
National Security , Newsline

Kamala Unleashed; Biden Picks Her for Another Foreign Mission So He Can Make Excuses for His Afghanistan Debacle

Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2021
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 25 — She made her first official trip abroad in early June when she visited Guatemala and Mexico; it was decidedly forgetful except for a gaff or two. So now, when her boss flails about trying to keep order in the wake of his failed attempt to safely extract innocent civilians and our troops from Afghanistan, Vice President Kamala Harris is off to contain forces of evil in Southeast Asia. She waved for the cameras as she boarded Air Force 2 for her trip to Singapore and Vietnam like a starlet of yesteryear off to another exotic movie location.

It was reminiscent of how she shunned the opportunity to head straight to our southern border and deal with the unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants seeking to enter the U.S., having been picked by President Biden to be his “Border Czar.” When a reporter asked her why she chose not to visit the border, she smiled and said, “and, I haven’t been to Europe.” She finally got the message and visited El Paso, TX, later in the month.

Her newest trip triggered a Twitter storm of criticism.

One of the more tasteful messages on Twitter read: “The largest airlift in American history is going down right now. Reports of Americans being attacked by the Taliban. And you post a picture of yourself waving from AF2 on your way to SE Asia.”

It’s hard to tell what she hopes to accomplish in Southeast Asia, but the Wall Street Journal may have uncovered the reason for her trip, it “will give the Biden administration an opportunity to put the focus back on countering China at a time when the U.S.’s chaotic exit from Afghanistan is raising questions about Washington’s reliability as an ally.”

The Journal’s report suggests that Ms. Harris will have to use her untested diplomatic skills to convince the governments of Singapore and Vietnam that the U.S. is a “reliable” partner and not currying favor to use them as “pawns in a great power struggle.”

But perhaps she is making the trek across the Pacific so that she can have Air Force 2 make a stop in California on her way back.

Why? So that she can campaign for Governor Gavin Newsome, who faces a recall election on September 14. Enough fed-up citizens of the progressive Golden State signed a recall petition to remove Newsome from office. The election will determine whether he stays or goes. And, if the majority fires him, they’ll have a chance to pick his successor.

It’s a challenging moment, replete with a slate of wannabe governors including some 24 Republicans, 9 Democrats, 2 Green Party candidates, one 1 Libertarian candidate, and 10 “No Party Preference” candidates.

One wonders if Ms. Harris is willing to reimburse our government for her whistle-stop in California. It would appear that she would be liable for the cost, according to Federal Election Campaign rules.

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3 years ago

What a waste of the taxpayers’ money for a NOVICE diplomatic blunderer. Checked off visit to Central America, now SE Asia (mini vacation), stop off in CA to waste more time. Come on boss, I still need to check Europe, pretty please. WHAT A WASTE OF TAXPAYER MONEY. WHAT A JOKE!!

3 years ago

OMG! We are doomed for failure. God help us.

3 years ago

Like her Boss , a total are the voters who elected these trash puppets.

Gerald Ling
Gerald Ling
3 years ago

He sent her because he was told to do so by those who control him so she has face time with other countries for when she takes over for him. And she will, he’s so incompetent that Nancy will use the amendment approved during the latter days of the Trump administration to relieve a president. He won’t last another year. that was the plan all the way thru. We’re screwed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Patty Hanson
Patty Hanson
3 years ago

omg…. the “hyena” is less than “worthless”! Does anyone else feel as if our nation is in the grips of “Caligula & Nero”?

3 years ago

Why would Newsome want Camela’s endorsement???

Deploreable Sam
Deploreable Sam
3 years ago

Well, if she isn’t here, when something seriously bad happens to her they won’t be able to blame PRESIDENT TRUMP’S supporters.
Being a perpetual optimist, just lookin’ for that silver lining.

3 years ago

China shut down one of their largest ports. US still has a lot of stuff coming from China. Viet Name may become major exporter to US. FYI I am not fan of current administration.

THX 1138
THX 1138
3 years ago

To many candidates running like that will split up the vote.

3 years ago

Who thinks her stop in California is really helpful to Newsome?!!

3 years ago

Need to make a movie “Kamala Unleashed”. Should be entertaining.

3 years ago

What a sinking ship with no freight to throw overboard looks like.

3 years ago

Goes to show you how dumb Newsom is for requesting Harris to show up and provide support for him. No one in Ca liked her anyway. She is likely to draw a crowd like Biden did…maybe 6 cars in a circle that will beep for her.

