
National Security , Newsline

Intel Director: Iran Attempting to Undercut Trump Campaign

Posted on Thursday, August 1, 2024
by Outside Contributor

As Kamala Harris launches her presidential campaign with overt assistance from fawning media, another entity continues more covert efforts to undermine her opponent Donald Trump, just as it did when Joe Biden was Trump’s 2020 opponent: Iran.  

That’s according to Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, who acknowledged that, “As I noted in testimony to the Congress in May, Iran is becoming increasingly aggressive in their foreign influence efforts.”  

She added that Iran was adapting and improving upon its 2020 campaign that “intended to undercut the reelection prospects of former President Trump”:  

Tehran’s efforts to attempt to influence the outcome of the 2020 US election and Iranian officials’ preference that former President Trump not be reelected were driven in part by a perception that the regime faced acute threats from the US.  Iran’s election influence efforts were primarily focused on sowing discord in the United States and exacerbating societal tensions – including by creating or amplifying social media content that criticized former President Trump – probably because they believed that this advanced Iran’s longstanding objectives and undercut the prospects for the former President’s reelection without provoking retaliation.  

According to that National Intelligence Council report, Iran’s tactics included sending threatening emails to American citizens, including a “highly targeted operation” that “sent threatening, spoofed emails purporting to be from the Proud Boys group to Democratic voters in multiple US states.”  Even more disturbingly, “Iranian cyber actors exploited a known vulnerability to compromise US entities associated with reelection infrastructure as a part of a broad targeting effort across multiple sectors worldwide.”  

Iran’s reasons for preferring Biden or Harris to Trump are obvious.  

Upon entering office in 2017, President Trump boldly relocated America’s embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, then proceeded to impose his “maximum pressure” strategy that quickly depleted Iranian oil export revenues from $53 billion in 2018 to just $12.7 billion by 2020.  As he drove Iran toward insolvency, Trump also ordered the attack that finally killed Iranian Revolutionary Guard general Qasem Soleimani, who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American troops.  Trump also achieved Israeli-Arab rapprochement via the Abraham Accords, contrary to Iranian interests.  

In contrast, the Biden/Harris administration offers a vastly friendlier alternative for Iran.  Its shameful behavior just last week while Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke to Congress offers a perfect example.  

The Constitution specifies few formal responsibilities for a vice president, which explains why former Vice President John Nance Garner famously quipped, “The vice presidency is not worth a bucket of warm spit.”  Among the formal duties that the Constitution does assign to a vice president, however, is presiding over the United States Senate.  Instead of fulfilling that duty and showing public respect to our isolated ally Israel last week, Harris boycotted Netanyahu’s speech.  Instead, Harris prioritized a college sorority event in Indiana while Netanyahu spoke.  That’s how much Harris values Israel and our alliance with the lone democratic state in the Middle East.  

That latest episode merely continued an ongoing hostility toward Israel and bizarre favoritism toward Iran.  Upon entering office, the Biden/Harris administration reversed Trump’s maximum pressure effort against Iran, which quickly replenished Iran’s incoming oil revenues, which in turn allowed it to increase its sponsorship of terrorist proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah.  

This week, Israel successfully targeted leaders of both groups, including one hit inside Iran itself.  Naturally, the Iran-friendly Biden/Harris brain trust discouraged Israel from taking that action.  In their minds, killing the leader of the group that inflicted the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust was apparently an “escalation” to be discouraged.  

As Nioh Berg tweeted, “It’s as if Bibi Netanyahu spoke to Kamala for 5 minutes, realized how bad the next 4 years could get, and gave himself a January deadline.”  

Biden/Harris administration apologists may attempt to parallel Iran’s campaign to influence American elections to earlier Russian efforts to do the same.  The obvious distinction, however, is that Biden/Harris policies have demonstrably benefitted and empowered Iran.  Conversely, as Trump himself pointed out during his June 27 debate with Biden, Russia didn’t take a square inch of foreign territory during his presidency.  During the Obama and Biden presidencies, Putin went on the march.  Moreover, in 2018 Trump targeted hundreds of Russian mercenaries who threatened American troops in Syria.  

In any event, it’s important that Americans understand Iran’s threat to American elections, and where their motivations lie.  Such knowledge can inform electoral choices in an increasingly precarious international environment for both America and its loyal allies.

Timothy H. Lee is Senior Vice President of legal and public affairs at the Center for Individual Freedom.

Reprinted with Permission from CFIF – By Timothy H. Lee

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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2 months ago

They want to destroy President Trump because they know he won’t put up with them. A vote for President Trump is a vote for peace.

