As a record number of migrants invade the U.S., wreaking pain on New York City and other communities, one group is winning big-time: the public advocacy lawyers. Their business is to constantly sue to win more so-called rights for migrants. Rights to shelter, rights to meals, rights to health care, even the right to vote in local elections.
Who pays the bills on both sides of these lawsuits? You do. Taxpayer money largely funds these legal combatants, which include the Coalition for the Homeless, Legal Aid Society, and Vera Institute of Justice.
You’re paying to be legally coerced into providing more for migrants, even at the cost of cutting vital city services — kind of like hiring your own assassin. It’s absurd, but it’s about to get worse.
On Dec. 14, the New York City Council passed Resolution 556, calling on the state legislature to guarantee, as a right, that all migrants have lawyers paid for by taxpayers when they go to immigration court. It would be a “first-in-the-nation” guarantee.
Resolution 556 would give migrants more rights than American citizens have. No one else is guaranteed a publicly funded lawyer in civil court matters such as housing court issues or divorce.
Yikes, the city council’s proposal would make the Big Apple even more of a magnet for migrants than it already is.
Who’s behind this push? The Vera Institute of Justice, for one.
Vera claims we “need a federally funded universal legal defense service” for migrants. In short, a national army of left-wing lawyers paid by you. What better place to launch this lunatic idea than at the New York City Council?
The Vera Institute is not the only organization cashing in on migrants’ rights.
In October, Mayor Eric Adams went to court for temporary relief from the rigid rules and settlements that define what the city must provide the homeless, as tens of thousands of homeless migrants arrive. Immediately, the Legal Aid Society and the Coalition for the Homeless swooped in, claiming his plan would “gut” the long-standing rights of the homeless.
These lawsuits are largely funded by you, through grants and contracts from the city and state. Manhattan Judge Gerald Lebovits urged the parties to compromise, and arranged for the lawyers on all sides, representing the city, the state and the migrants, to meet in his chambers several times.
This scam is being repeated all over the nation. The Justice Action Center — also publicly funded — is suing the Biden administration on behalf of Haitian asylum seekers whose rights it claims were violated by U.S. Border Patrol Agents on horseback trying to stop them as they crossed the Rio Grande. Lawyers for the migrants and lawyers for the Biden administration will cross swords. Never mind who wins. They’re all being paid by us.
It’s a free country. Anyone can sue. But why should we be paying for these legal boxing matches?
Disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo wrote on these pages last week that the remedy for New York City’s mounting woes is to sue the federal government for more money. Wrong. That would send more wasted funds down the litigation rathole.
Cuomo also argues that the “right to shelter” should apply to all the counties, instead of just Gotham, and that state lawmakers should “fairly distribute” the migrant burden statewide. Spoken like a pol who is eyeing a city position and no longer cares about the rest of the state.
The notion that there is a “right to shelter” in the state Constitution was concocted by the Coalition for the Homeless in a lawsuit in 1981. It has tied the hands of city leaders ever since. It should be legally challenged. Extending that questionable right to migrants who just arrived here, and then imposing it statewide, would compound the wrong.
Tell lawmakers to stop funding the legal advocacy industry with our money. It’s time to break the stranglehold these publicly funded lawyers, under the guise of doing good, have on our city and nation.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.
This just sickens me! No one in government is standing up for the American citizen, who is paying taxes to fund this sick mentality. They aren’t migrants. They are “illegals”. We owe them nothing. They have broken the law by entering our country. Aren’t people concerned what our children and grandchildren will face in the years to come.
There can be no other explanation for this than the intent to eliminate America as a viable nation. America has been the hope of the world but with current idiocy will be the last hope.
The takeover of America. This is on purpose by the Democrats.
It makes NO SENSE to give “rights’ to NON-CITIZENS! Please tell me what other country I can go to and receive such rights.
