
National Security , Newsline

Putin’s Duplicity Deepens

Posted on Thursday, May 5, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles
Russia Russian Kazakhstan putin in moscow re election

Just when you think Putin’s duplicity is at rock bottom, he pulls another stunt. First, Putin declared no intention to attack Ukraine.  When he attacked, he claimed no war. At war, he claims to be stopping Nazis, or American biological weapons.  Caught targeting hospitals, refugees, and children, he claims Ukraine did it.  Now, he pushes “false flag attacks” – likely in Moldova, maybe elsewhere.

In short, Putin knows no narrative limits, or appears ready to push the envelope on disinformation. Smart money says he will stay conventional, avoiding chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons – since those trigger a major response, possibly internal collapse.  But lies? He is all for them.

The leading lie – pushed in Ukraine, inside Russia, and to the world – is that his unconscionable military attack on a neighboring country is somehow legitimized by something, by anything.  The lie has taken various forms, each short-lived, followed by another.

The second leading lie is that he is winning, complete with a cascade of unspoken counterpoints, including high casualty numbers, falling combat power, morale, brigade strength, arrested territorial gains, need to regroup, loss of flag officers, heavy equipment, ships, and persistent, effective opposition.

A third leading lie is that the war’s pace is under Putin’s control, somehow tracking a masterplan that is other than bogged down, blundering, costly, and increasingly hard to defend at home.  The confident look is increasingly at odds with reality, and that divergence – words from reality – is widening.

But the latest lie – and this one may multiply – is so-called “false flag” attacks, which effectively do great damage and then blame it on others. As Putin gets desperate, he appears intent on squaring the circle by striking at Ukraine’s neighbors – although not yet a NATO country – and then blaming Ukraine.

Looking at a map, Russia seems intent on inciting as much anti-Ukraine sentiment as possible, and one way is to create havoc, then blame Ukraine. Military experts are preparing for possible “false flag” attacks, for example, on Moldova, a non-NATO country, and possibly others.

Already, Russia has shut off gas to Poland and Bulgaria.  While not a direct or “false flag” military attack on NATO, this significantly raises tensions, and is intended to create anti-Ukraine-support sentiment.

Notably, that move is one Biden – and those minimizing Europe’s dependence on Russia – said would never happen. In May of 2021, Biden waived sanctions on Russia tied to the Nord Stream II pipeline, effectively signaling no worries. Even leading Democrats balked, but to no avail.

In the end, a “false flag” attack by Russia on Moldova, seeking to blame Ukraine – would be serious. More serious would be a “false flag” attack on a NATO country – a bad gambit.

Putin has a history of staging “blame someone else” attacks and then using the pretext to push added attacks, counterattacks, or a political destabilization agenda.  The Soviet Union – and Nazi Germany – were famous for the tactic, although it is old as warfighting.

“False flag” attacks are not unique to Putin, but they are uniquely pernicious and destructive, a brutal escalation of “war by misinformation.” While an attack on Moldova – or any neighbor – would be serious, a “false flag” attack on any NATO nation would raise stakes markedly. 

To date, that has been a step too far – even for Putin.  But then, Ukraine was a step too far, before, it was not.  Duplicity is like that, and Putin’s duplicity deepens.  Lies beget lies, and his appear to be dark and depthless.  Let’s hope they are also limited – by NATO’s borders.

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Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

The big lie is the use of a lie so colossal that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.

Putin is such a masterful liar that he puts American politicians to shame.

Note that the preface to the most colossal lies is the phrase: “Do some research”. Those are the trigger words that a whopper is coming.

Mike Walker
Mike Walker
2 years ago

Another garbage article from a paid liar.

Anyway, good for Putin. After he takes Ukraine, I hope he gets the rest of Europe. It would be nice to have some sanity on that side of the ocean.

Dan K.
Dan K.
2 years ago

Unfortunately, in this day and age, it’s hard to believe anyone, especially from DC. No doubt Putin is a bad guy and duplicitous, but it’s quite clear to anyone paying attention, this Admin/neocons want war and there has been a clear line from Russia for years on Eastern expansion of NATO.

We’ve seen “false flags” in the US by the Feds (Whitmer fake kidnap attempt for one), so color me skeptical at Mr. Charles’ commentary here.

2 years ago

The NATO people triggered this whole thing. Not the Russians. The guy who wrote this article’s trying to sell us, on Biden’s proxy war with Russia. Just what America needs, another Vietnam.

