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Vulnerable Democrats Attempt an About Face on Crime – But Is It Too Late?

Posted on Tuesday, June 28, 2022
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris


Late last week, in a highly unusual move, a group of 30 “moderate” House Democrats penned a letter to Democratic leadership urging them to bring forward several pieces of legislation that would increase funding for law enforcement “no later than when Congress returns from the July 4 district work period.” The letter threatens to further fracture an already deeply divided Democratic caucus, and is the clearest sign yet from these swing district Democrats of just how vulnerable they believe they are this fall as crime remains a top concern for voters.

Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), a top Republican target this fall, organized the letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) which was signed by other vulnerable Democrats like Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, Chris Pappas of New Hampshire, and Cindy Axne of Iowa. Specifically, the group is demanding a floor vote on four pieces of legislation that would boost funding for equipment and training for law enforcement, as well as enable local police departments to hire more officers in the wake of a drastic shortage of police in many American cities.

“As we have over the last two years, we continue to hear from our constituents who are extremely concerned about the rising level of crime in the country,” the letter reads. “There are a number of bipartisan bills supporting increased resources for police departments and officers that we believe should be considered as standalone legislation by the House.”

The group of letter signers takes aim at the House Judiciary Committee specifically, writing that the Committee “has made clear to several members that it has no intention of bringing any law enforcement bills through the markup process.” Notably, the Judiciary Committee is chaired by high-profile Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York and includes Congressional Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal – one of the most ardent supporters of the far-left push to “reimagine” policing. “Therefore,” the letter continues, “we implore you [House Democratic leadership] to please use your power to bring these bills to the floor for up or down votes… so that every member can be on the record and their constituents can know where they stand.”

Such hostile rhetoric threatens to open up yet another fault line within the Democratic caucus as the party’s prospects for November look more and more dire. Moreover, the letter makes clear that this group of Democrats understands the lasting political harm that progressives’ support for the “Defund the Police” movement and push for radical criminal justice “reform” has had on the Democratic brand, particularly as crime rates continue to spike throughout the country.

However, while the group of Democrats who signed on to the letter are clearly hoping to appear as though they are concerned about rising crime, they also run the risk of coming across as though they are only concerned about crime because they have a tough re-election battle looming. After all, many of these same Democrats stayed largely silent for the past two years as the progressive left waged an all-out crusade on law and order. Now, an attempt by those same Democrats to boost funding for police may seem to be nothing more than an eleventh-hour attempt to solve a problem that they themselves created – a ploy that is unlikely to fool many voters.

It also remains to be seen if anything will come of the letter’s demands. As evidenced by a range of examples, from the infrastructure bill to efforts to pass a China competition bill, Congressional progressives are not afraid to torpedo bipartisan legislative efforts if they run too far afoul of progressive orthodoxy. Disdain for law enforcement remains a core tenet of progressivism, and radicals like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and Cori Bush (D-MO) have shown no intention of softening on the issue simply for the sake of helping endangered incumbents remain in office.

Moreover, even if House Democratic Leadership does bring law enforcement funding bills to the floor, and even if Pelosi can keep House progressives in line and pass the legislation, that still won’t do much to change the widespread and growing public perception that Democrats are soft on crime. After years of undermining the ability of police to do their job, Democrats are unlikely to be able to simply flip a switch four months before an election and erase their woeful record on public safety. 

Finally beginning to address the crime problem also won’t do anything to alleviate the slew of other crises that Americans are facing thanks to failed Democrat policies. For example, while increasing the number of police officers and providing for more police training and equipment is a good start toward restoring law and order, it must also be coupled with a commitment to stopping the flow of drugs and crime coming across the Southern border – something even moderate Democrats have been unwilling to push for. And of course, even if Democrats could magically stop all crime by November, that still wouldn’t do anything to alleviate record-high inflation and gas prices eating into the savings of American families.

This latest attempt by vulnerable Democrats to boost their moderate credentials ahead of the midterms may thus ultimately prove to be just another doomed attempt to convince voters to forget the record of failure and radicalism that has defined Democrats’ reign over the past two years.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @Shane_Harris_

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2 years ago

I’m reminded some wag proposed limiting office-holders to two terms, the first in Washington, followed immediately by one in the federal penitentiary closest to their loved ones.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Hey Dems reap what U sow

2 years ago

The demoncrats have brought this upon themselves. When Congress critters such as Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren and AOC call for insurrection, there will be crime. Yes, we’re concerned with rising crime and it’s time for voters to vote for conservative, Constitutional people. Demoncrats you caused it and deserve to be voted out of office.

