
National Security , Newsline

Kamala Harris, So-Called ‘Border Czar,’ MIA As Record-Breaking Numbers of Illegals Are Released Into the U.S.

Posted on Thursday, June 30, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, June 30 — You may recall that a woman by the name of Kamala Harris was sworn in as the Vice President of the United States on January 20, 2021. Shortly thereafter her boss, President Joe Biden, named her to be America’s “border czar” with an assignment to deal with the unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants at our Mexican border.  It was not an undercover assignment.  In fact, it was a very high profile task. So, the question is where is she? Either she’s missing in action or she’s on some sort of magical mystery tour. 

As far as anyone can recall, the last time Vice President Harris dealt with the crisis at the border was just about a year ago. Rep. Vicky Hartzler [R-MO] called her out on it recently in a social media post: “Instead of actually working to solve our #BorderCrisis a year ago, Border Czar Kamala Harris did nothing but say ‘do not come.’ Predictably, no one listened. Now, thousands of migrants are rapidly approaching our southern border demanding entry.”

The Congresswoman may have understated the numbers but she got her point across: Ms. Harris is not doing her job. Nearly two million illegal migrants have been released into the U.S. in the 16 months since President Biden and Vice President Harris took office, according to the Center for Immigration Studies [CIS].

CIS resident fellow in law and policy Andrew Arthur penned that report. He broke the numbers down this way: President Biden released 1,049,532 so far since taking office. Add to that number some 706,667 so-called “got-aways” — aliens who entered illegally and successfully evaded apprehension.  And then there are the 190,053 UACs, unaccompanied children who the Department of Homeland Security automatically set free.  It adds up to 1,946,252. “By way of comparison, that is more people released into the United States than the total number of migrants Border Patrol agents at the southwest border apprehended in any given fiscal year between 2007 and 2020,” Arthur noted.

Meanwhile, a new caravan — perhaps the largest ever — is headed our way. It consists of as many as 15,000 illegal migrants and at least one of them, a Haitian, told Fox News he would not have joined the procession if President Trump were still in office. He said that President Biden “promised the Haitian community he will help them. Now we need him to keep his promise.” 

Separately, a Brazilian migrant who recently crossed the border in Tucson with his wife and three children told ABC News that his decision, too, was inspired by President Biden welcoming attitude and that he would not have ventured north if President Trump was still in office. 

Now, a new report from the Senate Foreign Relations Committee obtained by Fox News puts the blame squarely on President Biden’s shoulders, highlighting “how President Biden’s policies are worsening the immigration crisis at the southern border.” According to the Committee’s ranking member James Risch [R-ID], “Illegal migration to the United States has reached record-breaking levels since the Biden Administration entered office. In order to protect U.S. security and regional stability, its time the administration establish sound immigration controls within the United States and build political will and capacity in Mexico and the northern Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.” 

The report blames the migration on the president. It says that Mr. Biden “incentivized” it and “undermined” our nation’s ability to maintain secure borders. And it urges the establishment of strong controls at the border and a show of force that tells migrants “that they cannot illegally enter the United States with impunity.”

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David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

PRESIDENT TRUMP was RIGHT on EVERYTHING he said if DICTATOR Beijing biden and his FASCIST Party got in.

2 years ago

So where are all these people going, who is going to support them? This is crazy as we can not take care of our elderly or homeless people. The communist Washington must be shut down and everyone Term Limits and every illegal who applies for work, refused and sent back to where ever they came from. I am willing to pay return tickets then support them for the rest of their lives.
Remember every woman pregnant and gives birth in the US becomes a citizen.

2 years ago

Cackling Kamala is a joke. She is just killing time until America is in the globalist government. She is as unqualified to be vice-president as Sleepy Joe is to be president. Both are complete embarrassments to America anytime they are seen in public or open their mouths.

2 years ago

This is exactly what I said in a blog yesterday! Kamala was trying to put the blame for the deaths of 50 people trying to cross into the USA illegally on Gov. Abbott. I mentioned that since she was put in charge of the border situation, she has been mostly a no-show and has done nothing. One of the most useless politicians ever.

2 years ago

I’d like an answer from the Texas Legislature and Governor Abbott….
even if it takes a special session…to take legal action on declaring the ever increasing illegal immigration an INVASION of the State of Texas so that our border can be guarded and protected from illegal crossings…especially as Biden administration has succeeded in getting the Supreme Court to end the “Remain in Mexico”…our only defense in preventing uneligible immigrants to obtain asylum and continue relocating all over our nation. Texas has spent $4B in various attempts to slowdown this unregulated entry….for those not living in have to realize your state is also a border deposit city/home. WHAT IS OUR LEGAL RECOURSE TO DECLARE THIS AN INVASION????

2 years ago

Border Czar? How about Border Too Far (To Visit)?

2 years ago

Rather than border czar, she should be called Border Bozo…she really is a clown!

2 years ago

tt’s too bad ‘We the People’ can’t impeach all of the jerks in this administration!!! The border crisis is bringing in more than just illegals, it’s also bringing in terrorists, guns, drugs and diseases. THIS NEEDS TO STOP NOW!!! GOD BLESS the USA

George W Holzman
George W Holzman
2 years ago

I say don’t give them any freeby’s , no wellfair, no medicaid , no food stamps. and anybody who hire’s them should go to jail for at least 5 years.