2 years ago

This Robert B. Charles guy’s pulling a Hillary Clinton, finger-pointing at Russia.

2 years ago

Duplicity? Vladimir Putin’s been relatively straightforward, direct without hesitation. He just uncovered 30 illegal U.S. bio-weapons labs, in the Ukraine.

2 years ago

I don’t find Putin to be as duplicitous as Joe Biden, or the Biden administration, or the whole Democratic party.

2 years ago

I believe Putin has given us every opportunity, and heads-up, to get out or settle this matter. The problems in this region were, and are, caused by U.S. interference. Mr. Charles seems to be completely out of touch with the history of Ukraine and has completely bought-in to Biden’s narrative and lies.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

My God how AMAC has fallen for the popular narrative. You fell for the vaccine BS too. I just want to ask how Putin can mislead anyone when the west has banned Russian media, closed Russian news networks, the most popular media sites such as YouTube bans anyone that says anything Russian related if it goes against the narrative pushed by the deep state.
My membership in AMAC was something I was a bit proud of. Lately I find myself disgusted as the organization I financially support falls for a narrative pushed by a drooling sitting President whose family is deeply in cahoots with the Ukraine Government and is watching their cash cow get damaged. You really think the current powers that be actually care about Ukraine? Last year even the NYT was writing negative columns about the corruption in Ukraine as well as their allowing REAL Nazis into the service of their military.
What happened to THAT narrative? Not popular anymore so………AMAC runs with what is popular??

2 years ago

Very good article. Another of Putin’s misinformation to justify the war is his claim that historically Ukraine was part of Russia under Catherine the Great . So what ! Ukraine was also part of the Soviet Union by imposition and was under the Nazis during WWII . All Putin’s reasons for the war are pure BS . He simply wants Ukraine for it food and fuel. Nothing more . It’s a pure grab for land just like Hitler’s . And he doesn’t care at all about targeting babies , their mommies & daddies in their apartments . Putin is far more evil than i ever thought . Part of his calculation probably included mistakes by the US . Removing our embassy was wrong . And talking about a little bit of Ukraine was absurd and seen by Putin as an invitation . We must give Ukraine all the arms they need to defend themselves. Or, they’ll begin attacking NATO countries which could involve us . Another thing that amazes me about Putin’s war upon Ukraine is that the war and the steps leading up to war appear to be following almost exactly , Hitler’s steps . Wow , talk about history repeating itself !

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

There is not a dose of Viagra big enough to help NATO

2 years ago

Why is Robert Charles being allowed to spread the false Ukraine narrative on a supposedly conservative site/organization. I was proud to be an Amac member. Lately, not so much. You are dealing with a much better informed, thinking membership. Robert Charles is not one to trust for the truth!

2 years ago

He saw what happened after the 2020 election and could easily see the puppet soft so called President. No better time then to strike when the United States hates each other. Who to blame?
Look to Washington. disgraceful representative

2 years ago

Freedom of speech is fine, but why does the media tell Russia that US is helping Ukraine target Russia Generals in UKRaine & why does Sec. of State Blinken & Dept. of Defense spokesman tell the world what arms & how many the USA is sending to Ukraine war efforts.. These people need to read WWII history books & heed “LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS”.. Why do we have to tell the world everything & is this just provoking the Bear……….

2 years ago

I’m sorry but this statement “Putin knows no narrative limits, or appears ready to push the envelope on disinformation” applies to ALL of the Democrat leader’s, their minions (press included) and many Republicans. Not to mention every talking head entertainer, etc. that floods the airwaves. Before we even start discussing Putin, lets look at ALL the BS that is spewed around in THIS country.
Sad to see AMAC putting their hand in the disinformation highway with this editorial. (Long time member).

2 years ago

I still believe Biden and his family and friends are helping Russia.The Biden ,Harris,Obama and Clinton families are all so evil they are trying to destroy anything and anybody that has any good in them.

2 years ago

Robert Charles served under Bush….explains why he supports the liberal narrative…

Robert Schultz
Robert Schultz
2 years ago

Putin probably thinks he can lie to the world and get away with it. He lies to his own people who have to take him at his work or else. We Americans are being conditioned by Joe Biden and the Democrat’s lies whether we admit it or not. The more lies are repeated, the more they’re believed.

2 years ago

Putin knows he can get away with attacking other nations because America has a weak President and the American people do not want a war. Someone in his own country, needs to stop Putin.

