A former White House immigration adviser proclaimed that a second Trump term would include stricter policies targeting illegal immigration, saying it would be a “spectacular migration crackdown.”
“Any activists who doubt President Trump’s resolve in the slightest are making a drastic error: Trump will unleash the vast arsenal of federal powers to implement the most spectacular migration crackdown,” President Donald Trump’s former adviser, Stephen Miller, told The New York Times over the weekend. “The immigration legal activists won’t know what’s happening.”
The former adviser had been President Trump’s speechwriter and also led his immigration policy, which included constructing a border wall along the U.S.–Mexico border and initiating more deportations.
Mr. Miller told the paper that President Trump’s immigration plans are being crafted to avoid having to pass congressional legislation. During his first term in office, the former president used a myriad of executive orders to implement his policies, of which many were challenged in courts.
If elected in 2024, President Trump would again attempt to end the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a policy that allows certain people who meet requirements to request a grant of deferred action, said Mr. Miller. Those who are given DACA can be eligible to work legally in the United States.
Meanwhile, the former acting director for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Tom Homan, told the NY Times that he would like to return to the Trump administration to “help to organize and run the largest deportation operation this country’s ever seen.”
Mr. Miller said that such a plan “will be a labor-market disruption celebrated by American workers, who will now be offered higher wages with better benefits to fill these jobs,” adding, “Americans will also celebrate the fact that our nation’s laws are now being applied equally, and that one select group is no longer magically exempt.”
Elaborating, Mr. Miller said a future Trump administration would try to increase the number of ICE agents, saying that other federal law enforcement agencies would be reassigned for the task. State National Guard members, local police officers, and others would be deputized to carry out immigration control measures, he told the paper.
He stated that Mr. Trump would like to invoke the Insurrection Act at the border, which would allow the usage of federal troops to arrest illegal immigrants. “Bottom line,” he noted, “President Trump will do whatever it takes.”
In a recent rally in Florida earlier this month, President Trump vowed to carry out the “largest domestic deportation operation in American history” and said that a number of criminals are coming through the border. He also warned that people with “bad intentions” are also pouring in.
Record Numbers
Since President Joe Biden assumed office in January 2021, illegal immigrants or would-be illegal immigrants have shown up at the U.S.–Mexico border in high numbers, leading officials in states like New York—which are thousands of miles from the border—to issue warnings about the phenomenon.The U.S. Border Patrol made around 220,000 encounters along the U.S.–Mexico border in September, according to data. That’s a 15 percent increase from the month before.
Republicans and President Trump have said that the surge in illegal immigration is largely due to the Biden administration’s policies, which they have described as lax and ineffective. Other 2024 GOP candidates, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, have said they would implement U.S. border security measures.
In response, President Biden’s administration has recently said it would build some 20 miles of border wall. The administration has also resumed deportation flights to Venezuela, according to a recent statement.
“It is critical that Venezuelans understand that those who have arrived here after July 31, 2023, are not eligible for such protection,” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement, “and instead will be removed when they are found to not have a legal basis to stay.”
Jack Phillips is a breaking news reporter with 15 years experience who started as a local New York City reporter. Having joined The Epoch Times’ news team in 2009, Jack was born and raised near Modesto in California’s Central Valley. Follow him on X: https://twitter.com/jackphillips5
Reprinted with permission from The Epoch Times by Jack Phillips.
Let’s face it, all this Illegal Immigration is really about increasing the Democratic base of stupid voters! Trump knows this better than our idiotic Republican Congressional representatives and he’ll put a stop to it when they won’t!
WONDERFUL news, if you study American history, 5 times in the history of our country a US President has ordered illegal citizens deported. When the terrorists strike who infiltrated our country because of Open Borders under Biden, the American public will realize we need AMERICA FIRST under our new President Trump Jan 2025
I sincerely hope Trump gets back in again.
He will single handedly save the USA.
Have Faith it will happen!
Mr 10% has divided this country. They talk about the people coming across the border as citizens already. Who get better treatment than the average poor citizen in this country. Trump is right. Deport them all back to their native country. Come here legally, require them to speak English, have a health check up and have been vetted for a criminal record. Every other immigrant who came here legally had to go through that. People come here from safe countries to seek their fortune here. They expect to have that right away. Going by what is happening in New York migrants going back to their home country is my reasoning right on. There is no such thing as a free lunch. And one country is not responsible for the citizens of another country. For if this keeps up we Americans will be in the same boat as the migrants are now. Ole Joe invited this problem, had no plan what to do with these millions of migrants. As long it was an anti Trump plan and now drastic measures are necessary. Trump has the right idea only the dems make hay out of it, not to help solve the migrant problem, no to get re-elected by keeping America divided. Trump is trying to unite America. But communism has no such plan on their agenda. Divide and conquer and with our weak demented POTUS they are getting it done.
If we had built a wall along the southern border during the first Trump administration, we wouldn’t be having these problems today.
Unfortunately, Trump’s advisors focused on cutting taxes and had no stomach for pushing funding for a wall through what was then a GOP controlled House and Senate once the tax cut was approved. As a key Trump advisor, I would ask Mr. Miller how he let the opportunity to fund a wall slip through the administrations fingers and how we could trust him to follow-up on this issue in the future.
No more anti American losers like obama, biden and the marxist democrat party with their self serving FAILED policies.
