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Trump to Sign Sweeping Executive Order to Reduce US Reliance on China

Posted on Thursday, August 6, 2020
by Outside Contributor

Trump executive order sign reliance ChinaWASHINGTON—In response to supply disruptions caused by the pandemic, President Donald Trump will sign an executive order in Ohio Thursday to ensure essential medicines, medical supplies, and equipment are made in the United States.

“If we’ve learned anything from the China virus pandemic, it is simply that we’re dangerously over-dependent on foreign nations,” White House trade adviser Peter Navarro told reporters on Thursday.

He said the president will sign a broad executive order in Ohio that covers not just medicines, but also medical supplies such as masks, gloves, goggles, and medical equipment like ventilators.

The executive order is called “Combating Public Health Emergencies and Strengthening National Security by Ensuring Essential Medicines, Medical Countermeasures, and Critical Inputs are Made in the United States.”

According to Navarro, the executive order has three components, which include the “Buy American” order to ensure that government agencies, including the departments of Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, and Defense, buy American products.

The order aims to increase government demand for U.S.-made products to help create a market for manufacturers to invest and to produce in the United States.

The other component of the order is the deregulation, which ensures the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ease rules for the development of advanced manufacturing facilities in the United States.

This will help create “a more rational and streamlined regulatory process” to address national security threats in a timely fashion, Navarro said.

And the third part, which is critical to keep drug prices down is “to catalyze advanced manufacturing and continuous manufacturing techniques.” The objective is to create economies of scale and scope to help reduce the cost of production in the United States.

Besides essential medicines, medical countermeasures are also a key part of this order, Navarro said, as they are crucial to fight national security threats including chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN), as well as pandemic threats.

The executive order also has “an element to combat the trafficking of counterfeit medicines coming in,” primarily “from Communist China,” he added.

The administration has been working for months on the executive order. The pandemic has forced the U.S. government to revisit America’s over-reliance on other countries.

China controls 90 percent of the core chemicals used in generic drugs, which are copies of prescription drugs that are allowed for sale after patent protections on the original drugs expire.

China is also the dominant supplier of personal protective equipment, such as masks, respirators, surgical gowns, and gloves, which are currently in high demand.

During the pandemic, countries where production facilities are located, such as India and China,  have imposed export restrictions for critically needed items. That’s disrupted the U.S. pharmaceutical industry’s global supply chain and prompted the White House to take action.

“At a minimum, we need to have enough production to deal with pandemic and CBRN threats,” Navarro said in response to a question by The Epoch Times.

“We’re a long way from that but we can move in Trump time, which is to say as quickly as possible towards closing that gap and today is a big step towards that.”

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Bring all to US & OK for some to Taiwan?? share resources & boost Taiwan?
Let Taiwan do less reliant industries vs others like RX come to US
A-Z from CCP to US

4 years ago

Be careful, China will fight dirty, and send another virus out onto the world. China is being thought by the Demoncrats, and all our unamerican, nincompoops. Just saying the truth!!!!

Sharon Harrigan
Sharon Harrigan
4 years ago


Francelia Timmermeyer
Francelia Timmermeyer
4 years ago

Thank you Mr. President!!!

Dr Timothy-Allen Albertson
Dr Timothy-Allen Albertson
4 years ago

Thank you, Mr President.

Donna Hildebrandt
Donna Hildebrandt
4 years ago

I thank God every day for a President who looks to give the American taxpayer every advantage! Thank you, Mr. President for your tireless efforts on our behalf!

Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne
4 years ago

❤??CHRISTrumPence and all their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers US2020Reelected Landslide
Amen & Amen??❤

Stephen Young
Stephen Young
4 years ago

Perfect!! Why should we buy from the nation that created the virus, allowed it to spread and is now making trillions of dollars selling us the protective equipment.

