
National Security , Newsline

Texas Governor Sends First Migrant Buses to D.C.

Posted on Thursday, April 14, 2022
by Outside Contributor

The first bus carrying illegal immigrants from Texas arrived in Washington on April 13.

The illegal aliens were dropped off between Union Station and the U.S. Capitol, according to the office of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

“As the federal government continues to turn a blind eye to the border crisis, the State of Texas will remain steadfast in our efforts to fill in the gaps and keep Texans safe,” Abbott said in a statement. “By busing migrants to Washington, D.C., the Biden administration will be able to more immediately meet the needs of the people they are allowing to cross our border. Texas should not have to bear the burden of the Biden administration’s failure to secure our border.”

Abbott, a Republican, directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management earlier this month to begin coordinating “voluntary transportation” to Washington and other locations outside Texas of immigrants released from federal custody.

The bus that arrived on Wednesday was filled with immigrants who came from Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, Abbott’s office said.

Footage captured by Fox News showed the immigrants getting off the bus several blocks from the Capitol at approximately 8:13 a.m.

It wasn’t clear which officials were processing the immigrants.

The Texas division declined to comment, as did U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Two men in khakis and black, collared shirts greeted the immigrants and gave them cell phones as they got off. They also looked up information from a wristband that each person wore. They exchanged hugs and handshakes with the aliens after processing them.

Everybody getting off the bus had a manila folder.

Many were men.

Luis Alberto, a Venezuelan national who was on the bus, told NTD that the group crossed the border into Texas on April 12 after being robbed by cartels and Mexican police officers.

“When we got to Texas we had nothing because they had taken everything. We heard there was help, and a bus to Washington, and there would be someone to facilitate travel, because in Texas there is no help,” he said as to why the immigrants agreed to get on the bus.

Catholic Charities assisted the immigrants after they got off the bus.

Most of the immigrants are going to other areas, Sister Sharlet Wagner, executive director of the Newcomer Network which the charity runs, told NTD.

“Most of them do have family or friends in the place where they really want to go. We’re happy to help them if they want to stay here. Most are choosing to move on,” she said.

Organizers bought food for the immigrants and bus tickets for those who want to go elsewhere.

Abbott announced the plan during a press conference on April 6. He said it was necessary because Texas has been “overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the Biden administration” and transporting them to the capitol of the United States would allow the federal government “to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border.”

Since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the United States has recorded an unprecedented number of illegal immigrant encounters at the U.S.–Mexico border.

There are few signs the flood is waning. Both critics and supporters of Biden’s treatment of the border say a spike is expected when Title 42, a pandemic-era authority, expires in May.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki previously called Abbott’s bussing plan a “publicity stunt.”

Asked about Wednesday’s arrival, she told reporters in Washington that “these are all migrants who have been processed by CBP and are free to travel so it’s nice the state of Texas is helping them get to their final destination as they await the outcome of their immigration proceedings.” CBP stands for Customs and Border Protection.

Abbott’s office says a second bus is en route to Washington.

Nick Ciolino contributed to this report.

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2 years ago

Hahaha PERFECT! Texas rocks .

Robert Chandler
Robert Chandler
2 years ago

Makes sense; put them where illegal office holders are.

2 years ago

… things are so ass backward here in America, our policy community’s now using illegal immigrants as political pawns, to punish working class Americans –

2 years ago


2 years ago

The most destructive president in Unites States history, there are 5 distinct policies Biden and Clinton Democrats sought to met out political payback, punishing rural and conservative America: (1) double our grocery prices, (2) double our gasoline prices, (3) forever mask mandates, (4) sexual grooming of our K-12 youths to homosexuality and child pornography, and (5) reverting control of America’s southern border, to the Mexican drug cartels.

2 years ago

There are literally thousands of illegals crossing into the United States daily via the Texas border. The way Governor Abbott was originally talking about this, it was supposed to be large caravans of buses dropping off hundreds or thousands of illegals daily in Washington, D.C. The objective to make the Democrats see, firsthand, the end result of their open border policy by flooding Washington, D.C. with as many illegal aliens as he could ship there. Then within 12 hours of his initial announcement, Governor Abbott changed the criteria to only illegals who volunteered to be bused to Washington. The reason he gave concerning possibly being accused of “kidnapping the illegals” was ludicrous on so many levels.

Now the first bus, yes one single bus only half full, dropped off a total of something like 23 illegals and a second bus in on its way to drop off another small group of illegals. Yet another missed opportunity by Governor Abbott to deliver on what he said he would do. This is the difference between a real Republican Governor like Ron DeSantis, who does what he says he will do, and a RINO like Governor Abbott, who is just looking to make headlines but do very little in the way of concrete actions.

2 years ago

Painfully evident, no room for argument, even the most obtuse of democrats have little choice but begrudgingly concede, the government in Washington DC no longer represents the United States of America.

Sandra Moyer
Sandra Moyer
2 years ago

Take them all to the White House. They can plan their destination.

2 years ago

Bet you coffee and doughnuts you have no explanation how it’s possible this immigration issue could be Russia’s fault. That’s why we Jen Psaki coming to our rescue, telling us how stupid we are.

