Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2024
by David Lewis Schaefer

Following Kamala Harris’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention last week, Slate columnist Fred Kaplan described the vice president’s remarks on foreign policy as “among the most muscular delivered by any candidate at a Democratic convention in living memory.” But the past three and a half years show that Harris lacks the record to back up that supposedly “muscular” rhetoric.

As Kaplan described in what he called “the most impassioned part of her speech,” Harris pledged, “as commander in chief,” to “ensure that America has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world,” and “to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists.”

Donald Trump, she maintained, wishes to “cozy up to tyrants and dictators like [North Korean despot] Kim Jong-un, who are rooting for Trump.” According to Kaplan, Harris’s use of the phrase “most lethal fighting force” is uncommon coming from a Democratic presidential candidate and signifies “that she understands that the military’s weapons are designed to kill enemy soldiers, that she might have to order U.S. troops into battle with these weapons, and that, if so, the troops will need enough firepower to win their battles.”

Well, of course, one would assume that any plausible candidate for the presidency would “understand” such elemental facts. Kaplan’s praise unintentionally reveals just how low the corporate media has set the bar for Harris.

Voters must bear in mind that Harris has served in an administration that has cut the military budget (after inflation) every year – and has devoted a significant part of that budget to programs on DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) training that have nothing to do with making our forces any more lethal. All this has occurred while China has continued to engage in a massive military buildup, particularly in its navy and its investment in cybertechnology. (Beijing has decidedly not been wasting any of its military funding on DEI.)

Kaplan also emphasized Harris’s involvement in the Biden administration’s policy on national security, noting that, “as vice president, she has attended almost every National Security Council meeting and almost all of the president’s intelligence briefings” and was reportedly “taking part, asking crucial questions and suggesting policy plans” at those meetings.

While this is supposed to be a feather in Harris’s cap, Americans will no doubt recall that the administration’s foreign policy record includes a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan (Harris claimed to be “the last person in the room” with Biden before he made the final decision to retreat) a failure to prevent Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a muddled response to Hamas’s attack on Israel, and America’s allies openly questioning U.S. leadership on the world stage. In light of this record, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s statement that there is “no daylight” between Biden and Harris on matters of policy is particularly chilling.

But just what would a “lethal” Harris defense policy look like? One indication that is far from reassuring was the recent appointment of Sneha Nair to the Energy Department’s National Nuclear Security Administration. Just a few months ago, Nair published an article in the Bulletin of the American Scientists titled “Queering Nuclear Weapons: How LGBT+ Inclusion Strengthens Security and Reshapes Disarmament.”

In the article, uncovered by Fox News, Nair explained her reasoning as follows: whereas “nuclear deterrence is associated with ‘rationality’ and ‘security,’” “disarmament and justice for nuclear weapon victims are coded as ‘emotion’ and a lack of understanding of the ‘real’ mechanics of security.” By contrast to the military’s customary reliance on the former concerns, Nair contended, “the queer lens prioritizes the rights and well-being of people over the abstract idea of national security, and it challenges the mainstream understanding of nuclear weapons – questioning whether they truly deter nuclear war, stabilize geopolitics, and reduce the likelihood of conventional war.”

“Queer theory,” Nair continues, also asks “who created these ideas” (such as national security), how they are “being upheld,” “whose interests they serve,” and “whose experiences are being excluded” from them.

Going back to 2016, Democrats have insisted that Trump is “unhinged” and presents an existential threat to national security. But it is inconceivable that a Trump administration would place anyone espousing anything close to Nair’s ideas in a position of responsibility for developing America’s nuclear policy.

(Here it’s worth briefly mentioning as well the case of Sam Brinton, a self-professed “non-binary” individual whom Biden appointed to lead the government’s nuclear waste disposal policy. In 2022, Brinton was arrested for repeatedly stealing women’s suitcases at airports so that he could don their clothing.)

Not only does Nair’s disparagement of national security as a merely “abstract idea,” in contrast to concern with the “rights of people,” make no sense (without security, rights have no effectual meaning); it promotes or reinforces the crudest sort of stereotypes about homosexuals themselves – that, as was once said about the female sex as a whole, they aren’t sufficiently “rational” to be entrusted with military leadership and therefore, by implication, with positions of high political authority.

This author knows of plenty of gay people who would be no less qualified to serve as military leaders than their heterosexual counterparts, and who would roundly reject Nair’s twisted conception of how their sexual orientation influences their view of national security – let alone the notion that gay people are less inclined to rely on reason, as opposed to emotion, when deciding security issues. But the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Biden-Harris administration has spent on DEI programming in the military, as a year-long study by the Arizona State University Center for American Institutions reports, have created a “race and sex-based scapegoating and stereotyping” environment in America’s armed forces that significantly hampers their readiness for conflict.

