
National Security , Newsline

Secret Chinese Lab in California Prompts Action from House GOP Panels

Posted on Monday, September 18, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

Chinese scientist working in Lab on COVID-19

Recent shocking revelations about a secret Chinese lab operating illegally in California and experimenting with COVID-19 and other deadly pathogens have prompted action from two Republican-led House committees, perhaps marking the beginning of a more robust congressional effort to uncover the extent of Beijing’s reach into the United States.

According to an Associated Press report published last month, last December, Jesalyn Harper, a code enforcement officer in the small central California town of Reedley, was responding to a complaint about vehicles parked in the loading dock of a warehouse when she noticed an unusual sight – a garden hose sticking out of one of the side walls.

Harper knocked on the door and was greeted by a woman in a lab coat, who explained that she was from China and that the owner of the warehouse still lived in China. Walking through the building, Harper reportedly saw “dozens of refrigerators and ultralow-temperature freezers hooked to illegal wiring; vials of blood and jars of urine in shelves and plastic containers; and about 1,000 white lab mice being kept in crowded, soiled containers.”

The sight alarmed Harper enough to report her findings to the FBI, touching off a months long joint investigation by local, state, and federal law enforcement into the lab.

In March, investigators found that the lab contained more than 20 infectious diseases, including E. coli, coronavirus, malaria, hepatitis B and C, dengue, chlamydia, human herpes, rubella and HIV. How exactly the lab acquired the pathogens and what it was planning to do with them remains unclear.

According to NBC News, the tenant of the warehouse was Prestige BioTech, “a company registered in Nevada and unlicensed for business in California.” But investigators have been unable to nail down a precise headquarters for the company anywhere in Nevada. Court documents show that the only addresses Prestige representatives gave to officials were empty offices or unverified Chinese addresses.

In July, law enforcement finally shut down the lab and disposed of all its biological materials.

But while the illegal Prestige lab is no longer in operation, the incident has heightened concerns that Chinese-linked entities may be operating more illicit biolabs with unknown and potentially nefarious purposes.

In response, House Republicans are demanding more answers from the Biden administration and California investigators on both the Reedley lab and what federal and state law enforcement authorities are doing to identify other such operations.

Last week, the House Select Committee on China issued its first subpoena in relation to the incident, ordering the city of Reedley to turn over more documents detailing their findings. According to Politico, a person close to the China House Committee stated that there were “troubling gaps in safeguards that allowed the clandestine facility to operate with impunity, as well as serious deficiencies in the federal government’s response.”

Since Republicans formed the committee in January, it has been relatively quiet about its investigations, particularly as the GOP’s investigation into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings has heated up. But the public outcry over the illegal Reedley lab could be a prime opportunity for Republicans to ramp up pressure on Biden to do more to counteract blatant violations of U.S. law and sovereignty by Chinese entities.

The Republican-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, chaired by Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup, has also announced its own investigation into the lab. “As mounting intelligence and evidence supports that COVID-19 likely originated at a lab in Wuhan, China, conducting a thorough investigation into Prestige Biotech’s illegal bio-lab on U.S. soil is crucial to protecting America’s national security and preventing future outbreaks and pandemics,” Wenstrup said in a statement.

Wenstrup also asked Biden’s Health and Human Services department and FBI to hand over their findings on the Reedley lab. “We are committed to investigating the origin of COVID-19, but also assessing the federal government’s ability to keep America safe from biological threats,” Wenstrup wrote to the two agencies.

The lab’s discovery has hit particularly close to home for Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy, who represents the district just next door. “This is very disturbing. I met with a number of leaders here from county to city and others about this what could be concerning about this, is what was going on in that lab,” McCarthy said following the latest round of revelations in August. “My concern is to get to the bottom of what happened here, but also look at where is this happening in other parts of this country as well.”

With tensions between Washington and Beijing continuing to mount, more discoveries like this as a result of House Republicans’ investigations could ratchet up the pressure even further.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with more than a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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1 year ago

Wow, they told the FBI! The FBI probably helped them set up the lab to begin with! Covid was a deliberate plot to steal an election and you’re about to see Covid part 2 for the 2024 election!

