The Democrat party seems troubled. When negotiating a curve at high speed, too tight a turn can shake up passengers, test the integrity of the carrying vehicle, and deliver everything into the pucker brush. Arguably, this is where the national Democratic Party is headed, if they don’t slow down, start thinking about where their public positions are leading, and reorient.
Take top issues – and unpack them. They do not align with seniors or average Americans. The question behind the question: What are national Democrats thinking? Why break-neck speed into 2020’s turn?
- Two Democrat Governors (New York and Virginia) have advocated late-term and at-birth abortion (in Virginia, outright killing of a child after birth, so long as the infant is “made comfortable”). The bill became law in New York and remains under serious discussion in Virginia. How can there be no national Democrat opposition to such a horrifying, unconscionable, and immoral act?
Across American history, in most countries of the world, in the conscience of most Americans, this is murder. Yet the liberal media buried the issue – diverting to other unseemly acts. Where is the American media on this? The notion that we would, as a nation, condone this is chilling.
- Congressional Democrats proposed a “Green New Deal,” that swiftly ends reliance on fossil fuels (of which the United States is the world’s top producer), seeks federal control of America’s energy sector (since they have done so well with health care), mandates to retrofit all buildings, ends modern agriculture, transportation, security, and capitalist norms such as pay for work (i.e. paying those “unwilling to work”), terminates air travel, and proposes other unworkable, nonsensical federal dictates. Where are national Democrat leaders? Where is the media?
While led by New York Democrat member of Congress Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who has given herself the nom de guerre “AOC,” ala “FDR, JFK, MLK, in her personal war with traditional American values, she was oddly joined by a flood of Democrats. Really?
On closer examination, the bill looks like rewarmed Soviet doctrine, a bold socialist agenda that tips toward totalitarian control over production, forced redistribution of wealth, centralized decision-making, the antithesis of limited government, individual rights, state sovereignty, and private property control. The text gives a shiver. Where are Democrat voices of reason?
- Democrats in Congress push openly “Medicare for All” to end private and employer-covered health insurance for 150 million Americans – ala Bernie Sanders. Like the Green Deal, no price tag – or source of funding. The unmasked plan is simple: Usurp the private sector, states and individual rights and transfer control to the federal government. Soaking an invisible class of taxpayers (read: middle class) for unaccountable, unmanageable, and highly wasteful single -payer-system. Breathtaking is one word for this audacity. Ignorance – of history and economics – is another.
- Next, a raft of Democrat presidential nominees are diving to the left, each trying to out-radical their next-up-radical Democrat competitor, with one advancing legalizing marijuana nationally to “spread joy” (despite skyrocketing addiction and treatment costs, drugged driving and crime), another seeking to stop “white privilege” (while a colleague rescinds her “Native American” status), another wanting to take over the banking sector (despite a flying US economy), all advancing “open borders,” opposing border walls, arguing for “sanctuary cities,” ending ICE and DEA, none offering anything on the economy except higher taxes, more regulation and greater federal spending. Quiets one to silence.
- Last, one is stunned by the pivot away from these issues in the media, except to offer gloss – toward distraction of scandals. But even here, the Democratic Party seems to be stumbling. When the US Senate revealed this week that they have found no evidence of Trump Campaign collusion with Russia, media and Democrats argued the point.
Then, in Virginia, a sitting Democrat Governor is found to have been active in multiple “blackface” events confirmed by a graduate “yearbook,” side by side wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood. To be clear, the KKK killed people; they are not a joke. Yet media ignored that and turned to the “blackface,” not the clansman. On both, the Democrat governor gets a pass? Why?
Then add the Virginia Lieutenant Governor, credibly accused by two separate women of recent sexual assaults, rape and forced sodomy. The Democrat party allows the man to keep his job? Add a third high-ranking Democrat, the sitting Virginia Attorney General – a man commissioned by the people to enforce anti-discrimination laws – and he also confesses to wearing racial costumes that parody black Americans. Still the majority of Democrats are silent.
So, what is happening? The answer is simple: A national party is stumbling, moving far too fast to the radical left, losing any sense of self-awareness, alignment with seniors, average Americans, taxpayers and history – in a frantic, frenetic and ultimately self-destructive spasm of personal ambition, every member for themselves, no matter how absurd that posture looks to most of America.
They have convinced themselves that, despite the best economy in 50 years, lowest unemployment, strongest trade position and dollar, emphasis by President Trump on what Americans care about, from federal accountability and national security to rebalanced trade and the drug crisis, from individual liberty and free speech to free exercise of religion, they will win because they hate President Trump. Only they are again off track. Fully 76 percent of Americans liked President Trump’s State of the Union message, and the objective indicators are all favorable.
