
National Security , Newsline

So Now That the War Is Over, What About Those Resignations?

Posted on Thursday, September 2, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – by James Johnson


Joe Biden asserted in his speech this week that his disastrous plan for the evacuation had the unanimous support of his Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, National Security Advisor, and top military officials. If this is true, it begs the question: now that the war is over, why haven’t those people resigned? And if they won’t resign, why haven’t they been fired?

By now, the entire world knows that America’s 20-year battle against the Taliban ended in a shameful and humiliating surrender. This shocking outcome in American military history was not the fault of the American Soldier, Sailor, Marine, or Airman on the ground in Afghanistan. Instead, the blame rests entirely with senior political, civilian, and military leadership, who failed in their most basic responsibility: the planning, execution, and completion of a military mission.

In cultures that afford greater weight than ours to concepts such as honor and duty, resignation (at a minimum) would be expected in light of such a horrendous performance. When British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain badly misjudged Hitler at the outset of World War II, he did not stubbornly stay in office after losing the confidence of the Parliament and the British people; he had the decency to resign. In a more extreme example, the Japanese minister of war committed seppuku (ritual suicide) after signing the surrender document at the end of the war. To this day, public officials in Japan routinely step down from their jobs to atone for errors or embarrassments within their organizations—even ones that came about through no fault of their own.

The United States has typically not had this tradition, and certainly there is something to be said for an American culture that tolerates errors. We don’t want a society that punishes mistakes so severely that no one takes any risks at all.

That, however, is a far cry from the situation in which we find ourselves regarding Afghanistan—a situation in which our leaders were apparently so certain that they would not be held accountable, no matter what happened, that they were vacationing in the Hamptons and Camp David as Afghanistan was being taken over by terrorists. This despite the fact that, as we now know, they were fully aware of the likelihood a collapse would happen.

Both our political and our military leadership have failed on a spectacular scale—indeed, on a world-historic scale—and they have done so after ignoring repeated warnings about the consequences of their recklessness. And not only have America’s leaders refused to accept responsibility for the catastrophe they caused, but the President is angrily telling Americans that the whole thing was a roaring success! He actually appears surprised and irritated that he is being subject to criticism at all.

Plenty of people across the country, including members of the House and Senate, are calling for Biden’s resignation. These calls are certainly understandable; the situation is so bad that there could very well be grounds to overcome the normal American assumption that a president should be allowed to finish out his term. But in any case, Tony Blinken, Lloyd Austin, Mark Milley, Jake Sullivan, and Ron Klain were not elected by anyone. President Biden’s refusal to accept any responsibility whatsoever only makes it more urgent that his leadership team resign.

This is not just a matter of politics, but of national security. Anything less would communicate to everyone, our friends and foes alike, that Americans believe what Biden is saying—that the whole thing went perfectly fine.

Perhaps more importantly, this particular group of officials stands totally exposed before the entire world as utterly incompetent. It is literally dangerous to leave them in charge now that their staggering ineptitude has been revealed. It is alarming to our allies, and even worse, it is an open an invitation to our adversaries. This is how you end up with calamities like the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, or a Chinese invasion of Taiwan.

In addition, if these people keep their jobs, it will be profoundly demoralizing to our Armed Forces. Many veterans and active-duty service members are furious and devastated by their leadership and are demanding accountability. Last week, in an unprecedented act, a Marine Lieutenant Colonel, three years from his retirement, released a video in which he suggested that military leadership needed to answer for the debacle. He was relieved of command the next day.

Even before the Afghanistan nightmare, morale in the military was already plummeting as the Biden administration has moved to politicize the Armed Forces and refashion it in their “woke” image. They have explicitly stated that the priorities of our military are climate change, COVID, and purging Trump supporters from the ranks, in addition to promoting Marxist concepts like “equity.” The frustration with these priorities reached a fever pitch when the Sergeant Major of the Army Michael A. Grinston tweeted about how inclusiveness and hairstyles make the military more lethal, on the same day that ISIS-K killed 13 American servicemembers. Sadly, the tweet was not a joke.

The results of this leadership crisis, as evidenced in Afghanistan, are catastrophic. The simple fact of the matter is that these people have to go. The war is over. There’s no reason to delay. Biden’s entire national security team should resign, or be fired immediately.