James J
James J
2 years ago

this is the Democrats best along with the other fool Biden. fjb and headboard harris.. opps somebody already did.. pedo joe and kamel toe got to go

K. Martin
K. Martin
2 years ago

Her solution for illegal immigration is to go to the countries from where the illegals are coming (which she has to several, but not all) and offer their governments our hard-earned taxpayer money. The whacko reasoning is that if those governments’ citizens are getting enough money, benefits, etc. from their governments (which, of course, they won’t, since those governments are as or even more corrupt than our current government), then they won’t want to break into our country. That’s why she’s focusing instead now on doing things like hosting parties for drag queens at her home.

2 years ago

Harris is just another D.A.N….Arrest her and the rest of the biden administration for treason!!!

Rod Noll
Rod Noll
2 years ago

Wake up America ! A country that allowed itself to be taken over by a band of liberal activists who don’t sleep until they get what they want ! All by design, nor was it accomplished with a shot being fired. When you think how this nation was founded and the settled in the West, what we are today is a bitter pill to swallow ! Time to realize all Democrats are now Socialist Communists and do not vote for any of them or the United States as a decent nation is done—a cooked goose.

2 years ago

She’s a disgrace to our nation.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Harris was a disgraceful San Francisco district attorney, CA Attorney General, Senator and now VP. How is it that people like her, given her track record can rise to this level with her plethora of incompetence?

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

She’;s down on the cackle farm, practicing her delivery.

2 years ago

I cannot understand why President Biden is not being held accountable for aiding and abetting criminals or illegal aliens in crossing the southern border. Isn’t this a violation of his oath of office to uphold the laws of the land?

2 years ago

Biden and harris have clearly shown us how NOT to run a country. If anyone can be considered “DEPLORABLE”, it certainly would be biden and harris. Clueless clowns, bumbling idiots.

Other than on our local conservative radio station, I have yet to hear anywhere else that those 53 human beings/illegal immigrants who died recently in a sealed abandoned tractor trailer in sweltering Texas heat was the largest number to die in one incident—that’s right, folks—another first for the biden administration. They can’t blame this one on Putin. Oh wait…there’s climate change. Yeah, that’ll work.

2 years ago

The fact is, Harris is doing her job……by neglecting the border issues, by not taking the task to hand, by not working to preserve our security, by doing little to nothing, she is accomplishing the work….to render our borders useless, to take our Republic to the abyss and to ruin this nation. She is a success by all standards set by the leftist socialist progressive idiots. It’s the only job where you do nothing and become a champion.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Ridiculous, we met quite a few Haitians when visiting the Chiapas region, in Mexico this past spring. They were living quite happily in that area. They had work, homes and their children had education.

2 years ago

That Cacklin Ho is about as worthless as they come. She hasn’t done one thing …positive…..since she became the fraudulent VP.

2 years ago

Nothing new to read here. Always the same bs. No one does anything to stop this invasion and we know the Biden admin wants to keep things just the way they are!!!!

David Lilly
David Lilly
2 years ago

Just admit it, they don’t want to stop it. They have the open borders they desired all along.
It is up to the GOP to rebuff them over it.
Good luck with that.

2 years ago

Harris hasn’t gone to the border because she doesn’t have to. About a year ago she told folks not come to the U.S. A powerful order if there ever was one. Now Harris and Myporkus say the border is closed. What’s not to believe from these powerful leaders after all they are the result of the idiots voting mindlessly for Joey? THE JOKE IS ON US. THIS ADMINISTRATION SHOULD GET SOME SORT OF CONGRESSIONAL MEDAL FOR INCOMPETENCE. By the way where has Buttguage been hiding????

2 years ago

And a very great portion of the invading, scumbag criminals are being dumped into Michigan’s conservative areas!!
Politicians! Do your damn jobs and send them back to DC! Let the fools who want them PAY for them. Our taxes are breaking us…. We DO NOT NEED the cost of more freeloaders.

Terry F
Terry F
2 years ago

This is just part of the plan to “fundamentally change” America. This is not because of bad policies or poor handling. This is absolutely what “they “ want.

2 years ago

the only difference between biden and harris is she hasn’t tripped on the stairs —– yet.

2 years ago

she can’t act because she is clueless about the issues.

2 years ago

Harris and Biden combined could not orchestrate a one man parade heading in the right direction.

H L Howell
H L Howell
2 years ago

Yeah, sounds good but noone with the power to do something is doing anything.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Slick Willy broke her into politics (literally) she’s at least useful for something. A political hack

2 years ago

Just what does that useless flesh do all day?

George Morgan
George Morgan
2 years ago

TWO MILLION !!!! Who’s supposed to take care of them ? Food, Housing, Medical, Jobs, etc $$$$$$$$$ my and YOUR Taxes ! I’m beyond pissed off ????! Our Veterans are sleeping on the streets and they are putting ILLEGALS in Hotels and doing everything for them but powdering their Asses ! Bring back sanity to America……..

us map and energy lights
trump at the border
FEMA building
veterans affairs sign

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