2 years ago

… Biden has America on a downward spiral, his bad policies prompting equally bad counter-policies, from his political rivals. This is how great nations die –

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

What happened to Joe Biden, Obama house they all need to go there especially kamala Nancy Pelosi those ladies need to welcome into their home

2 years ago

The author wrote that Jen Psaki had called Abbott’s busing plan a “publicity stunt.” Good move to deposit the illegals near the Capitol building early on a weekday morning…but it would have been more effective if a caravan of tens of thousands of illegals had been dropped off at one time…and more representative of what’s really going on at the border. The media might even come out of their offices for that one.

2 years ago

I have always wondered why no one is stopping these Treasonous and Seditious ‘religious’ organizations from this crime of violating our sovereignty.
It is time to hold the Catholic church accountable.

2 years ago

Governor Abbout is building the wall with like minded Texans
Bravo Goveror Abbott!

2 years ago

It’s tough for us right now, but think about what a colossal gift to Republicans and Independents this administration is. It will all start being cleaned up and out in November. Looking ahead, I don’t see any viable Democrats who could run the country the way it should be run in the upcoming years, so I predict a long stretch of Republicans coming. An end to indoctrination of our kids especially.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Send migrants to: VA DE MA VT too
Convoys of buses from TX & FL direct

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

Excellent Move.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

So unbelievably awful they have put these people and, more importantly, their own US citizens at such risk for no other reason than some warped political agenda, revenge, and loony ideology. If they spent their time trying to come up with sensible, smart policies instead, they wouldn’t be so desperate to import potential “voters.” God forbid they should actually use some wisdom and common sense to implement such a simple, safe, and effective idea as wise policy proposals.

2 years ago

Eat my shorts

Morton Brown
Morton Brown
2 years ago

I think each State on the Border needs to finish their portion of the Wall if they ever want to see it secured.

2 years ago

Gov Abbott and Ted Cruz should be sending these illegals to Martha Vineyard, Biden’s Delaware home, Clinton’s town, and other lib places to make an impact with this bussing thing. Sending them to DC, they just blend in with the crowd. Send them to the pristine locations where these liberal elitists dwell.

2 years ago

Why are they being given phones and any kind of help. They are ILLEGALS! Send them to prison.

2 years ago

If my home state was Texas, I would be looking to replace Abbot with someone with a backbone, maybe, Allen West?

David Oakes
David Oakes
2 years ago


2 years ago

Except for the rich people of this country…we are all suffering the consequences of this beyond awful administration. I hope the people that voted for Obama…..sorry I meant biden…are suffering deeply financially. Do you really think the big guy is running our country? “Come on man!”

2 years ago

This is great!! And don’t forget to send them to Delaware also! I don’t like the idea of free phones, etc., since when they cross the border, and they are considered “got aways”, the got aways sure as hell don’t get all these freebies. So, if you turn yourself in, you get free stuff. What a concept. I think I’m going to cross the border without my passport/ID, walk across at Eagle Pass, turn myself in, get free stuff. Yippee! And don’t forget to send them to Maine for Senator Susan Collins, see if she will put up with them all over her property, standing on corners, thieving, trafficking, breaking & entering. See how she votes next go round.
Let’s all get out there and vote come Nov ’22 and Nov ’24, put an end to this nonsense.

2 years ago

They are giving the illegals a free ride deeper into our country so they can disperse where ever they want. They (the illegals) should be stopped at the border. Every border state has a National Guard put them to work.

2 years ago

Governor Abbott is fed up with President Biden’s open border policy and since they cannot STOP the illegal entry into our great country by noncitizens, sending them to Washington DC is a brilliant solution. Texas cannot afford to shoulder the costs and resources to keep those noncitizens in their state! Since Biden is allowing these desperate people to enter our southern border, he and his administration need to take responsibility for their care. BTW, didn’t President Biden task Vice President Harris with overseeing the border issues? Where is the outrage with President Biden shirking a very important security issue by passing it off to his Vice President, who has done absolutely nothing and is not capable of instituting a sensible solution. We have borders for a reason and a lot of blood was shed for those borders.

Jack Thomas
Jack Thomas
2 years ago

Sending illegal immigrants to Washington D.C. only solves the problem for Texas but creates new problems for other states. The Biden administration will simply reshuffle this bad deck of cards, transporting these people to other parts of the USA, albeit in the dead of night once again as we’ve seen in recent news reports. To be really spiteful, Biden could order these same folks sent right back to Texas. Then what? I wouldn’t put it past him; Biden has a strong vindictive streak as evidenced by him withholding new supplies of Regeneron therapeutics from Florida because Gov. DeSantis resisted his COVID mandates. Biden would not hesitate to poke any Republican official in the eye by any means at his disposal. This is a president who clearly should be impeached. His willful failure to secure our southern border with Mexico is both criminally negligent and a violation of his constitutional oath. Apart from the many problems he’s created by allowing Open Borders, Biden has caused the deaths of thousands of Americans who died at the hands of criminal aliens, and from illicit drugs smuggled into our country. To Biden and the Democratic Party, however, this is simply “collateral damage” in their campaign to radically change voter demographics, turning Red states into Blue states, thus ensuring future election victories. Biden’s assent to the White House has only proven what many already know: Satan is open for business as usual.