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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

James Johnson for AMAC has summed it up concisely…This phony administration has ruined the reputation of America for the entire world to behold & they do it repeatedly!
What is it going to take to get these miscreants out of there? I mean the entire O’Biden cabinet & in particular the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, BOTH of them & so many more subordinate to them in our beloved military from generals & admirals down to the lower class officers, any one individual that preaches or follows WOKE, should be be removed from the military, effective immediately, no ifs ands or buts about it! You are OUT of here! Go play with the pansy’s at a gay pride parade somewhere, get the f**k out of our military, pronto! We need real soldiers, not POC ingrates…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

See none coming, the whole Team, goes IN ON debacle
vs Trump admin issues that Dems created.

3 years ago

Why can’t I forward your messages? It would be nice if you could make this possiblle.

3 years ago

So, what’s the process? How can action be taken, and why is no one taking it?

Edward B. Irvin
Edward B. Irvin
3 years ago

We desperately need some heroes to take these pieces of human trash out.

3 years ago

Commie Joe and his gang of losers spit in the face of all Americans. America is no longer a force for Democracy. These miscreants have destroyed our country.
When will true Patriots rebel ?

3 years ago

They feel that they have done nothing wrong. So, how are we going to get them to resign?

Big creek
Big creek
3 years ago

The whole biden family from murdering joe to his money grubbing wife to the oil and gas man Hunter are terrible, despicable human beings.

David Brown
David Brown
3 years ago

These incompetent, arrogant pricks will never admit to their own buffoonery, they need to face a firing squad, starting with Joe-tard.

3 years ago

I woke up to the realities of our society back when Obama ran for president. I read someplace that Obama might be a Muslim. Googling this subject brought up a slew of articles that painted great uncertainty to the veracity of this rumor. Since then, I’ve been attentive to the goings-on in our society, and one glaring pattern I have noticed is that Democrats almost always get away with their depravity and stupidity.

So this article asks, “Where are the resignations?” I say to James Johnson, the author of this article — don’t hold your breath, it’s bad for your health.

John Bonds
John Bonds
3 years ago

The “honorable” thing to do would be to resign, but we all know there are not very many honorable people in control right now. It is easier to place blame on others.

Joanne Holden
Joanne Holden
3 years ago

McConnell should be ousted as well by the republicans for saying no impeachment will happen before they even try! Put biden thru the process even if it doesn’t turn out for impeachment.
McConnell is weak and pathetic. We NEED new R leadership NOW!

Paul R
Paul R
3 years ago

If in fact Dopey Joe resigned, are we any better off with the “historic” first woman Marxist as the replacement….this is a lose/lose situation for all Americans…especially those who never voted for this in the first place!!! More cheating/lying/avoiding/etc.

3 years ago

Maybe I’ll move to Texas!!

3 years ago

Seems to me it is past time to “Storm the Citadel.” Clean house from top to bottom with an armed rebellion. Did it it in 1775.

3 years ago

There will be no resignations. For decades and even more so these days the radical left has had the support of the mainstream media and now of course social media. So if things are not reported in those venues or opposing stories are suppressed then the bad things really don’t exist. Perception is reality. If the low IQ leftist morons watch the MSM, and fakebook, and the others, then they see nothing wrong. We all know President Trump won that election even though he was repeatedly denied the ability to run his commercials. God I miss my great President Trump. Please vote in 2022. Take back the House. KAG

Barbara Tansey
Barbara Tansey
3 years ago

Once again — really, as always — AMAC’s analysis is “spot on”!

3 years ago

If Biden and Harris were to resign, you know who would take their place and become president, don’t you? OMG Nancy Pelosi!!!

James Prater
James Prater
3 years ago

We need to be careful what we wish for. There is no denying Joe Biden is a completely failed president, is an embarrassment on the world stage and a good replacement for Larry, Moe, or Curly. But what would replace him if he were forced to resign? The giggle queen, as Rick Roberts has so aptly named her. She would make Joe Biden look like Ronald Reagan by comparison, and after she is inevitably forced out, are we really ready for Nancy Pelosi? The answer to our dilemma is simple, but will Republicans have the stomach for it? The answer lies in the ballot box in 2022. If we regain control of the House and Senate the Democrats are impotent. This must be done.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

The President, the Vice President all the top brass in the military, the National Security Advisor, and the Secretary of State, should all do the right thing and resign, because of all the failures, leaving behind Billions in military equipment, leaving American citizens behind,
leaving behind the people that helped us behind, not using the best defensive Airport to get people and equipment out from, this all should have been done long before the armed forces was removed, and no we did not need to bring all those that helped us to America, we could have sent them to any country they liked but not all should be brought it the United States.
This debacle will come back to haunt us like 9-11 wait and see.
God Save America !

