WASHINGTON, DC, Oct 17 — Russia’s nuclear threat is cause for concern, but the certainty of Mutually Assured Destruction [MAD] is likely to keep them at bay. After all, it seems that the rogue super-power is already attacking us from within using American-based leftist crews. It may not have gotten widespread media coverage, but the Department of Justice [DOJ] recently indicted Aleksander Viktorovich Ionov, an intelligence operative of Russia, for using American political groups “to sow discord, spread pro-Russian propaganda, and interfere in elections within the United States.”
A DOJ news release noted that “Ionov—working under the supervision of the FSB [Russia’s Federal Security Services] and with the Russian government’s support—recruited political groups within the United States, including U.S. Political Group 1 in Florida, U.S. Political Group 2 in Georgia, and U.S. Political Group 3 in California, and exercised direction or control over them on behalf of the FSB.” All three of these groups identify as leftist organizations. According to The Epoch Times, Group 1 is the Florida-based African People’s Socialist Party, Group 2 is the Atlanta-based Black Hammer Party, and Group 3 is the Yes California secessionist organization, all having ties to Russia.
According to the Epoch Times, a report published by the Rutgers University’s Miller Center for Community Protection and Resilience identified movements such as these and other “Anarcho-socialist militias which explicitly glorify Martyr narratives, classic authoritarian narratives, and revolutionary narratives are now formally organizing—and are growing.”
Meanwhile, whether wittingly or unwittingly, President Biden seemed to have an affinity with these “anarcho-socialists” in his September speech in Philadelphia when he appeared to be calling out the Republican Party for alleged “semi-fascist” intentions, declaring “the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country.”
Biden’s rhetoric was so over-the-top that even the left-leaning Washington Post objected. Its Editorial Board published a disclaimer, noting that: “It is a depressing reflection of the dangerous political situation in which the nation finds itself that President Biden felt compelled to deliver a prime-time address decrying political violence and election denialism and calling on Americans ‘to unite behind the single purpose of defending our democracy.’”
The president’s diatribe was so excessive that the day after his speech he had to walk it back. He told reporters “Come on, look, guys, you keep trying to make that case. I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country.”
Our elections are being targeted not just from elements within the country. CNN reports that U.S. agencies have been holding “classified briefings” to warn election authorities throughout the country to beware of foreign threats to influence the midterm elections. It cites U.S. intelligence officials who say it is not just Russia who seeks to interfere with our elections but China and other foreign operatives have their own agendas. “A range of foreign governments have shown more of an interest in shaping U.S. public opinion or spreading disinformation in advance of U.S. elections,” according to the online news site.
Election security advisor Larry Norden at the Brennan Center for Justice says voters should take precautions. He told the Associated Press that “If they are seeing messages about candidates presented in an alarmist or emotionally charged way, their radar should be going up. They should be checking the accuracy of claims, and if they are seeing false claims, they should be letting the social media companies know.”
Russia has been actively trying to interfere with American elections going all the way back to 1920s. So it is NOT surprising that they continue to do so up to now. The same goes for other so-called bad actors around the world. These are usually small scale efforts that are lightly funded on the part of Russia. Russia apparently does similar actions all around the world. Just as our CIA and western allies seek to influence elections in foreign countries around the world.
The larger and far more effective foreign threat comes from China, because their efforts appear broad and diversified in the United States from the various stories of how the CCP has successfully infiltrated so many American institutions over the years. The most important of which is the Democrat Party. China is also considerably better funded, as China has the kind of deep pockets Russia generally lacks to get the results it wants. So yes foreign players have been active in trying to sway elections in this country for nearly a 100 years. This shouldn’t be news to anyone at this point. That the current administration in the White House has decided to dismantle so many of safeguards, regulations and investigations done by the previous administration, with no resistance from the Democrat controlled Congress, should be far more concerning to the average American. Simply because doing so only stands to benefit one party: China. Just a thought.
