
National Security , Newsline

San Francisco Mayor Admits Defeat on Defunding Police, Calls for Crime Crackdown

Posted on Monday, December 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott


Last Wednesday, a local California news station inadvertently revealed what historians might one day consider to be the nadir of the crime wave currently gripping liberal cities throughout the United States. According to ABC7 News, car break-ins across San Francisco have become so ubiquitous that residents are “emptying everything of value from their vehicle, unlocking their doors, and leaving the trunk open while they go about their business.” Smashed windows are often the most expensive items to replace following vehicle break-ins, and residents are hoping that leaving cars wide open with no valuables inside will deter thieves from breaking them.

The new tactic, a clear sign of desperation from the city’s law-abiding residents, further revealed just how pervasive the crime problem has become in a city that has for decades been associated with far-left criminal justice policies. However, after city leaders pledged to “re-invest” $120 million from the police budget earlier this year (in other words, defunding the department), Mayor London Breed is now launching an emergency police intervention to finally confront the crime wave.

In addition to the rash of car robberies sweeping the city, San Francisco has also seen a dramatic uptick in retail thefts in recent months. Viral videos have shown organized groups of thieves ransacking high-end stores like Louis Vuitton and Yves Saint Laurent, something that California Retailers Association president Rachel Michelin said was “traumatizing” employees and shoppers. Robberies have been on a steady rise since 2014, when the city passed a law that categorized any theft of merchandise worth less than $950 as a misdemeanor rather than a felony.

Likely in response to outrage from scared residents and store owners, Mayor Breed announced four proposals last week specifically to combat the high crime rate across the city. She also called for the “reign of criminals who are destroying our city… to come to an end.” Moreover, Breed said that the city must “be more aggressive with law enforcement… and less tolerant of all the bull**** that has destroyed our city.”

This tough-on-crime language from a well-known progressive mayor who has in the past expressed support for the “Defund the Police” movement caught many by surprise. However, Breed’s proposals seem to offer some hope for residents desperate for any action from the city to make their neighborhoods safer.

The first proposal is a crackdown on crime in Tenderloin, a section of San Francisco that is facing an untenable surge in illegal drug use, gun violence, and fentanyl overdoses.

The second is a move by law enforcement to curb the unlawful street sales of stolen goods. Many of the robbers besieging California have become so brazen that they will sell stolen merchandise on the street within walking distance of the stores they robbed.

The third measure will permit law enforcement to use security cameras in real-time. Due to a 2019 ordinance, police are prohibited from accessing security camera feeds during active crimes. This measure amends the law and permits police to stop crime as it is in progress.

Breed’s fourth proposal calls for using emergency funds to expand the police budget and hire additional officers and has drawn the most attention from both “Defund the Police” advocates and proponents of more strict crime policies. In essence, the move amounts to an admission of defeat on the efficacy of defunding police departments. After re-allocating much of the police budget earlier this year, Breed is now re-funding the department – with interest.

Progressives have predictably pushed back on Breed’s plan, insisting that less policing will somehow lead to a reduction in crime. However, with residents unable to even leave their cars parked on the street in broad daylight without fear of a break-in, Breed has few alternatives. In response to criticism, Breed has stated, “We are a city that prides ourselves on second chances and rehabilitation. But we’re not a city where anything goes. Our compassion should not be mistaken for weakness or indifference.” While Defund the Police ideology continues to persist in liberal pockets throughout the country, it appears it is officially in full retreat in San Francisco.

Breed’s weariness with far-left criminal justice policies may be spreading to other city officials as well. District Attorney Chesa Boudin, another early Defund the Police proponent, is already facing a tough recall election. In a similar pivot, after promising not to prosecute “victimless crimes,” including prostitution, drug dealing, and shoplifting, he announced felony charges for nine suspects arrested after a mass retail theft in Union Square. He further stated: “Let me be clear. I am doing everything in my power to keep San Francisco safe and to make sure that people who come to our city to commit crimes are held accountable.”