Absolutely disgusting. The Biden Administration is ruining America. We are being invaded by people illegally breaking into our country. They have no rights and we owe them nothing. We are not heartless, but there is no way we can support this invasion. I’m working 2 jobs just to pay my own bills. We cannot afford to be paying for people who are coming here illegally. If some people have extra money and want to help people then maybe they can help support families that want to come here legally.
Send them home.. I don’t owe them a stay in a hotel where they treat it like trash .I don’t owe those ungrateful immigrants meals they spit out and on and I don’t owe them legal.. representation..There are hundreds of thousands of homeless people in this country who are treated as if they deserve to be with our a roof over their head and no hot food or warm showers…So to the 10 million Illegal Migrants turning your nose up at what you have been offered. Go home make your home town better because truly the United States of America is not able to take care of you
I’m aware of the fact that as soon as anyone steps foot on American soil that they have right’s like any of us, but I don’t think these rights should extend beyond what a legal Citizen has. In fact these rights, in my opinion should not be granted to any illegal what so ever…period. They’ve broken our laws entering this country and should not have any rights!
Along the same lines, myself like many Americans this past weekend flew out of town to see family. I couldn’t help but notice the large blue signs at the Airport stating “Non-US Citizens without Passports Only Enter Here” and in this line for Non-US Citizens there had to be two maybe three hundred illegals in line waiting to board aircraft and fly across the country…WTF! You and I have to have the “Real ID or a current passport” to board an aircraft, but not these people, these Illegal people, which by definition none of them should be on a aircraft let along allowed to be in this country.
I know, go ahead and tell my I’m a bigot, a racist, homophobic, xenophobic and anything else phobic you can throw at me…but it seems to me that I’m the one being discriminated against. I can’t do what these illegals are doing and neither can you.
Trump 2024
It’s always about the cash and how much our cut is. Wouldn’t surprise me if Hunter runs an “immigration service” and pays 10% to “the Big Guy” onnthis as well….
Deport them all, including the left-wing nut organizations and their so-called lawyers.
The one way the whole migrant crisis can be resolved is to turn off the spigot. Cut off all aid of every kind to anyone here illegally. No shelter, no food, no medical aid except emergencies, no free education, no voting, no free anything. Period. They would soon return home, especially with winter coming.
Maybe if Brandon and the Democraps stopped paying the illegals for breaking the law by coming here they will get hungry and cold enough that they will start a caravan to go back from where they came.
NO More
More pillage than work
& we offer all & they want None see NYC area
I agree with almost every immigration criticism contained in this article. However, referring to individuals who enter our country unlawfully as “immigrants” is in my judgement part of the problem. ANYONE entering our country unlawfully is a “Foreign Invader” and should be recognized and treated as such. Referring to them as immigrants diminishes their lawlessness and fuels the problem of foreign invasion.
This country is headed for another revolution against an oppressive government unless there is a miracle in 2024. That is what it is going to take to get a new group Conservatives elected in November. We are on a path to a dictatorship and we will no longer have true elections and no say about what happens to us. They want to run our lives from “cradle to grave”. Most of the media is simply a Marxist puppet and so many people look no further for TRUTHFUL news. The Conservatives must find a way to get a big RED wave in Nov. or our country as we know it is dead.
These are the “ambulance chasers” but with different clientele. The whole process of the government’s reaction to thousands of foreigners entering this country illegally daily is disgusting, abhorrent, and treasonous. Surely there are “two witnesses” to testify that Biden and Mayorkas are committing acts of treason by not following established law that forbids foreigners from entering our sovereign nation without the proper visa. All the illegals (no doubt many from countries who want us destroyed) have no rights, nor should they. American citizens are not given free legal aid (except possibly via a 501(c)3 whose finances are from donations, not your taxes).
These kind of moves / actions … puts me in the same mood as the guy in the move Network … where he leans out an open window & yells … ‘I am mad as hell & I am not going to take it anymore’ … Throughout the country, we the people need to fire most, if not all, the present legislative bodies and take back what we have let the politicians and bleeding heart liberals have enacted!
Mad as Hell in Indiana & not to take it anymore!
