
National Security , Newsline

Memo to AG Garland – Enforce Law or Resign

Posted on Tuesday, July 26, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Attorney General Garland, disagreeing with the Supreme Court or by direction of the White House – refuses to enforce federal laws expressly protecting Supreme Court Justices – and all judges – against threats, intimidation, and physical protests at their homes. Pro-abortion acts at the justices’ homes are becoming unconscionable. AG Garland must enforce laws or resign.

Even the Washington Post reports threats are growing, first against justices, then their families, and now their neighbors. Justice Kavanaugh’s neighbors “are fed up with the actions of protesters near their homes,” which “personally target residents” and have “abused them and their children, using drums and megaphones to chant ‘f— you,’ and ‘f— your children.’”

This activity follows unprosecuted law-breaking at justices’ homes, targeting their personal property, their persons, and their children, including an attempted assassination of Kavanaugh, and continued encouragement of activism, with no anti-violence warnings from leading Democrats.

The overarching question – given the high stakes of losing, wounding, or intimidating justices and their families, given clear statutes barring this intimidating, threatening, potentially violent criminal behavior – is why is AG Garland NOT prosecuting these offenders?

Beyond federal statute 18 USC 1507, which expressly bars this kind of action, State and Federal laws of multiple kinds are implicated. Threats of potential assault, including those barred by 18 USC 113, are relevant. Also relevant are 18 USC 1503, 18 USC 115, and other laws involving threats against judges.  In addition, 25 State AGs have sought enforcement of the law.

To date, leading administration and congressional Democrats seem to take all this as unimportant, even after a credible attempt to assassinate one of the justices. This is beyond the pale.

The stakes could not be higher, if the party threatened were an elected official, since the current 5-4 Supreme Court majority – in favor of textual or judicial conservatives – hangs in the balance. 

At a time when conservative justices are being sworn at, chased from DC restaurants, vilified, and threatened by members of Congress, told they “will pay” by the Senate Majority leader, face a “revolution” by Senate Democrats, and a US House Speaker encourages “anger” – enforcing federal law is vital. 

In short, not enforcing these clear, protective, and long-standing laws is unthinkable, immoral, and unconscionable. Unless the objective is expressly to endanger these justices, there can be no excuse for not enforcing these laws, deterring further violence, and halting judicial intimidation.

To be clear, an “independent judiciary” and assuring “checks and balances” under the US Constitution, Federalist Papers, and thousands of past federal and Supreme Court decisions is fundamental to our Republic’s survival. 

Accordingly, for a sitting Attorney General knowingly to place justices or judges in fear of life or limb, damage to property, family members, and neighborhood, and allow lawbreakers to go unpunished, is inexcusable.

Bottom line: Memo to AG Garland – Enforce the law or resign.  

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2 years ago

This is not something that is American. All of our defenses are being taken away. The police and now the armed services. Our health and our care for fellow Americans. In an emergency you take care of yourself first than others. We will not be strong enough for our people.

Joe M
Joe M
2 years ago

They know where the AJ lives ! Turn about is fair play !!

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Resign? He should be arrested and tried for refusing to do his duty

Frank S.
Frank S.
2 years ago

Rule of Law is one of the primary hallmarks of our Republic. It is quite evident to me that this aspect of our society is under purposeful attack from the regressive Left. One must ask the question: Why?

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 years ago

I’ve been saying this for more than a year. Unfortunately, if he refuses, there are only two ways to get rid of him: he needs to be impeached and voted out by Congress, which will not happen under the current circumstances in Congress, or his boss (Biden) must fire him, which also will not happen. We are in so much trouble…

2 years ago

Until this banana republic we live in,goes back to the basics nothing will change.Been hearing for years “we will fix it “and only thing,new playbook.There are NO real thinkers in either party.They follow their leaders same as lemmings going over a cliff.Call from “my”(No vote for him)his office bimbo saying did not like my direct comments to them.Told me to use his site,the same one that sends the same form letter no matter what.So we are screwed no matter…

2 years ago

Garland is nothing but a political hack. He shouldn’t be in law enforcement or justice system. People like him are why the American people don’t trust the FBI or DOJ anymore. Neither agency can exist without the trust of the people.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

Garland is Biden’s Himmler; he enforces the “law” only on people who support his “fuehrer.” If you are “deplorable,” good luck on your own! The same can be said for FBI “duce” Wray!

