
National Security , Newsline

When Deportations Start, Expect ‘Heartbreaking’ Stories From Corporate Media, Sen. Cruz Warns 

Posted on Wednesday, December 11, 2024
by Outside Contributor

President-elect Donald Trump made mass deportations a pillar of his winning campaign platform. Trump and Tom Homan—the former acting head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, who Trump tapped to be his border czar—say they will prioritize the deportations of criminal illegal aliens.  

Whether all of the estimated more than 10 million illegal aliens who entered the country under the Biden-Harris administration are deported or not is ultimately up to the incoming Trump administration, says Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.  

But when mass deportations begin, “the media will do everything they can to find a heartbreaking story,” Cruz told The Daily Signal after a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Capitol Hill discussing mass deportations, adding, “There are a lot of tragic stories. One thing the media never covers are these tragedies that are produced by these open borders.”

A mother who is all too familiar with the tragedies of the open-border crisis shared her story before Cruz and the other senators on the Judiciary Committee during Tuesday’s hearing.  

In the summer of 2023, Patty Morin received a phone call that her daughter’s body had been found. At the time, Morin only knew that her daughter Rachel, 37 and the mother of five, was dead, but she soon learned the details of Rachel’s death.  

“I was told that she was beaten so badly that her body was blanketed in bruises, that she was strangled, that she was raped, and that she was stuffed into a drainpipe,” Morin told the senators.

After a lengthy investigation, authorities arrested Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, an illegal alien from El Salvador, on charges of rape and murder in the death of Rachel Morin.  

“We need to close our borders. We need to protect American families. We need to protect our women and children, which are the most vulnerable in this country,” Patty Morin said.  

“I think that you should put American citizens first,” Morin told the senators. “We are the ones that pay your paycheck. We are the ones that pay taxes.”  

It is not Americans alone who have suffered because of the current administration’s border policies, according to Cruz.  

“Incredible abuse of migrants” has taken place because of the border crisis, the Texas lawmaker said.  

“Every day, illegal immigrants are killed,” he said. “They are raped. They are brutalized. When you go down to the southern border, and you look in the eyes of a little girl, a little boy who has been brutalized by human traffickers, it is haunting, and the media doesn’t tell that story.”  

In August, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported that it doesn’t know the location or status of more than 300,000 migrant children. Between fiscal years 2019 and 2023, some 32,000 illegal alien minors did not appear for their immigration court hearing, and an additional 291,000 were never given an immigration court date at all. 

Nearly 5,000 unaccompanied migrant children were encountered at the southern border in December 2020, the last full month of Trump’s first term. By July 2021, Customs and Border Protection reported nearly 19,000 encounters with unaccompanied migrant children for the month.   

According to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, 81% of unaccompanied alien children are between the ages of 13 and 18. The average age of a trafficking victim in the U.S. is between 12 and 15, according to Anti-Trafficking International.    

The criminal cartels have exploited a loophole in U.S. law that has allowed unaccompanied alien children from any country except Mexico and Canada to be paroled into the country. A bill known as HR 2 would have closed this loophole. The House passed HR 2 in May 2023, but the Democrat-controlled Senate never took it up.  

Even with Republicans set to take control of the Senate in January, Cruz, who authored the Senate version of HR 2, says, “Democrats are not going to pass HR 2. Every Democrat has voted against it, and every Democrat continues to support these open borders.”  

“The good news,” according to Cruz, “is the vast majority of the damage that has been done the last four years in open borders was done through unilateral executive action, which means it can be undone through unilateral executive action.”  

Cruz added that Congress is going to act and will take up “a budget reconciliation bill that is going to provide the funding to secure the border.” 

Stopping the flow of illegal immigration begins by answering the question, “What happens when someone’s apprehended?” Cruz said. “And if the answer is that they’re put on a plane and sent back to the country they came from, the numbers plummet, and if the answer is they’re released and allowed to stay in this country, the numbers skyrocket.”  

Trump will be sworn into office on Jan. 20, and Cruz predicts that “we will see the numbers plummet in January and February of next year.”  