If we were the America of the 1950’s and before we would shoot people crossing illegally. This is a full scale invasion and that piss poor excuse of a president does NOTHING!!!!
I’m all for “LEGAL” immigration, but get those illegal blood sucking freeloading do nothing SOBs out of this country! Send them back to where they came from! We don’t need or want any illegal bodies in this country just to freeload off the backs of the American citizens that work here and pay taxes!
Most of them have no ‘rights’ as they are ILLEGALS. Instead of busing them to Chicago ad NY, etc, Texas should be busing/flying them back to Mexico. Mexico has a fence at their southern border so why don’t they put security there and stop them down there?? Or just let them stay in Mexico. Evidently the guards, etc at our borders aren’t doing any good.. All I know is I am tired of helping to support illegals from anywhere.
how do they lawfully get away with this jefferson said not one penny from the federal government should go to anyone or anything other than the government expenses.
For all the hatred toward America and Americans, why do these people want to come here? It’s because of useless American politicians in what used to be The People’s House. They’ve sold out a long time ago. But, what I don’t fully understand is why the Supreme Court hasn’t gotten involved with interpreting the laws that protect American sovereignty. An open border is against the law of the land. And yet, Supreme Court justices sit on their asses and do nothing. . .for the remainder of their lives. They’ve been bought out too? Plan accordingly.
My husband’s 80 year old cousin is working two part time jobs to cover the very bare necessities, yet Biden is giving law breaking illegal aliens everything they need. What the heck.
Support Convention of States. Over half way there. It’s the last hope besides Jesus for this Republic.
Trump in 2024!!!!!!??
Remember to vote Republican to end this mess with illegals!
If we went to Mexico and demanded they feed and care for us, Mexico would deport us immediately. The Biden Administration is ruining this country. We are spending billions to feed, house, etc. who are here ILLEGALLY. Biden and Majorkas need to be impeached for failing to protect this county.
We have no American Government, they are all Socialist or Communist! The American people need to stand up and take our Country Back!
The leaders in our country don’t give a fu** about American Citizens. All they want is tax dollars to line their purse and get more for illegals.I PRAY this brings a civil war and it will be the leadership of a broken America who has done it.
Idea. Put all of them in Federal detention like January 6/2021 Protesters. No trial quickly, No warm beds, No see their lawyers often, No bail, No family visits, only very basic health care ETC. P.S. I am not a Democrat. But the majority of Americans will not be able to figure that out.
When are people going to recognize that this is the liberal’s implementation of the Cloward-Piven strategy?
It’s disgusting!
It’s wrong, illegals are breaking the law and rewarding bad behavior is a marxist democrat party vote purchase!
End this practice now – American Citizens. Seniors, Veterans and mentally challenged individuals should receive those dollars!
America First – Always
Heard that they are hoping when they become legal or maybe even before, they will earn more seats in the House and Senate, (due to census) thereby giving Democrats more power!
illegals have no rights – it’s unlawful what the idiot biden is doing. i don’t understand how no one can stop this. it’s unethical!!! i am not happy about putting my tax dollars towards these migrants. they are brining in sickness, drugs, sex trafficking, crime. there has already been rapes, etc. why is this ok!!!! biden is not American, nor are the supporters who help this evil thing! he is an imposter and we common sense people know they cheat and lie in elections. how are there so many corrupt lawyers, judges and people on the left. they need to go!!!!
Just Amazing, the Biden Administration breaks our immigration laws, the illegal aliens break our immigration laws and the American public has to pick up the tab on all of it. All thanks to the 81M voters who voted for this insanity in 2020. America has turned insane by liberalism.
This makes me SICK TO MY STOMACH! Wake up America – the Democrats are trying to drag us into the pits of HELL.
The Democrat-sanctioned Great Re-Set is in progress. WE THE PEOPLE need to get off our asses and begin fighting back. Now.
