
National Security , Newsline

The Democrats Have a National Security Problem

Posted on Monday, September 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – by Seamus Brennan


Even despite Democrats’ rapid shift to the far-left on domestic issues in recent years, their greatest political Achilles’ heel has remained remarkably consistent—and is again resurfacing in the aftermath of President Biden’s calamitous surrender in Afghanistan.

For decades, Democrats and progressives have been politically vulnerable when it comes to national security matters. A 2015 Pew Research poll found that Americans favor the Republican Party on terrorism and national security matters more than any other policy issue, and for good reason: the national memory of Democrat weakness harkens back many decades, starting in the early 1960s.

Even though President John F. Kennedy attempted to steal Richard Nixon’s anti-communist positioning during the 1960 presidential election, his foreign policy appointees consisted of Cold War doves who ultimately influenced Kennedy’s own approach to foreign policy. This disjunction was most vividly demonstrated at the 1961 Vienna Summit, at which Kennedy showed that he clearly failed to understand the threat posed by the Soviets—and thus failed to understand the malign relentlessness of Soviet intentions.

In response, conservative voices like the National Review and then-Senators Barry Goldwater and John Tower emphasized that Democrat weakness on foreign policy issues would embolden the Soviets and inevitably lead to crisis, a prediction that turned out to be true, most dramatically culminating in the Cuban Missile Crisis—a scholarly treatment of which can be found in Donald Kagan’s On the Origins of War: And the Preservation of Peace.

In the late 1970s, the deference to America’s foreign enemies demonstrated by the administration of Democrat President Jimmy Carter led many prominent Democrat diplomats and academics to openly support the Reagan campaign in 1980. Among these voices was Jeane Kirkpatrick, whom Reagan appointed as his Ambassador to the United Nations. Kirkpatrick’s remarks at the 1984 GOP Convention, during which she spoke in strong defiance of the Soviet Union and called out Democrats for their tendency to “blame America first,” were widely applauded by the American public and strengthened the Republican Party’s image as the most trustworthy party on foreign policy and national security.

The foreign policy failures of the Kennedy and Carter administrations led to the first grumblings among the American public that Democrats were primarily responsible for nearly every national security misstep for more than half a century. That fact was only made more evident by President Bill Clinton’s inaction against growing threats posed by al-Qaeda, a decision that would have tragic consequences for Americans in the years since he left office.

Bill Clinton’s record of weakness on national security subsequently trapped him and his fellow Democrats in political corners. In attempts to regain their foreign policy credibility following the September 11th attacks, more than half of Senate Democrats and more than a third of Democrat House Members voted to authorize the Iraq War. In the fall of 2003, National Security Advisor for President Clinton Sandy Berger stole classified material related to terrorism from the National Archives prior to testifying before the 9/11 Commission—indicating that he (and possibly others who served in the Clinton administration) were desperate to hide information that could have potentially implicated them in the rise of al-Qaeda. Then, in the 2004 presidential primary, Democrats nominated John Kerry, who voted in favor of the war in Congress, rather than Howard Dean, who Democrats feared might solidify their party’s image as anti-war and weak on terrorism.

Now, as the Biden team continues to grapple with the far-reaching consequences of its Afghanistan disaster, the familiar narrative of Democrat weakness in national security is reemerging. During the Trump years, Democrats gambled that they could appear strong on national security by relentlessly focusing on fabricated allegations of Trump campaign collusion with Russia during the 2016 election—a move that, however deranged it was, perhaps partially reduced the longstanding impression that their national security platform is feeble.

But following Biden’s exit from Afghanistan, the already-faltering Biden presidency has reached all-time lows in approval rating, and most Americans blame Biden for the catastrophe. The overwhelming majority of Democrats have remained conspicuously silent in the days and weeks since, presumably yielding, for the time being, to Biden’s faltering response.

Since the end of August, Biden has made a concerted effort to politically “move on” from Afghanistan and refocus his administration’s efforts on his domestic agenda—even as Americans remain stranded in the Taliban-controlled country. As a result, Congressional Republicans are increasingly confident that the long term fallout from the debacle could deliver them majority control of both chambers in next year’s midterm elections.

As the 2022 midterms approach, and Biden struggles to recuperate from the ongoing Afghanistan mess, some Democrats may feel compelled to return to a stronger foreign policy platform, as they did in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. Should that be the case, it could succeed not only in proving that Democrats are keenly aware of their own platform’s weakness and fecklessness, but also, at least temporarily, in realigning American national security policy to the Reagan-Trump ‘peace through strength’ and candor-based approach.