2 months ago

Trump undid Obummer’s coddling of Iran and had the terrorist nation over a barrel with his sanctions against Iran or any foreign country that did business with Iran that also received American aid. Then crap-for-brains Joebama reversed what was working and totally bowed to Iran. Now look where we are, on the verge of a third world war. If this and the border invasion doesn’t wake Americans up to how much Biden and Harris HATE America, I don’t know what will.

2 months ago

Iran and other countries that truly hate and want to destroy America are afraid of a Trump presidency. If any Democrat wins, they know they can take their time working toward getting all the anti-USA coalition together, before they attack our country. If Harris wins, we can look forward to getting drawn into several middle east conflicts, in addition to Israel, plus Taiwan. Europe won’t step up, neither will NATO, they are all dependent on the US and we are no longer the leader.

2 months ago

America should maintain neutrality and end foreign aid. The US cannot defend its own borders and is running a $2 trillion deficit.

2 months ago

Obiden sold America to Theran and the Jewish people are paying the price. All that money that Obiden funneled to Iran by taking the sanctions away is paying for all the Hamas and Hezbollah rockets being shot into Israel daily. But the Obiden administration says not one word about that. Let’s Hamas sympathizers attack Jews at will in our country and tells the American people do not make derogatory remarks against Islam or the Palestinians er Hamas. It’s no surprise that Iran doesn’t want Trump everyone can see the rest of the World runs roughshot over Obiden and his understudy Kameltoe. Nobody remembers how many bribes Obiden took? Iran was among those as well. Sleepy Joe is also crooked Joe.

2 months ago

Kamala has been out of her league for30 years

2 months ago

Yet more of the fruits born of the Obama-Biden regimes that are beholden to the evil one. This is further proof how the satanic governments of the world know Trump and Vance won’t put up with their radical sh**. Come to think about it, there’s more of this kind of evil right here in the good ol’ US of A than anywhere in the world. God protect and keep Trump, Vance and their families and may Trump’s administration be strong and just.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 months ago

Iran’s worried about trump? All the more reason to vote for him.

2 months ago

They are planting the seeds to blame the next assassination attempt on Iran. We are not stupid, the Democrats want that man dead. They will stop at nothing

2 months ago

And computers are going to take our votes and count them?
One little code “error” grounds thousand of planes and stops untold medical procedures throughout the world!
Iran, China, Russia, democrats all looking for a way to stop trump, maybe, just maybe, through one itty bitty code “error”!

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
2 months ago

of course the Iranian’s, russia, china, and all the other rotten countries woudl rather have harris. they can pull BS on harris. trump wont take their schiff.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Can a podcast of “Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Russia, North Korea, and China Dudes for Kamala” be far off? You GO, person in blue pant suit whose pronouns are “she” and “her”!

2 months ago

One day voting, paper ballots, in person, voter ID…..NO MACHINES !!!

2 months ago

All the more reason to put Trump back in office. I wouldnt be surprised if Iran was behind the assassination attempt.

2 months ago

Trump understands what “Peace Through Strength” means, and has put that understanding to good use in the past.
We need this disciplined approach now, especially since Biden has encouraged so many bad actors to emerge during his poorly-executed term in office.

Dan O'Neil
Dan O'Neil
2 months ago

DRILL, BAY DRILL… Take away Iran’s money and it won’t be able to afford to attack so many countries as it is currently doing. Break their backs by crushing their economy and peace will return to the region.

2 months ago

Of course they don’t want Trump, their terrorist activities will be interrupted.

2 months ago

Obiden is going to do his BEST to DESTROY what’s LEFT of America before he leaves office!!! This is not something a failed ‘lame-duck, dementia half-president’ should be ALLOWED to DO to US!!! in his waning moments behind a desk in the WH!!! just because ‘he wants to’.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

Venezuela, Iran, and Russia are ALL using money sent to them by Joe because he cut off our OIL SUPREMACY. DJT had them all in line by cutting off their $$$$$$$$$$$$.

2 months ago

The one sure truth, is one you won’t see on the “news.” They’re blaming the over a million in deposit in three overseas bank acoounts on Iran. But I rather suspect it has more to do with American Commie-libe who can see Trump winning an election on a level their historic cheating can’t overcome.