Tragically, this supposed about-face has come too little too late for many San Francisco residents who have lost their businesses, their property, and in some cases, their lives in the liberal push to “remake” the criminal justice system. While any positive change is welcome, voters are likely to remain skeptical until concrete action follows the new tough-on-crime rhetoric. Even then, they will not easily forget how far-left policies have decimated a once vibrant city.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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2 years ago

Since when is shoplifting a victimless crime?

2 years ago

What a bunch of idiots.What did they think was going to happen?Truth is it was all part of a plan to create civil disorder.Notice that there wasn’t anything done until it affected the “high end” stores and people?

2 years ago


edgar fletcher
edgar fletcher
2 years ago

The fruition of the well thought out policies of the socialist left. What did they think would happen when you condone a lawless society? Now they are reaping the fruits(?) of their policies.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

I saw the mayor’s speech on tv. No one ever said liberals had common sense, and this proves it. Beefing up the police sounds good, but if the DA’s and courts don’t follow up, police action is worthless.
I feel sorry for the cops. They have to now deal with this mess and try to bring the city back to a civilized place to live and work. Be sure to thank your liberal friends and the elected “officials” for this nightmare.

2 years ago

That city gets what it deserves. If you are a conservative law abiding citizen, please get the heck out of there. That is dirty diaper Pelosi’s town, and she likes the chaos and riots. The insanity train is always full in that place! Choo-Choo! ????????

2 years ago

The deplorable part of all this is that it is such simple common sense that if there no law enforcers, there will be more lawbreakers. The stupidity of the Left simply knows no bounds in ALL of their agenda items.

2 years ago

Well, DUH! what did they expect? Does any liberal have the common sense to get out of the rain?

2 years ago

Unbelievably stupid in the first place to defund. What on earth didnthey think would happen????

2 years ago

The Mayor of SF is another Dem Hypocrite. Defunding the police department was an obvious major mistake. Our great PD’s will not stop all criminals, but they are a major hurdle. So where did the $120M go that they took from the PD? How will SF get the new funds to support the PD? More taxes? Perhaps it should come it from the Mayor of SF Bank account. Where was the National Guard? SF is a mess and legal law-abiding citizens safety has been at risk. Perhaps this is why many businesses and people are moving out of CA. Our CO state is flooded with many CA license plates not to mention many other states plates. Truly, to halt a lot of crime, you must have severe judicial penalties, this will not happen if liberal judges do not enforce the laws. The SF mayor needs to be impeached NOW! More Dem Communist hypocrisy. Many of us have had enough of them selling out our Great Country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

What took so long?? Really
Use Dirty Harry for PR City safety OK
Arm voters & refund Police

2 years ago

The communists are good at tactical retreats. It doesnt mean theyve changed their basic world view. Just as soon as people ‘get back to normal’ theyll start again with seemingly insane policies. They worry when their own voters start to wake up. Time to sprinkle poppy dust to get them asleep again.

2 years ago

Mayor Breed is the typical democrat changing only after their socialist agenda backfired. The people of San Francisco have to remember this come next election and vote all socialist democrats OUT because they want to attack our Constitution and their actions prove it. The democrats are only changing because of the pressure from failing but will eventually try again.

2 years ago

Victims are not allowed to use their Seconf Amendment rights in all these far left states and cities.
Retailors shoud have available sledge hanners or chopping mauls to use to disable all the getaway car’s windshiels and radiators. .

2 years ago

Hello, what the hell do these idiots expect? I seriously can’t believe the stupidity of this. They need a new mayor for sure.

2 years ago

democrats are failures!
Everything they touch is a disaster. The entire party is a group of dishonest,anti american, corrupt LOSERS
Wake up America. Throw them out!

Mike S
Mike S
2 years ago

I don’t care what the mayor of San Francisco says or does, her city is permanently off my bucket list to visit unless I can bring my concealed carry into Crimofornia and Baghdad by the Bay.