2 years ago

The last paragraph of the article spells out exactly why these so-called Democrat “moderates” are doing what they are doing: They fear they might lose their seats and have to go back to being just regular people subject to the disastrous policies of their own party. A very unpleasant prospect for all of them, as they have enjoyed being immune to the very socialist policies they have supported and advocated for for years. Queue up the violins and sob stories for these folks…NOT! Vote them and as many other Democrats out of office as possible!

I have had the misfortune of having Josh Gottheimer as my Congressman for the last several years, after he managed to oust a decent Republican for the seat, and have listened to him endlessly support every socialist policy and spending plan of Nancy Pelosi and his fellow Democrats for all that time. The only thing “moderate” about Josh Gottheimer and the other signers of this letter to Democrat leadership is that they occasionally say the time frame for implementation of certain disastrous policies should be slightly longer than what the Democrat leadership is pushing for. That’s not moderation. That is hedging your bets by pretending to be slightly resistant to some policy you know will cause major blowback from all the regular people you are damaging.

I do hope that all these so-called “moderates” lose their seats in Congress and get to experience what life is like first-hand under Democrat policies from the other side of the table. However at least in my state, I long ago learned that it is wise to never under-estimate the stupidity of your fellow citizens to NOT learn from their past mistakes and end up re-electing these clowns. So in Josh Gottheimer’s case, another coin toss for his election prospects this November.

J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

With me it was too late 50 years ago when they turned against America and started lying to me and started with their Gun Control BS, one of the best days of my life was when my wife and I became Republicans Not only that, but my Mother and Father also switched parties with us, they had been Democrats for 30 years, how sweet it is and now if we could just get the RINO’s out of the Republican Party.
God Save America!

2 years ago


Laura Germani
Laura Germani
2 years ago

I’m a resident of Downtown Cleveland, Ohio. Two years ago BLM rioters totally destroyed my neighborhood and looted businesses. The place looked like an atomic bomb had been dropped on it. The police were told to stand down by a Democratic mayor (Cleveland is a blue city in a red state). Many of my friends moved out. It took at least a year for the businesses to come back. Some never did. Vice President Harris paid the bail for most of these criminals as if what they had done was totally justified. And the Democrats are still making every effort to defund the police? They’re so worried about the rights of the accused. What about the rights of law abiding citizens like myself? I’m glad to say that Cleveland is coming back! But I know how I’m voting, and it’s definitely not Democrat!

2 years ago

More funding for police departments so they can hire more officers. Hmmm they don’t seem to get it. Here in Seattle, the SPD is very low on officers because so many left in the wake of not being allowed to do their job, defunding and hateful treatment at the hands of the city council. Who would want to work here? Nobody it seems.

2 years ago

I agree that we need better training for the police but we need much more training in schools & at home by teaching our kids to respect our law enforcement & learn that you & you alone are responsible for your actions . make bail higher & the courts have stronger punishment’s for crime & .All this starts at home with the parents 1st then the schools need to enforce rules & regulations , the history of our world & country , The Constitution & religion

2 years ago

I hope this and many other articles like it are correct in their predictions, but I find it unnerving that most of the dems are so serenely confident. These people, unlike rinos, arent happy in the minority. I realize biden will continue to rule with his pen but i doubt the dems believe they’re going to lose congress. This of course brings up the question of what their strategy might be to hold congress. There’re the usual suspicions about cheating that i share, along with a mysteriously timed outbreak of a new variant. To those ill add the possibility of framing key republicans from trump down and continuing the kangaroo court/show trial thru the election. The question is whether that will suppress our voters or energize them.

Susan Bannon
Susan Bannon
2 years ago

We’re finding reversals with some. Is that because an election is close? Will it reverse again after the election?

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

Don’t trust these DINOs! Like snakes in the grass. It’s taken 2 years of ‘listening’ to their constituents to get the message that defunding police and reimagining police protection only increases crime! Any 6 year old can figure that out.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

If the media wasn’t so corrupt and dishonest, way more Americans would be pitching a fit about this and other important issues. But they are part of the cabal making every effort to destroy our country.