1 year ago

This is total insanity, the demorats are allowing China to do business illegally within the USA which will end up killing more Americans. It’s pretty clear to me that the demorats will allow China to do whatever they want for money, including destroying the USA

1 year ago

You can’t convince me that making a disease worse by “gain of function” makes any sense. Especially by China in the US. It’s sounds more like a bio-weapons lab. It looks likes the payoffs to Biden, Obama et al, are paying of for the Chinese communists.

Skye's mom
Skye's mom
1 year ago

The earliest report of this lab also said that they were making Covid 19 test kits. I wonder how many were contaminated with the pathogens they had there?

MAGA 2024
MAGA 2024
1 year ago

INCREDULOUS—–Chinese influence purchased from their friends the Marxist Democrats.

God help us.

MAGA 2024

Wendy Hampton
Wendy Hampton
1 year ago

And Governor Newsom knew nothing of this illegal lab, right? Sure he didn’t!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

“A prosperous China is good for America!”- John Kerry. The time to separate ourselves from trade with China is beyond past; it should never have happened. Since when is increasing the cash flow to your enemy a good thing? All we’re doing is funding our an enemy in a future war. CCP police operating in NYC… now secret viral laboratories?

1 year ago

These Chinese Communists are smart, they know that they can’t beat us militarily yet so they will weaken us from within by unleashing deadly viruses without being exposed as the actual attackers!

1 year ago

And ole Joe never mentions this. Like it never even happened. Just like the balloon. It was a weather balloon. Ole Joe has something with weather. He talked with the oligarchs, who he is beholden to, after receiving millions of dollars and distributing them among his family including his grandchildren, but all he did was talk about the weather. He didn’t go on tv and explain about the lab or that he instructed the FBI to look for more labs. According to sloppy everything is weather related. Mandated e cars has brought a strike for the first time in auto workers union history. Everything the man does is making people anxious. The COVID is back take a shot, climate change is imminent buy electric. He is a doomsday president that has broken America from which she will not soon recover if ever for a third world war is imminent. Thanks Joe.

Richard Stewart
Richard Stewart
1 year ago

One key item missing in this article is the length of time the lab was operating.

James Jones
James Jones
1 year ago

This is only the tip of the iceberg that has been created by the Biden Administration by showing weakness toward China, permitting them to buy up American property, and cozying up to his fellow communists.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

The fact that no Democrats are joining the vehement voices against this, tells me everything I need to know about the Democrats.

1 year ago

Allowing foreign nationals or businesses to purchase U.S. land must be outlawed. This is how they take over a very gullible nation.

1 year ago

You really want to know my thoughts on this?
All the crap going on today should prompt every warm blooded US Citizen to investigate every single aspect of our society and completely close off ALL foreign contact until will can clean our own house, before venturing out bullying others.
I am seriously getting tired of observing and finding on my own the deep rooted corruption we are finding in Academics (K-12, Colleges & Universities), Medicine & Pharmacia, Science & Technology, Commerce (Finance & Banking & Insurance), Entertainment (Media, Movies, Radio & Books), Legislative, Judicial & Executive branches of city, state and federal and in ALL our non-elected non-governmental institutions as well as ALL the non-elected governmental institutions, Food & Agriculture, Energy and last but not least our very own elected officials across ALL spectrums of government (NRO, NGA, FBI, CIA, FEMA, TSA, etc.). If there is anything I missed in my list, it is included too.
Sin has made its way everywhere now in the US like a virus and the only cure available, Yeshua (Christ, Emmanuel), most don’t really care about. Yahweh, may very well be turning His back on this country and will allow our destruction or take-over just as He has done to Israel on many occasions throughout history when there is only an elect left standing with Him. We can ask for discernment for protection and guidance for what is coming.

1 year ago

So, last December, 2022, Jesalyn Harper, a code enforcement officer discovered and reported her findings to government officials…
WOW! So Jesalyn discovered this lab in December 2022 and we are just now finding about this from our AMAC sources.
Where are the national media reporters and why would anyone with a brain want to cover this up!~!!
I don’t give a tinkers d@m about China or Canada or anybody else’s feelings being hurt!
This is our country, my country and this type of espionage should have been on every news outlet every day, giving updates, until every bad actor is out of here…
Sorry, gonna have to take a pill now.

