
National Security , Newsline

Three Big Questions for Dr. Fauci

Posted on Monday, May 16, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Louis J. Senn


With Republicans poised to retake control of Congress this fall, many Americans are eager to finally get some real answers from Dr. Anthony Fauci. How much did he really know about gain of function research in Wuhan? Why did he change his position on masking? What conflicts of interest were at play when he was advising President Trump on COVID-19 policy? Until now, elected Democrats and the mainstream media have done all they can to protect Dr. Fauci from facing tough questions like these. Here’s a look at just a few questions Dr. Fauci might have to face after November.

How Much Did Fauci Know About Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

We now know for certain that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was conducting gain of function research on coronaviruses prior to the first cases of COVID-19 popping up in Wuhan. However, what is still not clear is the degree to which the NIH – and specifically the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which Fauci leads – was involved with funding that research. As more information continues to come out about the research occurring at the Wuhan laboratory, Americans deserve to know if their government was using their tax dollars to fund research in a Chinese lab that may have unleashed or even created a virus which shut down the world for two years.

In a Senate hearing last November, Fauci told Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) that “gain of function is a very nebulous term.” However, Fauci’s dodgy answer does not seem to alleviate genuine concern. For example, Fauci had admitted that the NIH had contributed funds to the Wuhan Institute for the purposes of studying coronaviruses, however, he denied that gain of function was part of this study. But in a letter to Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the NIH tacitly admitted to some level of gain of function research when it said that experimentation was being done to see if bat coronaviruses could bind to human proteins.

What exactly was the NIH doing by providing funding to the Wuhan laboratory in question? Was the lab exploring making coronaviruses more lethal? While some Republicans like Senator Paul have tried to demand accountability from Fauci and other U.S. government officials, Democrats in Congress have consistently worked to stop the truth from coming out. With Republicans in control of hearings, Americans might finally get the transparency they deserve.

Did Fauci Have Reason to Believe Early in 2020 That the Virus Could Have Escaped From a Chinese Lab?

When some scientists and Republican politicians – most notably former President Trump – began raising questions in 2020, the media and Dr. Fauci were quick to dismiss the idea that COVID-19 could have escaped from the Wuhan lab. We now know that the lab leak theory was not only possible, but likely.

But even as Fauci was publicly denouncing the lab leak hypothesis, a release of some of Fauci’s emails in 2021 showed that in January of 2020, still well before any lockdowns, other scientists had warned Fauci that bits of the coronavirus appeared engineered. (Notably, Fauci continued to insist in the summer of 2021 that “the most likely explanation is a natural evolution from an animal reservoir to a human,” even as other scientists had warned otherwise.)

These emails provide more questions than answers. Why was Fauci so confident that COVID-19 could not have escaped from a lab in Wuhan? Why did he allegedly keep key information from top administration officials, including President Trump? Was he worried about his connections to that lab coming to light? Most importantly, could we have had a more effective response had we known all that Fauci knew in early 2020?

Has Fauci Been Abusing His Position to Enrich Himself?

With an annual salary higher than the president’s, Dr. Fauci is the highest-paid individual in the entire federal government. However, that may not be the only source of Fauci’s wealth.

Recently, Open the Books (an organization that “works hard to capture and post all disclosed [government] spending”) discovered that “between fiscal years 2010 and 2020, more than $350 million in royalties were paid by third-parties [pharmaceutical companies] to the agency and NIH scientists.” It has been known and documented that Fauci’s name appears on many patents going back decades that have come out of the NIH. If Fauci was influencing public policy during the pandemic and influencing doctors everywhere regarding treatment, Americans deserve to know where his potential conflict of interests may have been.

Fauci has claimed that his financial disclosures are easily accessible online but subsequent investigations have revealed that is not the case, and the NIH has denied multiple requests to release them. If Republicans win this fall, all that is set to change.


After two years of misdirection and obfuscation by Fauci and Congressional Democrats, Republicans could have an opportunity next year to restore integrity and transparency to our federal public health system. That starts with holding the nation’s unelected bureaucrats accountable – not just Dr. Fauci, but the entire army of permanent officials who too often seem to operate without answering to the American People.

Louis J. Senn is a lawyer living in Louisville, Kentucky. He previously served in the Trump administration. 