As Matt Lohmeier, former Space Force commander, remarked in connection with the ASU study, “It’s no surprise that young people are turning away from military service in record numbers… DEI indoctrination has become a core component of military training that begins for officers even at the service academies.” Lohmeier asked, “How can we be prepared to confront our adversaries if our warfighters aren’t laser-focused on the mission but instead are divided and distracted by ideology?”

Another recent appointment by Harris herself provides further reason to question her determination to defend America’s interests and those of its ally Israel (as she pledged to do in her speech). The nonpartisan Gatestone Institute, which focuses on the threat posed by the Iranian regime, reports that the Harris-Walz “team” has appointed Ilan Goldenberg as its “liaison” to the American Jewish community.

Goldenberg is a former Middle East adviser to Harris who previously served as part of John Kerry’s “team” under President Obama, pursuing an ill-fated nuclear “deal.” As Gatestone’s report observes, Goldenberg’s “biased attacks on Israel and support for Iran and Islamic terrorists in Israel helped lead to the current regional crisis.”

Specifically, Gatestone notes, that Goldenberg had spent the years leading up to the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel “doing everything possible” to facilitate it. He “opposed every single pro-Israel move by both Republicans and Democrats, whether it was moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, or even cutting off aid to the ‘pay-for-slay’ program of the Palestinian Authority” (which provides financial support to the families of terrorist bombers and other “martyrs”).

Instead, Goldenberg urged such moves as the unilateral recognition of a “Palestinian” state within Israel’s territory. He recommended sending more U.S. funding into Gaza. And he exhorted Israel to admit more Gazan workers into its territory – when the workers already admitted wound up providing the terrorists with just the information they needed to locate Israeli defense forces and even the layout of kibbutzim they entered in order to slaughter men, women, and children on October 7.

Meanwhile, Goldenberg also served under Obama as a vocal proponent of the nuclear “deal” with Iran while championing that administration’s anti-Israel policies at the U.N. It may be significant as well that while Harris was pledging to support Israel, her niece, producer, and author Meena Harris, who appeared onstage during the convention, posted a photo of herself wearing a pin reading “Democrats for Palestinian Rights” on her Instagram account. (According to NBC News, the pin was handed out at the convention by “uncommitted” delegates who were protesting President Biden’s support for Israel.) Meena Harris is promoting a $1 million fundraising appeal for the Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund which makes no reference to Hamas’s October 7 attack which precipitated the current chaos in Gaza.

Just to complete the Harris family story in this respect: Harris’s stepdaughter Ella Emhoff, a 24-year-old model, and designer who appeared with Meena on the DNC podium, recently posted on her Instagram account an appeal for donations to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). UNRWA is a branch of the UN that assists Palestinian “refugees,” but over ten percent of whose workers have been found by Israel to be members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad, two of the groups that launched the recent attacks on the Jewish state, and which provides textbooks inculcating hatred of Israel among Palestinian youth.

While UNRWA recently dismissed nine employees over such extremist allegiances, following previous dismissals, Israel maintains that more were involved. Emhoff, who in contrast to her father disclaims any Jewish identity, apparently deleted the post after it was revealed just after the convention by the New York Post.

In sum, as the Goldstone report concludes, there is reason to suspect that through the Goldenberg appointment, and in more subtle ways, the Harris campaign is signaling its intent to lead “a fundamental break with Israel… while disguising it with happy talk for the benefit of some of [its] donors.”

Those who take seriously America’s need for heightened security through an increase in its military budget, an end to its appeasement of foes like Iran, and the importance of its assistance to the survival of America’s sole true ally in the Middle East need to see through Harris’s cheery, optimistic, but policy-free acceptance address to the harsh realities that lie behind it. Neither she nor Walz nor their “progressive” allies have given adequate reason for trusting that they will defend the cause of freedom, at home or abroad.

To conclude: it is not without reason that, as an August 26 story in The New York Times points out, Harris has taken pains both at the convention and the years leading up to it to misrepresent herself as a product of “Oakland” or, more broadly, California’s large “East Bay” region, rather than the actual site of most of her growing up, a place popularly called by its residents “the People’s Republic of Berkeley.” It would appear that the Democrats are planning to smuggle a radical-left foreign policy agenda past the electorate under a “moderate” disguise.

David Lewis Schaefer is a Professor Emeritus of Political Science at College of the Holy Cross.