Ramblin' Rogue
Ramblin' Rogue
2 years ago

“Elections have Consequences!” They elected these Regressives into office, just so that they put these foolish ideas like, Defund the police into policy. Now they get to reap what they have sown. Did anyone over the age of thirty really think it was Good idea???

Ramblin' Rogue
Ramblin' Rogue
2 years ago

That loud ‘POP’ we just heard was Mayor Breed’s head coming out of his butt!!!

2 years ago

One of the most beautiful cities in America is now one of the most disgusting. Will be awful for a long time. Unbelievable!!! Thank the DEMs.

2 years ago

The only thing man truly fears is swift and sure punishment. That doesnt mean lolling around in an air condition prison with three meals a day, recreation facilitys, television, movies and other perks. It means hard labor to instill a commiment to never go back there again.

2 years ago

Defund the Police? . . . Should become Defund the Donkeys, as in the Democrat Donkeys!!! . . . A Jackass is as a Jackass does! . . . Need more proof? . . . Check out EVERY major city run by theses clowns!

2 years ago

Obviously they just need to “re-imagine” a little harder.

Evelyn Fritz
Evelyn Fritz
2 years ago

These are supposed to be city leaders!! Hie the heck could they not have known this would happen. What planet are they living on???

2 years ago

Too little too late. smh

2 years ago

Does this happen to be an election year for these folks who “all of a sudden” have decided to prosecute criminals? HMMM

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Shooting their sorry ass, would go a long way in stopping some of that. Kyle L.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

To quote that famous Marine Gomer Pyle, “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise”. Dumb asses. They are lucky vigilantism didn’t break out. So are the miscreants.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Is the Mayor Black or White ??

2 years ago

She’s only doing this now to get rel elected washout for sheep in wolf clothing.!!!!!!!

2 years ago

She’s only doing this now to get rel elected washout for sheep in wolfs clothing.!!!!!!!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Lets hear it for Lucy sittin at home making87 dollars a hour on her comp. I use nto make 12 thousand a month at home on my comp. Now I’m makeing 75 cents a daysitting in prison stamping out car tags. Kyle L.

2 years ago

you all deserve what you get! how stupid can people be?

Robert Lanktree
Robert Lanktree
2 years ago

These people must have the minds of children to have even conceived of the defund police idea at all, then been brain dead to go through with it. There is something very wrong with our country.

Joanne 4 justice.
Joanne 4 justice.
2 years ago

If you defund law enforcement , you DESERVE ALL THE PROBLEMS that come with that action ! You earned that misfortune! !!!

2 years ago

San Francisco needs to bring any of several Police TV dramas related to San Francisco in the past years. They need to get Dirty Harry back on the job! He would be much more effective than Dirty Pelosi in fighting crime. Yep, Dirty Harry would be a lot more effective in criminal catching than Booby Pelosi would be in representing the best interests of Californians…. for sure! “The Streets of San Franciso” cast would probably arrest her so street walking amd soliciting votes or something else …. (and she would definitely get more votes than something else … probably so little of either than she would get off with a warning!”

John Pi
John Pi
2 years ago

You get what you pay for or don’t pay for. Defund the police and crime rises. What moron did not see that coming? You can’t let the criminals run the courts. You can’t tie the courts hands. The liberal way leads to lawlessness. Police and courts need to work together to make the criminal think twice if the commit a crime. If you arrest them then let them go, they will go out and do it again.

to all those young men and women who see the increase in hiring in the police department: Remember LAST in are the First out when the liberals decide to defund the police again. In the mean time, you’re going to get shot at, spit on and disrespected by the politicians, the neighbors you are suppose to protect and everyone you arrest.

2 years ago

The socialist liberal leftist are idiots, and will be the death of this country.