4 years ago

another timely move by the President and certainly for the USA// it is the China Virus that created this problem in our country and around the world//I hope someone tells the idiot Biden that China is a true enemy and not our friend while he and Jill are having tea in the Bunker// Vote for the TRUMPSTER in the fall and send the liberals to the dungeon with (come on man)Biden// he is pitiful// Go conservatives and win it all and move forward with the wall also//

Joe O’Reilly
Joe O’Reilly
4 years ago

Any party or individual who opposes this EO is a globalist shill. Wuhan coronavirus is bad but the lessons from it should be learned. We can count on most Americans and some of our foreign ‘friends’. Just as with the one-sided trade agreements, we need to break out and prepare for the next crises. Failed policies, be they globalist or socialist must be rejected and those that work adopted. As always before, America must innovate and where necessary, change. The doctrinaire allegiance to the failed ideologies of the Left and the meek acceptance of the globalist elites’ techno-weenies must give way to that good, old fashioned American stand-by called pragmatism. If it works, do it. If it doesn’t, out with the garbage. This should go for politicians, parties and policies as well.

Charline Bonham
Charline Bonham
4 years ago

Thank you Mr President. It’s about time we considered USA over China.

Michael Ruppert
Michael Ruppert
4 years ago

I think he’s fed up.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
4 years ago

Thank You Mr President! At least there is 1 politician looking out for the U.S.

4 years ago

It is long past due that we sharply reduce or even completely eliminate our dependence on any nation that threatens to destroy us—especially by a new warfare that doesn’t involve the military. We may have to pay more on an individual basis, but its a far less bitter pill to swallow than having to endure job losses and lockdowns that result in scrapping an economy and social framework.

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

Amen! This is exactly why we need to keep biden, or any dim, from winning in November. leftists are inexorably linked to china–FACT.

Graham Sutton
Graham Sutton
4 years ago

We should make “Made in China” a very rare label.

Graham Sutton
Graham Sutton
4 years ago

If another virus comes out of China,three should go in.WE have biological weapons too.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

About time! The USA needs to become dependent upon herself. Americans need to stand up and take back what once was ours. All able bodied Americans would be able to have a job and very low welfare.

Kathleen VanDeVeere
Kathleen VanDeVeere
4 years ago

Hooray!!! Can’t even find a multivit w/o ingredients from China.

4 years ago

Thank you President Trump! However, medical, and pharmaceutical supplies are not the only national security issue. The Chinese have been engaged in unconventional, and unrestricted warfare against the United States since one of their biggest proponents, Bill Clinton, took office. We need to restrict the Chinese from access to U.S. computer, and software technology; and their stated strategy regarding trade, stock exchange, and financial institutions merits restrictions, if not banning cooperation with them outright. China is fighting an undeclared, mostly still “cold” war against our nation and the sooner we treat them accordingly the better. The Democrat declared era of the so called “Peace Dividend” following the crumbling of the Soviet Union, as delusional as that era was, has come to a dissonant, screeching halt under Obama the collaborator who bowed to any and all of their transgressions. President Trump now cleans up the mess created by Obama, Clinton, and yes both Bushes as well.

Geneva Runyon
Geneva Runyon
4 years ago

It’s about time a President starts standing for the USA. US workers will benefit from this as will the people of our country. Now get other products made back here. It would be great to see Made in the USA on most of our products. US companies who take their business overseas for cheap labor should be stopped and we the people should not be buying their products. TRUMP2020!!!

4 years ago

Thank God for President Trump. The Right Man At The Right Time.

4 years ago

Can’t see why anyone would vote for this guy! He raises the economy, he brings back jobs, and he keeps America first! What’s wrong with him? Everyone knows demosocialism is so much better. Everyone is equal in their poverty. (Hope everyone got the sarcasm)

4 years ago

About time. These other administrations have tied our hands and they didn’t care about buy American probably because they had stock in China companies. Keep going Mr President.

Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

Long overdue, thank you President Trump. Trump 2020 !!!

4 years ago

I can assure you, Biden or Obama wouldn’t have signed such a sweeping order. Thank you Mr. President!

Ruth Pierce
Ruth Pierce
4 years ago

Thank you, President Trump. I voted for you the other day in the Michigan Primary; I will vote for you in the November election! This news is most welcome for those (seniors) who have been paying “through the roof” for their necessary medications. I think I will call you the “Taking Care of Business” president. That’s exactly what you have been doing during your presidency,

4 years ago

Leave it to Trump to do the right thing and always in the best interest of America.
A truly great President.

4 years ago

We have needed a President like President Trump for many years. One that puts America first. Thank you Mr. President!

4 years ago

The best answer to the democrats is to do something constructive so that is what the president is doing.

4 years ago

Thank you Mr. President. You and our country are in our prayers daily!