While foreign influence is a valid concern, I believe the greatest threat comes from within our own government. Our own intelligence community has been shaping the geopolitical world for a century or more. Politicans who are bedfellows with corporate giants, whose influence trumps the will of the people in Congress, with social disruption funded by obscenely wealthy individuals shapes not only political perceptions of the general public, but also ideology of impressionable youth and sheeple who have been programmed to avoid independent thought processes. If you follow the money, China appears to be the greatest beneficiary in the destruction of America, but I believe it is more of a worldwide campaign for control of all countries under a New World Order, where you will own nothing and be happy! That’s what they would have you believe anyway. Zuckerberg alone invested more in 2020 election infrastructure than the Federal government, Gates invested hundreds of millions in media narrative manipulation and Soros has his fingers in everyone’s pie. Those are just the names that we know and really just the tip of the iceberg. We may never know who we were sold out to in total, but we definitely were sold out!
Don’t forget to add cnn and rest of FAKE News Networks, FASCISTBOOK, TikTok. TikTok owned by Communist China Intelligence Agency.
(ALL supported by George Soros).
Including Judges, State and Local government officials ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY changing Voting Rules days before Voting by Not going through their State Congress by LAW and following their State Constitution.
Get ready for the FASCIST liberals to STOP counting votes for some FANTASY WORLD excuse and will be delivering ILLEGAL Votes in boxes, containers or by Hacking or any other way they can think of.
Remember how Communist News Network changed Votes ‘LIVE’ flipping PRESIDENT TRUMP’S LEAD
to DICTATOR Beijing biden?
So WATCH EVERYTHING they do since the FASCIST liberals WILL do EVERYTHING to CHEAT and when they LOSE, they will whine like the DANGEROUS 2 year old’s they are.
Forgot, WATCH OUT for their TERRORIST antifa and TERRORIST blm buddies that DICTATOR Beijing biden has standing by for RIOTS.
Don’t expect the DOJ to do their REAL JOB instead of playing politics (Hunter biden, Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, pelosi, DICTATOR Beijing biden still running around free) or DHS for that matter since all they have been saying for past 3 months that there is No Threat to midterm elections.
And NO…ILLEGAL ALIENS cannot Vote. READ the U.S. CONSTITUTION since IT IS the LAW of the LAND.
Something the FASCIST liberals ignore unless it benefits them.
If Biden didn’t mean that Republicans are a threat to our “Democracy.”, then why did he say it on national television? In my opinion, the biggest threat to our republic is Joe Biden himself.
Can we honestly have a fair election as long as the marxist democrats control both houses? Foreign meddling will continue because we do not have voter identification. Riverside County just sent 5,000 duplicate ballots
The local useful idiots will line up to work with this thug.
I don’t know about the rest of you but I don’t think the Russians influence my vote unless they can hack the voting machine and flip my vote. I am not on social media to expose myself to their misinformation.
The Russians may be deterred from using their low-yield tactical nuclear weapons by the diplomatic and financial reactions they expect from other countries, but not from fear of mutual assured destruction (MAD). We have no low-yield tactical nucs. They know that we will not respond to use of them with a massive strategic nuc, which would precipitate their use of strategic nucs, and the disaster of a nuclear winter. If we also had some tactical nuclear weapons, and could threaten to respond in kind, that might deter them, but our current strategic nucs won’t.
In my opinion the only threat to our Republic is Joe Biden and his democrat regime. The democrat regime is currently undermining pretty much all of our American values, morals, and principles.
The most sinister threat we have is americans vs americans. The influx of some new citizens within the last five to six decades who are strategically wanting to destroy our Republic by attacking our Constitution, our Amendments, and those who have allowed themselves to be brainwashed against America and see the misguided need for transformation.
Russia meddling in a U.S. election is an act of war and we should respond accordingly.
It seems to me that United States gets involved in elections in other countries also & in some cases we do not recognize the people that are elected in these countries. It is part of the game & will exist as long as they cannot control our election results & visa versa.
Russia, Russia, Russia. You’re as bad as the demonRats and Pelosi, Mitch Mc. It’s about time that you look and see what Russia/Putin are Really doing to help rid the world of the deep state. They have NOT tried to take over all of Ukraine. Ukraine army has killed many, many of its own people, but esp the people in the region where they are Russian speaking. Russia has destroyed the CIA sponsored labs in Ukraine.. thank you Russia. Tunnels of human trafficking have been destroyed. Nothing is said about this. Biden Crime Family’s treason has been exposed now with Joe being shown in a video about his threat of withdrawing aid to Ukraine because of their investigation of his son Hunter’s involvement in Burisma in Ukraine when he was VP. Where is all of this being talked about?
They need to keep the democrats in control to get the money’s worth out of Biden.