3 years ago

These two are unqualified for their jobs along with Jen. It is a debacle and a failing administration. Also there is no one better in line…ugh pelosi…. We are in serious trouble. We need a real leader with intelligence and courage.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

Say it aint so Joe. Say all is o k. I hope all you progressive’s leftest,and Commies can fathom whats goin on. I doubt it. Be proud. You voted for them.

Kenneth D.
Kenneth D.
3 years ago

Joe Biden is a political lightweight who has fed at the public trough his entire adult life, notwithstanding his extortion enterprise with son, Hunter, while he was Obama’s sidekick. The Democrat Party is a conglomeration of political hacks and globalists who must con and cheat their way into office by befuddling gullible voters with fake crises and fears. Unfortunately, the GOP isn’t much better and often end up making the Democrats look presentable through incompetence and snafus the radical left media is all too happy to report and exaggerate…….

3 years ago

These fools are so unqualified and lacking of any real leadership traits. It makes my head spin that they are where they are. God help us….They, just like the commie Barack Hussein Benito Obama, act as if they are in some Hollywood movie playing a leading role. They are detached from reality and 350 million people, give or take 50 million illegals, reap the consequences. Don’t get me started on his cabinet and the RINOS…..what a joke politicians are….

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

She has made the Peter Principle Group——-She has reach the height of her own incompetence, everybody know how she got to the top.

Lorraine Reid
Lorraine Reid
3 years ago

so sad that this is what American Government looks like today…….apathy, greed, vanity and most important incompetency

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
3 years ago

Let’s see, she’s going to Hanoi, Saigon embassy roof, Afghanistan, airport tarmac resuce…

Alan McDermott
Alan McDermott
3 years ago

Are we on the brink. The roman empire was once there as well and we know how that turned out. I am doubtful that America can withstand 3 1/2 more years of Biden and Harris. What was so wrong with Trump anyway ? for those that put Biden(President Ciaos) and Harris(miss Congeniality) in office hindsight is 20/20. Now hold on tight and write your check to the NEW IRS. Idiots

Deplorable in GA
Deplorable in GA
3 years ago

Good That will keep here away from here where she can do damage.

3 years ago

the biden puppet administration is EVIL! the people most billionaires & the corporations the left media are out to destroy america.. advocate socialism , Marxism & the 1619 lie and bury our true history indoctrinate OUR children …. IS EVIL! MAKE NO MISTAKE. THEY CAN BE STOP-ID1

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

With just a tad of luck, upon Toes landing in CA, they will experience a earthquake of epoch proportions & she will get swallowed up & never heard from again, better still is if Gruesome Newsome is there to greet her, might just as well get a 2 for 1 out of it. Might just as well invite Arnold S. to the party too…3 for 1 sounds even better…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

james carlyle
james carlyle
3 years ago

No way Ms. Harris is going to con Singapore and Vietnam out of anything. Be interesting to hear on what she lectures them.

Edward B. Irvin
Edward B. Irvin
3 years ago

They will mostlikely be entertained by the ignorant “HO”

3 years ago

I would be willing to bet that she pays zero for the whistle stop in California. Anybody willing to take that bet?

3 years ago

We are the laughing stock of the world with corrupt Biden and hyena Harris that can’t help laughing at the most inappropriate times. Both incompetent at their jobs.

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

What a joke!

Al Wunsch
Al Wunsch
3 years ago

As has been said, we are witnessing the most unqualified admin in my lifetime at least, if not in U.S.A. history. The feckless congress is no help. They should be busy putting in place a process to fire President Biden, VP Harris, Blinken (SecState), SecDef and the National Security advisors to Biden. America cannot tolerate 3 more years of this group.

3 years ago

Biden got confused. He heard someone say, “Kamela Harris is a broad!” instead of “Kamel Hairs is going abroad!”

3 years ago

Remember when Hillary was Secretary of State and all she did was run from one country to the next? Never in one place long enough to answer questions. Just so busy. I think that’s what the powers that be are going to do with Kamala. Keep her out of sight because she’s a disaster as VP.
I loved Carly Fiorina’s comment, “traveling constantly is an activity, not an accomplishment.”

3 years ago

So I’m curious… just what do they think camela can possibley do?? Stand there looking like a deer in the headlights while cackleing like a hyena? Or is she simply there as a mobile “receptacal” for every “randy” leader? Personally, I don’t see her value in any possible way..

3 years ago

What a joke!

3 years ago

My My how she’s destroying the earth’s atmosphere with the private jet! Hypocrite!

3 years ago

Joe doesn’t like to leave home. What kind of guy is this to be president?