In the months and years ahead, however, national security weakness and the left’s ‘blame America first’ approach could prove to be the least of Democrats’ concerns. As Joe Biden continues to embrace the far left on social, cultural, and fiscal matters, Democrats may be inadvertently paving the way for even more massive political vulnerabilities that could pose an existential threat to the progressive movement and the Democrat Party. The brand damage inflicted by Biden onto the Democrats in just eight months might very well eradicate the Democrat Party as it currently exists and, if Republicans play their cards right, to forge a new center-right majority.

For the sake of American strength both at home and abroad, let us hope it doesn’t take yet another national security catastrophe for Democrats to learn from their mistakes. The risk is far too great.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

I was bit surprised there was no mention of the JFK involvement in undermining the Bay of Pigs invasion, a CIA operation all the way, done undercover, until Kennedy caught wind of it & the president ultimately died as a result, otherwise called an assassination…Which brings us to the current ( 3 ) letter agencies in Washington, DC…Currently one in particular (3) letter agency stands out after the 1/6/21 attack on the capitol via the Federal Bureau of Insurrection.
Yes, America has a National security crisis on her hands at this very moment…We are for the moment stuck with a unbalanced potus that loses track of what he is saying mid-sentence…
Our nation is under attack from within & from abroad. Our elections have been tampered with by foreign nations with CHINA at the top of the list with assistance from Pakistan, Iran, Italy, Spain, Germany & a list of others…
Bring on those Maricopa audits & then it’s GAME OVER, decertify them & lets get Washington, DC exhumed of these traitors once & for all…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

3 years ago

Democrats have never been great supporters of issues related to national security. They have always viewed the Department of Defense as something that could be either greatly scaled backed or allowed to deteriorate under the notion of a “peace dividend”. Which meant they could divert monies from maintaining national security readiness to creating new social welfare programs or greatly expanding existing ones. The objective being always to buy more votes and to create a permanent welfare state mentality in the population that would favor Democrats. Everything the Biden administration and the Democrat party has done year to date is fully consistent with that agenda. Bottom line: Expand Democrat party power to the point where they permanently control everything.

As to the risks this poses to the country from a national security perspective, that should be obvious to anyone capable of rational thought. Then again, the left in this country has consistently stated this country needs to be punished and knocked down several notches for NOT being either a clone of the failed socialist democracies of Europe or a copy of communist China. So anything the left can do to facilitate causing national security problems for this country is what you should expect.

3 years ago

Democrats ARE the national security problem!

3 years ago

The Democrats have more than a “national security problem”. They have totally turned this country inside out. What a mess. We are doomed, period.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Theyve been one since Vietnam War to date

TooOldt Fool
TooOldt Fool
3 years ago

Just heard that Durham has linked one of Biden’s National security team members
to the Clinton Russia hoax that she paid for. This is in addition to the Susman story of this past week

3 years ago

Bottom line: The democrats ARE THE national security problem!

3 years ago

I have to disagree with the title of the article ~ I think it is more correct to say ~ each and every American has a security problem, because of all the democrats and RINO’s who in reality are communists!

3 years ago

I hope the democrats have an existential crisis. If not they earned it. But there is too much time left to add to the losses.

3 years ago

No we do. They could care less.

3 years ago

Today, America will become a 3rd world country under the Progressively Communist wannabe Democratic Party!
It disgusts me so much that I promise that I shall fight with everything I can. Death to ALL TRAITOROUS AMERICAN COMMUNIST WANNABES which describes Today’s so-called Democratic Party Leadership. God Bless America!!!

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

The progressive left, lead by O’Biden, just continue to show that they really don’t know what is going on in this country. They cannot just make one stupid decision…..they make stupid decision each and every day. They have weakended the defense of the country by the international policies regarding Afghanistan, the “woke” military focus, the insecure southern boarders, and the lack of a cohesive approach to the illegal immigration problem that plagues our country. There is a lack of confidence from a majority of Americans whether they be Democrats, conservatives, blue collar workers or minorities. The only clear message is this: The Marxist Democrat leadership in the White House or Congress has failed at every turn, and they have all magnified the international crisis into absolute chaos with their precision fumbling stumbling ways.

Mike S
Mike S
3 years ago

I’d like to quote the one statement that came out of the article above that I relish the most. The statement is:

“The brand damage inflicted by Biden onto the Democrats in just eight months might very well eradicate the Democrat Party as it currently exists and, if Republicans play their cards right, to forge a new center-right majority.”