1 year ago

Could this and other labs/locations be the reason we keep having ‘new’ strains of Covid loosed upon the American people?

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

No secret here Probably one of many operating since Biden got in Not much about it in the media I am sure FBI is working day and night Would be nice to know who all is invested in this

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

2 keep Wuhan /Covid active for Years

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

I doubt it was much of a secret. you can bet the leftist government knew all about it.

R.G. Decker
R.G. Decker
1 year ago

And what about Michigan’s wit-less governor Whitmer approving a Chinese facility in MI’s UP within shouting distance, relatively speaking, of a former or perhaps active air force base. Seems obvious China’s CCP is invading our shores unrelentingly. And why did it take so many months to take action!

1 year ago

Can US citizens or corporate entities buy land or set up businesses in secret in China? We cannot. When my employer set up a company in China, Chinese law required 51% ownership by Chinese entities. Of course I’m guessing that China has so much information about the Biden family they could “share” under duress that the White House won’t allow KJP to answer any questions about Chinese labs in the US. She will refer all questions to the FBI. The FBI will refuse to answer any questions because of an ongoing (aka, not going on at all) investigation.

1 year ago

follow the money…..Biden is nothing but a crook, and he is Nairobi Obie’s puppet…FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

This situation seems to be very close to what could be described as a biological war tactic being planned. A new , restructured public health system is needed. If the present public health authorities had any sense of responsibility this facility described in this article would not have been operating. Great work writing this article Mr. Abbott, you have done something of great importance with making this situation known. Respect for Truth — it is a powerful defensive tactic . Now the Courage is needed to do what is needed to make things right. God Bless America, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave. This situation is in the same category as the invasion at the border due to corruption involving border security , corruption involving immigration issues. All of us who believe in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights , need to follow this development . Thanks for writing this Andrew, Well Done !

1 year ago

This is worse than anything you could make up. Time to outlaw the democratic party.

1 year ago

Very interesting indeed. Thanks for sharing, evil dr Facci probably involved.

1 year ago

They want to experiment? Do it in China. If something goes away we’d know from where. If it’s from our soil, they’d blame us.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Simple. Let a disese out and kill off half the population. Easier to control. Then the New World Order steps in. Kyle L. P.S. Get rid of this kinda crap. .

1 year ago

Those involved should be held accountable. It is clear that if a dollar is to be made they don’t care if it by legal or illegal means. It jeopardizes the safety all Americans and the security of America. Stop doing business with China because it is actually the Chinese government that business is done with and not the people of China. The government of China is not honorable of trustworthy. It is dirty business–dirty politics–and certain leaders of our nation (president-cohorts-democrats) are looking for the dollar and not the safety of the people. It sickens me that America’s supposed leaders have sunk that low to just turn their eye to the illegal business dealings going on. Yet, the democrats would rather castrate their own people (Trump-Americans) than delve into the dirty dealings of China and the turncoats of America. You know and we know who you are by the company that you keep. Your activities disgust me.

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
1 year ago

Where the heck is DHS? and FBI?

1 year ago

Wow who would of thought

Mike forte
Mike forte
1 year ago

There is a complete force going on in the country. There is progressing a slow take over of the American way of life. First Chinese weather balloons. Second buying farm land near sensitive military areas and now chemical labs. Where does it all end. With a corrupt fbi, doj, and administration that’s totally corrupt and inept where do you go for help!. My fellow Americans we had better wake-up before it’s too late. God Bless, America.

1 year ago

Obviously all the alphabet government agencies helped with the set up. They cheated in 20, and they’ll cheat in 24. Brandon can hide in his basement while 1/2 of Americans are afraid of getting contaminated by a new virus. Mail in, and ballot harvesting in the near future. The only way they can win this election is cheat. China is out friend ! MAGA

1 year ago

Those DAMN red chinks are trying anything and everything to take us down and the Dems will do anything for money!!!

Frederick Nelson
Frederick Nelson
1 year ago

It would seem to me that every Chinese person found linked to the findings should be investigated and either jailed or placed on a boat to China as quickly as possible. If that was 15 persons or 1500 persons immediately take action!!!