2 months ago

Democrat ties to Iran are an abomination to citizens of our American Republic, and they are not new. John Kerry’s child is married to his Secretary counterparts child in Iran. Biden/Harris released the sequestered funds that Trump used as a tool to squeeze Iran’s evil deeds track history. This puts American and Israeli blood on Democrat hands without a doubt other than the power hungry twisted minds of the Democrats in our Republic.
Anyone who opposes voter ID supports the Democrat party communistic efforts. There is no reason that Voter ID is anything less than protective of our country. Anyone that tells you different is telling an evil lie.
George Washington’s concern that party might become more important than country has come true in today’s Democratic party. Those yellow dogs that cling to this party are only clinging to the old name of Democrat. What they once supported IS no longer. The name is all that is left of that old yellow dog named party. Ronald Reagan belonged to that party, and his quote when criticized about it was “I did not leave the Democrat Party it left me.” Today’s Democrats prove that his statement is 100% true. That old party is gone. What has taken its place is led by evil, leaving God out of the picture. Wake up to the woke you old yellow dogs.

2 months ago

It is so easy to see why Iran and Russia do not want Trump at the helm.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Been doing so since Day 1

2 months ago

Question: Is our government and media working with Iran to keep Trump out of office, it seems like it?

2 months ago

But, but……. I thought according to the democrats Iran is actually our friend. OK, I get it. Iran is the Marxist democrats friend if they help destroy President Trump. It all makes sense now.

2 months ago

They like being rich … Biden has made them wealthy & powerful again. While making us poor & WEAK. TRUMP , will turn that around quick .

2 months ago

Why, I ask, just why would anyone want to vote for a demon-communist-cRAT (aka democRAT)? Any vote for other than a Republican is a vote for the destruction of this country.

2 months ago

With all the abilities that the internet media and cyber security America has, why are they letting a foreign nation that advocates hate and violence against our country and citizens broadcast their hate and intentions on our airwaves? This only empowers them more and weakens us. But then that seems to be what those behind BIG GOVERNMENT WANT.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
2 months ago

My feeling is that iran fears a Trump administration because as backward as they are they know that Trump won’t put up with their B.S.Just like if Trump was President both Ukraine and the Israel thing probably would not have happened.

2 months ago

Biden gave Iran BILLIONS. You seriously think they’re gonna cut off the hand that feeds them???????

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

Where are the media who would not shut up about Russians? Only a convenient lie is worthy their attention.

2 months ago

The minimal Constitutional responsibilities assigned to the Vice President suited VP Harris’s skill set well.

2 months ago

Yet still another reason to vote for Trump. Iran doesn’t want him to win and I haven’t liked anything this administration has done in regards to Iran!

2 months ago

Kamala is a wicked, wicked human being! Equal to Jezebel. Donald Trump is like Elijah to her, though not a prophet of God, I believe God has called him to this hour for a definite purpose. God help us stand strong against all these foes. We must as a nation, stand with Israel!

2 months ago

i’m certain he’s got a line on who’s is at the top of that idea and wouldn’t want to be them BEFORE the election begining now.

2 months ago

Well, that would mean their working with him, his agency, and the rest of the Democratic Party Deep State.

2 months ago

The young voters are so easy brainwashed or manipulated because the dems have been busy trying to destroy Trump day in and day out since 2016. And he is still standing and America is standing at the rim of a huge Abyss. Thanks to Obiden and Kameltoe. Back in the 1950’s many of my teenage friends were so afraid of Russia and a nuclear bomb that they just knew the USSR would drop on us. I said then. It’s playing politics, the party wants you to vote for them because they promised protection from the bomb being dropped. Nothing happened. Trump was president for 4 years the best 4 years after 8 years of O which was a disaster. And here we are again. We haven’t been in this position ever but if these young people believe that the dems will save them they will probably start an uprising when Kameltoe has been in a ffice for awhile. They will finally see and realize they have been gaslighted by the dems. They have no soul or care about the citizens of this country. Just look where our tax money went to under Obiden and Kameltoe. Ukraine, invaders, Afghanistan, Hamas and don’t forget Iran.

2 months ago

Got to keep those pallets of cash coming from the other side.

2 months ago

How much of this is Zionist propaganda? With allies like Israel, who needs enemies?

2 months ago

The best thing about the opening ceremony of Paris Olympics was the girl singing “IMAGINE” by John Lennon , with another on piano while floating down the Seine river. Do not know why the piano had flames on it……………..

John Shipway
John Shipway
2 months ago

I find it amazing what the deep state will blame on Iran to appease its Zionist masters. I suppose it was those pesky Iranians that rotted Joe Brandons brain while still enjoying the after glow of having arranged the plane crash that killed JFK Jr.
And this toenail fungus that plagues me…….sure has an odor of Iran about it.
Grow up people, no, Netanyahu is not God.

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