Given the move to the left and the potential for a huge and permanent reversal of American prosperity and the potential for the American dream to disappear has me extremely concerned. We are all doomed in the near future if all the desires of the Democrats and their leftist friends are met. The Democrats are systematically placing us in debt beyond any capacity to pay back. And, they want to increase our debt to even higher levels and heavily tax everyone. Unfettered illegal Immigration, high levels of crime combined with a very weak response, and the idea of defunding the police are creating staffing shortages throughout the country’s police departments at a time when they’ll be needed the most. These issues are driving Americans to arm themselves since they no longer trust or respect the government. BLM and Antifa are mostly being led by American hating youth who have been tearing away at everything this country once held dear. Obviously, this is a natural response to years of leftist indoctrination in our schools and universities that is allowed to continue. All of this is ignored by the mainstream media sitting idly by and supporting all of it. Finally, we have a senile (demented), President, in charge courtesy of a fraudulent election. If all of this wasn’t bad enough, our friends no longer trust or respect us, and worse our enemies no longer fear us. All of the above can easily lead to war both domestically and overseas, possibly even WWIII.

I pray that this country holds together long enough until the 2020 election so that an extremely solid majority in both houses of Congress can be legally be elected, large enough to override anything Biden would propose or support. Hopefully, they can reverse all the damage the Democrats have permitted, and by 2024, permanently destroy the defeatist, immoral, and traitorous Democratic Party. Failure to do so, will not only lead to the demise of this country as we know it but could also lead to an end to democracy globally and the beginning of another dark age.

3 years ago

I agree with everything in the article except “Democrats have a National security problem” I see it as an American security issue because none of us are safe, an won’t be until we get rid of these tratiors !

John A Bird
John A Bird
3 years ago

This nation has been under attack by the deep state for over 60 years and it will not stop short of killing the traitors who have lead us into the NWO/OWO. We believe in fighting for each nations freedoms except for ours. If you believe your offspring should be living as slaves in the near future then continue to do nothing or turn the tide and remove those responsible for this nations demise. This would include at the state level; the democratic party including legislators, judges, and all politicians pushing the progressive movement such as governors and mayors, teachers, etc.

3 years ago

He who does not study history is doomed to repeat it……..and sadly, most Americans are short-memoried non-studiers of history. Now is the time for the conservatives to push the past history of the democrats, into the face of all ….show the documents, show the outcomes, show the disasters of yesteryear and the ones on the horizon. Show the tapes, videos, transcripts and let the truth reveal itself. The dems will do their dance and try to defer, deflect and deny…..but it won’t work if the conservatives are on the ball……don’t let this opportunity pass……shine the light on the roaches. Broadcast loudly how their past history is a picture of the future…..history does repeat itself, and let’s hope it won’t happen again.

3 years ago

The Democrats, supported by George Soros and the Communist Chinese, are succeeding in flushing our country into a 3rd world country cesspool! Every Legal and Loyal American needs to pick up the gauntlet and take a strong stance against what’s happening to our country and those responsible!

Josh m
Josh m
3 years ago

It’s not democrats or republicans who hold the ball, but the enormous power of the executive. We now live in a soft tyrany that is elected every 4-8 years. The Congress as abdicated responsibility, no one can see it because all the positions of power are in control of the oligarchy and we are fed the line that we live in a great country. The enormous bureaucracy, education, and the press will drive us into two physical countries. The foreign policy won’t matter because we won’t be in a position of power anymore

3 years ago

By far, the worst has been Taliban Joe. Who in their right mind gives terrorists 85 billion in military equipment??? Kabul chaos, but leaving Americans behind is unconscionable. He didn’t consult our allies. Then the horrific border crisis. This guy is unfit and dangerous along with Milley, Blinken, Harris, and this entire admin. Another Hitler or worse. These are liars and traitors. Wake up, they are intentionally destroying our nation. God bless America????????????????????????

Charles Nolan
Charles Nolan
3 years ago

Biden, the cabal of elites, and the subverted upper level bureaucrats, have shown China that now is the best opportunity they will ever have to make first use of nuclear weapons in Asia, while holding Biden at bay with their history of threats to launch nuclear strikes on US cities.
Can you imagine Biden’s handlers sending John Kerry to China to negotiate the US surrender? Kerry would claim environmental consequences left us no choice but to surrender, while China continues to build more coal fired power plants.
The children of the Devil are now surely in control.

3 years ago

Biden, Schumer, Nadler, Pelosi are liars and the national security problems. Together they will destroy America as we know it. Or knew it………

3 years ago

New T- shirt in town: Sleeping Joe is KILLING it as president! and when I say “KILLING IT” I mean:
KILLING the economy
KILLING energy independence
KILLING freedom of religion
KILLING freedom of speech
KILLING the middle class
KILLING small businesses
KILLING gun rights
This is the country’s list of grievances that need to be addressed as quickly as possible!!!