Virginia Allen is a senior news producer for The Daily Signal and host of “The Daily Signal Podcast” and “Problematic Women.” 

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal – By Virginia Allen

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

We hope our military will be used to guard the borders as it is being fenced in. Tell them to turn around or get shot. A huge warning in Spanish must be posted on all entrances. Because this is an invasion with criminal elements of the Cartels, I think it is okay to use the military. If we can protect foreign countries, why can’t we protect our own citizens? Don’t we see enough victims of rape, murders and attacks which is still going? Are Democrats so hungry for power that they will use these illegals in the “census” to get more electors to elect them? That is their purpose anyway on top of the cheating on election harvesting with these illegals. Democrat has no conscience nor guilt on what these illegals has done already and are still doing. How about the BILLIONS spent on illegals, instead of caring for our homeless poor and Veterans that Democrats has abandoned. Thank God for Pres. Trump we now have hope. Watch for those who go against him and trash them in every election from now on. Pray for Wisdom from God.

James DeBona
James DeBona
3 months ago

What needs to be done is create legislation to severely cut back on any welfare or assistance being given to illegals at taxpayer’s expense. Dry up the goodies “well” and many if not most will self deport back to where they came from. Or at least go to one of the many accepting countries that they passed through to get here simply because we offered them more goodies!!!

3 months ago

Well, as usual, the nation can count on the MSM world to run as many articles as possible to make Pres. Trump look like a villain and that he should have never been elected once again to the White House. Look forward to the same old shanty tactics by MSM to discredit Pres. Trump and his team.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

the heartbreaking stories already started at that hearing. In addition to Rachel Morin’s mother, the hearing also featured testimony by “dreamers”, people who were brought here illegally as children. Democrats have completed ignored the fact that Donald trump and Tom Homan have repeatedly said that they are going to focus their deportation efforts on criminals, national security threats and people subject to deportation orders.

Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
3 months ago

My heart bleeds only for the Americans who have been injured and killed by the illegals SOBiden and Harris brought in and then fed and coddled with money stolen from AMERICANS! I’ll be happy if our military is stationed all along the border and shoots anyone crossing it to enter America illegally! I’m quite sure there are a number of Americans who would back them up.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
3 months ago

God gave us Pres. Trump to secure our country from illegals, to FIND & save the 300,000 missing children, to save our own people from getting raped, murdered & attacked & also to save the illegals from being abused, raped & also murdered. If Democrats can’t see that, then they defined themselves as EVIL.

3 months ago


3 months ago

It’s a tough decision to deport people but Biden/Harris and the progressives should never have brought this human crisis into our country and then leave it up to someone else to clean up the mess.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

They will never stop churning out heart breaking stories , I can see their outrage. Only when it comes to crime , disorder and lawlessness , there is not a peep from our media.

3 months ago

Well, you know, I have a sad story to tell but no one wants to listen because I’m not an illegal, I’m just a poor, elderly American citizen who is struggling to make ends meet with a sick granddaughter I’m caring for and when Covid hit and then the Biden administration’s inflation and other hurtful policies have left me struggling!! And when I see illegals getting all kinds of free stuff that I am denied, I really get angry, pissed off!!

3 months ago

To all the politicians of either party.What part of ILLEGAL do they not understand. NO FREE ANYTHING. To the illegals that have been here for decades,why not become citizens. The politicians need to have term limits.They are a public servant and work for the CITIZENS of the U.S.A. Do you job for the American people.Time to stop sending money overseas and bring our service members home to help secure our borders.

3 months ago

Environmentalists will welcome deportations, yet no articles praising it.

3 months ago

I have a bit of concern for illegals that are here and are not causing trouble or soaking up funds from our tax payers, but illegal is illegal. I say get the unwanted trouble making illegals out and out fast and furious. If the country of origin will not take them back, the Guantanamo Bay detention camp has some available space. Maybe we need to just drop them off at the border, the Mexico side of the border, and let them find their own way back to their country of origin. I care so much more for American Citizens and the trouble these folks are causing than I do about each of them. Sorry, but wrong is still wrong. No more free stuff to illegals or visitors, and no more open borders for anyone. No more anchor babies for illegals or visitors, and a very strong process for any Chain Migration applicants. Get your head screwed on correctly folks in charge of the border and do what must be done and done quickly.