Maybe Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Schumer, radical pro-infanticide Democrats, pro-socialist voices, anti-liberty and failed accountability big spenders and limitless regulators should sit down and think about the future. They should think about what most Americans want, instead of careening around the corner into 2020 bullhorns blazing.
Most Americans appreciate “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” – not the opposite. That would be a fresh message, echoes from our past. The Democrat Party seems troubled. The question should be – as President Kennedy noted: What can you do for the country, not what can the country do for you. Simple, and time to remember.
Implosion, No Vision (save More taxes, Govt, regulations, etc) all due to Pres Trump.
Glad to see it, Make the division complete.
Now U can Vote better (save RINOs aiding Dems).
Now is the time for GOP to rally & Lead.
Criticize yes, but stop the advice … Let the democrats be democrats, the sooner they implode, the better for all.
If we had a legitimate media in this country, these socialists would get laughed out of this country. Democratic ideas will bankrupt this county morally and financially.
I think it is good that the lines are being so clearly drawn. If American’s truly want to destroy this nation forever, they certainly have their champions clearly defined. On the other hand. If you want more of what has already worked to Make America Great Again, you also have a very clear choice as to who is, and who will continue to work towards that end.
If they are moving at all to the radical left, it’s too fast.
Please, please don’t try to persuade this clueless bunch of commies they’re heading down the wrong track – encourage them to continue their second blind attempt to ‘fundamentally transform America’. This time around, their failure will be complete and devolve their party to ‘the dustbins of history’. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people…
Again… the (d)s control the media. The media wins elections. If in doubt, refer self to recent midterm results.
There IS no more ‘Democrat’ party – now former ‘democrats’ make up the leadership (such as it is) of the so-called ‘Republican’ party. What’s called the ‘Democrat’ party is a cover name for the American Communist Party.
Democrats have proven themselves once again as traitors to this great nation. These latest exploits just tops a long list since the parties conception.
What we must all realize and that this author continues to ignore, is that the Democrat Party reflects the views of a large and growing segment of the American public (Millennials and Gen-Z’ers) that elected all these pro-infanticide, pro-socialist, pro-authoritarian people to office. The Democrat Party is NOT troubled, as the author suggests. The Democrat Party merely accurately reflects the views and values of a segment of the public that has been successfully conditioned, by the progressively-dominated public education system over decades, to view all these positions in a positive light.
The author states “Most Americans appreciate “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” – not the opposite.”. That may be what members of our generation value, but I can assure you that is NOT what most of the voting base of the Democrat Party is demanding from their representatives in office. Gone is any sense of being personally responsible for one’s own liberty, success and happiness in life. That has all been replaced with “What can the government give me and take from somebody else, so that I can enjoy the kind of lifestyle I want without having to expend much effort or do much work to achieve it?” Expressed in simpler terms, the Democrat voter base is all about “What can you give me for free right now, that somebody else, anybody else but me, will have to pay for?” All the members of Congress that the author mentions were elected by this segment of the public. That is where the real problem exists.
Most Millennials and Gen-z’ers have no idea who President Kennedy was, because they were never taught American history. So it is unrealistic to expect, as the author suggests, that they remember words from JFK. Which was intentional by the progressively-dominated public education system. But I guarantee you that they all Millennials and Gen’Z’ers know who Che, Castro and other beacons of “social and economic justice’ are. The older Democrat Party members in Congress don’t care about JFK anymore, because his values won’t get them re-elected by the current Democrat voter base.
The problem is assuming that these Democrats have anyone else’s interests at heart but their own power and prestige interests. And even that selfish interest is a self delusion. They will take themselves down with us. It is a spiritual battle revealed in the Bible. Our only way out is repentance and surrender to Jesus Christ. And it won’t be for this age, it is headed for destruction. It will be for our resurrection and the age to come.
Most people today realize that the Democrats want to turn America into a socialist/communist nation. For those of you who are older remember the words “ we will bury you from within”
So my question is… How is this made public ķnowledge when they are the only ones being newsworthy? If anyone speaks against them they are turned on as prey to ravenous dogs. Where is the truth told that it may be shared?
Do you really think that if Pelosi, Schumer and the likes of Warren and AOC started campaigning on life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that anyone would believe them?
In my community we have a neighborhood chat online and recently the discussion was about a scheduled meeting by a physician and another person, both promoting a single payer health care system. My overriding impressions were the following: 1) people truly do not understand the risks of socialism 2) nor do they see universal health care as a marker for socialism 3) they seem only concerned with the number of dollars coming out of their pockets and 4) they seem easily swayed by those of a liberal bent. These are good, decent folks who care about others; that’s the scary part. We conservatives had better find a way to reach these people. I tried to explain the slippery slope concept and cautioned them to think twice before giving up their choice and their freedoms. Maybe it helped a little! We must do a better job!