3 years ago

The post WWII Democrats have always had a security problem. But they are not shy in wanting to participate in a War to spike the economy … you know, put young men in military service so they can’t raise political activity against the DemocRats in power. It was this Nation’s good fortune that FDR passed away, because I think like Harry Truman (and most contemporary Americans) did… and I might add his decision to do so has been criticized by many post WWII political gurus because that didn’t suit the one-party citizen-partisan bias cultivated in the DemocRat Party … then or now.

3 years ago

No, the National Security of this Nation and its Constitutional Democracy is in grave danger because of a rigged POTUS election. And that risk will increase unless the honesty, sanctity, and obedience to its governing principles are adhered to flawlessly. And the DemocRat party is so wrapped up in its fervor to RULE the Nation rather than GOVERN the Nation, that it is becoming a National concern as to the functionality implicit in our Constitutional Democracy. THE VOTING SYSTEM NEEDS TO BE FIXED SO THAT IT CAN NOT BE RIGGED. Otherwise the Nation is slipping into a decadent form of Communism. I still believe the majority of American citizens know and believe in the Constitutional Democracy as the best form of governance, NOT a hybrid Communistic rule by a political party that puts its partisan interests first and foremost using whatever means, legal or not, to RULE the Nation.

Richard Swimm
Richard Swimm
3 years ago

Biden and his administration have emboldened terror organizations that are determined to hurt US and Israeli interests. The Afghan debacle will haunt the Democrats and do inexplicable damage to the US in the future.

Politics is a despicable business. The Democrats will move to the center in the 2022 midterm elections to try and dupe the electorate as the Republicans hammer home the message of the massive failure of Biden’s policies at home and abroad. Let’s hope enough of the the American people will take a stand and deliver a Republican majority to at least one Congressional chamber next year.

Rhonda M Holub
Rhonda M Holub
3 years ago

Problem being the key word. Their problem is the 75 million + citizens that actually exist and voted conservative versus the 80 million voters that only exist on paper! The next three years isn’t going to be pretty or practical, that’s for sure!

3 years ago

The problem for the Democrats is their overall worldview understanding has shifted from being wrong to delusional. (Psychologically, the difficulty the human psyche has with admitting one is wrong, causes people to move into a more extreme version of their previous understanding. This is how they came up with the “defund the police” movement.) There will be no solutions until the left turns to reality, or is crushed as a political idea.

3 years ago

A big national security problem is the demos themselves. To be a demo one would almost automatically be atheist since fostering their Godless beliefs would preclude belief in God. Since they are Godless, have no morals, integrity, or character, they have no loyalty to America. They want to destroy America so they can get us into the one-world government. One way to destroy America is to decimate the military and give away military secrets. Demos have always been good at that. Biden’s brain is so full of holes he cannot be trusted to speak to any foreign leader without dribbling secrets all over the place. Biden is losing what is left of his mind quite rapidly. The job is far above him (and always was) and his mental ability to think fast enough to respond to a problem or question.

3 years ago

All that is happening now has been in the works for at least 50 years now. The socialists have been very patient but they are now acting with urgency to get cought up to their 2030 or sooner deadline for the one-world government.

JaneLee Keller
JaneLee Keller
3 years ago

There is No Longer a Democratic Party
It Died in 2008.

Now there is Only The Lifelong Anti America HUSSEIN, (Himself a Puppet of the CCP and Their World Domination Mindset),
MOB, and Their Non Compos Mentis Puppet.

Putting HUSSEIN in Prison for Treason would be a Great Beginning to getting our Country Back.

Everytime a MOB Member opens it’s mouth, they’re speaking Their Leader’s, HUSSEIN’S, words.
He Is An Enemy of Every True American Patriot.
Let’s Treat Him as Such !

3 years ago

The problems of national Security arose in 1947 over national security acts that year under President Truman. It was the appointment of the Joint Chiefs o Staff and of the CIA to guide and support of the policy. Instead of the world War II policy which provided the Navy and Amryu ways of looking at the world. Simply the Navy, assisted by the best intelligence system reported to President Roosevelt in the Morning and the Army in the afternoon. Army Chief of Staff George Marshall was imbued with the craft of war practiced by Robert E Lee and whose imitation of character led to being Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, and a Nobel Prize Winner. Marshall had developed the winning strategy for World War I, the winning strategy for World war II and the appointment of the Generals who successfully ended the Korean War at the the 38th parallel. President Roosevelt had two competing ideas and gave an informed decision of the future actions.
With the post-war changes, only one answer became available to the president and Congress. I believe former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates would agree.

3 years ago

They have more than a security problem. They have a non-Democrat problem.

Denise Ledford
Denise Ledford
3 years ago

Joe Biden has violated his oath of office and committed treason. He has slaughtered our constitutional rights and proven himself and those that follow him, and those that control him behind the scenes, as anti-American in EVERY sense of the word. Evil cannot even begin to describe the people that are representing the Democrat party today.

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