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Let’s hope that this Executive Order is just the beginning of a thorough process of bringing back as much of our manufacturing as we can from China. Diminishing purchases from China will hit China in the pocketbook, which will be a good result for the USA. We, the American people, need to realize that we are in an Economic War with China. If we continue “business as usual” with China, we will eventually be sucked dry of all our wealth and the Chinese will “own” most everything of value in America. President Trump’s America First policy will ensure our economic survival in a highly competitive world. We need to return to the mindset of Buy American!

4 years ago

And the question was, “What can we do to make America Greater”?
Here is one answer. Let’s keep going!

Pam Zook
Pam Zook
4 years ago

We are so grateful for the good business sense and moxxy that President Trump consistently displays. He has used his talents to see our nation through these trying times and to make us a sustainable nation again.

4 years ago

PTL for a President who does what is necessary and right for the good of America and Americans. We never need to be in the position of depending on anyone else for anything, but especially for the essentials of medical and pharmaceutical products. How dumb we are to have gotten in that position to begin with! We can thank Bill Clinton for that.

Tom in Maryland
Tom in Maryland
4 years ago

Thank you, Mr President!! My wife and I feel safe and at ease with you at the helm. Even with all of the chaos and hate, you promote a feeling that everything is going to be okay. God bless our President and Vice President. TRUMP 2020!!

Alicia Leaving Liberals
Alicia Leaving Liberals
4 years ago

Thank You Mr. President !! He works tirelessly for the benefit of the country! Every country in the world needs to come to the United States for goods and commodities; not, the other way around. We should not be dependent on China!

Janelle Wagner
Janelle Wagner
4 years ago

IWe are thankful that someone finally sees a need for America to be able to provide for ourselves. Why not….we certainly have the resources!

Fred J Noel
Fred J Noel
4 years ago

I’d even endorse manufacturing coming back to our trade agreement partners in USMCA. If Mexico economy is doing better than maybe Mexicans would be less likely to try and enter the U.S. Illegally

4 years ago

Trump is doing the right thing here. This reminds me of George Bailey not accepting Mr. Potter’s schemes so that the Bailey Building and Loan could remain the only institution free from the clutches of Mr. Potter for the people to turn to in the movie It’s A Wonderful Life! America can be that country the escapes the clutches of China when the people need another place to go!

4 years ago

I have a daughter-in-law asking me questions about today’s politics. She asked if Trump was more Democratic or Republican. I told her neither, that President Trump is pro-America and pro-Americans. (This meant a lot to her, she’s a new American, especially since she legally immigrated to America (green card) and understands the time and cost involved.)

Ja Bru
Ja Bru
4 years ago

Thank you President Trump, MAGA, enough of them robbing us Blind with their Crap. And Make sure that the American Companies do not belong to any of the CCP Communists puppets of theses Terrorists.

Melva Chambers
Melva Chambers
4 years ago

Thank you Mr President!

Bakos Angel
Bakos Angel
4 years ago

Our President is not allowing America to bow to any country! We need him to be re-elected!
4 years ago

Why did Congress give so much access to our markets and technology in the first place?

Alton Clark
Alton Clark
4 years ago

The last four Presidents should have stopped it but they made to much money from China to do it , Thank you Real President Trump !

Claudia J
Claudia J
4 years ago

AMAC, if you could help with this ongoing problem we, as probably others, would be grateful. It appears, at least in our state that CVS Pharmacy has a monopoly on where we can purchase our drugs. I asked the pharmacist after COVID started in the spring, where the drugs were from and where the ingredients were from because the source is not listed on the bottle, he rudely stated he didn’t know, to both of my questions. They are putting all of very reputable grocery store pharmacies out of business, so I’m told by our pharmacists. There goes another freedom of choice !

4 years ago

This is great! Long overdue, thank you President Trump!

Victor Nathan
Victor Nathan
4 years ago

Good move. It’s about time we realized this. THis was proposed by George W,. Bush in 2006. But the Trump admin scrapped the department which was to be incharge of such advance preparations for a pandemic. Better late than never !!? Trump admin SHOULD NOT get any credit in how you handled this pandemic management. We have 4% of the world’s population with 26% fo the total cases and still climbing. LACK OF LEADERSHIP AT THE TOP… NOT good.. !!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution lead by the Democrats and “The Swamp”!!  Take back OUR Country!!!  Be a Counter-Revolutionist!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

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