
National Security , Newsline

Humiliation in Geneva: Summit Between Biden and Putin Was an Embarrassment of Historic Proportions

Posted on Friday, June 18, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive By Daniel Roman


Joe Biden was so desperate for the summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Geneva this week that he apparently made a series of major concessions to pave the way—from lifting sanctions on the Nord Stream II pipeline to effectively giving Russia a pass on the flagrant kidnapping of a journalist from a commercial jet passing through Belarussian airspace.

But if Biden was hoping to boost his polling numbers with a high-profile foreign policy success overseas, that is not what those concessions bought him with Putin this week. When it comes to image, preparation, and even basic understanding of geopolitics, there was no contest between the two leaders. It is hard to imagine a more humiliating defeat for the United States than that which Putin inflicted on Biden in Geneva.

This defeat may not be the very worst of all time in terms of geopolitics. It would be hard to top the Yalta Conference between FDR, Churchill and Stalin in that respect, where Churchill and FDR emerged with some scribblings on a napkin and Stalin with Eastern Europe. But Stalin at least allowed the Western leaders the illusion of success. This week, not only did Putin concede nothing on the key questions of cybersecurity, Americans held captive in Russia, and the Ukraine. He openly flaunted his triumph over the American president.

That mockery came in the form of a series of post-summit dueling press conferences that themselves represented a diplomatic catastrophe for the United States in terms of conception, planning, and execution. For one thing, they never should have happened in the first place. Traditionally, summits between leaders are followed by a joint press conference where the two leaders stand side-by-side taking alternating questions from the media. That was how things worked when Bill Clinton met with Boris Yeltsin, a man whose decrepitude was as infamous as his intoxication, and who famously fell off a stage during a campaign event. It was how it worked with George Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump with Putin and Medvedev. It was how Putin and the Russians assumed it would work with Joe Biden.

Instead, the Biden team threw a spanner into the works. They refused to hold a joint press conference with Putin. Why precisely they made this decision is something of a mystery. That is not because their stated reasons are nonsensical—that goes without saying—but that the Administration itself could not seem to agree on a reason. Initially the White House suggested it would allow Putin a “platform” only for Biden himself to walk-back that reasoning suggesting that it would be a “diversion” and create an environment of competition between himself and Putin.  Left unstated may have been fears as to how Biden would have performed. Putin, for all of his mixed history with the concept of the media, is a fan of the give-and-take of press conferences, famously hosting an annual press conference which in 2020 ran for over four hours. Whatever happens to those who ask hostile questions after they leave the room, Putin has never shied away from facing them in person.

Joe Biden on the other hand ran a Presidential campaign almost entirely shielded from the press. He avoided unscripted events, and even dodged the second presidential debate. On occasions where he has performed unscripted, he has shown an unfortunate tendency to go off script, and to wander.

Yet if the Biden camp wished to avoid the post-summit press conferences becoming a competitive exercise they failed miserably. Rather than a joint press conference, the Biden camp agreed to two sequential ones, and then foolishly allowed Putin to go first. Putin, a man who enjoys the spectacle of press conferences, now was guaranteed a captive audience in the press corps who were obligated to remain until Biden came out, and an actual captive in the form of the President of the United States who was forced to literally remain in a room until Putin chose to stop speaking. And unsurprisingly, Putin made him wait. Rather than the 25-30 minutes agreed upon, Putin spoke for almost an hour.

What he spoke on seemed designed to mock the absent Biden, who, by refusing a joint appearance, had lost any chance to challenge Putin’s claims.

In response to a question about whether Russia would cease cyberwarfare, Putin stated that the leading perpetrators of cybercrime were the United States, followed by Canada, with Russia not even in the top ten. In effect, it was a “No,” denying that Russia was even involved.

When asked about military exercises around the Ukraine, Putin insisted Russia had the right to conduct exercises on its own territory, again denying that Biden even had the right to make any demands, much less that Putin had ever contemplated agreeing to them.

Asked about crackdowns on domestic opponents, Putin blamed the United States Senate for having passed legislation declaring Russia an “enemy,” rhetorically asking what that made political groups in Russia which took money from the United States?

As for cooperation on warrants for cybercriminals, Putin noted that Russia had issued extradition requests for 42 individuals in the United States, overwhelmingly opposition activists, and the US had acted on none.

For 55 minutes then, Putin revealed that Biden had received absolutely nothing in the summit. He did so not by explicitly saying he had rejected Biden’s demands, but by arguing that none of the issues Biden had raised were even legitimate. Either they did not exist, as with Russian cyberwarfare, or they were entirely matters of internal affairs. As such, according to Putin, there was nothing to disagree about in terms of issues, since he had explained to Biden that none of the issues Biden wanted to talk about in fact existed. The answer then to all of Biden’s objectives in the summit came through loud and clear from an often-smirking, sometimes laughing Putin. In effect, he declared, “Not now, and not ever.”