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

We come to praise Ceaser ,not downrate him. He did stop the war. Let the ticker tape pareds begin. Maby the old fool will fall out of the car and get run over. After all Ceaser did get stabbed to death. Maby the car will back up and get Harris and N.P also. These Dems are not gonna quit. If things dont change by24. ,this country will be in ruins.

3 years ago

They won’t leave unless they go in body bags.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Firing squad is a little tough. But about the top 25 or 30 of thismadminastration needs to be imprisioned. Now we nare the laughing stock of the whole world. If there is am QANON, let it rise now. Kyle L.

3 years ago

Resignations? … Our illustrious “Liar in Chief” has proclaimed Overwhelming Success even though HE abandoned American Citizens and Allies after “saying” he wouldn’t! Resignations? … After leaving behind 85 Billion $$$ of weaponry to Terrorists, all we get is HIM proclaiming about the most successful airlift of citizens and Afghans in History! Resignations? … When CHARGES OF TREASON ARE MORE APT … Get Ready to Fight to Defend America From Communist Takeover People!

Wayne LeBlanc
Wayne LeBlanc
3 years ago

Maybe they don’t resign because they’re not quitters, and maybe that’s why the United States has been the leading country in the world for so long.

3 years ago

the ones in power never give up their power or will ever step down–they will forever keep their power and stay in power until it is taken away from them

3 years ago

The libtards are almost unanimously cowards so what do we expect from this band of cowards, morons, clowns and cowards? This administration is exactly what we can expect from an Obama 3rd term in office and it’s a sad day for any/all veterans who shed blood or lost his/her life in the cause of freedom!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

These people would have to have some sense of shame and humility to feel the need to resign. That is sadly LACKING in these clowns who have failed in everything they are supposed to have done for the US. Plus they all have been on the government teat for far too long and cannot hold down REAL jobs!

3 years ago

Not only should the administration resign, be impeached or be fired, they should be put up on charges of treason. The laser 8 months has been nothing short old a bit of show. This certainly is the most disgraceful administration in American history. They make Jimmy Carter term look good.

3 years ago

Dictators don’t resign.

3 years ago

Any member of Congress who does not sign on to impeach Biden, is complicit in this humiliating failure. Remember their names!

3 years ago

Every one in the DEMENTIA JOE cabinet should be fired for this period of AMERICAN HISTORY in this rat hole of the middle east/ It would be my pleasure to fire this lunatic biden and the cackle queen harris and I see more than 55% of the voters want them thrown out of office also/What was anyone thinking when they voted for these losers in 2020 and yes PRESIDENT TRUMP we do miss you, but not for long/ This situation will be rectified the day he is back in the White House///////

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

I heard the British colonel on Fox who said Biden shouldn’t be impeached, as commander in chief he should be court-martialed.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

Why are / were there civilians there in the first place ? Contractors stuck there ? Tough ! ! I’ve had more than enough of the M I C ( military industrial complex ) getting fat off our blood and taxpayer dollars. Don’t give me this 9 / 11 crap either. Those many years ago the NSA / FBI / CIA all needed to start VETTING these INVADERS as well. Where the hell were THEY / Between the ( D ) communists and RINOs, were are SUNK. They proved that they OWN the elections. There is only ONE way to flush the sewer . . . . . . .

3 years ago

Heard a comment this morning that democrats don’t want Biden to resign or be impeached because his replacement – Harris – would be worse. I have to agree with that. Plus, if Biden resigned and Harris became president those pushing Biden like his wife, Schiff, Obama, etc. would loose their power. Harris would be controlled by AOC and her gang.