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

105 DAYS!

2 years ago

Since the law enforcement agencies are not doing their job, the people will have too. Just do it in a way that you do not get in trouble. Perhaps a vigilante group/individuals could drive these groups out of the area.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Removing a bureaucrat for not doing his job?
I’ve often wondered when this would happen since the top law enforcement position is selected by whomever is in the oval office. I have come to expect that Attorney Generals at any level of government serves at the pleasure of who’s in charge and to protect those in position, but certainly not the interests of the people.
It’s as if a conflict of interest is not binding to the administration in power as evidenced by Garland’s actions.
If there was ever a reason for a separation of executive power and law enforcement, this should be one.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

Put that guy in the burlap bag with Mayorkis.

2 years ago

History has taught that the ONLY thing that stops tyrants such as this is death…

2 years ago

Just think … the demonRat Communist Party tried to put this criminal scumbag on the SC!
He needs to be arrested and imprisoned for encouraging this criminal behavior.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
2 years ago

Where are our PATRIOTIC BIKERS? We need to run these treasonous protestors, Garland and the rest of the disgusting Dems OUT. Have any of these DemonRATS heard of civics? separation of powers? THREE branches of US government? SMH Fair warning: If any of these rats try to meddle with the November or 2024 election, there will likely be a REAL INSURRECTION… BIGLY… and most conservative, fair-minded, Americans would support it. It’s TIME, Ladies and Gentlemen.

2 years ago

I cannot understand why., when these people (including members of congress who encourage these actions) are not being exposed for DOING THE EXACT SAME THING THEY ARE ACCUSING TRUMP OF DOING. Are the Dem now starting a push to destroy the Supreme Court? Do they really want a one-tier government? Does justice only apply to those who want to destroy our cities, towns, homes, and families? This is a good example of consequences when we vote party and not person folks. I received a piece of mail that was from “the Honorable…..” I’m sorry but I found myself laughing at that title and asked myself if I even believed there was any honor left in D.C.?

2 years ago

Garland needs to be impeached and prosecuted! He swore and oath to uphold the law and he hasn’t done anything. If this was a Trump AG the Democrats would already have fired him. I’m getting tired of this double standard imposed by the DemocRats!

Margaret R Fuller
Margaret R Fuller
2 years ago

And yet the charade of the witch trial continues regarding Jan 6. In the meantime they ignore REAL insurrection against the Supreme Court!!!!

Darius Dickison
Darius Dickison
2 years ago

The crats could never do what they’ve done without so called republicans (imposters) allowing it. Why? Because most in both are bought and paid for scum. They aren’t your reps. They are Cain’s kids’ puppets. Anti GOD globalists family of satan. Have you read for yourself? Or do you just sit and listen to a pretty rev fill your head full of crap? Many of them are cons and Cain’s kids too.
Read, Watch, Share, Help others, ONWARD—-> It’s coming quickly.

2 years ago

EviI NEVER resigns, it must be dragged out kicking and screaming.

Laura Germani
Laura Germani
2 years ago

Maybe someone needs to prosecute Garland. Such lawlessness is unbelievable!

Nancy Ferguson
Nancy Ferguson
2 years ago

Send this to the GOP. It’s time they take action against this lawlessness.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Thank God Garland never made it to the Supreme Court. He is very corrupt, very partisan and would have been the prejudiced participant that he is as AG. Despicable and blatantly political.

2 years ago

The whole biden administration should be arrested for treason and murder!!

Steve G
Steve G
2 years ago

Hire a group to protect & stop the protesters from being there & harrassing them & the neighbors. Soros has hired the protestors so as law abiding citizens the justices should do the same, and authorize deadly force to protect these justices & the neighborhood. If a few of these protestors would get shot & killed maybe they would stop doing Soros’s bidding

2 years ago

Garland is a puddle of Democrat goo who will do anything dems tell him to do. If you thought Holder was useless he looks pretty good in comparison and he was terrible.

2 years ago

Garland should resign if he will not enforce the Federal Laws. Why is he being soft on crime & why wait until someone dies or his seriously hurt from these protesters. And they are not being peaceful when they break the law. Arrest them so they stop.