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2 years ago

All nice questions that several others before you have already asked literally dozens of times already over the last 2 years. You’re never going to get the answers you seek from Dr. Fauci at this point, so this is merely an academic exercise at this point. Sorry, but that is just the reality.

Dr. Fauci did his part to shield the administrative state and the CCP of China from any accountability related to the origin and funding sources associated with Covid-19. Dr. Fauci also played a vital part in ensuring that Covid was amplified sufficiently in the public’s mind during 2020, through continual hyping and contradictory scare tactics, to ensure the Democrats could get their modifications to voting (mass mail-in voting, wide-spread use of drop boxes, relaxation or complete elimination of signature verification on ballots, etc.) adopted in every state in the nation. The end result being the total control of both the Congress and the White House by the Democrats. So Dr. Fauci is as protected from any direct accountability as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or any other high level Democrat at this point.

In the event that the GOP re-takes control of Congress after the midterms and they launch hearings into Covid, Dr. Fauci has an easy out. He will simply resign and sail off into the sunset with his pension and the fat profits he has already made off of patent deals and stock trades of stocks of pharma companies. Just like Lois Lerner did. Laughing all the way to the bank. Once Dr. Fauci resigns, I’m sure he’ll land either a lucrative media gig at MSNBC, NBC or one of the other mainstream media companies or he’ll get another book deal with a 7 figure advance. In any event, Dr. Fauci will never have to answer any of the questions honestly that you posed in your article.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago


Who are your Allies
When will U leave office
Why do U lie so much
How much do U owe China
Do U know that lockdowns DONT work
Why cant U get your data correct
Why do U lie over false data

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

Fauci in fact should be stripped of his position, which he will be. And in addition to any other actions he may face, he needs to provide proof positive his financials and there was no wrongdoing, coercion, or philandering.

Robert Belcastro
Robert Belcastro
2 years ago

Dr. Fauci has been shown to mislead the American public about this virus and the needed responses to it. Why isn’t anyone going after his medical license? The evidence appears to me to warrant a claim of medical malpractice.

2 years ago

Dr. Fauci is responsible for colluding with big pharma as he was included in 350M dollars which came from the Pharma to CDC, NIH, and in turn, many died. He and Collins specifically denied
access to viral early treatment including neglecting to inform the public that Vitamin D3 will reduce
symptoms. HCQ and IVERMECTIN are approved drugs that easily could be repurposed and are
effective as the quiet true doctors kept their patients alive. Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Urso, Dr.Simone.
There are many hero’s that quietly and creatively kept patients alive vs. the message of CDC, go home and see if you die. Or high fever, go to hospital and die. This calamity cost many many seniors to die. What a benefit for Social Security and Medicare. After two years, we know far
more about Dr. Fauci than ever. His power, his desire to deny natural immunity and now to push
vaccines (mNRA) to our kids is self serving to the WHO and WEF as well as keeping a subscription
of their product flowing for many more dollars. Adverse reaction, including death cannot
produce a law suit, as you were required to wave your rights taking an experimental drug.
Dr. Fauci is a politician. He is not good for policy. He is good at the scam.

Kenneth Hearrean
Kenneth Hearrean
2 years ago

I was always one that would post long comments about how eventually those crooks like Faucci would eventually get there’s one day! I no longer waste my energy since not one thing has ever or will ever be done about it! When I hear or read someone post “no one is above the law,” I can’t help but now laugh. Those who have power, also have a protective umbrella; I.e. HRC, Biden, etc! This is a simple, proven fact we should all get used to.

2 years ago

He was already asked about all these questions and lied through his teeth about them to Senator Rand Paul’s face. He also called another member of Congress a moron when asked about his financial statements. The time for questions is over, time to bring this man to trial for lying to Congress, for crimes against the American people, and crimes against humanity, for violating the ban on gain of function studies, and for aiding the Chinese Communist Party in the development of Bioweapons. Since we first heard of COVID 19 many crimes have been committed by our elected officials, and unelected bureaucrats, and greedy pharmaceutical corporations that were granted legal immunity against our laws, and against the interests of the American people, Fauci is the most prominent face among them but there’s no Redwood tall enough to manufacture the plaintiffs bench to seat all the perpetrators in this multi national crime against our Constitution, health, and our form of government. It’s a big job, time to get it done!

