The Public Interest Legal Foundation representing four African-American New York City voters, has sued the City of New York alleging the alien voting law in New York City – the “Foreign Citizen Voting Bill” — violates the 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The Fifteenth Amendment states: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
The plaintiffs allege that the NYC law was enacted with an impermissible racial intent and the sponsors openly spoke about racial groups who would gain strength, were aware of racial groups (Blacks) who would LOSE voting power, and a variety of other evidence relevant in a 15th Amendment challenge under the caselaw. Indeed this local law acts to disenfranchise all U.S. citizens living and voting in NYC’s local election by allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote and thereby effectively dilute the U.S. citizens votes.
When non citizens are allowed to vote it will create tourism voting. Large blocks of people funded and encouraged by outside interests (China?) to establish residency just long enough to vote and sway elections.
This a national security problem as well as a threat to the power of our votes.
Would people catch on if we legalized counterfeit currency? Anything that is FAKE, minimizes that which is REAL. Illegals who vote are stealing your HONEST vote!
Dont need 4 more like 400K sue alone
Had this been not a serious matter I’d say it’s too funny 4 late sleepers finally woke up to find the roof leaking I wish them all the luck fixing it
Good, glad to hear it!
This racial crap is going too far. Now a black coach sues and Joke Biden only wants a BLACK FEMALE in the Supreme Court? Phu*k! How about a white boy u dee 25? Why not? Education and ability’s nothing to do with the democrats way. It’s not about America anymore. Sick crap!!
This case will be heard in the New York State legal system, which is almost completely dominated by Democrat appointed or elected Judges. Can you say “good old boy and girl network the reliably sides with the agenda of the Democrat Party”? The State Supreme Court for the State of New York is similarly packed with like-minded “Progressive Democrats”. As such, the chance that the plaintiffs will be successful is slim to none. I do admire them however, as they are at least standing up and pushing back against what is an obvious intent to control the outcome of future elections. I agree with the rationale the plaintiff have put forward, as to the real purpose of the law. However, the problem is the New York State court system is ideologically biased in favor of the Democrat Party to prohibit the plaintiffs from winning. That will force them, once they have exhausted their legal options within the State, to try and get the United States Supreme Court to hear the case. Given the pace of such cases through our legal system, that could take potentially several years. By which time the intended damage of the law will have been done.
Now this lawsuit is what I’d call justice—social or otherwise—whether it wins in court of not. The four black voters as plaintiffs are to be commended for stating and acting on the obvious conclusion that the new . NYC voting ordinance will disenfranchise proper citizen-voters. I hope they are successful in their suit.
AMEN!!!! to that!!!! Thank you outside contributor for your wisdom and courage to say so!!!
I totally agree with this lawsuit, which should expand the number of persons to make it a class-action suit, because there’s a major assumption by the progressive elements in NYS, that we regular voters don’t know what we want and we should take their word as the absolute truth, while they lie, with smiles on their faces.
This is not the only farce they are trying to push on us voters in NYS and I am tired of listening to their lies. We need more involvement at the polls with poll watchers and poll workers who know the election laws in NYS because you can count on major problems that occur with uninformed people being pushed to “vote” with some “incentives”. Misinformation is being poured out by the progressives in NYS on what are voting rights and access to voting. If they get their way, anyone will be able to walk in any voting site on any open hour of operation, register and vote, and then turn around and do the same thing anywhere else in the state, with no consequences. Plus they think dumping thousands of filled-out harvested absentee ballots in at the last minute is not going to delays results. (Absentee ballots have to be verified both on the outside of the envelope for correct signatures and the name has to be checked to the registered voter list before the ballot is even viewed for counting), these progressive leaders think screaming loudly about “voter repression” will speed everything up because they don’t want to follow the laws in place for registered voters”. Laws they put in place, so unless they register these undocumented individuals to the voter rolls, the only way they could vote is by affidavit ballots which means they have to fill it out manually.
And the question which no one wants to ask is this: if noncitizens can vote in local elections, just where are the safeguards to ensure they do not vote in national elections? Who wants to bet there aren’t any? There is no way the people who allowed this are going to be ensuring that only citizens vote in other than local elections. This is all about stealing elections – local, state, and national.
pure bull shit
I hope the legal case succeeds !
Go to conventionofstates.com and sign the petition. It’s the only way we the people can clean house
The entire population of NYC
( those with sense ) should sue . Oh..that’s right…so far
there are only four !!
Replaces one Minority with another.