This democratic madness started with Obama when he said we will TRANSFORM America. Uninformed people bought that blindly. America didn’t need to be transformed. America has the constitution which had kept her to success.
The craziness of the Democratic party inspires one to chuckle and dismiss, yet look at all the so called adults who are supporting AOC’s insane agenda. Someone said her “green new deal” was like a high school term paper. I would think she would be an embarrassment to her party being short on facts and having pie in the sky “solutions.” Compare her performance to our eloquent statesmen of the past and there is no comparison. Oh, how far we have walked away from civility and statesmanship!
Those who walk in darkness will surely stumble and fall. Those things done in secret will be shouted from the house top ( the house called White). The Democratic Party is on its last leg. When the special council report, the FISA documents, uranium 1 as well as the human and drug trafficking findings come to light the last leg will be cut off. We will have our Republic back..
To label one as the communist party would not garner more votes, in fact fewer. Therefore, the democrat party has been taken over by the communist/socialists via people like George Soros and those followers of Saul Aliknsky.
When the democratic party took God out of their party, it became Satanic and demonic possessed. Jesus said, “That Satan came to kill, steal, and destroy.” and Jesus said, “That Satan is a liar from the beginning and the father of ALL lies.” so you have no doubt who the democratic party belongs too. Satan has a lot of useful idiot children.
I have read everyone’s comments and all have merit, thank you. I believe that once we took God out of the schools we can document the decline of patriotism, God, knowledge of our history and the growth of political correctness. At 71 I cannot believe what I am seeing taking place in our society. Late term abortion, Governments lying to the citizens, politicians NOT living up the their Oaths. I do recognize that we do have a strong movement fighting back and pray we will prevail. I am thankful for AMAC, The Christian Coalition, Faith and Freedom and other groups that are fighting forGod our country.
The reason that so many “others” don’t believe you and President Trump’ is because of your inaccuracies. Shumer IS NOT the Majority leader, but the minority leader. And we all know the “facts” that the President used in his “State of the Union address”, and in most of his “tweets”. I know that the Democratic Party makes many false assumptions about the COST of THINGS. IF someone is as “EMPTY HEADED” as those “Blabber Mouthed Democrats” who DO NOT MENTION THE COST of the stuff that they mention W/O saying who will pay , how much, and who will actually benefit. Will some one please DIVIDE 22 Trillion DOLLARS by our national population. WE OWE WAY TOO MUCH OF OUR of OUR ANCESTORS UNEARNED WEALTH. DZ
Wake up Americans before it’s to late!!!! The Democratic Party as us older ones know it is gone, left is radicals, murderers, no morals, but the devil is smiling waiting for them!!
I guess nobody told the author that the Democraps are now the the Socialist / Communist / Globalist party. Perhaps they weren’t CC’ed in on the memo…
PaulE is correct.. The Dems own the kiddie vote. It’s what they have been preparing them for going on 50 years. One of these yahoos will be the next President. God help us all…
The Demo party is killing itself from within.
I want to address the El Paso speech: It was absolutely outstanding! I would like to encourage Pres. Trump to do one of these each week and all over the country until the 2020 election. Have it televised every time on all major networks. He needs to get the word out as to all the good being done to counteract the negative and false media.
On the wall: Don’t sign this restrictive bill. Just go ahead and declare a national emergency. Don’t listen to RINO republicans.
The Democratic party is in turmoil and don’t know what the hell is going on
I knew that Obama was a hater of the USA from the time he started to run. I never have understood how so many well educated people could fall into his trap. President Trump is fighting s o very strongly to turn us around. Pelosi has refused twice to listen to the Angel Families who have lost loved ones to illegal immigrants. They have come to her office while she was there and she refused to see them. It is horrible enough to have these people as our leaders, but how in this world can so many Americans follow them? President Trump’s approval rating is now at 53 % or more, and it keeps going up. We Trumpers will win in 2020, but what has happened to those who are Dims that approve of the Green Platform and think it is ok to kill babies even after they are born? Can this be happening in America? How and why?
I think the left think President Trump is so hated by everybody that any nitwit liberal can win hands down in 2020. They are in for a rude awakening. Go Trump Gp!
PaulE is correct. I fought the school curriculum for many years, after reading history books in the education system. History was ignored or reinvented, it was not factual. Libraries were unable to take donated books written before a certain date. Substituting in high school was shocking as the majority of students in the world history class had never heard of the holocaust in Germany or Stalin’s purge. Students are basically illiterate in history and have no idea of where certain philosophies lead.