3 months ago

F the boo hoo.. these are criminals breaking our laws.

3 months ago

Our innocent people murdered by the illegal immigrants brought stateside by the moral bankruptcy of Biden/Harris deserved much better. The sob stories of illegal immigrant deportation mean nothing, and will kill no one.

3 months ago

Yeah, cannot wait to start hearing about the sob stories. It should be quite comical when mexican president elect newsom of California gets on the news with his retorech.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
3 months ago

Their ignorance deserves an appropriate respnse: ignore them.

3 months ago

Oh, BooHoooHooo. Time to get the blankies and binkies out.

3 months ago

Heart breaking stories from the leftists is admission of guilt in a case like this. They’re complicit in this treason. All. Of. Them.
There’s a procedure to enter a foreign country and the biggest crimes were committed at the very top and all the way to the cartels.
Drain the swamp scum.
Thank God for President Trump! May He bless and protect the man and his administration, and America.

Dot whitley
Dot whitley
3 months ago

I have no respect for anybody who gives in to the media. It’s not hard to ignore them ,and I hope Trump remembers who voted for him.

Thomas A Thomas
Thomas A Thomas
3 months ago

The immigration and naturalization service (INS) can ask the illegal immigrants to return to their home country on their own, instead of being deported, as the deported illegal immigrants are not allowed to return to the US at a later time.
Canada, England, Italy, Israel and few other countries give work permits for Home Health Aide health care workers.
Many senior citizens in the US would hire Home Health Aide workers.
Training institutions such as Community colleges, may train illegal immigrants to become trained Home Health Aides, and streamline the requirements to become a Home Health Aide in the United States.
Basic education grants, scholarships, student loans, et cetera will cover the expenses for the background checks, health cards, and fees for work permits, required by INS.
People can also be trained to become medical or dental assistants to work at hospitals, doctors’ offices, and nursing homes.
Others can be trained to become qualified food, and kitchen assistants to work at restaurants, food processing plants, and farms.
Selected illegal aliens can be trained as qualified child care workers to become nannies for working at child care centers, private homes, and at the group homes for foster children.
Auto mechanic assistants, construction work assistants, convenience store clerks, farming assistants, etc. also require training, and certifications. Such trainings assures efficient job performance, and the appropriate work ethics required for the job.
Developing countries like India had instituted ‘on the job training programs’ by the prime ministers Mr. Manmohan Sing and Mr. Modi, for those who want to be employed.
This ‘time-limited, and one time only’ program would appeal to  Americans, as all are in the pursuit of Making America Gr8 Again.
Under this program, Illegal aliens would not be gaining permanent residence. Instead, they would be getting temporary work permits that must be renewed every six months, and they would have to pay a fee each time. They are not allowed to receive public assistance, not allowed to register to vote which can be done only after becoming a U S citizen.
They would be given the option to avoid deportation, and they can stay in the US until their application for immigration is processed through the proper method, and channels.
President Trump may show clemency to these illegals, or ask President Biden to pardon them before leaving the office who will soon be qualified helping hands — unless they have a criminal background.
Home Health Aide (HHA) training, and other minimally qualifying training and certifications for honest, ambitious, hard-working illegal aliens is far more preferable to deportation. It is a win-win scenario that benefits everyone involved.

M Simunich- Idaho
M Simunich- Idaho
3 months ago

start with the Venezuelan gangs. Use the FBI secret agents on J6 for the first assault.

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
3 months ago

Yes, many will complain and be nasty about sending even the worst criminal illegals back to where they were. We need to keep shining the light on the horrors of their child-trafficking, the murders, the rapes and other horrendous crimes they have committed while here just a short time. I just hope the GOP in DC will be strong instead of acting like scared rabbits. Those that won’t work with the Republicans in Congress are the reason we have let DC go to the Progressives.

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