This week, the media found its latest iteration of its favorite narrative: white man harms black man. That iteration featured a 24-year-old white Marine from Queens attempting to suppress a 30-year-old homeless, psychotic black man, Jordan Neely, via use of a suppression hold. Neely was apparently threatening people on the subway when the Marine took him down from behind, keeping him in the suppression hold for 15 minutes; Neely died shortly thereafter.
The extraordinarily inflammatory and insipid Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., immediately rushed to Twitter in order to gin up outrage: “Jordan Neely was murdered. But bc Jordan was houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services to militarize itself while many in power demonize the poor, the murderer gets protected w/ passive headlines + no charges. It’s disgusting.” Meanwhile, Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine tweeted, “I saw Jordan Neely perform his Michael Jackson routine many times on the A train. He always made people smile. Our broken mental health system failed him. He deserved help, not to die in a chokehold on the floor of the subway.”
So, who was Neely? A career criminal. He wasn’t just shouting threats at passengers — he had been arrested more than 40 times in the past. Those arrests ranged from drugs to disorderly conduct to fare beating. When he died, he carried an outstanding warrant for assaulting a 67-year-old woman. A bevy of people apparently report that he had attempted to shove people onto subway tracks more than once.
Why was Neely out on the streets? It was clear to everyone that he was a mentally ill psychotic man with a serious drug record, a rap sheet longer than the phone book and an alleged history of violent incidents. The answer is that the city of New York has decided no longer to prosecute crime. To do so might raise the unpalatable spectacle of racial disparity in crime statistics — and it is apparently more important to preserve egalitarianism in arrest statistics than to take active threats off the streets.
The consequences of such idiocy are dire, for both the general public and for people like Jordan Neely. How long can the authorities in New York expect everyday citizens to experience hostile and violent encounters before taking action? Commentator Toure tweeted, “It is normal to see loud, disturbing mental breakdowns on the NYC subway. I’m not defending that; I’m saying it’s a regular occurrence. What’s not normal is to murder people having loud, disturbing mental breakdowns.” But short of prophecy, how can those watching such a breakdown, complete with threats against others, know who is harmless and who isn’t? Normally such questions are outsourced to law enforcement. When law enforcement is prevented from doing its job, crime rises — and citizens are forced to engage in acts of self-defense.
All of this would be perfectly obvious were Jordan Neely white and the Marine black in this case; then, the media and political class would declare the Marine a hero for protecting others on the subway car. But the narrative must be preserved — the lie that crime by minority members must be ignored for the greater good of society, lest response to such crime facilitate systemic racism. Often, it’s innocent victims who pay the price. In the case of Jordan Neely, it was the criminal himself, who never would have died were the system rational enough to have policed him decently years ago.
Ben Shapiro, 39, is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author; his latest book is “The Authoritarian Moment: How The Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent.”
How about aoc jump on twitter and tell of ALL the black men attacking White men and White women with children every day caught on camera and news reports? Especially since the Socialist, Communist, Fascist democrats constantly push for Defunding the Police and liberal States have cut funding to their Police Departments like Washington State, Oregon, Illinoi, NY, Michigan, and the rest of liberal Controlled States.
It is the responsibility of American citizens to help protect each other along with the Police.
Want crime to drop then don’t put Socialist, Communist, and Fascist democrats in office since they are the ones INCREASING CRIME from their constantly FAILED policies.
They are the only ones that let crime run rampant with No Bail, changing felonies to misdemeanors, and emptying prisons while at the same time letting in Millions of ILLEGAL ALEIN TERRORIST CRIMINALS.
AOC wouldn’t be caught dead riding the subway . Yet she thinks she knows what goes down. She should take a ride sometime, without her armed protection.
Innocent people don’t want to be victims and thugs are counting on that.
More jail time means less crime.
Get rid of the WEF And our problems will be cut in half and half as hard to fix ! ????❤️✝️
It should not be difficult even for AOC to understand that without the law there can’t be order When people are forced to fend for themselves they will She should walk for a day in the shoes of regular NYorker We do not need another martyr Who will propose the law that will deal mercilessly with the drug suppliers Will AOC endorse it?
The left only procecutes the lawful. They created this mess and their only solution is to blame anyone except the perpetrators.
I for one am glad to see brave Americans standing up to criminals who threaten and harass law abiding citizens who are minding their own business!
If the politicians have our policemen handcuffed and restricted from enforcing the laws of society then it is up to the citizens to protect themselves and others from these thugs!
MayGod bless this Marine for his courage!
Mental has been ignored since I was a child in the 60’s except when they were violent. Now it’s gone another step and allowed the violent to roam the street. He doesn’t belong in jail. But as long as dept. of mental health stays woefully underfunded, it will fall on citizens to protect themselves until the system does it’s job.
AOC is so out of touch with reality it’s literally mind blowing. I can’t decide if she is stupid or just deaf, dumb and blind. Seeing only what she chooses to see, hearing what she chooses to hear and let’s the wrong orifice do the talking for her. If she was worth anything at all and really wanted to help the people, all of the people , she would walk in their shoes to see what life is really like outside her gilded cage. Change your appearance, leave all your security people in a locked room, and then go out in the world as an ordinary citizen for 48 hours. You won’t last 4 hours. You are a coward. You haven’t got a clue what is involved when it comes to trying to make ends meet, how to protect yourself, and why the need to be able to protect yourself is there. You like the rest of the dumacrates don’t have a clue. You are pathetic and don’t give a rats ass about helping your fellow man. You, like the rest of them only choose to help yourself.
great article and so true. If the police won’t patrol and stop the frightening and threatening behavior, a hero has to step in and risk his life! It shouldn’t be that way and certainly should be no penalty for stopping a dangerous person from threatening harm to others. It was self-defense!