If Putin’s press conference was a diplomatic roasting of the United States and its President, Biden’s press conference was a disaster. A visibly irritated Biden stumbled onto stage, spending the first 11 minutes reading from a teleprompter, before attempting a clearly rushed response to Putin. It was unfortunate, rambling, and at one point Biden confused Putin with Donald Trump. After 20 minutes Biden attempted to take questions, before complaining first that he was supposed to have a list of who to call-on which he seemed to have misplaced, and then exploding at Kaitlin Collins of CNN, which was the equivalent of Putin exploding at Russia Today.

When Collins asked why he was so confident Putin would change his behavior, Biden responded “I’m not confident I’m going to change his behavior. What the hell? What do you do all the time?” before following up with “If you don’t understand that, you are in the wrong business.” Biden clearly intended to tell the reporter off for challenging him. The bane of the free press in Russia had stood up to questions, half from Western journalists, for 55 minutes. Biden barely lasted 25, of which more than half was scripted, before exploding at the network that gives him fawning coverage 24 hours a day.

We do not know the full content of the Biden-Putin conversations, but the dueling press conferences told us what did not happen.  Biden provided some hints that things may have gone even worse than implied by Putin’s victory lap. Biden mentioned turning over to the Russian President a list of 16 vital infrastructure targets within the United States which he suggested should be off limits to cyberattacks, a concession he expected attacks to continue, and the equivalent of a “please aim your future efforts here” sign. It may not be a coincidence that dozens of Airlines and global financial institutions found their websites mysteriously down upon Biden’s return to the United States.

Substantively, Joe Biden and the United States received nothing at Geneva. Geopolitically, and for that matter, on the world stage, the United States was humiliated. In fact, it is hard to think of any American President who has ever been treated in this manner since the founding of the country. Whether Biden could have gotten satisfaction from Putin is an open question. But the humiliation was entirely self-inflicted. And the United States is paying the price.

Daniel Roman is the pen name of a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics.


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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Putin ran the show vs prior summitts held & US was Comedy of Errors day 1

3 years ago

Great summary of the fiasco of Putin vs. Sleepy Joe. Joe never knew what hit him!

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

If this had been a professional wrestling match, O’Biden was pinned in 20 seconds. This was a waste of time for everyone…..the public, other countries, and governments looking for answers as to global cooperation from two major superpowers. O’Biden failed so miserably, he should just go back to his safe place. The United States has no substantive leadership, and they won’t when Uncle Joe is removed from office because of his rapidly declining health. To have Harris move into the presidency is the second kiss of death that the country will experience. The wolves are at our boarders, and the American dominance in world affairs is history.

3 years ago

The biden administration is a YUGE joke. One thing PRESIDENT TRUMP always got the respect he deserved as president from other world leaders. They knew emphatically that PRESIDENT TRUMP was serious about the US not taking second fiddle to any other country and we would not pay the way for other countries at taxpayers expenses. I sure do miss the best president America ever had with PRESIDENT TRUMP. It figures the best would be from a non-politician – we desperately need his leadership back pronto.

3 years ago

At least we provided Putin with a good laugh as we demonstrated to the rest of the world that the United States will NOT present any pushback to the ambitions of any other nation. The United States is back to being “Uncle Soft Touch with an open checkbook and no spine”.

The G7 leaders got everything they wanted. Putin got to look Biden in the eyes and see for himself that nobody is home. I can hardly wait for the Chinese meeting at some point, where President Xi looks into Biden’s eyes behind closed doors and congratulates Biden for doing China’s bidding to the letter and reminding him of all the dirt he has on him and the rest of his family. Yeah, definitely good times ahead for the United States on the world stage…NOT!!!!!

Meanwhile, the rest of the world continues to wonder why the American people allow this farce to continue. Past generations must be spinning in their graves at what the people of this country have become.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
3 years ago

Daniel Roman has summed up the G-7 summit quite clearly where the US is concerned. It was a big ” Nothing Burger. ” A senile old man long past his prime & his prime was NEVER anything to brag about to begin with…The faux POTUS never showed up & the US came away with NOTHING…
Biden returns to Delaware for a long needed nap, nothing to see here…Honey, wake me up in ( 24 ) hours please…
Bill on the Hill… :~)

RV from Az
RV from Az
3 years ago

We all believed Putin would eat Biden alive and that proved true. Our president was.and is an embarrassment on the world stage.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Seventy-five million people knew this bumbling idiot was not presidential material. They were right. Let’s have another fraudulent election (sarcasm.)