The Dem’s have figured out that the beautiful lie wins against the ugly truth. Example: I think many people still support Obamacare, now being supplanted by “medicare for all” because they want to believe that they can have the same high quality healthcare (a relative term) and have it payed for by the government; and then they refuse to make the connection between high taxes and the government paying for it, supported by another lie that we can just “tax the rich”. It’s only when you point out the realities of the fact that those taxes will be paid by all, reduced quality of care, rationing, wait times, and yes, death panels, they begin to change their point of view. Getting them to see the ugly truth is the problem because they WANT to believe the beautiful lie. The beautiful lie of socialism often seduces those away from the (not so ugly when properly understood) truth of personal responsibility.
You forgot to mention how Far the Democratic party are moving away from God. 🙁
In their lust for power, the Democratic party has become dangerously deranged and hopelessly sociopathic.
I think their shoes are to tight it’s squeezing their common sense right out their a$$ their has to be away to remove these crazies incompetent criminals from office they are going against Our Highest Law of the Land Our CONSTITUTION as WRITTEN that is a form of Treason they must be removed immediately prosecuted for trying to destroy America they are the Enemy of Our Country must be held accountable the enemy within and No retirement, No healthcare, No benefits of any kind, then get to work on making them part time workers permitly that is all they are and are NOT Entitled to pensions, healthcare, plus they need a cut in pay they should Never make more than the Taxpayers do their wage should be in line with Ford Factory workers and most need investigated for going in normal then becoming millionaires there is something very wrong bribers, selling Americans rights and freedoms to perverted leftist communist socialist this needs attending to Immediately, anyone that can’t swear their oath on a Bible doesn’t belong in OUR government in anyway
The Democrat party as many of us knew it, is over. It is now the party of socialists and communists. Schumer, Pelosi
and their younger members are hellbent on pushing this nation into a civil war. Speaking for ONLY myself, but as one
who put the uniform on and was willing to give his life in defense of what was a great country, I’d rather burn the house down than surrender it to these low life political animals who only care about themselves, political gain and the control of their
fellow citizens lives and property!!! GOD HELP AMERICA!!!
If this is true I will never vote democrat again
bravo, excellent
This is the short cut to Communism. What we fought for 3 generations has emerged as a Fith Columm in half of our body politic. It started with a failed coup against Trump, and now have one last chance to rush to Communism before we can stop it. Beware and be vigilant!
These “people” ( insert “baby-killers” ) have no ability for independent thinking. They are simply marching to the beat of murderess Hillary and the despicable Obamas in their attempt to turn our once great country, an attempt, by the way, being nobly turned about by our courageous President, into a total Islamic state. I am praying that our God, the one and only true God, will once again come to our aid, as He did by keeping Hillary out of the presidency. May God help America in our battle against these ruthless monsters.
America is free choice of where you want to work if you want to go to college or a 2- year degree or a trade school. What to I want to be where do i want to live? Not you will do this you will live here in an apartment. But I would like to buy a house No that’s not what you want!
I want to buy a car no you cannot do that. I want to fly to see Grandma, no airplanes!
I want to buy a boat to go fishing No you must work today and tomorrow and etc…………
America where you can buy a gun & go hunting No gun No Hunting, The Government will determine all of your choices! Think how wonderfull you wont have to worry about paying your rent the government will take it out of your check. NO WORRIES etc……….
Democratic Socialism just another name for American citizen slaves under government rule.???
Democratic socialism just another name for American citizen slaves under government rule
The democrats have reached the point where they believe they are above the law and can do whatever they want. it is time for middle class AMERICANS to stand up for their rights as citizens and DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY from our elected representatives. This government belongs to us not the other way around.. if congress won’t represent all US citizens over illegal invaders then we MUST REPLACE CONGRESS.
The democrats are not the democrats of days past.They are not the party that cares for AMERICA.Their agenda is about money,votes and power.That is NOT the way to make AMERICA great again.
I have a question, will we be letting people out who were convicted of killing a woman and her unborn child? The lawyers will be saying that it can’t be proven that the mother would want her child to live. Maybe after it was born, she would want to abort it. Or, how about a mother killing her child of any age, her defense…I meant to abort him, but forgot. The world is on fire or it will be when God gets through with us.
The Democrats are fearful of Trump. I suspect he knows a lot about them and that they have much to hide.
TDS will be fun to watch.
They truly seem deranged so apparently TDS is a real thing and we see it right before our very eyes. Lunatics on parade. What planet do they live on and how myopic to you have to be to see that they are deranged within their own party? Guess they cant see the forest for the trees. Fine…let them self destruct. They are not listening to anyone or anything but the odd tunes in their heads.