Kevin M.
Kevin M.
2 years ago

Biden Crime Syndicate is vast. These are career criminals with no regard or love of America.

2 years ago

These anti-American office holders, such as Garland, should not be able to collect their taxpayer supported pensions after messing up and sabotaging the USA.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

This attorney general has a huge chip on his shoulder, after his rejection a few years ago he’s not a rational or just American, he’s a leftist liberal bent on the transformation and destruction of our system. This is the most divisive and by far the most dangerous AG this country has ever had! His political policies are completely bent towards socialism or even worse! This is a disaster as is this entire administration and president. There doing more harm and damage to our country in just a few short years than probably all the worst leftist democrat politicians combined. If there not handcuffed immediately and get any more time it’s guaranteed completely over for our way of life as we took for granted ( that’s also our problem, we take way too much for granted, especially our freedoms which took hundreds of years to establish) its a critical time for our country right now, either we fully understand that we’re completely under attack and that these leftist liberal progressive democrats have declared war on our freedoms and our religions, or in a few short years we’ll all be under a tyrannical and diabolical leadership! It’s a shame that there doing this but it’s a very real and scary prospect!

2 years ago

Garland is a joke at best, and a sorry excuse for an AG at worst. The neighbors should form their own neighborhood watch group and actively resist and repel the invaders of their local communities. If we do not defend our own neighbors for the right reasons, we are as much to blame as the idiots who are abusing the law with their “protests” and threats….. I remember years ago when drug gangs were ruining our local neighborhood, and our response was risky but worked…we took them on face to face and forced them out….with the understanding that if they came back, they would never be seen again……they were/are cowards and when fear no longer prevails, they cannot survive…. Yes it was dangerous, and costly, but as long as the citizens reject law breakers and thugs openly, they cannot succeed…….do not expect the government to do the right thing…they have failed at that across the board. Time to stand your ground, and defend one another.

Roger Oatman
Roger Oatman
2 years ago

Absolutely right! The liberals’ behavior is incredible!

David Maddox
David Maddox
2 years ago

Garland is a fraud, which means he fits in perfectly with the rest of the Biden administration

2 years ago

Garland is still bitter about not being confirmed to the Supreme Court. Not using his authority to properly protect SCOTUS Justices and their families is his insane, passive-aggressive revenge.

Robert Fortin
Robert Fortin
2 years ago

This jacka** needs to go. He is useless and should resign immediately. I’m sure he would not want to be threatened either. Of course then again there’s two sides of the law the liberal side and then our side

2 years ago

He does enforce the law. Very selectivelyHe has committed treason and should be treated accordingly. I’ll build the scaffolding.

2 years ago

Garland needs to resign or be removed

Bob Owens
Bob Owens
2 years ago

Garland is forcing armed insurrection. His lawlessness can’t go on. He will be forced to resign or pay the same price he is putting on SCOTUS

2 years ago

You guys didn’t really think that this Nazi would enforce laws protecting conservatives did you?

2 years ago

Garland has stated his personal basis to be fired or forced to resign. It now becomes necessary to kick him out and replace him … pronto. He may personally disagree with the law, but he has a duty to enforce it in his position. And if he will not enforce it, he should be ousted. Nothing complicated about that.

2 years ago

Once again do nothing Biden and his Democrats only address the laws they want to

2 years ago

Garland needs to be kicked to the curb. Immediately.

2 years ago

And to think the Dims wanted to put this snake on the Supreme Court…

2 years ago

Unbelievable! He needs fired, immediately!!!!!

2 years ago

Lowlifes all these criminal jerks in office

2 years ago

They need to fight back maybe with a little gun fire. If law enforcement won’t take care of this i think it is Time for vigilante law.

Al Bdamn
Al Bdamn
2 years ago

AG Garland refuses to do anything about protesters threatening Supreme Court Justices, especially justice Kavanagh, because Trump

2 years ago

That despicable liberal is not fit to be in any position of authority. He is jealous because he was unfit to be a member of the Supreme Court. He must be ousted from office immediately. Our “justice” department is lousy.

2 years ago

I believe that Obummer is the puppetmaster. He has an “empty suit dummy” that is doing those things that he was too cowardly to do. Now they will blame clueless Joe for bringing our great country to its knees. May the good Lord help us.

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