Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we have watched in disbelief and shock at the use of children by the establishment to perpetuate fear and control. The world has known that children were the least affected by the virus and and this was obvious at the start. Yet schools were closed, children were forced to wear masks, and governments began to push children to be vaccinated. Even the World Health Organization admitted in a report earlier this year that children are at low risk, and that “COVID-19-related measures are having a profound effect on their health and well-being and for some the impact will be lifelong.”
And yet, just last week, an unelected advisory panel at the Centers for Disease Control decided that the COVID-19 vaccine would be added to the childhood immunization schedule. While the CDC, nor the federal government itself, can mandate vaccines, so-called recommendations from the CDC throughout COVID were implemented by states and cities as though they were mandates. This particular “schedule” sets the standard and is implemented without question by many states as they determine children’s school vaccination requirements.
Moreover, Fox News reported on Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) tweeting this ahead of the CDC vote, “’CDC knows this will precipitate mandatory COVID shots for many schools and sports leagues,’…The Kentucky congressman including a screenshot of a slide from Wednesday’s meeting that said inclusion in the immunization schedule and the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) program ‘is an important step toward inclusion of COVID-19 vaccines in routine vaccination program.’”
This targeting of children, diminishing parents’ rights, and the politicizing of healthcare has got to end. Parents were radicalized throughout the last two years as they discovered the woke agenda in schools and became involved with their school boards in an effort to have their voices heard. For that they were targeted and maligned by Biden’s Department of Justice as domestic terrorists. That alone tells your how frightened the federal government is of the power of engaged parents.
The concern about the CDC’s action is rooted in very specific concerns. The Washington Examiner reports,
“Many of the vaccines on the childhood immunization list, including the Hepatitis B and Measles shot, already have full FDA approval for younger populations, unlike the COVID vaccine. Of the three COVID vaccines authorized for those under 18, the Pfizer vaccine has only been fully approved by the FDA for people 12 and older, while Moderna’s was fully approved for those aged 18 and older. People under 12 are eligible to get Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines through an emergency use authorization granted by the FDA. In order to get full approval, more data is required from the vaccine manufacturer including inspections of manufacturing plants.”
Moreover, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary explains:
“Right now, parents are asking where is the clinical data to support this vaccine in young healthy children. For the new omicron vaccine, which is the current vaccine that is being recommended, the human trials were never made public. Instead, Pfizer and Moderna gave a top-line announcement in a press release, the underlying data is top secret. That data should be public information. Why is it top secret? We believe it’s because it’s similar to the baby vaccine data, which was not favorable, it showed no clinical benefit. So, 94% of Americans have said no to this new omicron vaccine because the clinical trial data is not public.”
But all is not lost. Certain governors are stepping up to assure their citizens that the CDC’s new list will not be implemented in their state. Florida’s Ron DeSantis said this: “As long as I’m kicking and screaming, there will be no COVID shot mandates for your kids. That is your decision to make as a parent.” Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma tweeted, “Regardless of what the CDC says, as long as I am governor, we will never force kids to get a COVID vaccine to go to school.” While Alabama’s Gov. Kay Ivey stated, “Here in Alabama, the parents make decisions when it comes to their children’s health care. We do NOT mandate the COVID shot for kids – nor will we ever.”
Twenty states have already passed legislation prohibiting schools from implement COVID mandates on students and/or staff. Some measures, however, apply only to vaccines that do not have full FDA approval. Others apply only to higher education. The National Academy for State Health Policy has a handy list where you can find out where your state stands on this issue, and where action still needs to be taken.
Parents, grandparents, and families everywhere need to make their feelings known to your governor and state representatives about this shocking action by the CDC. After many governors became tiny tyrants during COVID, some states have already changed the emergency powers their governors are able to wield. But more needs to be done. The totalitarian instinct of certain politicians must never be allowed to prevail again.
Just because they think they can get over by pretending The Nuremberg Code does not exist, does not mean that they can get over by pretending that The Nuremberg Code does not exist.
They are not required, except in the minds of power-hungry jack*sses.
The 3 major vaccine manufactures are major donors to the Democrat Party. Combined these 3 major vaccine manufactures make over $150 billion a year just off of the Covid vaccine sales to the federal government. It is in their financial interest and that of the Democrat Party to not only make these Covid vaccines part of the the CDC’s standard vaccine regiment going forward, but also in vaccinating every man, woman and child in this country on an annual basis forever. Whether the science says it makes sense or not. This is all about money, not science at this point.
Children under the age of 18 have never been at high risk from Covid. That’s a medical fact. The primary people at risk are those over 65 years ago with one or more of the listed comorbidities that are listed on the CDC web site. So the effort to push this vaccine to children as young as 6 months old is a pure money play. The more jabs in more arms, the greater the profits for the drug manufacturers and larger campaign donations for the Democrat Party.
NOTHING in the DIMM platform follows TRUE science. LGBTQ, man-caused global warming, abortion; NONE is based on science!
