"Follow the Science" Crowd Off the Mark Again with Children Vaccine Mandate

Posted on Friday, October 21, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we have watched in disbelief and shock at the use of children by the establishment to perpetuate fear and control. The world has known that children were the least affected by the virus and and this was obvious at the start. Yet schools were closed, children were forced to wear masks, and governments began to push children to be vaccinated. Even the World Health Organization admitted in a report earlier this year that children are at low risk, and that “COVID-19-related measures are having a profound effect on their health and well-being and for some the impact will be lifelong.”

And yet, just last week, an unelected advisory panel at the Centers for Disease Control decided that the COVID-19 vaccine would be added to the childhood immunization schedule. While the CDC, nor the federal government itself, can mandate vaccines, so-called recommendations from the CDC throughout COVID were implemented by states and cities as though they were mandates.  This particular “schedule” sets the standard and is implemented without question by many states as they determine children’s school vaccination requirements.

Moreover, Fox News reported on Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) tweeting this ahead of the CDC vote, “’CDC knows this will precipitate mandatory COVID shots for many schools and sports leagues,’…The Kentucky congressman including a screenshot of a slide from Wednesday’s meeting that said inclusion in the immunization schedule and the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) program ‘is an important step toward inclusion of COVID-19 vaccines in routine vaccination program.’”

This targeting of children, diminishing parents’ rights, and the politicizing of healthcare has got to end. Parents were radicalized throughout the last two years as they discovered the woke agenda in schools and became involved with their school boards in an effort to have their voices heard. For that they were targeted and maligned by Biden’s Department of Justice as domestic terrorists. That alone tells your how frightened the federal government is of the power of engaged parents.

The concern about the CDC’s action is rooted in very specific concerns. The Washington Examiner reports,

“Many of the vaccines on the childhood immunization list, including the Hepatitis B and Measles shot, already have full FDA approval for younger populations, unlike the COVID vaccine. Of the three COVID vaccines authorized for those under 18, the Pfizer vaccine has only been fully approved by the FDA for people 12 and older, while Moderna’s was fully approved for those aged 18 and older. People under 12 are eligible to get Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines through an emergency use authorization granted by the FDA. In order to get full approval, more data is   required from the vaccine manufacturer including inspections of manufacturing plants.”

Moreover, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary explains:

“Right now, parents are asking where is the clinical data to support this vaccine in young healthy children. For the new omicron vaccine, which is the current vaccine that is being recommended, the human trials were never made public. Instead, Pfizer and Moderna gave a top-line announcement in a press release, the underlying data is top secret. That data should be public information. Why is it top secret? We believe it’s because it’s similar to the baby vaccine data, which was not favorable, it showed no clinical benefit. So, 94% of Americans have said no to this new omicron vaccine because the clinical trial data is not public.”

But all is not lost. Certain governors are stepping up to assure their citizens that the CDC’s new list will not be implemented in their state. Florida’s Ron DeSantis said this: “As long as I’m kicking and screaming, there will be no COVID shot mandates for your kids. That is your decision to make as a parent.” Governor Kevin Stitt of Oklahoma tweeted, “Regardless of what the CDC says, as long as I am governor, we will never force kids to get a COVID vaccine to go to school.” While Alabama’s Gov. Kay Ivey stated, “Here in Alabama, the parents make decisions when it comes to their children’s health care. We do NOT mandate the COVID shot for kids – nor will we ever.”

Twenty states have already passed legislation prohibiting schools from implement COVID mandates on students and/or staff. Some measures, however, apply only to vaccines that do not have full FDA approval. Others apply only to higher education. The National Academy for State Health Policy has a handy list where you can find out where your state stands on this issue, and where action still needs to be taken.

Parents, grandparents, and families everywhere need to make their feelings known to your governor and state representatives about this shocking action by the CDC. After many governors became tiny tyrants during COVID, some states have already changed the emergency powers their governors are able to wield. But more needs to be done. The totalitarian instinct of certain politicians must never be allowed to prevail again.

URL : https://amac.us/newsline/national-security/follow-the-science-crowd-off-the-mark-again-with-children-vaccine-mandate/