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6 months ago

Again, will the voter wise up to the false rhetoric being given by VP Harris? Everything that was stated by her goes against the grain since she has accomplished nothing as VP. Everything that has been done by this administration is in accordance with the puppet masters that are actually in control and desire the downfall of our nation. This will be the last chance — either take the nation and freedom back or lose it forever.

6 months ago

I don’t trust her. Anyone that holds the views she has held for the five maybe longer years is now gaslighting the American people and the MSM will continue to brainwash the uninformed.
Pray for our country.

6 months ago

Has there ever been a more inept jackass running for President than Kookoo Kamala? . . . God help this country if she ever gets “Elected”!!!

6 months ago

She’s a communist, and so is Walz. I wouldn’t trust my alligator to her (if I even had one) They are both evil snakes! Anyone who would do abortions and vasectomies at their conventions are really sick, sick and beyond. Abortions are satanic rituals!

Dr. Sam Adams
Dr. Sam Adams
6 months ago

Having this imbecile in charge of national security is akin to having a wolf guarding children.

Deborah Wood
Deborah Wood
6 months ago

No democrat is fit to be Commander in Chief

6 months ago

Kumbaya’s “lethal fighting force” has been invading our southern border for over three years now, under her failures as “Border Czar.” WAKE UP AMERICA, Hairball and Tampon Tim will DESTROY our country once and for all if they are allowed to steal the election.

6 months ago

In 2016, Donald Trump told us what he intended to do in the Office of President. When elected, he did those things. Our economy improved markedly over the Obama economy, and our enemies did not choose to pick any fights with us. Our national defense was solid.
Kamala Harris has not provided any details on her intended policies. She spreads a message of blissful, soulful happiness, with no hint of what she intends to accomplish, if elected.
As Vice-President, Kamala never took a stand on any issues that I am aware of – not even the Border (as “Border Czar”). This sets off alarm bells for many, as with me. She also knew Biden was not competent, and showed many signs of dementia… but said nothing.
We know nothing about her except her lack of commitment and involvement. What reason is there to elect her as our Commander-in-Chief?!

6 months ago

Harris is an empty chair. She has only a few accomplishments and they were the tie breaking votes on screwing the American people. At this point anyone voting for her is clinically brain dead.

6 months ago

The ONLY “Lethal” Forces that Would & WILL Happen Under the 4th TERM of The O Regime, This is Merely the 2nd Puppet Up, Would Be AGAINST The AMERICAN People, More Exact, The CONSERVATIVES & REPUBLICANS, Even MORE EXACT….Those Who DARE TO & WILL Continue to SUPPORT PRESIDENT TRUMP & OUR MAKE AMERICA GREAT, PUT AMERICA & AMERICANS, The LEGAL & LAWFUL…Citizens FIRST…Before ILLEGALS, Undocumented “Newcomers” They’ve IMPORTED, INVITED, PAID & COMPENSATED For THEIR VOTES…They ARE SIGNED UP AT THE BORDER! Before They RECEIVE All Their FREEBIES, CASH, HOUSING, TRANSPORTATION, MEDICAL, EDUCATIONAL, ALL Things For FREE…GIVEN TO THEM….While THEY’RE SIGNED UP & Many GIVER Drivers Licenses ON TOP Of It All…They CAME IN…With BIDEN T-SHIRTS! They Were COACHED ALL THE WAY Before They LEFT Their 150+ Other Countries With PROMISES OF ALL OF THIS FOR FREE..Including Being MADE Part of the US BY Breaking OUR LAWS….THEY WON’T STOP, They Have NO Respect FOR OUR COUNTRY, LAWS OR CULTURE…NONE. ALL They’ve COME FOR Are the FREE LIVES They’ve BEEN Promised.,& BTW Receiving IN FRONT OF….VETERANS, OUR OWN TRUE HOMELESS & HUNGRY & SICK!!…Our OWN CHILDREN Also THEIR Resources Being GIVEN AWAY To ILLEGALS Before OUR Own Are TAKEN CARE OF…RESOURCES ARE NOT….Abundant Enough To TAKE CARE OF THE WORLD…They’re Just NOT. As for LETHAL FORCES…They’ve Already Said Many Times the Quiet Parts OUT LOUD…Those Are to RE-EDUCATE & Or Just CONTINUE The TARGETING & THE INTIMIDATIONS & USE ALL Government AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE…ALL Who Don’t Go ALONG To GET ALONG & Keep THEM IN POWER & They’ll Continue To DO AWAY WITH…One Way or Another THEIR OPPOSITION….You’ll OWN Nothing, Be Able to AFFORD ANYTHING But Hey, You’ll Be HAPPY & JOYFUL! NOT.. Know Why?? Because This Is Nothing Compared to the WORST Yet to SHOW ITSELF…You Think Inflations Been Bad, Housing Is Unaffordable, TAXES, GAS, FOOD? Insurance, NAME IT, A/C, HEAT, AUTO’S…NAME IT…Things Are Much Worse Already, You’re Not EVEN Seeing the REAL CRIME STATS Let ALONE The REAL INFLATION OR.>>””REAL JOBS! Numbers”” You’ll Only SEE What You’re “ALLOWED” To Speak About, Guess What? That Won’t Be AVAILABLE EITHER…Like They’ve Done in EU & UK….You Won’t Be “”ALLOWED”” to Speak About ANYTHING You Have a DISLIKE For, Or You’re Against…YOU WILL BE…Controlled & You Will LIKE ALL OF IT OR ELSE…Well, Me For One, I’ll Take the WHAT ELSE…..SOMEWHERE ELSE….Not Sure Where, Not Much LEFT…But, People Are PLANNING….Just In Case…We’re Not Living In the DICTATORSHIP & COMMUNIST MARXIST Country THEY’VE TURNED THIS, NO TRANSFORMED OUR COUNTRY INTO….WAKE NO….Or Don’t Ever COMPLAIN About Any of IT Again…That WON’T BE ALLOWED…LETHAL? You Haven’t Seen The LOW & DIRTY PLACES THEY’RE GOING, YET….But, YOU WILL…..IF.. Conspiracies Always End Up Being TRUE, However ALWAYS TOO LATE…As PLANNED.. Once It’s Done, IT IS TOO LATE…Think Back About 16 Years Ago, Realize HOW MUCH HAS BEEN ALREADY…TRANSFORMED?? WAIT.. Replacement & Weaponizing of Entire Government Has Been Done But NOT Finished..