3 years ago

My comments that were made on earlier articles were definitely off. The assessment now is like Hitler invading and conquering Poland with Great Britain and France NOT DECLARING WAR. The administration is still fast asleep. Refer to PaulE’s last paragraph.

Jena Smith
Jena Smith
3 years ago

Biden is a total embarrassment. His team had to hover over him because of his dementia. He is a danger to this nation.

3 years ago

You people voted in an incapable man !!!!! Congratulations !!!!!!!!

Dave R
Dave R
3 years ago

But you can bet your bottom dollar Joebama is going to be bragging how he man handled Putin at the Summit. Joebama, like the rest of his crew is a joke

3 years ago

This administration (if you can even call it that) has been an embarrassment from day 1. Joe is only getting worse (dementia is progressive) so we can only expect his interactions to get worse too. I sure hope we can get a new speaker of the house so we can start impeaching and getting rid of these losers.

John Correa
John Correa
3 years ago

They are extremely organized and have infiltrated our country, our education, our institutions, for over 100 years. Question: how organized are we, what organizations can we join to fight against this menace, why do we fight it overseas yet teach it in our schools, and what systems do we have in place, in and out of the government, to counter this Marxist, totalitarian, invasion and takeover of our country? Let me know so we can do something!!

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

The image of a U.S President groveling before a thug ruling a nation with a GDP less than that of Texas leaves me speechless. A major case of the zits before the senior prom would be more welcome.
I should have followed my instincts and avoided any viewing of this diplomatic car wreck.
Don’t these guys know this is a zero sum game? Tsar Putin rises in stature while our hapless leader shrinks to the size of a soybean.
A few more summit meetings like this and we can pull down the shades, turn off the lights, and put a ” for sale” sign in the center of the Mall.
JFK had it about right when describing how the Soviets negotiate: “What’s ours is ours. What’s yours is negotiable “.
If I really said what I meant to say about this fiasco I would be slammed by AMAC’S potty language filter, and rightfully so.

3 years ago

Is anyone really surprised by this? We all knew Biden was gonna get buried alive on the world stage. He and Kamala are an embarrassment. They both showed their True colors and the Fake News can’t hide it!!

3 years ago

The sad part about it is the “Emperor’s New Clothes” literally get shown to the world over and over and his Yes men (WH Staff) keeping telling him and the public (MSM) that he has the finest of apparel on. WE all know better!

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

So now the whole world knows exactly what we’ve allowed to happen to ourselves. And ALL the “3-letter” agencies are going full-tilt to identify, round up, and persecute anyone & everyone who has supported Trump and/or Conservative causes! We have a virtual target on our backs- they have started a “Purge” and we are the prey.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

The USA has stronger abled people to be able to stand up to a bully, apparently, Biden is not one of them. Biden threw the USA under the bus!!

3 years ago

Biden is a joke and an embarrassment to America.
The only reason he is in the position he’s in is because of his family’s money and an absolutely fraudulent election!

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
3 years ago

The Senile One is a worldwide JOKE! “Warning” Putin about cyber attacks? Putin could whip Joe with one hand behind his back! Joey is ALL TALK and NO action.
Europeans love him because he GIVES them stuff and asks for NOTHING in return.
Europeans didn’t love Trump but they feared and respected him!

John Karkalis
John Karkalis
3 years ago

The mad haters tea table moved to the White House where spin is king.
A very merry unbirthday party to us all.

3 years ago

It could’ve been worse. Obiden apologizing for trump the last four years. Then going on how he will help north Korea with their food & oil shortage..then like obummer have a military plane land there with a plane full of money for a missle treaty like iran. Like father like son obummer obiden

3 years ago

The democrats have put us in the position with biden to destroy the America we’ve always known…

Darwin Benedict
Darwin Benedict
3 years ago

It is a sad state of affairs that this country is in! All we can do at this point is to hope that all this will be turned around with Trump being reinstated in the next two months and get this country back on track. But in the mean time what is really happening behind the scenes with the demorats siphoning all the money they can and making laws for benefit not for the American People.

3 years ago

biden is incapable of managing our country. Why can’t he be impeached because of incompetence. I believe he has no idea the mess he is creating.

3 years ago

Thanks to MSM Biden’s job approval is still well over 50%.

Betty Cooper
Betty Cooper
3 years ago

This senile man is making us a laughing stock in the world! He is leaving us vulnerable to any terrorist out there looking for glory! He is creating one big mess that needs to be cleaned up quickly!