We all know ole Joe wants to get all the money from the middle class. Once we are broke they control us. Freedom of speech, religion, the right to bear arms will all be taken away. Voting choices will be gone. One dictator on the ballot. Right now they are researching how to vaccinate people from the air. They call it vaccination but it could be gas to depopulate the world just as easily. The WEF and the elites are not done yet with eliminating people. They are working on a perfect world where only the rich live. They are already using chemtrails to influence the weather only a matter of time to the next step
On “RARE” occasions “lawyers” have a purpose…howsomever…it “appears” that the bulk of these “ambulance chasers” is their unveiled greed! No doubt most are demorats and their end game is unbridled wealth AT THE EXPENSE OF WE THE PEOPLE! though I have no doubt maybe many of them are one world order fanatics. I’ve found 3 scriptures in God’s Holy Book concerning “lawyers”; and all three are derogatory! And these cretins are getting rich off the backs of Americans while putting those with who knows what diseases eradicated in this nation for decades; unknown violent criminals…some citizens are already warning that we could experience an “explosive” event that could make 9/11 look like a practice run! May the demorats ultimately “get what they deserve” and even more egregious the rinos who happily go along with their intent to destroy this Constitutional Republic…or what’s left of it!
George Bush Sr. presidential acceptance speech: “We must usher in the New World Order”. I listened to that speech fellow Americans and within the last week or two have found him on youtube lauding the “wonders” of this evil occurrence. Don’t be deceived by the leftist rhetoric…the end game as mentioned, is their one world order…and we will be reduced to serfdom, unless we’re willing to fight tooth and nail. AOC, some time ago made the statement that we, who actually care about this nation, should be “put in re-education camps”… really? Think about that for a bit…and have no doubt that the leftists are not above it…and watch carefully the attack on our Second Amendment Rights…NOT suggestions!
“Rulers, absolute dictators since the dawn of time have been sensitive to arms in the hands of the people.” Author unknown. The war on our Second Amendment will get worse and be ready for anything in 2024 as the haters of our nation get more “aggressive”. Pray for the Donald…that he wins.
Get out of New York! This whole situation is crazy! Where’s anyone who cares anything about the country and its laws? And especially the Constitution! I think NY is screwed unless it totally changes direction. And I don’t see any of that in the near future…
As long as Biden and his cronies Democrats are running our country, there won’t be any common sense at all.
So, some clown from Bumpharck India can come in and expect more rights than a veteran of the US? God did give them rights, but not here, they’ll have to earn them.
Joe Biden and his administration. Worst ever, and people will vote for this guy again.
It is obvious the government isn’t going to help slow much less stop this invasion so it’s up to the citizenry to take direct action as in citizen arrest, summary judgement and in the field provision of capital punishment.
This IS an invasion folks and these “refugees” are the invaders and this is OUR land not theirs.
Remove them like the ticks they are. True parasites, nothing more.
Congress is LETTING IT HAPPEN!!!! Congress should get just as much blame as Branden!!!! We have a handful of Congressmen and Women with the “GUTS” to do anything about it and they get “crapped” on everyday by the RINO’S and Demonists ER Democrat/Socialist/Communists in the Senate & House. 90% of Republicans will make it a campaign issue and after elected they will “GO ALONG TO GET ALONG” like they have for the last 60 years.
I am a disabled widow and can’t afford my medication, testing or attny. fee’s!
Have you thanked a DEMOCRAT today?
I would say most of our so called government is corrupt This whole illegals thing Zsucking every dime from tax payers then complain its not enough.I for one am sick of supporting the other countries people while America needs too care for their own not a bunch of freeloaders.wanting everything for free . besides destroying the hotels we provide them. go to other countries see if they’ll lay out the red carpet for you.
Nearly 70 years ago, most lawyers were considered to be “:sheisters.” It is a fitting term.
What amazes me is that the Dims ASSume that these illegals will vote for them when they become the major voting block in an area. To prove the point, look at parts of California and Florida where these people are the most voters in these areas.They don’t vote for a Jones or a Smith- but do vote for Gomez, Hernandez, and Gonzales! Dims like Biden don’t have reasoning or the cognitive ability to grasp this!