6 months ago

i thought Kameltoe sounded like a warmonger in her speech at the convention. She dismissed Trump’s talks face to face with Un of North Korea as so much nonsense. She forgot when she was at the DMZ she got North Korea mixed up with South Korea. She thinks having a dialogue with our adversaries is bad for America and the world. This part of her speech was inserted to appease the military industrial complex. The current Biden/Harris administration feels appeasing them with billions of dollars is better like they did with Iran. Of course it is that’s why we have war in the Middle East. There was no war under Trump. Remember he moved the American embassy to Jerusalem. He got the Abrams accord signed. There was no war in the Middle East. Afghanistan was not in the hands of the Taliban. No American soldiers were killed in a war during Trump’s administration. He didn’t sell America out to Iran. Putin invaded the Ukraine after the disaster upon withdrawing from Afghanistan. He knew ole Joe didn’t have the brains to formulate a plan to defeat him. Ole Joe surrounded himself with anti American advisors. To follow the DEI guidelines not because of better qualifications. O served his 3rd term well and finished what he started in 2008 the destruction of the Republic of America into a communist state. And this will continue under Harris/ Walz they are the puppets appointed by the anti Americans like P and S on orders of O. He is worth 100 million dollars with 4 estates. Have taken a little more than they needed. She sure didn’t listen to her mother’s advice. The whole world is holding its breath and hoping for a Trump presidency. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE for president/vice president in 2024 to keep the world free.

Bernard. Giroux
Bernard. Giroux
6 months ago

God help us if Harris and Walz are elected.

6 months ago

So, Emma’s Dad/Kamal’s husband is they are really proud of her fundraising efforts. It is absolutely inconceivable to me that people don’t see through all the crap the Dems are pulling. Are American voters really that easy to fool?

6 months ago

Kamala is a Spawn of Satan. She is so reminiscent of Obama, it’s bone chilling. She even has his demonic eyes. Either Obama is writing her speeches, or his staff speech writer’s writing them. She is making the same Anti-Christian comments as Obama. It’s time to rid ourselves of these Demons Worldwide.

Jay H.
Jay H.
6 months ago

Why doesn’t anyone ask bidung or cackles why they unfroze funds for iran, that gave them around 600 billion to spend on terrorist activities against Israel & the US. This single action alone put the world in danger. How was this a “muscular” national security decision that benefitted no one but terrorists?

6 months ago


6 months ago

She is an evil puppet possessed by demonic forces and she will say whatever it takes to put and keep the evil in power as it is now.
If God wills that she is elected it will hasten His return as America will be no more and destroyed from within. It is already headed that way with all the evil that is spreading around this country presently. Our cities are being taken over by South American gangs that are unbelievably evil and spread terror onto innocent Americans, I feel so sorry for the evil that is being performed against this once great nation, but I know our future is bright if you believe and have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Come soon Lord Jesus!!