2 years ago

I stand with Putin. He’s destroying the NWO.

The Armstrong Family
The Armstrong Family
2 years ago

Sounds like some or someones leading our country!

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
2 years ago

We cannot trust anything that the regime that is running our country says or does. Period. Not to coin a phrase.

2 years ago

Adolph Hiter said: “Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth!”

Richard A Armstrong
Richard A Armstrong
2 years ago

I suggest that anybody who wants to get factually accurate hard news & info about the Ukraine/Russia/NATO situation go to Hal Turner’s website: Hal Turner Radio Show – Home. Many of the articles are available for the general public to read, though some articles, and the ability to live-stream, or download podcasts of, his radio show, are limited to paying subscribers like myself. Mr. Turner was once a member of the US Intel “Community”, and still has very good sources in that arena, here & in other countries. And when he gives you his personal “take” on anything, he’ll tell outright that it’s his personal opinion.

2 years ago

The world along with OUR COUNTRY is collapsing. Our ILLEGITIMATE so-called PRESIDENT is helping to destroy PEACE AND LAW AND ORDER with everything that he does or says, not only here in the US but, in other countries, as well. People like BIDEN AND PUTIN need to be removed from power before they can do anymore damage!

2 years ago

Sounds like our current Democratic Party, although no war. . .yet. . .

old silk
old silk
2 years ago

Would anybody be surprised if the money and arms reportedly going to Ukraine are just being laundered through Ukraine which doesn’t actually have formal borders and is thus still a part of Russia?

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

I don’t know why some posters here seem to like Putin! He’s a butcher. Ukraine is far from perfect but her citizens don’t deserve to be slaughtered like pigs! The US, under Biden et al, isn’t any more corrupt than Ukraine; would you like someone to invade us?
It appears to me that Biden is doing just enough to keep the war going. He will not release the Polish MiGs which would finish off the Russians. Who knows how much Biden, Pelosi, and others are profiting from it all?

2 years ago

As I read through the comments here today, I came to the conclusion that we Americans are being played for fools. Have you ever heard the phrase “ DIVIDE AND CONQUER “? Well, that’s exactly what this government is doing to US! Think about it! There’s been almost a TOTAL BREAKDOWN in LAW AND ORDER, people are walking the streets killing, robbing, raping, assaulting, vandalizing, burning and destroying the livelihoods of their own neighbors. Do you really believe that is all coincidental? It’s not! My guess is, that it’s all part of a MASTER PLAN, to destroy the WILL OF THE PEOPLE so that we CAN’T EFFECTIVELY REPEL OUR ENEMIES! Sadly, if we continue to do nothing, we will lose everything that we love and cherish!

2 years ago

AMAC should can this NeoCon. Ukraine is not our problem. With 5 million fleeing, they won’t even fight for their own country. What did they ever do for US? Exaggerations, fake news so NeoCons like the Biden’s and “Robert Charles” can line their pockets from defense industry stocks.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Give Ukraine weapons that can reach Moscow.

2 years ago

Are you sure you are not talking about the Democommunist party? They are always blaming others for the very things that they are doing themselves.

2 years ago

My goodness….sounds a lot like the Biden’s and their administration!

2 years ago

You guys are completely wrong. You side with Nazi leaning globalst Zelensky, who Joke Biden sides with, and you spread the same lamestream leftist media crap that screams out of our woke news these days. Amazing.

2 years ago

Well RBC, I am in the minority about your article and see that some of your previous ones have taken a beating the past few days. I am just shaking my head.

Edward Irvin
Edward Irvin
2 years ago

The Chinese puppet Biden is trying to provoke Putin. WIII will not be good for anyone on the planet. The Ukranian people are the sacrifice in this cat and mouse game.We best not enter that catastrophe.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

You own a car, or lets say, a lawn mower,regardless of what it is, its yours. You have put out an ad listing that article for sale and someone shows up and says “I will take it, here is some monopoly money for the total”. You know that the monopoly money is useless to you so you refuse to accept any payment other than one that has actual value to you. The potential buyer then screams out about how unfair that is.
That is the situation Russia is in regarding their resources for roubles. The west has seized Russian assetts and sanctioned everything even rhyming with Russia. The euro and the US dollar cannot be used by Russia but their currency can.
If they want or have to be paid in their currency for THEIR product then either abide by their terms or find your item elsewhere.
That should be apparent to any logical person for Christs sake.

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