2 years ago

Ink on paper isn’t blood in the sand. I don’t beleive for one moment that any Democrate sending these letters beleive in any portion of what words mean.All politicals have two faces, conservative politicians too, one they show the public and one they show to other politicans. On the conservative side we see that in the RINO population. So, no, nothing these Democrates who want to reverse the damage and life loss they are responsible for, when they allowed and promoted riots and then turned their backs on law and order allowing criminals to run ramped across America. None of us should forget their actions and make sure they never get the opportunity to do it again. They will serve the time the rioters should have been serving by total rejection and loss of trust and their political careers trashed.Biden is at the top of the list. He turned his back on America by first breaking our energy independence, then his cowardly retreat from Afganistan, his lawless betrayal at our uncontrollable borders and the murder of imigrants and US citzens by criminals coming across our borders, by setting the stage for Putin’s war in the Ukraine. Yes, Biden’s and Democrate’s distruction of our oil independence gave Putin leverage to war on the Ukraine. The results of their actions, uncontrolled inflation, out of reach housing cost, job losses, out of control fuel costs and a pending US and possible global ression. This is all on their heads.How can we blame it all on Biden. Well his signature is on all of it, but we all know that our teleprompter president wasn’t the only political criminal. So, any Democrate is also complisent by their lack of responce and action against these distructive ideas. After all, they wrote the speeches for Biden to read!

joe mchugh
joe mchugh
2 years ago

The “moderate” Democrats are now calling for supporting the police departments? These are the same liberal elite who pandered to the defund the police groups since 2020.

These Democrats don’t care if the Federal Government increases support for the police departments, or not. They only care about APPEARING to distance themselves from the Democrat Party agenda until after the November election cycle. If re elected these party toadies will revert back to being loyal Nancy Pelosi acolytes.

If you have to crawl over broken glass to do so, register your vote for the non-liberal candidates in November.

2 years ago

Why was it not mentioned that a huge part of the crime problem is prosecuting attorneys are refusing to charge and prosecute so many criminals? Released with no bail required and no charges filed just encourages far more crime.

2 years ago


2 years ago

“There will be a brief pause while We defund the defunders…”

2 years ago

DemonRats are evil, vile, and thoroughly despicable specimens … of something.
And yet, there continues to be a large portion of our population too stupid to stop voting for them. It’s time to deport the whole lot of them to North Korea.

2 years ago

If some democrats are feeling the results of them being nothing but criminals – that is THEIR fault , for being NWO enemies of America .

2 years ago

This is nothing new for the DEMORATS they have lied and cheated ever time they are in a tight spot ,,, hell they do it even when things are running smooth for them ,, all i can say is the people that believe the DEMS. are DEAF,DUMB, AND BLIND ,, i know that not politicly correct and i just dont care ,, the truths hurts dosent it ,,, we as republicans know that all to well we are living it every day ,,,PLEASE GO VOTE PEOPLE WHEN YOU CAN

2 years ago

Any attempt by any Democrat to backpedal their wickedness is contrived. They had plenty of opportunities to show their righteous side over the years, and they didn’t. This party should be voted to extinction and restarted afresh with people who love God, and their country, and espouse righteousness.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

There are lots of reasons why the Democrats get away with flip-flopping so much. I will mention two of the reasons. First, the mainstream media is extremely dishonest when it comes to actually reporting the news. Instead of allowing the public to make their own decisions, the mainstream media caters to those who blindly follow the Democrat talking points. If the actual facts are in conflict with the Democrat talking points, then the truth is either denied or ignored. Second, many Americans who pride themselves for their virtue signaling are actually ignorant and apathetic. It takes a lot more effort to actually work on knowing the facts than merely pontificating woke values from an alternative psychological and social universe. Not only are most Democrats painfully devoid of actual knowledge, they also are stubbornly proud of their alternative sense of reality.

Steve Weidert
Steve Weidert
2 years ago

We need more cops. Stop the senseless rising crime. Or it will be 1880 all over again.

2 years ago

After the Democrat Socialist Communist Party defunds the police across the country, they want the federal taxpayer to bail them out by providing funding for the police. Am I the only person that sees something wrong with this picture? Let the individual state and local governments figure it out. They took it, so let them find it.

2 years ago

Jim Clyburn, the man who single handedly put joeblow in office by calling in all his slaves in SC. And…you expect anyone to believe that?? Really??

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
2 years ago

If the democrats attempt to say or do anything to save face at this point, given the elections coming up this year and 2024, will only be lies and more political games to hopefully get what they want which is a continuation of the destruction of the United States of America!

2 years ago

Sorry, dudes, but there is no forgetting that. If the afore-mentioned would have just remembered from the beginning that they were elected to serve the best interests of their constituents, NOT their party, they would be a lot better off right now.

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

It doesn’t get any sorrier than an elected official from New Jersey. 27 Dim Wits voted against providing SCOTUS judges the security they needed after they INTERPRETED the Constitution- 7 of them from Jersey. The elected officials are not any sorrier than the no class idiots that elect them.

2 years ago

The marxist democrat party has been EXTREMELY WEAK on crime and has allowed rampant civil disobedience and destruction without doing a thing to stop it! The useless cowards let cities be burned, looting at will and violence against innocent Citizens.
NOW it’s time to own it and it’s 100% the failure of the marxist democrat party!!!
They have been focused on destroying America and let criminals RUN WILD!
Time for them to be paid by REMOVAL from EVERY OFFICE.
Don’t let the door hit you in the as* !