2 years ago

First off, no individual working FOR the government should be paid an exorbitant salary for a figure head position.
Secondly these “special” payments , AKA , Kickbacks should be outlawed for ANY/ALL Politicians, and certainly bureaucratic government employees.
This is plain and simple extortion of a taxpayer funded position.
These Marxist democrats,rinos and swamp appointees are FLEECING Citizens, plain and simple!
Time to end all the government corruption!
Fauci,if proven to have known about china’s research, should do jail time!

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 years ago

Dr Deep State Fauci is responsible for assisting the Chinese Communist is in releasing the CCP-19-VIRUS on America and the world. They did this to unseat a sitting president of the United States! Fauci worked with the DNC to shut down President Trump’s booming economy and to get nation wide mail-in balloting to steal the Whitehouse and the Senate in the 2020 elections.

2 years ago

If ever brought before congress he will just lie. Say he doesn’t remember or some other nonsense. Heck, you had one person who is going to be the next supreme court judge who wouldn’t even give a definition of what a woman was. She said she didn’t know since she wasn’t a biologist.

2 years ago

I have 3 questions for Fauci:

  1. How much money have you made from playing the stock market with these vaccine mandates?
  2. How much money have you received as a kickback from Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J, mainly Pfizer?
  3. Where did you get your medical degree from?
2 years ago

Ask Falsie Fauci questions? He will just smile his weaselly smile and verbally “do a little sidestep” like the politicized appointed tinhorn Big Pharma enricher he really is.

2 years ago

that weasle should be in prison

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

He’ll answer all these questions as soon as Hilary and co answer

2 years ago

Doktor Fauxi

2 years ago

Dontcha know, Fauci will never answer any of those questions!

Gary Metzinger
Gary Metzinger
2 years ago

Make him wear a mask for the rest of his life. Make him take one of each of the vaccines he has touted as being necessary for immunity and future health benefits. Use his estate to pay the estate of each person who died as a result of taking a COVID vaccine.

2 years ago

There should only be one question — how many years in prison should he be sentenced?

Anita Wasemann
Anita Wasemann
2 years ago

One more question: Why is he still Director of NIAID and in such a powerful position?
Who is behind his still being in charge? (Read that “Who is really in charge?”.)

Terri Matson
Terri Matson
2 years ago

Nothing matters until this evil little troll is charged with and prosecuted for crimes against humanity. The “pandemic” was a war against the citizens of not just the United States, but the entire world. those who created and then unleashed this virus on the world and created so much fear that millions of fools actually stuck out their arms for an untested, no-human-trials experimental JAB. Those who were JABBED a few times, boosted a few times are in real trouble going forward. When the world’s wealthiest and most powerful start qucaking about depopulation programs, perhaps we should pay more attention.

Ralph S
Ralph S
2 years ago

Fauci should limit his expertise to throwing a baseball. His medical advice is very arbitrary and completely suspect.. His advice should come with the musical theme “Undecided Now”

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Fauci is either the dumbest scientist on earth or he is covering up his or someone else’s crime.

THX 1138
THX 1138
2 years ago

You want it between you eyeballs or between your pathetic b___s? (Would be the only question I’d have for the P.O.S.)

2 years ago

He should be fired. He makes enough off the vaccines along with Gates to live. He and Gates both need to take a triple dose and boosters of their poison crap.

Sandra M Jones
Sandra M Jones
2 years ago

Not only should Fauci be Fired! He should be arrested and tried for High Crimes against Humanity!!!

2 years ago

The answers are: #1 – take the 5th #2 – take the 5th #3 – of course he has done it all for financial gain.

2 years ago

I want answers too but I hope the Republicans do not make it into a political theater. Questioning of the officials can and must be done in a respectful manner. When people are having respectful conversations, they become interesting to follow. When they make it a s***show, not so much. That’s why people follow Joe Rogan, Jocko Willnik and Lex Friedman types and tune out other discourse for it often feels like noise.

2 years ago

This is easy…Fauci was having research on gain of function going on at the N.C. University and he sent it to the Wuhan Lab. Covid 19 was intentionally released on the world as a means of depopulation and a reason for total control. Dr. Fauci has lied about everything….he is a war criminal and needs to be on trial for such with the execution to take place as soon as the trial is over. He is responsible for millions of deaths…and he is a Nazi….just look at the little SOB…he needs to be put down like the dog that he is.