6 months ago


Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

And she’s gonna build a wall, too! Give me a break…

anna hubert
anna hubert
6 months ago

She is very popular at the moment ,darling of the media and object of adoration of the party it seems So was Hilary. We all know how that ended. Never trust a fellow democrat .If anyone ,she should know that .Being one.

6 months ago

if you trust(vote) her with anything you might just as well cut your own throat. she wants to destroy the USA, as do the dumb as crap party. why? who knows but i bet it has to do with soros money.

6 months ago

Anyone that votes for her needs to see a shrink. She is a complete idiot. My great granddaughter (3 yrs old) has more common sense that Harris.

6 months ago

“as commander in chief,” to “ensure that America has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world,” and “to take whatever action is necessary to defend our forces and our interests against Iran and Iran-backed terrorists.” SHE’S ALREADY FAILEDAT THESE.NO REASON TO BELIEVE NOW SHE WILL/EVER WOULD. BIDEN-HARRIS IS THE TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE GANG. NEVER AGAIN!!! EVER!!!!!

6 months ago

sadly to say, many libs believe whatever these idiots say at face value. No wonder the country is screwed up.

6 months ago

Those of us who read or watch conservative news are quite aware of Harris’s shortcomings. Those who adore her “joyfulness” will not be persuaded. So it comes down to numbers, and how many independent thinkers can be persuaded. I am torn between hopeful and fearful.

George M
George M
6 months ago

Thanks Professor this is the kind of information voters need but all to often never see! Thanks so much!

Hank McCoy
Hank McCoy
6 months ago

People don’t like Kamala Harris?

6 months ago

Trump did not help USA any this week when he told news media that the military is out of ammo cuz we are sending it all to Ukraine & ??. He said the USA was out of ammo when he took over as POTUS & he did not tell our enemies but filled the ammo up until it was coming out our gills. I would image other companies are tracking military gear that we are sending to other countries, but Trump should not be saying this in public in my opinion.

6 months ago

Please Please who can help us? Good bye to America as we have known it.

6 months ago

A total Scam, viewed from any perspective. Hideous in its implications. She has no more idea of how to run our government than any other air head Utopian Marxist. Same equation, same disastrous results. Visit the Communist Soviet Union, Communist Maoist China PRC, East Germany DDR, Francoist Spain, Juan Peròn’s Argentina, Hugo Chavez/Nicolas Maduro’s Venezuela, Allende’s/Pinochet’s Chile, Woodrow Wilson’s vision for the USA without a Constitution as a statist nation,etc., for examples of the current Progressive/Democratic “agenda.”

6 months ago

This article successfully confirms Sneha Nair is a fanatical LGBQTWTF reality-denier, and possibly mentally ill to boot.

Hank McCoy
Hank McCoy
6 months ago

Kamal Harris wants to finish what Joe Biden started?people don’t trust Joe Biden adminisrtation?people don’t think Kamala Harris is the right candidate?

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
6 months ago

All you need to do is look at kamrade kacklin’ kammy’s record as a prosecutor and DA of Kalifornya, as a senator and as Vice President to see that she brings absolutely NOTHING to the table and that everything out of her mouth his a lie.
She believes in open borders and supporting illegal aliens to the detriment of the US Citizens. She’s on board with united nations agenda 21 and the 2030 agenda to redistribute America’s wealth and to bring the US “more in line with the rest of the world.” In other words, turn the USA into a third-world cesspool. She can’t hold a stance on anything and changes her opinions and beliefs as often as the rest of us change our underwear. She a disgrace and wouldn’t know the truth if it kicked her in the arse.

6 months ago

She is a tyrant…don’t see Trump cozying up to her…

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Nor any Democrat to date No 1

6 months ago

What has happened to our National Security since 2020? We have had two major breaches and that was Jan 6 attack on Capitol and now the July assassination attempt by a 20-year old American citizen on Trump. We must quit defending the criminals more than we do our law enforcement would be a good start to defend our country.

6 months ago

Trump is the one that wanted debate & this week he is whining about Democrats making up rules that hurt him. We need this debate & both Trump & Harris should be asked tough questions whether it hurts their ego or not. Tell you one thing, I think that Harris would stop & chastise Trump if he starting lurking in the background like he did to Clinton in 2016. The moderator should stop Trump from his bully antics like that.

6 months ago


John Shipway
John Shipway
6 months ago

Defense budget? Defense planning? The US hasn’t utilized its forces for “defense” since 1812. Call all the waste for what it is please. Either the “building of military industrial corporational structures within the control of government”, or just cut it short and call it the “Offensive budget in the interests of certain approved corporations”.
Now, forget all this and lets go help “Gods Chosen People” do some serious Palestinian baby killing!!!

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