2 years ago

Sorry fools, your leader the destroyer President Joe Biden has made his lasting mark with his clueless administration brought down our economy, defunded the police, our safety, our fuel, etc. etc. etc.
How do you feel now?

2 years ago

White House must set an example that they will fight crime: The protesters at the homes of SCOTUS justices is breaking a federal law. Biden & AG Garland need to enforce the law & put these people in jail. House of Kavenaugh is a good example of how a deranged person came close to planning to shoot an justice & only stopped when he spotted guards in yard of that home.

2 years ago

Could we please refer to the media as the Left Stream Media and the Right Stream Media. There is no Main Stream Media anymore. Main Stream would be balanced, telling both sides of the story. Even Public Radio and Public TV are Left Wing, there is no such thing as Main Stream Media, and we give the Left an advantage by calling it that.

Rick Lunn
Rick Lunn
2 years ago

Isn’t it just typical. Get close to an election and the libtards start moving to the center or right, just to get elected. And just as typical, there are a whole bunch of idiots out there that believe them.

No Name
No Name
2 years ago

The damn Federal government should keep their G. D. hands off local affairs. If the Democrats choose to be without protection, Amen.

2 years ago

Start by providing list of Democrats that went to Pedi island and go after the voter fraud in 2020.

2 years ago

Anyone with a D should take a hike, they always side with their hateful leader, until the election, and then all of an sudden they become concerned with their constituents. This party that has complete control, has in 18 months, shown the world how they feel about Americans, about the economy and about their loyalties to criminals and illegals. Vote them in again, expect more of the same.

James d
James d
2 years ago

Phaq these MF-r’s

2 years ago

You can not trust these Democrats with anything. They have been trying to overthrow the Constitution and help with the downfall of America. It’s time to vote them all out. They have been lying to us about everything and keeping everyone on edge. Sort of a divide and conquer.

2 years ago

Let them fail. Any one who is a Democrat should be removed from office for failing to Represent the people and to honor the Oath to protect and defend The Constitution. These Democrats hate the blessings God has bestowed upon them through this great Country the USA. They seek to destroy this beacon of Liberty because they hate it. They have no morals and have become an evil force in the world today. My respect for the Democrat Party is near zero. Hell awaits those who continue to support the evil Left.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

The democRATS care about nothing but wealth and power,only for them and them only.

Voter Ann
Voter Ann
2 years ago

Like everything else this radical party does , this is insane. Why try to up the funding for law enforcement while their own party leaders are out there daily inciting more vicious attacks (i.e.INSURRECTION) on pro-life clinics, individuals (including SC judges) and churches over the issue of abortion?! Are they all on drugs?! Or just plain demon-possessed?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

My biggest concern this July 4th is if I’m going to save another 16 cents on hot dogs this year and what to do with all that extra money. You’re more than we deserve, Joe!

2 years ago

These crooks are liars and thieves, are we foolish enough to believe them now? Totally destroy them in November, impeach and fire the rest.

Lee S McQuillen
Lee S McQuillen
2 years ago

Not going to be much help if they do pass. If there are few or no prosecutions, what’s the point in better training, etc., police. Start where the problem starts – DA’s who won’t prosecute and no bail required measures (unless you’re in jail because of January 6th, of course – no bail allowed – stay in jail).

2 years ago

Democrats and many politicians are like silly putty. They can conform to any shape that they are pressed into but nothing ever changes their basic composition. The same folks that voted for many of the issues that now may sink them, are now magically against those same issues. Hypocritical wavering. Once they get re-elected we see their true form again.

2 years ago

Hmmm!!! I wonder if anyone is thinking in terms of lowering or defunding the law-making personnel in government. More likely you will see a frog swallow a whale!!! Again …. Constitutional Amendments to apply term limits fo Congresspersons and Cabinet level heads (e.g., FBI, IRS, CIA, etc. heads). It does seem that the politicos lean much more towards taking care of their personal and party welfare than they do about producing sound laws that fit with the rights and welfare of the citizenry … especially so in the DemocRat Party. But a balance budget amendment is also needed, but it will never happen if the politicos have control of producing such an amendment.

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Demonstrators listen to the speaking program during an "Our Bodies, Our Sports" rally for the 50th anniversary of Title IX at Freedom Plaza on June 23, 2022 in Washington, DC. The rally, organized by multiple athletic women's groups was held to call on U.S. President Joe Biden to put restrictions on transgender females and "advocate to keep women's sports female."

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