It’s all about the money. Even Joke Biden stated the scamdemic was over, yet we still see tv ads warning people that they “need” the shot. We know that the elderly and people that may be obese are in a danger group when it comes to Covid, everyone else should be working, living and spreading herd immunity. I am someone that has several conditions making Covid very dangerous for me but I had it and my entire family had it without issue. My wife is the only one that got the shot (in order to travel out of the country) and she has been the only person in our home to get it twice. The rest of us that never got the shot have not got Covid again.
And NONE of them can plea the 5th Amendment.
Leave my grandchildren alone…NO…just NO
Information [i.e., facts] continue too appear indicating the experimental “vaccines” do not prevent the disease and do not prevent transmission. CDC and doctors’ offices are also pushing this year’s flu shot. When my doctor asked if I took the flu shot, I told him I won’t be taking the flu shot, never took the Franken-jab, and the CDC and NIH have lost all credibility .. the WHO never had any in my opinion. I forward to friends and neighbors who have children every article I see about giving these jabs to children in hopes of preventing them from succumbing to pressure.
No child or infant should be required to receive a vaccination. Vaccination mandates are mentioned nowhere in the U. S. Constitution.
How much money did Little Dictator Fauci make on this deal?
As I said, Follow the money and bribes.
Covid is over-blown and the wearing of masks have been scientifically proven as worthless. So, when did CDC and WHO began supporting witchcraft? Oh, that is right, they are supported by the Witchcraft DEMONcratic Party!
May they all be drained by blood-sucking Vampire Bats!
These people have to stop treating us like we are idiots. Not a mandate but your child needs it to go to school if you do not send your child to school you will be charged with child abuse and neglect. Ve have ways to make you obey!
NO & NOT for kids, some dying from boosters & Ive had my 4
With respect to anybody saying that nobody is allowed to sue or prosecute because the CDC made it a mandate, there is a saying that actually holds true: “Just because they say it’s so doesn’t make it so.”.
Kids are already being shot full of vaccines before they are in school. Why more? It’s senseless. Besides, the covid vaccine doesn’t prevent covid nor the spread of it. This is nothing but a control factor. The demoncrats, deep state and worldwide globalist are committed to control our every breath.
These were not approved under current guidelines,only “authorized” in an “emergency.” Big Pharma looking for continuing profit flow. Get them for your children if you want but “no” to mandates on an unproven vac.
I saw that picture and the first thing I thought was: Get that evil man away from those children!!
If state is taking total control of children how long before parents are punished with prison sentences for protesting this monstrosity and it’s only the beginning
Does the CDC legally have this power? Who gave the CDC all of it’s power? In the last 2 plus years the CDC has become the most powerful (and probably corrupt) organization in the world! This was a just wrong!
Follow the fake science.
If a liberal or Democrat says it is science. It is fake science. In every single case this will be true
At close to 75 years old, I haven’t yet gotten the vaccine shot and don’t plan on ever getting it either! . . . And why? Because I own a medical device from Germany called Bemer that has strengthened my immune system by allowing my circulatory system to be unclogged! . . . I recently was hospitalized with kidney failure and was told by a kidney specialist that it was a miracle that I survived! . . . NO, I firmly believe that the ONLY reason I did was because I had great circulation and God has Blessed me! I still work petitioning 6 days a week and resting up the 7th by celebrating with him in church! . . . Thanks be to God and being a good Christian example to my Best Friend too!
Democrats want to sterilize kids and or kill them-whether it’s abortion or the phony jab!!! The epitome of evil!!!
Vaccines only perpetuate illness. Yall should know that the elite of this world want full control with this AI nano weapon. There’s is no virus called COVID. It’s all a massive scam to convince you to get the jab and forever be compliant. This Matrix is run by nothing but evil. Evil that consumes the blood and souls of children. All straight truth. Hard truths.
All vaccines are completely pointless. Get a medical exemption and never jab your children again. This entire Matrix is ran by evil. Evil that consumes children. Can’t you already see from your little lens that children are always the victim when COVID scams happen. There’s tunnels stretching thousand of miles across the world that are used to traffick children. Obama, Biden, The Bushes, the Clinton’s, and the majority of Hollywood rely on children because they literally consume them. Hard truths I know but truth. Lastly, there is no virus called COVID. Do not put your flags at half mast for these evil Queens and former presidents. They deserve nothing but a miserable afterlife. The world is not what you think it is.
Fact of our society …. it is manipulated by planting false levels of concern, thus making them more powerful and relevant to the public opinion. This includes a bit of control of some ot the so-called news media which serve often as propaganda outlet for the DemoCraps. AIDS, EBOLA, etc. have been more dangerous as potential pandemics than the Corona virus, but elements of the Nation’s political framework need to keep American citizens worried and concerned …. and thus, vulnerable to being RULED by the political faction of our society. The citizens want to feel and know that the majority opinion dictates what government does, but the DemocRat politicos want the public to worship and allow themselves to be RULED by the politicos. And Communist tactics work best in controlling such a political framework … although it must be somewhat disguised. The best way to control the people is the tactics and antics of a Communist rule… typical to a great extent in the machinations of the DemocRat Party.