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
2 years ago

The article states “Catholic Charities assisted the immigrants after they got off the buss”. Catholic Charities is funded by George Soros, he gives them millions of $$$ yearly.

Eddie Carroll
Eddie Carroll
2 years ago

Way to go Governor Abbott keep up the good work!!! The real Americans are behind you all the way!!!

David L. Neal
David L. Neal
2 years ago

When I first heard about Governor Abbott’s plan I thought, “Great idea!” However, is he not playing right into the Democrat’s plan to bring immigrants into the US? Biden’s way or Abbott’s way, immigrants are still being allowed to cross the US border into America. Abbott’s not helping the problem, only compounding it! If Abbott has the nerve to send them to the Capital, why not send them back across the border into Mexico? We do not do that because of our compassion and Christian convictions. If we do not find a better plan than Governor Abbott’s plan, then Texas will continue to inadvertently play into the hands of the Democrats. The end result is the continuing destruction of America! “Governor Abbott, there must be a better way if your true desire is to preserve America and our Constitution.” It truly is time for another Constitutional Convention! Let’s pray for greater wisdom!

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

This action is a good show of contempt for what the Biden administration is doing to the nation, but it’s still costing American taxpayers. We need to take whatever actions are necessary to stop illegal immigration into the US as much as it can be stopped.

2 years ago

Hahaha PERFECT! Texas rocks .

Robert Chandler
Robert Chandler
2 years ago

Makes sense; put them where illegal office holders are.

2 years ago

… things are so ass backward here in America, our policy community’s now using illegal immigrants as political pawns, to punish working class Americans –

2 years ago


2 years ago

The most destructive president in Unites States history, there are 5 distinct policies Biden and Clinton Democrats sought to met out political payback, punishing rural and conservative America: (1) double our grocery prices, (2) double our gasoline prices, (3) forever mask mandates, (4) sexual grooming of our K-12 youths to homosexuality and child pornography, and (5) reverting control of America’s southern border, to the Mexican drug cartels.

2 years ago

There are literally thousands of illegals crossing into the United States daily via the Texas border. The way Governor Abbott was originally talking about this, it was supposed to be large caravans of buses dropping off hundreds or thousands of illegals daily in Washington, D.C. The objective to make the Democrats see, firsthand, the end result of their open border policy by flooding Washington, D.C. with as many illegal aliens as he could ship there. Then within 12 hours of his initial announcement, Governor Abbott changed the criteria to only illegals who volunteered to be bused to Washington. The reason he gave concerning possibly being accused of “kidnapping the illegals” was ludicrous on so many levels.

Now the first bus, yes one single bus only half full, dropped off a total of something like 23 illegals and a second bus in on its way to drop off another small group of illegals. Yet another missed opportunity by Governor Abbott to deliver on what he said he would do. This is the difference between a real Republican Governor like Ron DeSantis, who does what he says he will do, and a RINO like Governor Abbott, who is just looking to make headlines but do very little in the way of concrete actions.

2 years ago

Painfully evident, no room for argument, even the most obtuse of democrats have little choice but begrudgingly concede, the government in Washington DC no longer represents the United States of America.

Sandra Moyer
Sandra Moyer
2 years ago

Take them all to the White House. They can plan their destination.

2 years ago

Bet you coffee and doughnuts you have no explanation how it’s possible this immigration issue could be Russia’s fault. That’s why we Jen Psaki coming to our rescue, telling us how stupid we are.

2 years ago

… Biden has America on a downward spiral, his bad policies prompting equally bad counter-policies, from his political rivals. This is how great nations die –

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
2 years ago

What happened to Joe Biden, Obama house they all need to go there especially kamala Nancy Pelosi those ladies need to welcome into their home

2 years ago

The author wrote that Jen Psaki had called Abbott’s busing plan a “publicity stunt.” Good move to deposit the illegals near the Capitol building early on a weekday morning…but it would have been more effective if a caravan of tens of thousands of illegals had been dropped off at one time…and more representative of what’s really going on at the border. The media might even come out of their offices for that one.

2 years ago

I have always wondered why no one is stopping these Treasonous and Seditious ‘religious’ organizations from this crime of violating our sovereignty.
It is time to hold the Catholic church accountable.

2 years ago

Governor Abbout is building the wall with like minded Texans
Bravo Goveror Abbott!

2 years ago

It’s tough for us right now, but think about what a colossal gift to Republicans and Independents this administration is. It will all start being cleaned up and out in November. Looking ahead, I don’t see any viable Democrats who could run the country the way it should be run in the upcoming years, so I predict a long stretch of Republicans coming. An end to indoctrination of our kids especially.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Send migrants to: VA DE MA VT too
Convoys of buses from TX & FL direct

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

Excellent Move.

Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office
trump and the drug and opioid epidemic

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