3 years ago

She never went to our southern border. and instead went to Guatemala. I guess she wanted a vacation rather than face the serious immigrant problem. These immigrants carry diseases, probably like we haven’t seen before, yet they are allowed to enter our country. She will not comment about Biden’s decision to stop the evacuation of many Americans who will be left behind and eventually murdered. She is a waste to the office she holds and should be removed from office. She thinks she is some kind of Important person but she is a disgrace to the United States of America. She is just another rotten Democrat trying to allow Socialism into our country.

3 years ago

She is a disgrace to our nation, an embarrassment to womankind and a waste of oxygen.

3 years ago

make her pay and her visit of no consequence. We need a new Governor in Ca

3 years ago

She wasn’t in Vietnam long enough to do anything as she is already heading back to California to “help” poor Governor Newsom, whose aunt is married to the brother of Nancy Pelosi’s husband.

3 years ago

She never answers a question until after she she breaks into an evil laugh-fest….which is so “telling” of her incompetence & lack of decorum….. HIGHLY “UN-vice presidential.
A “hyena” should never be off-leash, but rather “on” an extremely SHORT one!.

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

She’ll get to the root of it………on her knees!

I am Getn PTSD, thx Joey!
I am Getn PTSD, thx Joey!
3 years ago

ALL that is said on here gets us no where – what has it changed??
but getting us all bent out of shape.
It is what it is and the two impeachable dimwits have shown what they are. USELESS
Someway – IF we all want to hurt em good!!! there has to be a way to get all of the people to NOT pay taxes on April 15th till these Morons fix the system. And Voting I hope when its due.

This will do IN the tools of the evil thats there and get the system somewhat fixed ?? maybe?

SORRY to say – But reading AMAC and EPOCH get me nowhere – All it does is get me royally
bent out of shape and depressed. So I quit. Will only read whats doable.
Joey has proven what a TOTALLY incompetent fool he IS !!!!! Scumalla just runs away. heehaw
Imagine her as the prez. Save us from that Nero.
Trump shud of never left office – shud of told them to stick it – He is NOT going to let this
basement dweller run this country. A Totally Fraudulent election indeed.
Now it may be AZ prisoners may have been voting, but the system is hiding that fact. Figures.
I AM a DAVet and I am shocked by what this Demander and Thief is doing to the US.

JJ Johnson-Smith
JJ Johnson-Smith
3 years ago

NOTHING can be done from the top-down. The RESISTANCE has to begin at the bottom, in small communities, cities, and local governments. If we cannot stop the spread of corruption and evil right where we live, we will NEVER succeed in stopping the D.C Socialist Circus. Start taking them down in YOUR Counties, the School Boards that are pushing CRT and Liberal Education, the takeover of small town boards by Democrats, etc. Get involved, stay informed, and speak OUT against what you KNOW is unconstitutional, tyrannical, or oppressive. These low-level politicians are the Congress members of tomorrow

3 years ago

commie harris on another mission of failure for joebama and the useless socialist democrats!
Sad to think,but probably true,that Afghanistan’s tragic and horribly botched departure,the lives it costs, abandoning of people who assisted us that will be slaughtered, is just another distraction so the anti American party can destroy Our Country!
When will Citizrns wake up to the fact that these democrat politicians are evil,self serving immoral scum!!
They don’t care about people at all, and DESPISE Citizens who love freedom and America.
They ALL must go, Real Americans must daily expose and reject their hateful,destructive policies, save Our Country and Freedom.

3 years ago

Personal opinion…Kamala’s trip is to get her as far away from the current disasters in DC as possible so her hands can (perceivably) remain “clean”. The framework for Biden’s removal from office has started and they want Kamala to be as much removed from his incompetence as possible, thus allowing her to take over without all the Biden baggage.

John L
John L
3 years ago

So where is the Senate stopping this disaster in Afghanistan and our own borders. The RINO Senate is out to lunch with the liberal progressive left DemoRats. Maybe we can fix these tragedies with the 2022 and 2024 election if it is already not to late. What puppet Biden and his puppet masters have done in 7 months to America will take a loyal patriot conservative constitution loving Americans in office years to undo.

3 years ago

Joe Hidin’ Biden would get more our of picking his nose than he would get out of Camel Hairs.!

3 years ago

I am amazed that this street whore can talk so well from her kneeling position with her mouth full!

Hud Home pole sign. LAS VEGAS NEVADA - June 3: Hud Home sign in a suburban neighborhood on June 3, 2011 in Las Vegas Nevada. HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a department of the government responsible for a number of federal housing agencies and programs.
Handcuffs on the floor at night. Open handcuffs on the street pavement at night with police car lights / high contrast image
tariffs stamp over a lot of cars waiting to be imported

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