Leave the kids alone. What are they really hiding by not showing the results of the trials. Oh, I forgot, Dr. Fraudski and Brandon won’t get as much of a kick back if it isn’t mandatory.
Even though after all these months, it is common knowledge the Covid vaccine doesn’t work, agencies and businesses still insist (require) all employees get this dangerous shot. The propagandist, when confronted with the danger and ineffectiveness of this shot, says: “Yes, but everyone must do their part and get the shot.” Do their part for what??? the world de-population effort?
From drag shows, to gender reassignment to COVID, this government sure has a fascination with children… there’s a scientific word for that you know. What next? Appointing Jared as head of CDC?
This administration wouldn’t know “science” if it bit them in the a**. As far as doing what’s right for the children, this is a pathetic joke. Just one more way the socialist/marxists can control the population, starting with those who can’t say no. Shame, shame, shame.
Stop calling it a vaccine.
Vaccines are the narrative of Big Pharma in its desire to create the illusion that its witches’ brew can prevent you from becoming sick. The toxic brew produced does not only prevent sickness but actually induces it with “side effects” and even death.
Fools are led to believe that they can indulge themselves and that a pharmaceutical drug will make all better, which is the theme of “health care” in America.
I suggest getting a Book, by Dr. Vernon Coleman entitled, Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines
Are Safe And Effective, is lying. Sells at Amazon for $4.00.
I will leave you with this quote from this book, “Strive to preserve your health, and in this, you will better succeed in proportion as you keep clear of. Physicians.
Do not let your children near these so-called vaccines, which are toxic poison.
back in obama first regime one of his puppets said ” the children belong to the community ” democrap crap hole mandated mask, covid shot , indoctrination with crt , boys can become girls and girls can become boys without parent consent . Gee if we are being ruled by nazi brown shirts or the mao party i don’t know what it’s called. i thought we has a Constitution in Our Republic ? weeks away from november election another election which can save Our Republic or doom us and if republicans coward – sorry they’re track record sucks and other than a handful of awesome conservatives the rest are just the lesser of two evils. if i had minor children and lived in a blue state i’d leave yesterday and if i had to i’d crawl out of hell. i live in georgia i pray every night that kemp wins along with walker and if that socialist abrams wins i will crawl out of here if necessary.
Get ready for FAKE News Sunday morning shows of FANTASY WORLD on cnn, msnbc, cbs, abc, and nbc.
Since, CDC so-called Director GOT CHINA VIRUS AFTER HER BOOSTER SHOT. The FAKE News will be scrambling for some FANTASY WORLD excuse (their science is politics and LIES instead of REAL science) that CHINA VIRUS booster shots work and the children’s VACCINE MANDATE (ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL) despite ALL the HORRIBLE EFFECTS and SIDE EFFECTS (Including Death) are safe.
You know, like Stacey Abrams said: ABORTIONS SOLVE INFLATION.
Remember when DICTATOR Beijing biden supposedly had ALL 3 Booster shots (BRAGGING he is safe and calling ALL of us murderers that didn’t get shots) and he STILL GOT the CHINA VIRUS?
Do I need to say more?
Lions and tigers and bears Oh My…. read the label, look at the data and talk to your doctor. In America we have a lot of freedom to do what we want to do as civilians. Civilians are people who are not employed by the federal government. Federal Government workers do not enjoy the same freedoms and rights as civilians do. If the CDC mandates, we comply or find other employment whether non-military or military. We sign an oath to do what we’re told to do or terminate our employment. I stood up against the government once, 12500 of us did. We got crusted and guess what, you and the majority of Americans backed the president. Turns out we weren’t guilty of any crime (Federal Court acquittal of all charges) but we got terminated anyway. So, I pick my fights very wisely now, this isn’t one I’m willing to fall on my sword for. Besides, the things actually seem to work.
Biden and his leftist cabal have politicized and weaponized Covid19 from the start.
Remember Pelosi said “Never let a crisis go to waste” and they didn’t.
Unfortunately they silenced anyone who didn’t agree and parrot whatever Biden said about Covid and his mandates, even those doctors and scientists who invented the vaccines.
Dr. Robert Malone, was credited for using MRNA in making the vaccine. After the doctor saw some troubling reaction to the vaccine, he raised an alarm on the vaccine and even suggested pausing use of the vaccine until further testing, especially for children, because there were adverse reactions to the vaccine, especially young males who had gotten Myocarditis (inflammation around the heart).
But Biden silenced Dr Malone and any other expert who challenged him.
It is just amazing how a politician with dementia, can overrule expert scientists. But this is also why America is so close to a nuclear holocaust.
Please remember this is distraction multi weeks time. Throw the kitchen sink at us day in day out.Biden draws 300, Trump draws 30,000 .. We are told Trump lost. We know the gameLets put USA firstGo Trumpppppp!!!