America First and Always!
President Trump a REAL Leader!
Stop the illegal invasion, deport the invaders, stop all trade with China, eminent domain all their holdings in the U.S. and declare any U.S, debt held by China null and void as reparations for stolen intellectual property, violations of our national sovereignty by their police, their balloons, and CCP intelligence, and military personnel, and most of all for the damage their corruption activities in Washington, D.C., and their lab in Wuhan inflicted upon the U.S. That would be a good start for a program that aims to clean up after the enormous Augeas stable sized mess the progressive-regressive-aggressive Biden administration has caused, and will leave behind, an astronomical legacy of decay, corruption, and funk.
Anyone saying President Trump neglected building the wall during his first term must not have remembered that many roadblocks stood in the way (and most were finally overcome.)
If President Trump is elected for a second term, we, the American people, can once again hold up our heads with pride. We can look forward to higher wages and fairer working conditions, since many of the illegals who do not respect our laws will not be able to undercut the American citizens and legal aliens — who deserve to be put on the top of the food chain. It is not America’s responsibility to take care of illegal law breakers at the expense of the rights of those who are legally part of our supposed Constitutional Republic. It’s high time that the crooked politicians who are running other countries, get thrown out of office and new politicians of honor and decency do their best to improve the rights and working conditions of their own populations. It’s going to be very painful, but air heads such as Biden are not allowing the other poorer countries to become more ethical and economically better off.
The defense of this nation should be our government’s primary job. NOBODY knows who is coming through our open borders. The current administration should be held accountable for the attack that is coming.
Don’t need “spectacular”! Just need our government to do its job and protect our borders! Now THAT would be “spectacular”!
This is a good thing but rounding them up and sending them back is going to be difficult and expensive. Local law enforcement can’t arrest illegals now unless they commit some other crime, in fact most are not even allowed to ask their legal status, which is ridiculous. Until the mid 70’s, under the Carter (democrat) administration, local LEOs were encouraged to question and arrest illegals because INS paid the cities/counties/states a $50 bounty for every illegal they arrested. Going back to this system would be very productive. In the early 50’s Eisenhower (republican) enacted “Operation Wetback” to remove illegals who entered the country during WW2. It’s obvious that our immigration problems are caused by democrats and the solutions are found by republicans………………..
“It is critical that Venezuelans understand that those who have arrived here after July 31, 2023, are not eligible for such protection,” Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said in a statement,” . . .
What about the ones who got here before that date? Impeach Mayorkas.
Please vote for TRUMP. Remove the illegals and clean up the situation and then have anyone who wants to apply to immigrate must do it LEGALLY!
BRAVO if done
With Biden in office we don’t have a migration problem. We have an invasion problem. Birds migrate. People invade.
The way the Republican party is acting now the only thing Trump or any other Republican will put a crack down on is a toilet seat ,, The Socialist are the only ones working toward a real goal here and that is a one government system not for the people or by the people
TRUMP built 500+ miles of wall, O’Biden sneaks from his basement into the White House and immediately puts out the WELCOME mat ! Stops construction, sells of sections of wall for pennies on the dollars spent, welds gates open, takes away Border Patrol horses, ships illegals everywhere with cell phones and bus/plane tickets, puts the “Cackler” as Border Czar (she couldn’t find it), Myorkas says the border is SECURE, Dementia Joe couldn’t find it either !! Texas puts up razor wire fencing, the Feds cut it up,Texas put a divider in the Rio Grande to keep illegals from drowning, the Feds sabotage that.. Near Pittsburgh is the Kiski river, this fall somebody released a half dozen alligators (might work for Texas) just saying.
Great Article!
Biden says he will build 20 miles of border wall. Big deal. How many miles does that leave open? Beyond that idiotic proposal, he sold off the materials that we taxpayers paid for to build many miles of wall. Where will he purchase new material? China, I bet.
I hope trump gets elected and kicks every illegal alien that has come here in the last 50 year out of the country. the babies can stay but the parents have leave (or they can take their babies with them).
This is why the Dems hate Trump he is all about rule of law and to let this country become overrun with people from all over the world Biden and the rest could care less what comes into this country time to let Trump deport these people and close the border to get it under control then let people come in the right way the way it used to be. Then we will have a better country again.
We need Mr. Trump back in so bad. I think Mr. Trump has a God given talent and passion to help millions. This is proven by him leaving a comfortable life to deal with all this mess and his fake persecutions. God bless him and his family.
We need Trump and we need him now!!!!!
For starters. Shutting the border to all but commercial traffic would help. I’d also let in those who can prove they legitimately work on this side of the border.
Too late.
Love it!
SOUNDS GOOD, LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is not that they would vote democrat if they even bother which I am sure they would not but that they are a terrible unimaginable drain on the country Useless unskilled dead wood Multiplying who could possible school them when they don’t bother with English and are illiterate in their own tongue They come for benefits Crime is another variant No good We have enough of our own dead weight Send them back to all the corners they camefrom and stop all the aid Stop contributions to UN and all the “humanitarian” agencies We are not Atlas Which of the candidates would dare to propose that There is no courage to do the right thing Trump dares WiIl he be allowed the chance?” Left will pull all the stops There is no right to stop them
Governor DeSantis will be a much better President! Stop pushing Trump. He’s not a conservative.