2 years ago

My question: “Why are you still anywhere in public shooting off your lying little mouth?” I can’t put into words how sick I am of seeing your little rat face. I cannot believe there would be one person left alive who would listen to and believe you.

2 years ago

Dr. Fauci was sending money to Wuhan for researching gain of function. That came out long ago. Early in the Trump administration Fauci said on Camera that Pres. Trump would have a Pandemic on his hands. How would he “know” that????? Because he was part of the Plan. He is Guilty.

2 years ago

Remember that everything Fauci & Birx did and said was WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Fauci should have retired when Birx retired.

2 years ago

How much was he paid in addition to his salary for kick backs

2 years ago

Things are so bad here in America, more people trust Dr. Pepper than Dr. Fauci.

2 years ago

BOTTOM LINE: Dr. Fauci is as GUILTY as hell and should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law along with the rest of his cronies. He knew along what was going on.

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

If fascist Fauci isn’t going to be prosecuted for anything, we should not have to keep hearing about him. I’d be hard pressed to believe Fauci was not part of a Communist Chinese conspiracy to expose the world to a biological weapon.

Dawn Marcucci
Dawn Marcucci
2 years ago

I think the investment accounts of Fauci’s and Biden’s son should be audited on this virus.

2 years ago

3 questions to ask Tony:
1) Who is your financial advisor?
2) Are you diversified with enough gold in your portfolio?
3) What is your current expected ROI?

2 years ago

Dr. Fauci please go away as soon as possible and do NO more HARM. You have done so much harm to the American people; and gotten richer doing it. You have given doctors a BAD name!

2 years ago

Yes. It is long past time to start downsizing the federal government and cleaning out these entitled, leeching, and corrupt bureaucrats.
Send whole departments to Midwest states where their influence to meddle and disrupt will be broken.
Clear out the snake nest.

Paul Richardson
Paul Richardson
2 years ago

Great questions…I hope we can get more than answers ans then some, come this next congressional session. I say hopefully, there is the election integrity question????

Jose Flores
Jose Flores
2 years ago

If a Republican wins in 2024, I assume that Fauci will quit rather than answer those tough questions. He knows that those tough questions won’t come as long as the Democrats retain control.

Mimi Pacey
Mimi Pacey
2 years ago

Read the book…The Real Anthony Fauci. It is scary to say the least. Americans need to take America back and Fauci and corruption need to go!!

2 years ago

Remove him from his position first, then, question him

2 years ago

Anthony Fauci has never practiced medicine and was really controlled by making money in Wuhan. He is part of the deep state, and needs to be tried for treason.

2 years ago

So in the mean time this very short quack is still the highest paid in the United States ???????? government. The crazy part of this situation is he was elected by no one. He keeps changing his position because that is what untruthful people do.

2 years ago

To the gallows we shall go.

Mike Kennedy
Mike Kennedy
2 years ago

To the gallows we shall go.

2 years ago

People, the barn door is open. It is never going to shut. It does not matter if Republicans take back the House and Senate. McCarthy will be SoTH, McConnell will be SML. It will be business as usual, with a bit of conservatism to throw us a bone, so we will be happy and shut up. If by some act of God, Trump or DeSantis gets elected in 2024, this country will be torn apart more than it was during and after the Civil War. God has allowed America 247 years of this great experiment, if He does not intervene, the we can kiss it goodbye. The only proof you need is AOC. “We” all thought she was a flash in the pan, and she would go away. She was re-elected and is now entrenched. She will never go away. Look at the videos of the Texas border. You can’t see the end of the line of immigrants. Look at the murderer in Buffalo. He is not a right-wing MAGA, nut. He is a leftist mental health case. Find his manifesto and read what he believes. The media won’t tell you, I doubt Amac will tell you.

2 years ago

He is the worst of the bunch.He knew EVERYTHING but, didn’t want caught.Lied about everything. Caused many needless deaths, heartaches and financial ruin.Why is he the highest paid gov employee in DC?Think about it, there is a reason.

Connie G
Connie G
2 years ago

As a member of AMAC this article and it’s questions are dead on. I appreciate AMAC putting this out there on their members behalf. Thank you!

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