Tony Robe
Tony Robe
2 years ago

San Francisco is not on my mind. The voters of that city are getting what they voted for. Plain and simple.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
2 years ago

Shoplifting and Drug Dealing are NOT Victimless Crimes. These people are so STUPID, it’s frightening. If I were a SF Police Officer, I would tell the Mayor to go to hell. Let them deal with their mess.

2 years ago

Since the 2020 election steal, I seriously do not believe for one minute that any of these Progressive idiots were voted into office! The three West Coast states, California, Oregon and Washington, for nearly 30 years with instated mail-in voting, have obviously been cheating in their elections for years. How on earth could Democrats with their failed policies year after year continue to be re-elected?? Easy answer, they weren’t. Elitism and ‘big money’ backing support is how they’ve been propped up to fill state and government positions. These Skunks smell as bad as the skunk weed they legalized in these states. Progressives only care about money and power. That’s why the schools aren’t educating our kids, they want stupid people to support them. Most Liberals I’ve come across feel the need to be arrogant about their opinions because they know in the normal world they’ll be seen as rediculous. I’ve never been able to carry on a civil conversation with a Liberal. They’re too busy trying to shove their narrative down my throat. Having a moral outlook on life keeps most people in check. Progressives are all over the place…way out there. It’s so sad to see how lax we’ve been through the years with everything the Liberals have wanted pertaining to rights they believe they have for their heinous actions and behavior. Whenever they wanted special considerations, we rolled over, but their continual prodding for more we didn’t figure on. So with their obsessive whining, always complaining they were being treated with bias and intimidation, finding it all insufferable we just kept rolling over if only just to shut them up! But we’re where we are because we have allowed it.
When one of these Ideologues gets threatened by the one’s they think will never touch them, not only are they delusional in that line of thinking, they are seen as total hypocrites when they call on law enforcement to protect them. Just like that pervert Portland Mayor in Oregon last year who was all for defunding police, when he was standing with BLM terrorists at an organized protest and one of them spit in his face and poured water on him. I really don’t know how these people manage to get along in this world at all! In my opinion they are Lunatics and psychotic.
May God help us all!!!

2 years ago

Treason is, realistically, justified by death in front of a firing squad. I don’t want to support any traitors in prisons or a nursing home. Besides, they’ll get double payment put in front of a firing squad…then stand before God on Judgement Day. And I do not say that lightly.

2 years ago

Not stupid; they’re evil.

2 years ago

This is to prevent a recall and get re-elected. Nothing else.

C Noia
C Noia
2 years ago

LOCK HER Up!! She’s a HUGE part of the problem in our city!! Boudin TOO!! The Voting Machines AND LAST but not least ALL the flaming libtards who’ve continually voted these corrupt Satanic people into office! YOU are responsible for destroying Our Once Beautiful City!! Get Good with God. God Wins Always!

2 years ago

Sounds like mayor breed needs to be removed like ALL failed liberal democrats who cannot manage anything!
What a pitiful disgrace the lawless democrats and their failed party have become.
It is a FACT that democrats DO NOT have the skills to do anything but destroy cities,states and even Our Country!
They ALL must be removed at EVERY LEVEL of government, they are nothing but FAILURES !!!

2 years ago

Surprise, surprise! Lol. Standing down in the face of widespread crime indulgences causes…………
More Crime!
Whoever would have thought? Besides every conservative in the country. You demonRat Commies can lie all you want. You do. But YOU CAN’T UNDO FACTS!
Encourage a behavior, you get more of that behavior. It is LOGIC that rules. Not you.

2 years ago


Randy staubyn
Randy staubyn
2 years ago

Consequences. Unavoidable. Even in SanFran. SF problem is an easy equation to calculate. That old principal of reap what you sew! SF is getting exactly what they”deserve”.

2 years ago

Aww…now they want police protection, as if nobody saw this coming? The entire left coast is a third world country of terrorists and chaos. What SF and CA needs is new leadership that leans a little to the right of center and believes in law and order. Or just burn the cities down and put up more tents. You all had your chance to oust Newsom and you didn’t do it, so live with it.

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