3 years ago

And this is only the beginning……Biden and his ambassadors will replicate the process via men like Kerry, and others who will continue to throw the U.S. under the proverbial international bus…..rendering our friends as appendages and our enemies as superior. As yet, meetings with China, Iran, and N. Korea have not happened but expect the same. A superior international player, like Putin,, leaves the U.S. with no strength, no leverage, no standing of consequence. The international community now has no American presence to call, let alone depend on or trust. It’s a loss-loss for this nation and its capacity to be an international force for good. We will now be seen as the “stupid Americans” and deservedly so in light of our leadership and gross mismanagement of all things international. Even small players will be emboldened to shame us. What a miserable situation we all now face.

3 years ago

I need to watch more of the the videos of this so-called meeting with Putin. After seeing a few snippets of Biden’s senior moments, the word that kept coming to mind was—and the author said it—“mockery”. Putin has many talents, among them the ability to stifle the huge guffaws that must surely have been there.

And then Biden had that news conference…alone with his open book from which he called out pre-selected names and answered with scripted stupid answers. I mean, really. Is this our president?

3 years ago
  1. Obviously, Biden’s handlers didn’t want him up against Putin side by side, because it would have shown how weak Biden is. Putin held his press conference for almost 30 minutes while sleepy Joe didn’t last 15.
3 years ago

BIDEN and his administration make the US of America look like a joke and a weak nation. He is the worse thing that has happened in a long time. Riots they won’t show on TV, fake news everywhere, burning cities, illegal people from all over the world coming here and the lower middle classes are HURT the most. The destroyer President Biden!!!

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

Just waved a RED CAPE in the bulls face dropped the list of what to hit on the ground and then stumbled of stage left! This whole thing should not have taken place!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

We got exactly what I expected, if you thought it would be any different, you were dreaming, take the cognitive test Joe , you owe it to the citizens of the USA.

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

( D ) the symbol of communism for the last 100 + years.

Rob Edwards
Rob Edwards
3 years ago

Biden for over 50 years is a do NOTHING, tough talking liberal COWARD who was intimidated by the Russian. All you libs who allowed cheating to STEAL an election hoping for your land of utopia- hows that working for you! Remember this: Mr. Biden is NOT recognized nor accepted by a VAST MAJORITY of Americans. Your commander in CHEAT is a weak loud mouth who lacks any leadership skills and is an EMBARRASSMENT as representative of a once proud nation!

Joseph Burke
Joseph Burke
3 years ago

Next? Heels up Harris our new president. That whistling noise you hear in your ears? That is the sound of our country falling like a bomb to previously unobtainable new lows.

Joseph Burke
Joseph Burke
3 years ago

Our enemies aren’t to be found overseas they are right here starting with the media, farcebook, twatter, and the like. Suckaturd should be tried for treason along with many others.

Dana Williams
Dana Williams
3 years ago

This is the worst President and Vice President in the history of our country.

3 years ago

We can only hope that our judges stop all these Executive Orders this guy has tried to enact instead of trying to write laws

Dave Smith
Dave Smith
3 years ago

When you make Jimmy Carter look strong and competent as the leader of the free world you know you’re pathetic and a disgrace to America. At least Jimmy Carter is a good man, something Sippy Cup Joe isn’t. Sad that the democrat party has gone from “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” to “Isn’t she a pretty girl…oh, pudding!”

3 years ago

Biden the laughingstock of the world!!!

3 years ago

The Democrats are trying to “shield” Biden from everything.

3 years ago

Putin is probably shaking in his boots over Biden’s “list” and comments. NOT!

John Munro
John Munro
3 years ago

The 2020 election being Frauded is an Enbarisment to the USA. People who could not win an election.

3 years ago

The useful idiots who lick the puppet master’s hand see nothing wrong that the rest of the world has already passed harsh judgement on. Don’t look for consistent facts from US sources, look to select foreign sources.

3 years ago

Biden was looking to boost his numbers by this meeting with Putin? As far as I’m concerned, he flopped BIG TIME!!!! What a joke! The whole Dem party is a joke. I hope they go DOWN in November. Pray for the Reps.

Rich Walton
Rich Walton
3 years ago

Biden is an embarrassment. He is doddering old fool and damn the Democrats and his family for putting him and our nation in this position. They had to cheat to win after savaging Trump on bullshit charges and negative press for over 4 years for this? Carter was a fool, Clinton a lying crook and Obama a socialist wimp and the worst President ever and now we have this clown. At least Barack can feel better about being the second worst President in our history and it’s not just Putin who made Biden look feckless and weak, every other world leader will do the same and America is paying the price. What the Democrat Party isn’t doing to destroy our nation our enemies will surely do.

3 years ago

He does well on a leash, as long as no one tries to pet him or interact with him.

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