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

After being kicked out of Texas and other states, the a**hole Newscum lets them come to CA. I wonder how much they paid him to open it in CA? All he is interested in is $$$$$ and of course, CONTROL. I live just a few miles from where that lab is…makes me feel so safe…NOT.

1 year ago

Thankful this one was found

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

This lab, if the reporting is true is indeed a serious problem. What is a real mystery however is how the entire matter of their being dozens of BIO WARFARE hlabs, funded generally by the US Dept of Defense, in Ukraine. Russia captured several and provided evidence of their being used in weapons research to the UN but of course with the US and a couple of other western European UN member states having veto power in that useless organization……….the UN just dropped the matter. Hell, there was evidence not only of bio weapons research but of bio weapon research directed at people with Slavic DNA.
What ever happened with all those findings? Why do we continue to pump billions upon billions to the Nazi infested, super corrupt country of Ukraine? Just to maintain the Biden bank accounts and to continue bio research that is illegal to perform in the US?

1 year ago

Kick them out. Espionage. Get rid of the lab . Period.

1 year ago

This was a month or two ago why so long???

1 year ago

How does China set up a secret lab in California and no one knows??? WOW, Gavin, how much are you getting to allow this Chinese lab to be set up in your state?? Does any of it have to go to Aunt Nancy?? I don’t understand the greed that drives such actions when lives are at stake!!!

georgia girl
georgia girl
1 year ago

Remember the news photos of a smiling Nancy Pelosi and cohorts leaving the lab in China shortly before COVID surfaced?

1 year ago

Why would the DemonRats not try to discover the Chinese efforts to use biological warfare against the US. After all, they live here too. Biological warfare is against the Geneva Convention. I don’t trust the FBI to do anything good for the USA.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

I saw a news story where Chinese citizens are running illegal marijuana farms in OK. Marijuana is available legally but the Chinese are not eligible. Just another case, like fentanyl, of our #1 enemy working to put US citizens in a stupor!

Cindy Hayes
Cindy Hayes
1 year ago

Stop the Madness! Kevin McCarthy is part of it. This lab could only exist in America with the knowledge of our corrupt weaponized intelligence agencies as well. The entire Deep State probably profits from this one and the others they haven’t happened across yet.
If you think whatever bioweapon they are creating in that lab is dangerous, then what do you think of a carbon pipeline winding throughout America with dangerous compressed carbon that immobilizes vehicles and can kill people when it easily leaks it colorless, odorless fumes?
The small Mississippi town they did their test run in, had them foaming at the mouth, knocked out and sent to the hospital. I can’t recall the name of the town, but it’s in media. Many have lingering/permanent issues from it.
But not to worry, it’s not like they have our indoctrinated dumbed down American academics running the show. No, they have a Chinese Professor and Chinese students with a long list of credentials, hidden in a liberal arts building at a Red City University.
Granted, we won the most corrupt state in the country again, but must they be so open about giving our country over to China?

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

Did they have a picture of Slaucci hanging in the lab?

Pamela Belcher
Pamela Belcher
1 year ago

I wonder if they sent the people working inside that lab to jail or back to china where they belong, I highly doubt they did either! So sad, our country has been sold out by the Biden administration! When are the the dems going to wake up!!

1 year ago

Sounds like to me , the Biden and Obama administration has sold out America with open boarders , human trafficking, and child trafficking making billions just off that , also all the drugs that come across the border killing hundreds of Americans, and now this bio labs in America I bet the far left is behind this to , who knows whats being planned could be part of their plan for rigging the election in 2024 . They have failed the American people and the Constitution they have not up held their promises on protecting the American people , they are traitors to the American people and should be prosecuted according to the law , as well as thoes who are involved .

Diane Collier
Diane Collier
1 year ago

This doesn’t surprise me at all ????

1 year ago

How secret was this lab to Gavin Newsom?? Was he aware?? Is it a payment situation like Biden and so many places where there is 10% off the top for the big guy in California?? Are we already owned by China and it’s just that no one has told us yet?? The FBI isn’t going to do anything about it unless someone tells them they have to because they are in for Democrats all the way!!! The FBI is politicized by this and the Obama administrations!!!

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