William Bleak
William Bleak
3 years ago

When I came back from Vietnam the fallacy had started that the American servicemen had lost the war. And it was a fallacy we had won the war the Vietcong were not an effective fighting force. However, The political leadership along with the Congress and news media promulgated that lie. The Vietcong were not an effective force after the Tet Offensive, we broke their back. But when I came back it was not recognized but vilified. Same thing, Biden has done nothing wrong the Congress has done nothing wrong and the military leadership has done nothing wrong. That’s a lie you hear and see. You wait, in about two years you’ll hear how it was all the military’s fault, that the American servicemen lost the war. That it had nothing to do with the cowards over here. Just like the hippies and Vietnam.

3 years ago

Treason; Noun

  1. A crime that undermines the offenders government
  2. Disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior
  3. An act of deliberate betrayal
Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

Resignations by high level Biden administration officials will NEVER happen! Those actions are only taken by people who have HONOR and DIGNITY, both of which are sorely lacking in this case…

3 years ago

NO RESPONSIBILTY OR ACCOUTABILITY with the present regime. In my Navy days, a ship’s captain held much responsibility as well as accountability. There was NO PASSING the BUCK if an incident occurred. I was involved with 2 incidents during my career. The first was an intelligence mission for a couple weeks off an unfriendly coastline where there was an unfriendly “tail” shadowy our vessel. We received orders to return to a friendly port, the captain whom I highly respected, took command of the steering element and ordered the ship into turning swing that would have collided with our “tail”. As Officer of the Deck (OOD), I countermanded the order as I realized what was about happen so the tail just got swamped real good. A couple hours later, the captain and I had a quiet chat about the incident where he commended for my actions in avoiding a diplomatic incident.
The second was not as pleasant. I was the duty officer at evaluation facility where a destroyer had just completed the loading of equipment and test personnel for a week’s of testing. The bridge and Combat info center were not paying attention to where the ship was at and managed to run the ship aground on a reef. The DD’s captain was my freshman year naval instructor and was highly respected. He was already Captain selected and would have made Admiral but this incident ended his career.
The above article stated what happened to the USMC LCOL, so will anything happen to the persons responsible for the Afghanistan fiasco? We all know for time being that it is doubtful.

3 years ago

We digress – O’Biden WAS NOT elected by anyone! Now that’s off the chest. If we only had people sitting in these offices with any honor, then the collective “THEY” would resign following such an embarrassing debacle on the world-wide stage. Alas, we do not. But, this begs the question – “Did ALL those military leaders, REALLY support O’Biden in this bucket of Horse SHIP?” That remains to be seen, because O’Biden is a notorious liar who cannot tell the truth, even if it was on a teleprompter!!
Such a disgrace!!!! ‘Nuff said!!!!

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

Not resigning is one (slippery) way to never admit you are wrong.

3 years ago

Yes try them all for treason – they fit the bill. Why isn’t that happening ?????

3 years ago

Taking out the trash (resignations) at this level will not happen. There is no one in government to begin such an action. The Repubs have no balls, agree with, or are to afraid to take action. The dems are covered in every way by themselves and the news media. Besides, they are wicked, evil, & satanic and will stop an nothing. They will tell all the lies it takes, or kill anyone who gets in their way. Their agenda of globalizing America was delayed 4 years by Trump so they have to move more quickly to reach their goal by the appointed date of 2030 or sooner. We’re not dealing with just “bad” people here, we’re dealing with truly satanic people who have no concern for human life of any race or ethnic group. These people have no consciences.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
3 years ago

This isn’t on Biden, he’s not there mentally, this is on our military, whoever gave them the order yes someone else is in charge, the military if they had balls would have rejected orders until all Americans were out.

3 years ago

Yes that needs to happen but we all know nothing will come of it!!!

3 years ago

For sure they can t say any of what transpired Afghanistan was a mistake ,everything they did there prove s it was for a purpose. America has an illegitimate, un American , communist administration in power, if not removed Now there will be no America.

3 years ago

There will be NO resignations, they are all the same woke hating America Marxists.

Andre Bixby
Andre Bixby
3 years ago

It’s the exact opposite of what we saw in the previous administration. The last President was not shy about using the phrase, “You’re Fired”. Unfortunately, the current puppet is unable to speak anything that is scripted by the cabal that pulls his strings. Of course, he doesn’t manage those scripts very well either.

3 years ago

James, I just mention this myself.

David P Nelson
David P Nelson
3 years ago

I, totally, agree.

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